Official Anime Thread

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Mustafar Reginald

The Lunatic Fringe
Sep 26, 2012
Reaction score
Not going to really go in depth on it but I've caught up on One Piece . . .

Ignoring the most recent chapter which was just okay, I think the last batch of chapters have been the best chapters in One Piece so far. I mean, it's not even a surprise that Sabo's alive and a revolutionary but I would've never thought that he'd be revealed this early (which when I think about it, is the really amazing thing since due to Ace's DF being on the line this is the most viable time for him to appear but with how jam-packed the arc the thought never occurred to me). Dressrosa is really shaping up to be the series best arc, Sabo & Koala (who I loved in Fisher Tiger's backstory so I marked for her aswell) showed up, Fujitora is a total badass, Doflamingo tops even Crocodile in manipulative bastardness, Law's existence the Dwarves/Toys raising up for resistance (along with Usoland's crew), the involvement of three Yonko (whether direct or indirect), the tournament has holstered plenty of characters with either interesting abilities (the King Punch) or fun personalities (Bartolomeo) (side note: Rebecca is really bland and she so isn't joining the crew), and most importantly of all, it seems that my man Sanji might finally get lucky what with this Viola chick and all.

I really need to get to watching other anime's like Hunter X Hunter, Beezlebub, Magi, ect.
I'm just reading One Piece, Naruto and Fairy Tail.
Speaking of One Piece, I enjoyed the most recent episode too.

I've been pretty into Hunter X Hunter recently (clearly) so my recommendation would be to start watching that (only saw three of Magi, I only watch once a week like most of the animes I'm currently watching). Not sure how much you've seen but I just finished up the Hunter Exam arc and will likely blow through the rest of the series in a month or less. Hunter X Hunter only has 108 episodes out at the moment if I recall correctly, that's nothing compared to One Piece and once I started marathoning it, it didn't take me too long to catch up (I mean, I averaged about twenty episodes a day at one point). The first phase of the Exam isn't really that interesting except for Hisoka's bits (Hisoka has easily became one of my favorite villains). The second part I tolerated because it was only one episode long but after that the show starts getting great. The third phase was probably my favorite overall but the Hisoka parts in the fourth are the moments in those two exams and most of the fifth, which I really liked and had one part that was excellent.

It was Brotherhood. Only just starting to get into anime and randomly bought it off an amazon recommendation so glad I did was funny, entertaining, had a good storyline and a quirky style that really had me interested from the start.

Yeah, Brotherhood is fantastic (though I have my problems with the early episodes since I saw the original series first [and the content that was repeated in both was done so much better in the original]). I'd only put a few select animes over Brotherhood, so you've started with one of the best ones out there.

Don't forget those opening songs smurf! They're the best anime openings for a series of all time.

^This opening > all openings. Doesn't even show the best part, which is that the seamlessly incorporate recaps into the opening in the later episodes (I think maybe all of them except two do this). Brotherhood's had great animation and some good tracks but I love this track much more than any of the openings in anime and Baccano!'s opening is more distinctive than any of Brotherhood's. Durarara!! has similar style openings but they aren't as good. Also, on the chance you haven't watched Baccano!, I'd highly recommend giving the dub a chance. Much like Cowboy Bebop, it's universally agreed to be better dubbed (with the rare exception of course).
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The Lunatic Fringe
Dec 19, 2011
Reaction score
So with the current One Piece Arcs:

I think this Arc is actually pretty cool, it reminds me of the old One Piece so much and I love that feeling! Just comedy and stumbling across random problems on the ship. ALSO! THOSE KUNG FU FUCKING DUGONGS ARE BACK!

So I think there's 2 people who will possibly join the Strawhat Crew during this arc. First option is Bartolomeo and second is Rebecca, I'll state my reasons below.
Bartolomeo: MASSIVE Luffy fan boy, he's absolutely hilarious and the manga world already loves him. I mean who doesn't like a guy who debuts by throwing a fake stick of dynamite into a crowd of thousand of fucking people? Bartolomeo is also like the majority of the Straw hats with his respect and having the word "Nakama" mean something extremely important to him which is a trait EVERY Straw Hat member has. I'd seriously love to see Bartolomeo join the Straw Hat crew and I'm sure that during this arc he'll be helping Luffy and pretty much fighting along side them. Sorta like Franky or Sogeking did during Enies Lobby.

Rebecca: Same old sob story like both female members of the crew have had, she grew up being tormented by someone (Do'flamingo) and Luffy kicks their ass. However with this one he didn't DIRECTLY tell Rebecca he was going to do it but they seemed to be becoming good friends when they've had their chats and it's like with Enies Lobby once again, Luffy understands Rebeccas enemy very well. Now there's also a power reason to her joining and that is so that there is a STRONG female character in the Straw Hat crew. Cause lets be honest, Nami is weak as fuck and Robin is always getting her ass kicked except against goons. I don't think Rebecca will join though as in the last few chapters it's been revealed that one of the toys is Rebeccas father. I can see her father being turned back to human at the end of this arc and then after that they have a happy reunion, Luffy offers her to join but she declines. Sorta like Vivi and Alabasta.

Now for the Mera Mera Devil Fruit, if Sabo were to get it am I the only one thinking the flames will be blue? It's so it matches his color scheme but also what we learnt during the 2 year timeskip is that A LOT of Devil Fruit eaters don't know the full strength of their Devil Fruit sorta like Luffy when he first started out but because of Rayleigh training him he can do so much more now. I believe that Sabo will either have a) Studied the fruit before hand and figured out how to use it to it's fullest extent, I.E getting blue flames (The hottest part of the fire) or b) Once Sabo has obtained it he will have Dragon teach him how to use the full power of it.

Then there's the rest of the shit going down, Big Mama has turned up, Kaidou will probably turn up soon (I believe he might have already, but I can't remember) and also Blackbeard may show up because Burgess is there. With Sabo and other revolutionary army members there it's possible Dragon or Ivan Kov could show up, I'm more so hoping for Dragon than Ivan Kov but I'd be happy with either and then there's the Shichibukai, Do'Flamingo and Trafalgar Law are both there. I believe Smoker and G-5 are going to turn up at some point considering Law told them he was going there. Fujitora is already there and I think Akainu might show up when he hears of Luffy turning up (Back from Marineford when Akainu said he wasn't going to let Luffy live for being Dragons son.) and then that will trigger Aokiji turning up which I then believe will lead into another battle between Akainu and Aokiji. So if this arc goes out as I think it might it will be fucking insane!

Also anyone think there's a small chance Aokiji might join the Straw Hat's in this arc? I believe he will be a Straw Hat by the end of the series I just don't know if he will be one this early on after leaving the Marines.

Mustafar Reginald

The Lunatic Fringe
Sep 26, 2012
Reaction score
So I think there's 2 people who will possibly join the Strawhat Crew during this arc. First option is Bartolomeo and second is Rebecca, I'll state my reasons below.
Bartolomeo: MASSIVE Luffy fan boy, he's absolutely hilarious and the manga world already loves him. I mean who doesn't like a guy who debuts by throwing a fake stick of dynamite into a crowd of thousand of fucking people? Bartolomeo is also like the majority of the Straw hats with his respect and having the word "Nakama" mean something extremely important to him which is a trait EVERY Straw Hat member has. I'd seriously love to see Bartolomeo join the Straw Hat crew and I'm sure that during this arc he'll be helping Luffy and pretty much fighting along side them. Sorta like Franky or Sogeking did during Enies Lobby.

Rebecca: Same old sob story like both female members of the crew have had, she grew up being tormented by someone (Do'flamingo) and Luffy kicks their ass. However with this one he didn't DIRECTLY tell Rebecca he was going to do it but they seemed to be becoming good friends when they've had their chats and it's like with Enies Lobby once again, Luffy understands Rebeccas enemy very well. Now there's also a power reason to her joining and that is so that there is a STRONG female character in the Straw Hat crew. Cause lets be honest, Nami is weak as fuck and Robin is always getting her ass kicked except against goons. I don't think Rebecca will join though as in the last few chapters it's been revealed that one of the toys is Rebeccas father. I can see her father being turned back to human at the end of this arc and then after that they have a happy reunion, Luffy offers her to join but she declines. Sorta like Vivi and Alabasta.

I just can't see Bartolomeo joining the crew. I like the dude and all but he just seems more like an ally type character akin to Bon Clay to me. If I had to pinpoint the exact reason, it has to do with his lack of importance in this arc. Not saying his insignificant or anything as that's certainly not the case but in comparison to the arcs where every other male crew member was introduced (since Oda has a different formula with the females), he hasn't received the same amount of relevance as the others. At best, I suppose this could be because of the amount of stuff jam-packed into the Dressrosa arc but he hasn't made that strong of an impression relative to everything else. Also, he's already a pirate captain with his own crew, even as much of a fangirl of Luffy as he is, I highly doubt he's going to abandon his crew to join them, since as you stated nakama are very important to him. And I just can't imagine Oda adding that more than just one character to the crew this arc. Unless Luffy's going to start having divisions like Whitebeard did, I don't see Bartolomeo waving the Straw Hat crew.

Rebecca's definitely not joining (my reasoning is along the same as yours) but I also disagree with the assertion that she'd be a "strong female character" to add to the crew (I disagree that Nami & Robin are weak too, from a character standpoint anyway but I assume you're only talking about combat strength). Her entire fighting style is based around pussyfooting around her opponents and not actually fighting rather winning through means similar to Aikido. Heck, so only really won D-Block because of Cavendish (by the way, that was a really interesting turn & I applaud Oda for it). Honestly, I'm glad Rebecca doesn't seem to be joining, her personality is really bland (unlike the rest of the crew, another giveaway that she won't join in my opinion) and her face looks way too similar to Nami's. I don't really think anyone's joining this arc.

Back to Robin, I don't think it's fair to gauge her as "weak" since Oda rarely has her participate in battle. You're right when you say she either curbs the ass of weak goons (Skypiea & Fishman Island come to mind) or that she gets curbed (Alabasta & again, Skypiea) but I think that's not taking into consideration the level of opponent she was fighting. Crocodile beat her but at that point in the series he also almost killed Luffy twice and Eneru literally destroyed everyone not named Luffy in seconds (though Wiper did good for himself too).

Outside of One Piece, I've essentially caught up on Hunter x Hunter. I'm not a premium user on Crunchyroll so I have to wait an extra week to get the most recent episode but outside of that I'm good. And my god, do I absolutely love this series. Easily my favorite battle series (helps that it's much more story-centric than any of the others [except maybe FMA]). If you guys haven't got into this, I highly recommend checking it out. The Yorknew arc is phenomenal and so far the Chimera Ant arc seems to be outdoing it in my opinion and according to everything I'm hearing, the good part of this arc is just starting. Each arc has a completely different feel to it, the series is always fresh. Nen is the greatest battle system I've ever seen, some really inventive powers there. Animation is great too normally, much better than One Piece's (which is a shame but One Piece is done by Toei while HxH is Madhouse so it makes sense). But yeah, the Yorknew & Chimera Ant arc are both within my top three favorite arcs. Not going to praise it any further but yeah, it's really good.


The Game
Jan 19, 2014
Reaction score
South Park
I've only watched one Anime, I've really wanted to get into more but I just can't find ones that would fit my interest but the one i did watch was chobits. :)

Mustafar Reginald

The Lunatic Fringe
Sep 26, 2012
Reaction score
I've only watched one Anime, I've really wanted to get into more but I just can't find ones that would fit my interest but the one i did watch was chobits. :)

Never watched Chobits and from what I know about it I don't think I've seen shows of similar nature so I really can't recommend anything based on that. Cowboy Bebop is the quintessential gateway anime though and it's my personal favorite so I'd say give that a shot (unless you want something more story drive). Um, FLCL pays tribute to South Park several times (even changing to it's animation style once or twice) and it's only six episodes long. Not a real fan of it myself (mostly because I didn't find it funny) but that might be worth a check.

@Mustafar Reginald
I'm not sure if you care or listen to openings, but One Piece's new one was pretty cool.

I love watching openings actually. Nothing quite like a great opening to get you pumped up. That ones pretty good, not really a fan of the song (though it's definitely fitting) but the video is really cool (the decision to have a talking segment in it's a little weird but I like it). Loved the part where the monster trio each take on an Admiral, Sanji vs. Kizaru would be tight. Slightly disappointed about the inclusion of one Dressrosa scene. My favorite opening is probably . . .

The song certainly isn't the best, both One Day (my favorite opening song) & Kokoro no Chizu (my second favorite) are miles ahead of it but I love the video, specifically the part running through Luffy's past moments with the crew. Got goosebumps the first time I saw it. And yes, I know Akainu isn't an Admiral anymore, seemed spoilerific to point out otherwise. And I'm disappointed by the inclusion of the meteorite scene, as it was one of the coolest parts of the arc (the imagery of all three standing there was so badass) and that gives away how that happens but meh, minor complaint. At least One Piece changes it's opening song, Hunter x Hunter's been stuck with a theme song that hasn't fit in ages.
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The Lunatic Fringe
Dec 19, 2011
Reaction score
Dat new Nartuo closing doe. Fucking amazing.


The Lunatic Fringe
Dec 19, 2011
Reaction score
I haven't seen most of Naruto's ending, so I can't really judge. I really love the new One Piece opening though,
This is the first one relating to the storyline in YEARS. The songs just amazing and it actually makes me give a rats ass about Obito which is a suprise xD

The new One Piece opening is dope though.


The Lunatic Fringe
Dec 19, 2011
Reaction score
Just a reminder that everyone who reads the Naruto manga that there won't be a chapter this week cause Kishi's father died :c

Dark Neko

Feb 1, 2014
Reaction score
Cool there is a Anime thread ^.^ I'm actually watching a fair bit of anime at the moment. 23 of those are airing, some of the ones I'm really enjoying are Nisekoi, D-Frag, Kuroko no Basuke 2, Space Dandy, Yowamushi Pedal, Golden Time, Chuunibyou 2 and Silver Spoon 2.


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Any of you guys watched Outlaw Star? A mate of mine recommended it saying it had similarities to Firefly the TV series.

Mustafar Reginald

The Lunatic Fringe
Sep 26, 2012
Reaction score
Cool there is a Anime thread ^.^ I'm actually watching a fair bit of anime at the moment. 23 of those are airing, some of the ones I'm really enjoying are Nisekoi, D-Frag, Kuroko no Basuke 2, Space Dandy, Yowamushi Pedal, Golden Time, Chuunibyou 2 and Silver Spoon 2.

What are you watching that isn't currently airing because I don't really like watching stuff that currently airs? I mean, I am keeping up with Space Dandy (the Zombie episode was great [particularly the genius second half], didn't really like the first three episodes though) & I'm watching Kill la Kill but I'm only five episodes in. I just hate having to wait weekly (currently doing that with Hunter x Hunter, it's torture), I much prefer marathoning shows. Haven't seen the first season of any of those yet either. Not sure I'm going too. I like Hiromu Arakawa (FMA is awesome) but Silver Spoon just doesn't seem like my type of show.


Oh and welcome to the site! Also, what's the total amount of anime you're watching (I know it's at least 23 but your post implied more). I myself am currently [poorly] managing twenty-seven different anime at the moment.

*End Edit*
Any of you guys watched Outlaw Star? A mate of mine recommended it saying it had similarities to Firefly the TV series.

Unfortunately, I've yet to see either though I'm planning on watching both at some point. Outlaw Star seems like a fun ride though. Let me know how it is if/when you check it out.
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