leojay said:
It gives the BFG credibility (considering if he lost it'd be two years in a row, the first two years of its existence at that) and Hardy is their biggest face (even if I want Storm to be). Makes sense imo.
I guess the biggest problem with it to me was that it forced Aries (who is very over) to basically be the heel in the match, which seemed unnatural for the way he's been booked. It's almost like they made a last-minute decision to have Hardy win the BFG and then it was like: "Oh, crap! We've got a face vs. a face! Turn Aries heel now! We've got a week-and-a-half!".
The storytelling just didn't follow well from there. Aries and his "I want what Hardy has...money, respect, fans" schtick just didn't mesh well with his character. It was a bit too similar to the Punk "Respect" storyline that's going on in WWE right now and (while the Aries and Punk characters are actually very similar in many ways) I don't think it worked nearly as well because it wasn't given the time to build up that the storyline really needed. In WWE, they gave it seven or eight months to let Punk's "disgust" build up, which allows the fans to understand it far better (many fans have felt the same way that Punk's character feels about the lack of respect), whereas, in Aries' case, it came across as whiny just because he has been the main event guy since he entered the world title picture. The only PPV he didn't close was last month's, where the BFG series match was designed to be the most important match of the night. Other than that, he's been the top guy on every Impact and PPV. It just didn't play as well.
It would have made much more sense for a heel to win BFG and allow Aries "anti-authority anti-hero" face character to work against that. Or put the belt on Roode a couple of months back (I know, it would have kept Storm vs. Roode from happening, which a lot of us feel was th match of the night, but....) and let Hardy and Roode fight for the title.
Well, I usually counsel letting the story play out and that's what I'll have to do at this point. TNA's storytelling has been much stronger than WWE's of late, so I won't be giving up on them quite that quickly. It just seemed to me like an odd move.