NWF: National Wrestling Federation

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Jack Evans vs Claudio Catagnoli

Chris Hero vs Chris Sabin

Briscoes vs James and Stevens

Nice preview gards, ill check out your first show. check out TNE :lol:

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
No pyro goes off and no opening video plays but Thunderstruck plays throughout the arena as Sunday Night Thunder comes on the arena and a small amount of fans around 1000 are sitting up near the front row of the American Airlines arena. We go around the ring until we come to Nick Arton who is sitting at the small commentary booth.

Nick Arton: Welcome one and all to the first episode of Sunday night Thunder and we are live on My network TV. I am your Commentator Nick Arton and well tonight we have a big show tonight and it alll starts off with the first match which will be a tournament match for the NWF title. It will be Jack Evans vs Claudio Castagnoli and that match is now.

Jack Evans vs Claudio Castagnoli

No entrances and both just walk down to the ring seperately. Evans and Castagnoli lock up in a collar and elbow tie up but Evans gets Castagnoli in a side headlock and then Castagnoli breaks out of it by grabbing the arm of Evans and twisting it and releasing the hold and locking in a hammerlock. Evans then twists out himself before hitting an inverted neckbreaker and Castagnoli rolls around a little bit before starting to return to his feet and Evans is now fully up to his feet. Castagnoli is now to his feet and then Evans runs the ropes and as Castagnoli is bending down and then Evans goes for a neckbreaker and then Castagnoli moves back and then Evans continues running. Castognoli then hits a clothesline on Evans before running the ropes and then Evans rolls onto his chest and Castagnoli jumps over and Evans gets to his feet as Claudio comes back and Jack Evans hits a hip toss on Castagnoli who quickly returns to his feet and then Evans hits a Corkscrew dropkick on Castagnoli who then rolls close to the bottom rope. Evans then quickly returns to his feet and then Evans taunts for Claudio to get up. Castagnoli now gets up and then Evans runs at him and then Claudio lifts him over the top rope with one arm but Evans lands on the apron. Evans then hits a shoulder to the midsection of Claudio as He turns around and Evans then runs over and climbs up to the top rope but Castognoli regains his composure and then walks over as Evans gets to the top rope and then Claudio hits a hard shot to the head of Evans before hitting another as Evans sits on the top rope. Castognoli then climbs up to the second rope and stands there before getting Evans in a front face lock and then Castognoli sends Evans over with a superplex but before Claudio goes back Evans flips over and lands on his feet and then hits powerbomb of sorts and then makes a pin transferring it into a sunset flip 1...2... kickout by Castagnoli.

Evans slowly returns to his feet before pulling Castagnoli back up before sending him to the turnbuckle and then Evans backs up and then runs at Castagnoli before hitting a cartwheel into a back jumping elbow strike. Evans then moves out of the corner and Castagnoli falls forward and then down to the mat. Evans then runs the ropes and then hits a leg drop to the back of Claudio Castagnoli head but Claudio moves outy of the way and Evans hits the mat ass first. Both superstars are down and then Castagnoli is walking around the ring on the outside of the ring after rolling out. Castagnoli then taunts the crowd abit before climbing up onto the apron and Evans is back to his feet trying to regain his composure but then Claudio Castagnoli grabs him and then hits a few hard right hand before locking in a front face lock. Castagnoli then falls backwards and hits a snap suplex on Evans to the outside of the ring and Evans barely misses the barrricade. Both superstaqars are down on the outside as a holy sghit chant starrts up and then the referee exits the ring and checks on both Evans and Castagnoli before reentering the ring and starting the ring out count 1...2...3... Castagnoli now starts to return to his feet 4...5...6...7 Castagnoli is barely up to his feet before climbing into the ring. Castagnoli now once again exits the ring slowly before lifting up Evans. Castagnoli then slams the head of Evans into the apron before throwing him into the ring. Castagnoli then follows before returning to his feet and taunting the crowd. Castagnoli get a large amount of boos as He taunts before He waves away the crowd and going back to his beatdown on Evans. Castagnoli then hits a straight kick to the ribs of Evans who was on his hands and knees.

Castagnoli now lifts Evans back to his feet and gives him a Hard uppercut knocking him to the ropes and Evans leans against them. Castagnoli then whips Evans across the ring before running himself and hitting a shoulder block. Castagnoli now runs the ropes again before running right across the chest of Evans and stopping at trhe ropes and giving a large smirk. Castagnoli then waits for Evans to get on his hands and knees before hitting a hard stiff kick to the ribs of Evans once again who falls down and grabs his ribs. Castagnoli then lifts him back up and then gives him a hard irish whip to the turnbuckle before walking in and stasrt hitting Shoulder thrusts to the midsection of Evans before hitting a hard kick to the ribs of Evans before giving him a hard irish whip to the other corner and Evans hits it back first and Evans falls to the mat. Castagnoli then walks over and taunts the crowd to boos and then grabs Evans and pulls him up. Castagnoli then hits a hard right hand on Evans before getting him up in a fishermans Carry and then lifting him up and slamming him onto his knee abdomen and ribs first before going down and making the pin 1...2... Evans is able to get a shoulder up. Castagnoli is angry and gets back to his feet and then hits the ropes before starting to taunt the crowd. Castagnoli now taunts for the Alpamare Waterslide. Evans now slowly gets top his feet and Castagnoli now scoops him up into a Fishermans carry going for the Alpamare waterslide but Evans is able to slide off and then hit a bulldog on Castagnoli. Evans then slowly returns to his feet trying to regain his composure and Evans grabs ahold of his ribs. Evans then stomps on Castagnoli several times. Evans then lifts Castagnoli back up but gets a swiss uppercut for his troubles. Evans the goes back into the ropes before running forward and hitting a crossbody on Castagnoli.

Both Superstars now slowly start to return to their feet and Castagnoli gwets in the first strike with a right hand. Evans then fires back a hard left and then hits a kick to the thigh of Castagnoli before hitting a kick to the midsection and then following it up with a quickly executes a fishermans Brainbuster. Evans then taunts the crowd and gets a large pop from the crowd. Evans then climbs up to the top rope and looks to hit the 630 splash but Castagnoli sensing danger gets quickly to his feet and runs over and puts Evans in a position for an Electric chair. Evans then hits a few punches to the head of Castagnoli and then Evans spins around and hits a headscissors takedown. Evans then slowly returns to his feet and then climbs the turnbuckle once again and Castagnoli stumbles to his feet and then Evans leaps off and hits a corkscrew moonsault. Evans then crawls over and makes the pin 1...2...3

Winner: Jack Evans

Nick Arton: Well that was indeed a very exciting match with Jack Evans coming out on top of the match after a corkscrew moonsault. Well Castagnoli really found out how athletic Jack Evans was just then. Now we are going to go backstage with Alex Shelley.


Alex Shelley: Sunday night Thunder ay, Well I left TNA for one reason and one reason only and that is too become a world champion and if anybody is too stand in my way. They will face the consequences as I am going to win the title through hard work and determination. Whether it is my former partner Chris Sabin or Chris Hero it does not really matter as I am going to win the title and this ttournament and whoever is going to be facing me at Black Beginnings will not walk out with what will be my title. Alex Shelley will be a name known by all for hard work and determination. One and all in the National Wrestling Federation are going to watch their back because Alex Shelley is coming for the NWF world title and there is nobody that can stop me.


Nick Arton: Welcome Back to NWF Thunder and well there is still no word who the owner is of NWF and there is alot of Specualation in the Wrestling world to who it is. I have no idea who it could be but I have been told by Backstage informants that the man has no previous experience with managing wrestling at all. So he could be a former competitor you never know.

KC James and Idol Stevens vs The Briscoes​

KC James and Idol Stevens both make their way down to the ring together and the small crowd start to boo them heavily. Mark and Jay Briscoe then make their way down to the ring and the crowd erupt into cheer and then the bell is rung by the time keeper to signal the start of the match. Mark Briscoe and KC James are starting off the match and they lock up in the center of the ring and James is able to lock in a side headlock and then Briscoe backs him into the ropes trying to fasten the pace of the match. Mark Briscoe then pushes James away into the ropes and then hits an inverted atomic drop before hitting a clothesline. KC James then quickly gets back to his feet and then Mark hits a hard left kick to the thigh before hitting a quick snap suplex but James twists around in the air and lands on his feet behind Briscoe before giving him an inverted neckbreaker. James then returns to his feet before tagging in Idol Stevens who climbs up onto the top rope and as Stevens jumps and Mark returns to his feet but get quickly dropped by a top rope clothesline from Idol Stevens. Stevens then rolls over and gets back to his feet before running and sliding into make the pin 1...2. kickout by Mark Briscoe. Stevens then kneels up and pushes back his hair before getting up to his feet and lifting up Briscoe and positioning him on his feet. Stevens then gets Briscoe in a front face lock before going back and hitting a snap suplex on Mark before returning to his feet and tagging in KC James. James the climbs into the ring as Stevens lifts up Mark Briscoe and then James hits a hard kick to the midsection and then Stevens exits the ring after dropping Briscoe down to the mat. James then lifts Briscoe back up and giving him a whip to the ropes and then Briscoe comes back as James ducks down for a Back body drop. Briscoe then stops and fires a quick kick to the shoulder of James. Briscoe then runs back and as James is stumbling back Mark hits a heel Lariat. Briscoe then slowly starts to crawl over to Jay Briscoe. James then starts to return to his feet and just as He regains his composure, Mark Briscoe leaps off the mat and makes the tag over to Jay Briscoe.

Jay then springboards up to the top rope and then jumps off and hits a clothesline off the top rope and James falls down to the mat being driven to the mat by Jay Briscoe. Jay quickly gets back to his feet and then runs over and knocks Idol Stevens off the apron and then waits for James to get back to his feet and then runs in and slams into him with a shoulder block before running the ropes and springboarding off the second rope and hits a moonsault on KC James before hooking the leg to make the pin 1...2... kickout by James. Jay Briscoe then gets back to his feet before running the ropes once again and then rebounding and jumping over James and then rebounding off the opposite ropes before running in and leaping into the air and hitting a leg drop to the neck of KC James. Jay Briscoe then returns to his feet only to be hit with a hard clothesline from Idol Stevens and then Mark Briscoe gets back into the ring. Mark Briscoe then runs in and hits a flying shoulder block on Idol Stevens and then they both roll out of the ring. Both Jay Briscoe and KC James start to slowly return to their feet before they lock up in the center of the ring. KC James then locks in a side head lock and then hits a snapmare into a rear chin lock on Jay. James then pulls back on the chin of Jay before realising the hold and lying Jay down on the mat. James then taunts the crowd getting booed heavily and as Jay returns to his feet gives him an Irish whip into the ropes and as Jay comes back He leaps over the bent down James who was telegraphing a back body drop before hitting the mat feet first and leaping to make the tag to Mark Briscoe. Mark Briscoe then climbs up to the top rope and as James turns around Briscoe leaps off the top rope and hits a crossbody on KC James.

Briscoe and James are now both down on the mat and then Briscoe stars to slowly return to his feet but collapses hurt. Briscoe tries to get up again at the count of 5 as does James and they both make it to their feet at 8. James is the first to throw a punch and Mark Briscoe is seemingly grabbing his left shoulder hurt. Mark then throws a left hand himself. Mark Briscoe then goes to hit a kick to the midsection of James which James catches before throwing the leg down and going behind Mark and grabbing his left arm and locking in a hammerlock and Mark Briscoe screams out in pain. James then pulls the arm out into an armbar before pulling Briscoe over to his corner and tagging in Idol Stevens. Stevens then enters the ring and hits a hard elbow shot to the shoulder of Briscoe who cringes in pain. James then exits the ring as Stevens hits another elbow shot to the shoulder before lifting up Bricoe in a powerslam position and then dropping the shoulder of Briscoe onto the knee of Stevens. Stevens then drops down to make the pin on Briscoe 1...2...kickout by Briscoe. Stevens then slowly gets back to his feet and then lifts Briscoe back up to his feet. Stevens then kicks Mark Briscoe in the midsection before running to the side of him and going for the idolizer but Briscoe moves out of the way and then Stevens comes back off the ropes and Briscoe leaps up and hits a single leg lariat to the head of Stevens. Briscoe and Stevens now both start to crawl over to their respective partners. Now both are able to tag in there partners and Jay Briscoe and James comes running in and Jay is able to hit a shoulder block on James taking him down. James then quickly gets back up to his feet and Jay takes James over hitting an hip toss followed by a kick to the back of James. Jay then lifts James back up before lifting him up into a fishermans carry. Mark Briscoe then comes off the top rope as Jay Briscoe pushes James off and then Mark hits a Diamond cutter on James and the crowd start a Holy Shit chant. Jay then goes down and makes the pin 1...2...3

Winner: The Briscoes.

Nick Arton: That was a great match shown right there. The Briscoes shown great heart to finish off the match. That sure was a holy shit moment to finish of that match. So now we are going to go backstage with new General Manager, Brandon Gardner.

Brandon Gardner: Welcome one and all to the first ever Sunday Night Thunder. NWF has been running for 6 years this year and they needed a change and that is why I was chosen as GM. So to start, the first Pay Per view of NWF is coming up and well I dont think the Briscoes are worthy of those titles so at Black Beginnings it will be a tag team turmoil match with our five teams. You may ask we do not have five teams but One was signed earlier in the night. Who you may ask, but you are just going to have too wait. The NWF championship will be decided at the end of the tournament because I am sick and tired of worthless wrestlers winning titles and that will not happen while I am in charge. Now get the hell out of my office before I call security.


Nick Arton: This is a fiery Show tonight and that is exactly what it will be at our very first Pay Per View Black Beginnings. Only on Main Event. Just remember, beginnings are not always bright.

Chris Sabin vs Chris Hero

Both Wrestlers make their way down to the ring taunting the crowd. The bell ring and Sabin and Hero both move to the center of the ring and stare each other down. Hero is the first to make a shot with a hard right hand to the head. Sabin then hits as right hook on Hero who fires a left jab and then Sabin throws a right jab but Hero blocks it before hitting a hip toss on Sabin. Sabin quickly returns to his feet as does Hero and they lock up in the center of the ring. Sabin gets Hero in a side Headlock and Hero tries to push him to the ropes but ends up backing up before pushing Sabin towards the ropes. Sabin runs back in and Hero leaps up and hits a high dropkick on Sabin with impact. Hero then quickly returns to his feet and lifts Sabin back to his feet. Hero then gives Sabin an Irish whips to the ropes which Sabin reverses and then Hero runs the ropes and Sabin goes for a Back body drop and then Hero hits a hard kick to the head of Sabin before leaping up and hitting a hurracarana and it throws Sabin out of the ring. Hero then walks over and grabs onto the top rope waiting for Sabin to return to his feet. Hero then leaps over the top rope and hits Sabin with a crossbody going over the top rope. Both superstars are now down on the outside of the ring. The referree now starts the ring out count 1...2...3...4...Hero now gets back to his feet, 5...6...7..Hero now grabs the head of Sabin and throws him into the ring breaking the count as Hero follows. Hero then rolls Sabin over and makes the pin 1...2.. kickout by Sabin. Hero then goes up and kneels down before returning to his feet and then sitting Sabin up before running the ropes and then sliding in and hitting a low dropkick from Hero on Sabin. Hero then returns to his feet and then follows up by lifting Sabin back to his feet and then sending him into the turnbuckle chest first and then Sabin goes back and out of the corner and Hero rolls him up for another pin 1...2... kickout by Sabin

Hero then returns to his feet slowly looking angry and then starts taunting the crowd. Sabin now slowly starts returning to his feet and then as Hero turns back around, Sabin leaps into the air and hits a dropkick on Hero who is taken by surprise and both go down to the mat. Sabin now slowly starts to get back to his feet still hurting from the beating given to him by the Hero. Hero is now starting to get back to his feet and Sabin now back fully to his feet then runs the ropes as Hero is bwent down and Sabin runs and then hits a quick swinging neckbreaker. Sabin then rolls over before getting back up to his feet. Sabin then lifts Hero back up to his feet and sends him to the turnbuckle with and Irish whip and Hero is leaned up against the turnbuckle. Sabin then walks in and stands up on the second turnbuckle. Sabin starts firing down punch after punch to the head of Hero who then starts walking out of the turnbuckle carrying Sabin with him and then Sabin starts hitting more puches before spinning around and hitting a huge hurricarana. Both superstars are down now as Sabin hit the mat back first. Sabin slowly rolls over himself and then returns back to his feet. Sabin then taunts for the cradle shock as Hero slowly gets back to his feet. Sabin then gets Hero up in a fishermans carry but Hero manages to struggle out of it and He pushes Sabin to the ropes chest first before locking in a waist lock and hitting a quick german suplex but Sabin lands on his feet and then hits a hard forearm to the back of Hero and Hero goes forward. Hero then turns around as Sabin goes for a kick to the midsection of Hero but Hero grabs the leg of Sabin and then Sabin leaps over and hits an enzuiguri on Hero and Hero falls down to the mat looking out of it. Sabin then stands back up and then lifts Hero back up to his feet and then sends him to the turnbuckle and then Sabin runs in going for a corner clothesline and Hero lifts both of his feet up and then hits two feet to the face knocking Sabin down. Hero then jumps up onto the second rope and then quickly leaps off and hits an elbow drop to the midsection followed by a pin 1...2... kickout by Sabin

Hero then slowly returns to his feet and pushes back his hair and then gets back to his feet and then Hero lifts Sabin up and sends him to the ropes and Sabin rebounds back and then Hero goes for an inverted atomic drop and hits it. Hero then lifts Sabin up and positions him onto his shoulder. Hero then runs and hits a powerslam on Sabin before slowly getting back to his feet before running the ropes and goes for a leg drop on Sabin and hits it to the chest of Sabin before making the pin 1...2.. Sabin is able to get a shoulder up. Hero then slowly returns tro his feet and taunts the crowd getting boo'ed heavily. Hero then waves away the crowd as Sabin is now fully back to his feet. Sabin then hits a hard right hook to the jaw of Hero who fires back a left jab which hits Sabin in the chest. Sabin then goes to hit a left hook but Hero ducks and then Hero hits midsection followed front face lock. Hero follows that by a spike DDT driving the head of Sabin to the mat and flipping him over. Hero then crawls over and makes the pin on Sabin 1...2... Sabin is able to raise a shoulder and Hero is starting to get angry. Hero then mounts Sabin into a Lou Thesz press and starting to hit a hard jab to the head of Sabin before grabbing him by the hair and then hits hard punch to the head dropping the head at the same time. Hero then grabs the head of Sabin again and then hits a left jab at the same time as dropping the head. Hero then gets off Sabin and back to his feet. Hero then lifts Sabin back up to his feet by the hair before setting him up and sending a hard punch to the head of Sabin knocking him back down. Hero then lifts Sabin up by the hair again before hitting another punch again knocking down Sabin. Hero then runs the ropes and then Hero jumps over Sabin and then jumps onto the second rope and then springboards and then leaps off the second rope and then Hero lands on Sabin with a moonsault. Hero then stays there and makes the pin. The referee then starts the count 1...2... Sabin rolls the shoulder out.

Hero then returns to his feet angrily. Hero then lifts Sabin up and then holds the hair of Sabin and starts hitting repeated punches to the head and a little trickle of blood seeps out of the head of Sabin. Hero then lets go of the head of Sabin before grabbing the arm of Sabin and going for an Irish whip but then Sabin reverses it and sends Sabin into the corner. Sabin then walks in and lifts Hero up and then flips him over and hangs Hero in a tree of Woe position and then Sabin gets ready and then hits a hesitation dropkick on Hero. Hero then falls out of the tree of Woe position. Sabin then lifts him back up and then Sabin lifts Hero back up to his feet and then scoops him up in a fishermans carry going for a Cradleshock and then Hero wiggles out and then Hero gets Sabin into an inverted front face lock. Hero then hits a rolling cutter known as the Heros welcome before making the pin and the referee makes the count 1...2...3

Winner: Chris Hero.

Nick Arton: Well Chris Hero just proved what a unanimous threat to the recently vacated NWF world title.

Austin Aries and Matt Hardy are walking backstage talking about their upcoming tag match to advance in the tournament.They then bump into their opponents, Nigel McGuinness and Takeshi Morishima.

Nigel McGuinness: What, What the Hell, watch where you are going,, idiots. I am the only person worthy of anything in this company.

McGuinness then looks to his side and sees Takeshi Morishima staring at him. Nigel McGuinness puts a cowardly look on his face before turning his head back

Nigel McGuinness: Well and Takeshi here.

Matt Hardy: Oh just shut up McGuinness.You seriously think that you can beat Auntin and I, don't underestimate us as we have been in this company longer then you and if I am not mistaken Morishima has beatren you many times and so as Austin so stop running your mouth like you are the greatest in this company and we are going to prove that tonight

Austin Aries: Nigel, so we are going to meet once again tonight. We have had epic match ups in the past and tonight may be no different. On the other hand it may.

Nigel McGuinness: You guys think you are so good but you will see who the greatest wrestlers in NWF are tonight.

McGuinness and Morishima both walk away together pushing past Aries and Hardy as we go to a break.


Nick Arton: Welcome back to NWF Thunder and I have been told that I will be getting a new co commentator and I am ecstatic. So now we are going to ahve another tag team match featuring London and Kendrick facing off against Kenta and Naomichi Marafuji.

Londrick vs Naomichi Marafuji and Kenta.

Both teams make their way down to the ring. London and Marafuji are going to be starting off the match. London and Marafuji lock up in collar and elbow tie up. Marafuji locks London in a side headlock before hittimng him with a snapmare followed by a pin 1... kickout by London. Marafuji and London both now quickly return to their feet. London then hits a punch to the face of Marafuji. Marafuji seemingly angered by the punch fires back left hook after left hook before hitting a hard right jab knocking him to the mat. Marafuji then stomps on London another time before lifting London back up to his dfeet and sends him to the ropes and then London rebounds and gets a back body drop from Marafuji and London writhes on the floor in pain. Marafuji then hits another stomp on London before lifting London back up to his feet. Marafuji then gives London a Irish whip to the turnbuckle and then Marafuji runs in and hits a turnbuckle clothesline. Marafuji then sends London to the other corner and then Marafuji runs back in the slams into London with another corner clothesline. Marafuji then backs out and then lets London back out of the corner who falls to the ground. Marafuji then walks to his corner and then makes the tag to Kenta who enters the ring. Kenta then walks over to London who is starting to get back to his feet. Kenta lifts London back to his feet before sending him to the ropes and then London leaps up and hits a spinning heel lariat on Kenta. London then slowly gets back to his feet and then lifts Kenta back to his feet and pulls him over to his corner where He makes the tag to Kendrick. Kendrick enters the ring before hitting a kick to the midsection of Kenta followed by spinning neckbreaker on Kenta. Kendrick then makes the quick pin on Kenta as the referee makes the count 1...2.. kickout by Kenta.

Kendrick returnas to his feet before running the ropes and Kenta roles over to avoid any springboard moves. The referee is checking on Kenta as Kendrick is still running the ropes. Marafuji moves over and hits a kick to the back of Kendrick Kendrick walks forward and Kenta slowly gets back to his feet before hitting a kick to the midsection on Kendrick before hitting a hard forearm shot to the back. Kenta then hits another forearm shot and knocks Kendrick down to the mat with a last forearm shot. Kenta then lifts Kendrick back up to his feet and drags him over ot his corner and makes a tag to Marafuji. Naomich Marafuji then quickly scales the top rope before leaping down and hitting a double axe handle to the back of Kendricks neck who falls down to the mat and Kenta quickly exits the ring. Marafuji then lifts Kendrick back up to his feet and sends him to the ropes. Kendrick bounces back and Marafuji leaps ioff his feet and hits a dropkick to the chest of Kendrick. Marafuji quickly returns back to his feet and then Marafuji starts hitting stomps to the body of Kendrick. Marafuji then hits another stomp before lifting Kendrick back up. Marafuji hits a hard knee to the midsection of Kendrick followed by another before hitting another knee but this time to the head before moving around and hitting a snap suplex throwing Kendrick into the middle of the ring. Marafuji then goes down and makes the pin to Kendrick and the referee makes the count 1...2... Kendrick rolls the shoulder up. Marafuji gets back to his feet frustrated before hitting a stomp to the midsection of Kendrick before making the tag to Kenta who moves to the middle of the apron. Kendrick stumbles up to the his feet as Kenta leaps up to the top rope before leaping off before hitting a flying clothesline but Kendrick ducks and Kenta falls down to the mat before rolling over and getting back to his feet.

Kendrick then walks over and leaps over and makes the tag over too London who quickly enter the ring. London now goes to hit a right hand to Kenta who ducks the punch and hits a kick to the legs. This seems to frustrate London who hits a kick himself. London now hits a kick to the midsection before hitting a one handed neck breaker before making the pin 1...2... kickout by Kenta. London slowly returns to his feet and starts to taunt the crowd. London then lifts Kenta back up to his feet before sending him to the ropes but Kenta reverses it and London hits the ropes. London rebounds and ducks Kenta's attempted clothesline and this time springboarding off the ropes and hitting a crossbody on Kenta. London then retuerns to his feet before lifting Kenta back up and this time sends him to the turnbuckle. London then follows but Kenta lifts his leg up and hits a right leg to the head of London and London stumbles back. Kenta jumps up ontto the second rope before leaping off and hitting a flying clothesline on London. Kenta slowly moves opver to make the pin on London 1..2... kickout by London. Kenta gets back to his feet and complains to the ref about a slow count but suddenly London rolls Kenta up into a small package and the referee slides down in a great position and makes the count 1...2... kickout by Kenta who kicks London off of him. Kenta returns to his feet as does London and they start trading punches. Kenta then kicks London in the midsection before scooping him up into a fishermans carry going for a Go 2 Sleep. London slides off the back before leaping over and making the tag to Brian Kendrick and Kenta makes the tag over to Marafuji. Marafuji and Kendrick meet in the center of the ring and Marafuji hits a knee to the midsection knocking Kendrick down. Kendrick kips up before locking up with Marafuji and hitting a quick arm drag that Marafuji gfets straight back up from. A smile spreads across the face of Kendrick. Marafuji and Kendrick lock up again before Marafuji locks in a three quarter face lock before running up the ropes and hitting the Shiranui before running around and making the pin 1...2...3

Winner: Naomichi Marafuji and Kenta.

Nick Arton: That was a great win there by Marafuji and Kenta. I feel that Londrick had a good showing but Marafuji and Kenta where too good for them. So after the next commercial break we will have our main event stay tuned.


Nigel McGuinness is walking down the hallway when the NWF interiewer Jessica Ryan runs after him.

Jessica Ryan: Nigel, Nigel can I get a minute, I want to ask you a few questions.

Nigel McGuinness: No but I am already here so I guess you can. Hurry it up, I have to go whip some ass.

Jessica Ryan: Okay now you are partenering with Takeshi Morishima tonight to go too the second round of the NWF title tournament. Do you think you have a good chance of winning tonight

Nigel McGuinness: What the hell type of question is that. I am the future of this business and if blondes like you can't understand that, well then I believe that you must not be able to see very well.

Jessica Ryan: Now see here Nigel, for one thing I am a brunette no a blonde and two it must be you that is living in a universe of your own. Now just go out there and lose that match of yours so I can watch you crying in the middle of that very ring.

McGuinness then pushes Ryan up against the wall holding her shirt.

McGuinness:How dare you talk to me like that you dumb... dumb... you are not worthy of my time or skill so get the hell out of my face.

Nick Arton: Whoah that was certainly a heated confrontation between ouer backstage announcer and Nigel McGuinness. Now it is time for out Main Event.

Nigel McGuinness and Takeshi Morishima vs Austin Aries and Matt Hardy

All four superstars make their way down to the ring and McGuinness looks visibly frustrated as He and Hardy start off the match. Hardy and McGuinness lock up in a collar and elbow tie up and struggle abit to see who can get the advantage before McGuinness locks in a side headlock. Hardy struggles to get out of the hold but McGuinness has itt locked on so tight Hardy is unable to get out of the hold. McGuinness then takes Hardy done with a headloick takeover followed up by a reverse chinlock. McGuinness digs a knee into the back of Hardy who starts slowly fighting out of the hold before getting up to his feet. Hardy starts to hit hard elbows to the head of McGuinness before turnuing himself arouund and hitting a hard right hand to the head of McGuinness before pulling him forwards and sending him to the ropes and McGuinness rebounds back and Hardy drops McGuinness with a back body drop before moving over and making the tag over to Aries who enters the ring and lifts McGuinness up before hitting a hard knee to the midsection before hooking the head of McGuinness with one arm goinmg for a necjkbreaker but McGuinness reverses it into an armbar. McGuinness then hits as straaight forearm to the arm of Aries followed by another. McGuinness then pulls Aries over to his corner where He tags in Morishima who enters the ring and runs the ropes with McGuinness still holdimng the armbar and Morishima hits a big boot to the elbow of Aires causing McGuinness to let go of the arm and the referee tries to get him out of the ring. Meanwhile Morishima puts both feet on the chest of Aries with aid from the ropes. The referee turns around and catches Morishima who then waits for the count of four before jumping up and hitting a bum drop to the chest of Aries. Morishima then starts hitting repeated punches to the head of Aries. Morisghima then makes the pin on Aries and the referee makes the count 1...2... kickout by Aries.

Morishima returns to his feet and offers the tag to McGuinness who just goes back down tro the steel steps and Morishima then lifts Aries back to his feet and throws him into the corner and starts hitting repeated punches to head of Aries before going to Irish whip him to the other corner before pulling him back and sending him back first into the turnbuckle. Morishima then lifts Aries up and out of the corner before setting him up in the Tree of Woe position. McGuinness then takes the tag from Morishima. McGuinness enter the ring before putting a foot across the throat of Aries and pushes it down. McGuinness continues choking Aries and breaks it at the referees count of 4 and Aries falls out of the corner. McGuinness then drags Aries out of the corner and into the middle of the ring before making the pin and looking confident aas the referee make the count 1...2... kickout by Aries. McGuinness looks shocked before complaining to the referee and making another pin 1...2. kickout again by Aries. McGuinness returns to his feet before lifting Aries to his feet and sending him to the ropes and as Aries comes back McGuinness bends down and Aries fires a kick to the head and McGuinness falls backwards and Aries then runs back and rebounds before hitting a spinning heel lariat to the chest of McGuinness who falls down to the mat. Aries then starts to crawl over to make the tag to Matt Hardy who has his hand extrended. McGuinness starts to returns to his feet as Aries is close to Hardy. McGuinness is now back to his feet and then McGuinness runs over and knocks Hardy off of the apron. McGuinness then lifts Aries back up to his feet and then throws a hard punch and Aries replies with hard right hand himself. McGuinness then hits a kick to the midsection before hitting a DDT to Aries who falls down to the mat head first.

McGuinness then slowly returns to his corner and makes the tag to Morishima. Morishima enters the ring pushing past McGuinness who gets abit angry. Morishima then lifts Aires up his feet before dropping him back down with a hard uppercut. Morishima then lifts Aries back up again and this time sending him to the ropes and Morishima runs forward and hits a hard clothesline on Aries who hits the mat back first. Morishima then runs the ropes again and goes to hit a leaping leg drop on Atries who rolls out of the way and Morishima hits a mat but first. Aries then slowly gets back up slowly and Morishima is still sitting immobile. Aries then hits a hard kick to thee back of Morshima who leans forward and Aries runs the ropees in front of Morishima before jumping and hitting a low dropkick to the chest of Morshima sending Morishima back fully to the mat. Aries then goes over and makes the tag to a recuperated Matt Hardy. Hardy then enters the ring with Aries and they both lift Morishima back to his feet and they double Irish whip him into the corner and Ariesgoes back to the opposite corner and Hardy gets on his hands and knee. Aries then comes running in and hitting a heel lariat as a Poetry on Motion. Aries then rolls out of the ring as Hardy returns to his feet. Hardy starts hitting kicks to the midsection of Morishima who is still in the corner. Hardy then climbs onto the secondd rope before hitting punches to the head of Morishima but Morishima walks out of the corner with Hardy in Powerbomb position. Hardy then pushes down on the head of Morishima and then leaps over and lands on his feet. Hardy then waits for Morishima to turn around and Morrishima does and Hardy hits a kick to the midsection before locking in a front face lock. Hardy then hits a twist of fate and Aries runs in the ring top stop McGuinness from interfering as Hardy makes thwe pin 1...2...3

Winners Austin Aries and Matt Hardy.

Austin Aruies and Nigel McGuinness return to the ring and Matt Hard and Austin Aries celebrate as they leave the ring and McGuinness grabs a microphone from the side of the ring as Morishima returns to his to his feet slowly.

Nigel McGuinness: See the piece of crap I had to team with. Japanese people like this is whaat are wrong with America. See McGuinness is the Present and Future and it is people like Takeshi Morishima who is holding him down. I am the greatest wrestler today and well everybody should just forfeit any match they have with me. Because of this tub of lard I am not continuing in the NWF title tournament. That is my title. So now Morishima get the hell out of this ring of mine before I do what those two losers di...

Morishima then hits a Hard right hand on McGuinness knocking him down to the mat nearly knocking him out as and Morishima stands over McGuinness as we go off air.

ooc: Guys I want to improve so give me harsh comments Please and Thank you.

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Ight, so I'll be doing a full review b/c it's your first show and it's 9 in the morning and I have nothing to do yet.

You played it off as a "small" fed with 1000's of fans only, that's pretty good. I do the same too, and use smaller numbers like i the 400's.

Evans vs Claudio - No entrances? No 'hey' by Claudio and no handstand walk by Jack, damn. It was a good match, because the action was quick, and Claudio is a good big man whose moveset would work with the man from the Heavens'

Shelley Promo - It was a nice little promo, with Alex looking like an underdog face, talking about all of his work and mentioning TNA.

James & Stevens vs Briscoes - Any match written with the Briscoes is pretty good and this one was the same. Moves flowed pretty well, and it had frequent tags. The ending was hard to visualize for me because of the wording though.

Hero vs Sabin - I thought it was OK, but it was between two heels. Sabin got some offense in, and I thought Hero was going to win. Good, solid match, nothing else to analyze.

McGuinness promo - Good to see Nigel as a heel, and his heelness came off well. Good to see Aries and Hardy come to talk to Nigel b/c Morishima can't talk. I was expecting a beat down by Shima on Nigel, but I guessed wrong.

L&K vs marufuji and KENTA - a real dream match, with the two famous users of the shiranui in a match together. Really nice fast paced action, I liked how the match went from move to move smoothly. Good to see the Japanese guys win, because they're beasts.

MCGuinness and Ryan interview - Pretty funny considering that Nigel told a "blonde like her" to shut up, when he actually is a blonde.

McGuinness and Shima vs Hardy and Aries - It was a good solid match, I really thought Morishima was going to be dominant, but I was wrong again. Nice back and forth action with everyone getting their signature spots in. The ending promo was pretty confusing, I didn't even see that Shima and Nigel were in the title tournament. It was a bad decision to take Nigel out of the tourney, he could've just screwed everyone over to win.

Final Thoughts - It was a good show, but there were a couple of problems I came across. The match writing was good, but the promos were OK, with some errors in like dialogue and stuff. The booking was kind of shotty, I didn't like Nigel being taken out of the tourney, and I was kind of confused why Nigel didn't want to have Morishima as his partner anymore, I thought it was just a regular tag match. Anyways, looking forward to see what you'll pull off next week.


you suck! harsh? lol.

BM: Well all of your matches were great, flowed really nicely and had good length but my favourite of the show would have been the M/E and the opener, both really good.

WM: ^ none

BP: the Alex Shelley promo was good, nice to see him as a singles wrestler talking about the world title but I think Nigel McGuiness' was the best, he was quite angry at the interviewer lol.

WP: N/A they were all very good and had a purpose...

AF: Wow, it was better then I thought it would be!!! great show, alot of new superstars for me to read about and keep it up! btw great to see Matt Hardy and Austin Aries winning!


Best Match: Well all of them were great but if I were to pick one I would say Jack Evans vs Claudio

Worst Match: none.

Best Angle: Nigel Mcguinness promo after he got bumped

Worst Angle: Alex Shelley promo, it was ok but it just felt like a generic face promo.

Line of the night: "Because of this tub of lard I am not continuing in the NWF title tournament"

Additional Thoughts: Good first show, your strong point is definately your match writing, but you really need to improve on the promos. This show didnt have that many promos and the ones you wrote were decent. Just improve on that and you should be good to go.

Overall rating: 7.0 = Good

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: All were great matches and I think all of them are best! lol... but if I am going to pick for Hardy/Aries vs. Morishima/Mcguiness one.

Worst Match: n/a

Best Promo: I have no idea to be honest but Nigel fighting with the interviewer is quite funny.

Worst Promo: n/a, this one is your first show that's why your promos are not good since you're just starting to build some storylines and feuds.

Additional Feedbacks: It's a great first show and your long time to finish it really make it good. The matches are great but the promos are not that good but as I said above, this one is your first show and you're just starting to make some storylines, good luck to your next show and let's see if it get improve more.


Active Member
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Titletown, Mexico
I like how the show didn't do any pryos or highlight videos and cut straight to the action and got into business right away
theres a pretty good fanbase that likes that kind of style from shows; where it gets straight to the wrestling and such...overall I'll say this was good like a 8/10

Best Match: Jack Evens vs Claudio Castagnoli

worst match:.....i don't think there were any matches that were bad...Most of all the matches were good...so like...I don't know what to put down here other then none of the matches sucked....cause there were like good match followed by good match....

Best Promo: I liked the Nigel One

worst promo: hmm..I dunno

Additional Comments: I liked this show...Pretty Good and everything seems to be very organized and it flows smoothly and such...so like in a KenFan Compliment..."WORD Bro"...

Final Thoughts: I'm Fucked when it comes to me having to write a show and attempt to compete with everyone else......:cry_1: ...
but i'll give it tha good'o'KenFan Try :bb:


THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Claudio vs Evans: HEY! Where was it? I guess Claudio’s gimmick no showed :shifty: No ‘You got served!’ either lol. On the writing side of things, it was a pretty damn solid match, and these guys mesh well together.

Shelley promo: Sorry, but not really my taste, because I don’t think that Shelley should be the generic underdog face. Way better suited to a smartass role.

KC/Idol vs The Briscoes: The match flowed pretty damn well throughout, except the end was confusing. I think you meant fireman’s carry, not fisherman’s. But hey, we all make mistakes.

Hero vs Sabin: I think you are definitely pushing Hero, as he dominated this match throughout. Couldn’t ever really see him losing this one.

Confrontation: Matt’s dialogue seemed a bit all over the place. I could tell what you were trying to do, but you know, try to make it clearer and more defined. Not a bad promo.

Naochimi Marafuji and KENTA vs Londrick: Lol I remember when you told me on MSN that you didn’t know that Marafuji and KENTA had teamed up in the past, yet you still teamed them. Was a nice smooth match, and very face paced. Good match.

Nigel promo: Um, he got served by the interviewer lol.

Main event: I really think that Takeshi should have been the dominating force. That’s the role he should play. Aside from that, the match was good, and everyone did their usual stuff. Nigel worked like always. Aftermath was alright, with Takeshi standing up for himself.

BM: Marafuji/KENTA vs Londrick

WM: n/a

BP: Confrontation

WP: Shelley one. Read my comments on it

AC: Your match writing was very good, but your promos do lose me a bit, as you can’t seem to always sort everything out. I know you are rusty though as you have had time off, and this is a good start.


Feb 8, 2008
Reaction score
BM: I would say the ME, but all of the matches were good.

WM: There really wasn't a bad match for me.

BP: I have to agree with sharkboy on this one, I think the McGuiness one was the best.

WP: All of the promos were good.

CP: Check out WWE: Sports Entertainment is Saved when you get the chance. Raw is up.

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
News & Rumors

Austin Aries is reportedly asked for one month of time off due to a Family tragedy. It is not reported what happened but this will mean that He will be taken out of the NWF tournament and He has an unknown replacement to be found out this Thursday with a Six man Gauntlet match. The competitors are unknown at this point.

The Superstars are happy Backstage with the first show but are expecting work levels to rise due to the high Morale. The Writers are happy with their work on their the first show and will get better with Experience. It was reported Yesterday on Gerweck.net that Brandon Gardner went backstagee and shook everybody's hands for a flawless first show on TV

NWF's rating was a low 0.5 as My TV network has the lowest Fan Base. NWF had a good debut and are looking to increase this rating and hopefully compete with Total Nonstop Action.

Jack Evans and Chris Hero are set to start a program after Black Beginnings but this is just a rumour and a Backstaage representative of NWF has declined this rumour.

NWF has started searching through the North American Wrestlers for new blood to participate. There are set to be at least two more signings as well as the Tag team who is set to debut at Black Beginnings.

ooc:preview will be posted on Wednesday

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
What a great way to put a mystery guy and make us curious by putting Aries' family on the risk, lol... This news makes your BTB realistic, good job.

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
No pyro goes off and no opening video plays but Thunderstruck plays throughout the arena as Thursday Night Thunder comes on the arena and a small amount of fans around 1232 are sitting up near the front row of the The Georgia Dome. We go around the ring until we come to Nick Arton and his new partner Jake Larsen who is sitting at the small commentary booth.

Nick Arton: Welcome one and all to Thursday night Thunder and beside me is a new collleague of mine and wrestling legend down in PWG.

Jake Larsen: Okay first of all I am Jake Larsen and Nick let's get one thing straight. I don't like you, actually I hate you, to be honest. I was bought in here for one reason and that was my knowledge on wrestling and to commentate.

Nick Arton: Come on Partner, Well anyway I think we should start the show.

Dirty Deeds hits the arena and Brandon Gardner makes his way down to the ring. Gardner enters the ring and grabs a microphone from the production crew. Gardner walks back into the center of the ring.

Brandon Gardner: Well, Well, Well. Looks like we survived more then a week with that thing as Commentator.

The crowd start to boo as Gardner points to Nick

Brandon Gardner: Shut the hell up. I got some I need to say. Last week Nigel McGuinness was complaining about Takeshi Morishima costing him the match last week. That is why tonight I am putting Nigel in a match tonight with Takeshi.

I fought the Law by The Clash as Nigel McGuinness makes his way down to the ring. McGuinness enter the ring before grabbing a microphone from the side of the ring.

Nigel McGuinness: Come on Gards, You cannot do this too me. We are friends. Bur that man did cost me my shot at winning that tourny and I would have damn won that stupid tourny. Give me a Number one contenders match at Black Beginnings.

Brandon Gardner: McGuinness you know we are pals so I will give you that Number One contenders match at Black Beginnings...

Nigel McGuinness: Thanks Brandon, I will obviously destroy whoever you put up against me in that match.

Brandon Gardner: Oh but Nigel you did not let me finish. You will be facing Takeshi Morishima in that match.

Takeshi Morishima's music hits and He makes his way out to the ring with a slight smirk on his face. McGuinness quickly bails from the ring as Morishima enters. Morishima then stares down McGuinness who is backing up the ramp as we fade to a commercial

Commercial Break.

Nick Arton: Welcome back to NWF Thunder and our second match for Black Beginnings was announced and will be Takeshi Morishima facing off against Nigel McGuinness. Also announced for Black Beginnings is the Tag Team Turmoil match.

Jake Larsen: Well Nigel McGuinness will beat Takkeshi Morishima and well the tag team turmoil match for the Tag Team titles. Well no explanation needed.

Nick Arton: Well now it seems we will be having a tag team match. It will feature two of the best teams in NWF today wih the Briscoes facing off against London and Kendrick.

Londrick vs Briscoe Brothers​

Hey You plays throughout the arena and London and Kendrick come ruinning down to the ring. They enter the ring and go to the turnbuckles. Both backflip off the second rope and land on their feet and they take off each other's masks posing for the crowds.

Jayden Loius: Welcome to the ring, at a combined weight of 385 pounds. London and Kendrick

Gimme back my bullets by Lynard Skynyrd hits the arena and Jay and Mark Briscoe both make their way down to the ring with the tag title strung over their shoulders.

Jayden Loius: Welcoming to the ring, at a combined weight of 430 pounds, Mark and Jay. The Briscoe Brothers

All the superstars meet in the center of the ring and shake hands casually. London and Mark Briscoe back to their respective corners. Kendrick backs up as does Jay Briscoe. They circle the ring before locking up in the center of the ring and go to a stalemate before breaking apart. They then circle the ring once again before locking up in the center again. This time Jay manages to lock Kendrick in a side headlock before Kendrick struggles but is able to push him off and as Jay comes back gets an arm drag/arm bar combination from Kendrick who sinches in the hold. Jay fights back up to his feet before hitting a right elbow to the jaw of Kendrick who releases the hold. Jay then gives Kendrick an Irish whip into the corner and Jay takes a run in going for a corner clothesline but Kendrick moves out of the way. Kendrick then makes a roll up on Jay who kicks out before 1. Both superstars return to their feet and a smirk grows across the face of both superstars. Jay then goes for a kick to the midsection and Kendrick grabs his leg. Jay then swings his other leg other going for an enzuiguri kick but Kendrick is able to duck and Jay misses the kick. Kendrick drops the leg before leaping into the air and hitting a dropkick to the back of Jay sending him into the ropes. Kendrick quickly gets back to his feet as Jay comes back. Kendrick then hits a right hand to the back of Jay who turns back around and Kendrick runs in and hits a lariat on Jay who falls down to the mat. Kendrick then returns back to his feet and He makes the tag to London who enter the ring and lifts Jay back up to his feet and London hits a knee to the midsection before getting locking in a one handed side headlock. London then goes for a neckbreaker but Jay spins out of it before hitting a dropkick on London. Jay then slowlyy return to his feet before tagging in Mark Briscoe.

Mark enter the ring as Lonmdon is back to his feet. London and Mark lock up in the center of the ing and London gets Briscoe in a side headlock but Mark quickly back him into the ropes and pushing him off. As London comes off the ropes Mark hits a hip toss which London gets back to his feet quickly from. London and Mark lock up once again in the center of the ring and Mark hits a knee to the midsection of London before hitting a hard forearm to the back of the neck of London. Mark then runs the ropes before springboarding as London turns around and Mark hits a springboard crossbody on London and making the pin 1... kickout by Paul london. Briscoe quickly gets back to his feet as London gets up a few seconds after. Briscoe then goes to send him to the ropes but London reverses it and Briscoe goes to the hit a shoulder tackle but London moves out of the was as Briscoe keeps going. London then hits a dropsault to mid air as Mark grabs hold of the top rope with both arms. Mark then walks over and makes the tag to Jay who enters the ring and lifts London back up to his feet. Jay then sends London to the turnbuckle before running in. Jay then leaps up onto the top rope with split legs in front of London before hitting multiple punches to head before jumping off the second rope and wraps his legs around the head of London and then falls back and hits a hurracarana on London. Jay then rolls over and gets back to his feet. London is holding his back as he slowly gets back up and Jay measures London. Jay then swings his leg up going for a roundhouse kick which London ducks and then hitting a kik tro the back of Jay who stumbles forward. London then runs back rebounding off the ropes. London then runs in and then moves around Jay before springboarding and hitting a moonsault on the standing Jay who goes down to the mat. London then slowly gets back to his feet and then makes the tag to Kendrick who enters the ring by leaping over the top rope.

Kendrick then waits for Jay to return to his feet before running the ropes as Jay is halfway there. Kendrick then leaps up as Jay is bent over and goes for a leg drop to the back of his head but Jay pulls his in and Kendrick hits the mat ass first. Jay then walks slowly over to make the tag to Mark who enters the ring andthen runs the ropes in front of Kendrick before rebounding and hitting a dropkick to the face of Kendrick. Mark then returns to his feet and runs the ropes again. Mark then springboards off the ropes going for a moonsault but Kendrick moves out of the way and Mark hits the mat chest first. Kendrick slowly gets back to his feet slowly and makes the tag over to Paul London who quickly climbs up to the top rope and Mark slowly gets back to his feet as London leaps off the top rope and hitting a missile dropkick on Mark who goes flying across the ring and Jay leans down and makes the tag as Mark rolls out of the ring and Jay springboards up to the top rope before laeping off the top rope and hitting the still hurt London with a 180 rotation splash beofore hooking the leg to make the pin 1...2... kickout by London. Jay returns to his feet before running to ropes and somehow springboarding up to the top rope and the hitting a moonsault on London beforemaking another pin 1...2... kickout by London and the crowd and Jay Briscoe are shocked. Jay Briscoe then returns to his feet holding his midsection visibly hurting from those two high risk manuevers. Jay Briscoe then makes the tag to the recover Mark Briscoe who enters the ring and both Him and Jay lift London to his feet and send him to the ropes but London is able to duck the double Clothesline attempt before coming back off the opposite ropes and leaps off the nmat and hitting a double clothesline on both Briscoes as Jay rolls out of the ring.

London now slowly starts to crawl over to Kendrick who has his arm extended. Mark is slowly returning to his feet and London is nearly there to make the tag. London then leaps up and makes the tag to Kendrick who runs in the ring and then takes down Mark Briscoe with a superkick. Kendrick then runs the ropes before rebounding off them and Briscoe gets hit with a low dropkick to the side of the head as He was on Hands and Knees.Kendrick then crawls over and makes the quick pin. Naomichi Marafuji, Kenta Kobayashi, KC James and Idol Stevens then run down to the ring as the referee is making the pin count 1...2...Marafuji breaks it up with a leg drop to the back of Kendricks head and the referee calll for the Draw

Winner: Draw.

The 4 heels continue the beatdown on the faces and London and Jay Briscoe are starting to mount a comeback on the Heels with kicks to the thigh muscles and Marafuji and KC James join their respective partners before finishing off London Jay Briscoe who fall to the numbers. All the heels raise each others arms inside the ring.

Nick Arton: What, What those guys just ruined a perfectly good match.

Jake Larsen: Well it just seems to me that they where imposing a point making there intentions known before the tag team turmoil match.

Nick Arton: Whatever you say Partner...

Jake Larsen: I am not your Partner

Commercial Break.

Nick Arton: Welcome to Thursday night Thunder. If you just tuned in I have a new colleague with me in the box tonight. But we heard some bad news during the week that Austin Aries has asked for a month away from NWF because of a family tragedy.

Jake Larsen: Well I wish him all the best but seriously, He had no chance of winning the tournment anyway.

Nick Arton: Well it seems we are ready for our next match and it will be KENTA taking on the debuting Kofi Kingston.

Kenta Kobayashi vs Kofi Kingston.​

What time isn it and Kenta and Marafuji make their way down to the ring taunting the crowd.

Jayden Loius: Making his way to ring, from Japan, weighing in at 178 pounds, being accompanied by Naomichi Marafuji, Kenta Kobayashi.

SOS hits the arena and Kofi Kingston makes way out to the ring taunting the cheering crowd.

Jayden Loius: Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 225 pounds from Jamaica, Kofi Kingston.

Kofi and Kenta lock up in the center of the ring as the bell rings and Kenta gets the advantage with a side headlock. Kofi quickly breaks it up locking in a hammer lock. Kenta then hits an elbow to the head of Kofi causing him to break the hold before tyurning around and hitting a kick to the midsection before running back and going for a kick to the side of Kofi's head but He pulls his head up before hitting a kick to the back of Kenta who stumbles forward. Kofi then runs forwards and rebounds off the ropes in front of Kenta before hitting a superkick to mid air as Kenta moves out of the way of the kick. Kenta then hits a forearm to the back of Kofi who stumbles forward. Kofi turns around and both superstars just stare at each other. Kofi and Kenta lock up again in a collar and elbow tie up. Kenta then knees Kofi in the midsection before hitting a facebuster. Kofi stumbles back before leaning of the ropes. Kenta runs forward before Kofi pulls down the bottom rope and Kenta goes over the top rope. Kofi walks forward but Kenta is still holding the top rope. Kenta then pulls himself up skinning the cat. Kofi turns around as Kenta's feet lands on the mat. Kenta turns around into an attempted superkick. Kenta ducks before lifting Kofi over the top rope and down to the mats below. Kenta then exits the ring and stands on the apron waiting for Kofi to get up to his feet. Kofi slowly rises to his feet as Kentta runs along the edge and leaping off for a flying shoulder block. Kofi then leaps into the air before hitting a leaping enzuiguri on Kenta while He is still in the air. Both superstars go to ground heavily and stay down for the rng out count 1...2...3...4.. Kofi starts to rise up to his feet ..5...6.. Kenta starts to get to his feet and Kofi is fully to his feet. Kofi now rolls into the ring to break the count as Kenta gets fully back to his feet. Kenta then slides into the ring as well and both superstars get back to his feet. Kenta is now holding the back of his head after the enzuiguri.

Kofi and Kenta now once again in the middle of the ring and Kofi hits a knee to the midsection of Kenta before running back to the ropes. Kenta pulls his head up and hits a hip toss on Kenta as He comes back. Kofi quickly gets back to his feet and Kenta hits a quick dropkick on Kofi knocking him to the mat. Kenta returns to his feet and lifts Kofi back to his feet. Kenta returns to his feet again. Kenta waits till Kofi gets back to his feet before laying hard kicks to the ribs of Kofi before running the ropes and taking Kofi down with a hard Heel kick. Kenta then runs the opposite ropes before springboarding and going for a springboard moonsault and He hits the canvas as Kofi rolls out of the way. Kofi slowly returns to his feet and as Kenta gets onto his knees. Kofi then runs the ropes before sliding in and hitting a low dropkick to the side of Kenta's head. Kenta falls backdown to the mat as Kofi leaps for the air Jamaica and hits it on Kenta. Kofi the returns to his feet to taunt the crowd getting a mad reception. Kofi turns around as Kenta gets back to his feet only to be hit with the Jamaican Buzzsaw Kick. Kofi then makes the pin on Kenta 1...2...3

Winner Kofi Kingston

Nick Arton: Well that was an impressive debut right there from Kofi Kingston and He certainly assured his dominance with a win over one of the top tag team stars in NWF.

Jake Larsen: Well you just said it yourself. Kenta is a top tag team star not a singles star. Get your facts right before you say anything.

Nick Arton: Well Jake...

Jake Larsen: Just Shut up.

We go backstage as Jessica Ryan and Chris Sabin are standing backstage.

Jessica Ryan: Well I am standing by with my guest at this time, Chris Sabin and tonight Chris tyou have a chance at getting back into the title tournament, what are your thoughts on this.

Chris Sabin: Jessica, What do you think that I think. Well first of all I think that you are just a hor who is justr in this to meet guys but sorry the greatest wrestler of all time is not availiable and if you have not noticed, That is Me, Chris Sabin.

Jessica Ryan: Chris who the hell do you think I am, Some blonde little pretty girl who does not know how to fight. I could beat any woman in the world today.

Chris Sabin: Well Jessica in fact I do so why not put your money where your mouth is and face any woman of my choice at Black Beginnings.

Jessica Ryan: Well then come on, who is She.

Chris Sabin: Oh No you ain't going to be finding out till black beginnings and until then have fun wondering. Now I got the gauntlet match up next so get lost.

Nick Arton: Well that was incredibly rude of Chris Sabin to Jessica Ryan and well I hate to see it.

Jake Larsen: Well, She stuck Her nose in where it was not wanted and now she has a match at Black Beginnings.

Commercial Break.

Nick Arton: Welcome back to NWF Thursday night Thunder and what a night so far it has been and it will only get better. As our Main event we are having the first Second round match in the NWF title tournament and next up we have a 6 man Gauntlet match to see who will face Alex Shelley next week in the other second round match.

Jake Larsen: And looking at the 6 Men in this match we are having an assured winner.

Nick Arton: And who would that be Jake.

Jake Larsen: For me to know and you to find out.

6 Man Gaunlet​

Jayden Loius: The Following match up is a Gauntlet match and is too advance in the NWF title Tournament.

SOS hits for the second time tonight as Kofi Kingston makes his way to the ring looking tired.

Jayden Loius: Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 225 pounds from Jamaica, Kofi Kingston.

Smack My Bitch Up by The Prodigy hits the arena as Tajiri makes his way dopwn to the ring taunting the crowd.

Jayden Loius: Making his way to the ring, from Japan, Weighing in at 210 pounds, Tajiri.

The bell rings and the crowd start cheering for Kofi Kingston. Kofi and Tajiri lock up i the center of the ring and Tajiri hits a quick knee to the midsection of Kofi. Tajiri then hits a knee to the head before hitting a quick snap suplex before returning to his feet.
Tajiri waits for Kofi return to his feet. Kofi slowly gets back to his feet and gets a hard kick to the ribs from Tajiri and Kofi bends down. Tajiri then hits a kick to the shoulder and Kofi falls back and leans against the ropes. Tajiri runs forward and and hits a hard superkick to the chest of Kofi knocking him out of the ring. Tajiri quickly rolls out of the ring and lifts Kofi and throws him back first into the apron. Tajiri starts hitting chops to the chest of Kofi before throwing him into the ring. Tajiri climbs onto the apron as Kofi starts to stumble back up to his feet. Tajiri springboards up to the top rope before leaping off and missing a springboard dropkick on Kofi who runs back to the ropes. Kofi then runs in as Tajiri is on hiis hands and knees and Kofi hits a kick top the head. Kofi stay on his feet as Tajiri is laying on his stomach. Kofi then hits a kick to the ribs of Tajiri obviously pissed. Kofi lifts Tajiri back to his feet but Tajiri hits a european uppercut on Kofi. Tajiri then hits a hard chop on Kofi who backs up abit. Tajiri rebounds off the ropes and then hits a spinning heel lariat. Tajiri follows that up by making the pin 1...2. kickout by a tired Kofi. Tajiri returns to his feet frustrated. Tajiri hits another kick to the ribs of Kofi before stomping on the back of his head and just standing there with one foot as the referee starts to count. Tajiri applies more pressure before moving his foot at the four count. Tajiri watches Kofi writh in pain before taunting the crowd. Kofi then rolls over and rolls Tajiri up into a tight package as Tajiri taunts 1...2.. kickout by Tajiri

Both superstars slowly get back to their feet. Kofi gets the upper hand with a kick to the back of the knee of Tajiri who then explodes and goes for a Lou Thez Press and hits it on Kofi and Tajiri hits knees to the ribs of Kofi before starting to hit hard right hands to the head of Kofi. Tajiri then finishes hitting Kofi before swiveling around and making the pin on Kofi 1...2... kickout by Kofi. Tajiri returns to his feet and then hits a kick to the side of Kofi head and Kofi quickly grabs his head and writhes in pain. Tajiri then lifts Kofi back up by his hair and locking in a front face lock. Tajiri then lifts him up and goes for a brain buster. Kofi twist around escaping the grip of Tajiri and landing behind Tajiri. Tajiri turns and gets hit with a Jamaican Buzzsaw kick from Kofi. Kofi then makes the pin on Tajiri as the Referee makes the count 1...2...3


Naomichi Marafuji then runs out from the curtain and slides into the ring and starts to beat on the back of Kofi. Marafuji then lifts Kofi up and hits the exhausted Kofi with a hard european uppercut knocking Kofi down to the mat. Marafuji lifts Kofi up again and then hits a kick to the midsection before rebounding off the ropes and hitting a boot to the saide of Kofi's head. Marafuji quickly follows that up with a pin 1...2.. suprising kickout by Kofi. Marafuji returns to his feet before lifting up Kofi by his hair and throwing him into the corner and starting to hit multiple knife edge chops to the chest of Kofi. Marafuji then throws Kofi out of the corner before climbing up to the second rope. Marafuji leaps off the top turnbuckle going for a Shooting Star Press on the standing Kofi who stumbles out of the way. Marafuji hits the mat hard and writhes on the ground. Kofi then rolls Marafuji over and makes the pin on Marafuji 1...2... kickout by Marafuji. Kofi slowly gets back to his feet clealy exhausted. Kofi then lifts Marafuji back to his feet and sends him to the turnbuckle. Kofi runs in before turning around and hitting a back elbow too the chest of Marafuji before slowly walking out and Marafuji keeps hold of the ropes. Kofi then turns around and Marafuji explodes out of the corner and hits a lariat on Kofi. Marafuji returns to his feet before lifting Kofi back to his feet before hitting a quick Australian Suplex before following that up with a pin 1...2... kickout by Kofi. Marafuji returns to his feet before running the ropes before hitting a knee drop to the head of Kofi. Marafuji slowly gets back up before lifting Kofi up to his feet and sending him to the ropes. Marafuji then runs forward to take Kofi down with a shoulder block followed up with a hard kick to the side of the head of Kofi. Marafuji once again lifts Kofi up to his feet before locking in a side headlock before running up the turnbuckle and hitting the Shiranui. Marafuji then makes the pin on Kofi and the count is made 1...2...3


Mistico comes running down the ramp to meet Marafuji who is taunting for Mistico to get into the ring. Mistico slides into the ring and marafuji starts stomping on the back of Mistico. Marafuji lifts Mistico to his feet before sending him to the ropes and Mistico springboards off the ropes and hitting a Springboard moonsault on a standing Marafuji. Mistico quickly gets back to his feet before lifting Marafuji back to his feet and sending him to the ropes. Mistico then flips over Marafuji with an arm drag takeover. Marafuji slowly gets back to his feet and Mistico hits him with a quick superkick before making the pin 1...2... kickout by Marafuji. Mistico then returns to his feet before going over to the ropes and leaping up to the top rope. Mistico waits for Marafuji to get back to his feet. Marafuji stumbles up to his feet before leaping down off the top rope and hitting a diving armbar on Marafuji. Mistico then crawls over to make the pin on Marafuji 1...2... kickout by Marafuji. Mistico returns to his feet and once again helps Marafuji up to his feet. Marafuji now hits a quick right jab before locking in a side headlock before taking down Mistico with a headlock takeover. Marafuji then gets back to his feet before running to the ropes and hitting a low dropkick to the head of Mistico. Marafuji slowly gets back up to his feet and then lifts Mistico back to his feet before kneeing him in the midsection before hitting a kinee to the head before leaping into the air and grabbing a head scissors on Mistico and transfering it into a DDT on Mistico. Marafuji then crawls over top make the pin 1...2... kickout by Mistico who just gets the shoulder up. Marafuji returns to his feet exhausted before climbing up to the top rope. Marafuji then leaps off the top rope and going for a Shooting star press for a second time but Mistico rolls out of the way before making the pin on the exhausted Marafuji 1...2...3


Chris Sabin makes his way out to ring running down the ramp before sliding in as Mistico struggles to get back to his feet. Sabin quickly hits a kick to the ribs of Mistico before hitting a blatant kick to the head. Sabin then lifts Mistico back slowly to his feet and then hits a european uppercut on Mistico sending him back to the ropes. Sabin runs forward and goes to take out Mistico with a clotheslinwe but Mistico lifts him over but Sabin lands on the apron. Sabin then hits an Elbow to the midsection of Mistico before springboarding off the top rope and taking Mistico out with a hurracarana. Sabin then returns to his feet obviously not finished with Mistico. Sabin lifts Mistico up too his feet before lifting him into a fishermans carry position and then hooks the legs of Mistico and falling down and hitting the future shock before making a cocky Pin 1...2...3

?????? IS UP NEXT

Alex Shelley then walks down to the ring with no music. Chris Sabin seems to be backing off abit to see his former tag team partner walking down the ramp ansd Shelley just smirks. Shelley slides into the ring and Sabin goes on the offensive with stomps to the head of Shelley who manages to fight his way to his feet. Shelley and Sabin start trading right hands as Shelley is able to get the upper hand by hitting a knee to the midsection of Sabin before locking in a front face lock on Sabin before lifting him up and rebounding his chest of the top rope before falling back to hit a suplex on Sabin. Shelley then returns to his feet before lifting up Sabin and throwing him into the corner and starting to throw hard elbows to the head of Sabin before going back and running in and hitting a double knee smash to the head of Sabin before rolling out to hit a monkey flip throwing Sabin across the ring. Shelley returns to his feet after rolling thorugh and pulls off an arrogant smirk much to the delight of the crowd. Shelley then hits a hard stomp on Sabin before running the ropes and without using his hands springboard and hits a moonsault onto the canvas as Sabin rolls out of the ring and walks around on the outside. Shelley starts to slowly gets back to his feet as Sabin climbs up onto the apron. Sabin then springboard up to the top rope before hitting a tornado DDT on Shelley whos Head gets driven into the ground. Sabin returns to his feet before lifting up Shelley and hitting a nice knee to the midsection of Shelley before sending him to the turnbuckle. Sabin then runs in and hits a corner clothesline on Shelley before lifting Shelley up onto the top rope. Sabin then sets up Shelley for the Sabin Edge. Shelley then pushes himself off and starts to hit repeted forearms to the head of Sabin before hitting a Standing Spinebuster on Sabin.

Shelley then runs the ropes before going once again for a springboard moonsault and this time hits it. Shellley returns to his feet before lifting up Sabin and Shelley runs the ropes and this time Sabin picks up Shelley for the Cradle Shock and He hits it. Sabin then makes the pin on Shelley 1...2...3

Winner and Facing Matt Hardy in the Next NWA tournament match: Chris Sabin

The crowd are in Shock as Sabin's arm is held up as He just won a six Man gauntlet

Jayden Loius: The winner of this Match up and advancing to Round two of the NWF title Chase, Chris Sabin.

Nick Arton: Well that sure was an impressive win there by Sabin making short work of Mistico before picking up the win over Alex Shelley

Jake Larsen: Like He said, He certainly proved that He can not only Talk the Talk but also walk the walk.

Commercial Break.

Nick Arton: Welcome back to NWF Thunder and we just had an explosive Six man gaunlet match and we still have our Main Event to come.

Jack Evans vs Chris Hero
Jayden Loius: The Following Match up is scheduled for one fall and it is to advance to the finals of the NWF title Chase.

Born To Win by Papoose hits the arena as Jack Evans makes his way out to the ring taunting the crowdbefore entering the riung and doing his signature Handstand walk.

Jayden Loius: Making his way down to the ring, from Parkland Washington, weighing in at 165 pounds, Jack Evans.

A Certain Shade of Green by Incubus hits the arena as Chris Hero makes his way out to the ring taunting the crowd and Jack Evans getting booed heavily.

Jayden Loius: Making his way to the ring from Metropolis, weighing in at 240 pounds, Chris Hero.

The Bell rings as both superstars circle around the ring before locking up in the center. Hero breaks the collar and elbow tie up before hitting a knee to the midsection of Evans. Hero then pushes Evans into the corner and starts hitting hard punches to the head of Evans who ducks a punch and going behind Hero and grabbing a waist lock. Evans then lifts up Hero and slams him chest first into the mat. Evans swivvels around and grabs a three quarter face lock on Hero who brings his legs around and takes a head scissors on Evans. Evans jumps up out of it as both superstars returns to their feet. Hero then runs and hits a shoulder block on Evans who quickly returns to his feet. Hero then reuns the ropes again tand this time hits a flying shoulder block on Evans. Hero then returns to his feet before lifting up Evans to his feet aqnd locking in a front three quarter face lock but Evans fights out of it withg elbows to the ribs of Hero before hitting a northern lights suplex into a bridge but Hero still has the face lock and Hero forces Evans to get back up and Hero still has the face lock on. Evans then hits another Northern Lights suplex but doesn't add the bridge as Hero lets go of the face lock. Evans gets back to his feet as Hero is struggling to get back to his feet as the crowd are chanting for Evans.

Evans then runs back to the ropes before rebounding off the ropes and hitting a Double Knee drop to the chest of Hero. Evans returns to his feet before running off the ropes aagain going for another double knee drop but Hero rolls out of the way and Evans hits the mat Knees first. Hero returns to his feet before running the ropes and hitting a straight knee to the head of of Evans who falls to the mat. Hero then falls it up by sitting up and Evans and locking in a rear choke hold on Evans who lifts both arms up. Hero sinches in the hold as Evans searches for the head of Hero as the referee is asking if He wants to tap. Evans yells out I will never tap before hitting a back elbow to the midsection of Hero and Hero releases a little of the prewssure on the hold. Evans now starts to fight back to his feet. Evans now is fully back to his feet as Hero still has hold locked on. Evans now starts to hit repeatedf reverse elbows to the midsection of Hero who breaks the hold now. Evans turns around and hits a knee to the midsectioon of Hero before locking in a front face lock and hitting a quick neckbreaker. Evans now runs and exits the ring and climbs out onto the apron. Evans then springboards up to the top turnbuckle before hitting a 450 splash on top of Chris Hero. Evans now makes the pin on Hero 1...2... Hero just manages to get the shoulder up. Evans slowly gets back to his feet before climbing up to the top rope ready for the 630 splash. Hero now springs up to his feet before grabbing Evans and getting him into the position for the Cravate-o-Clasm. Evans then rolls through to gets Hero with a schoolboy 1...2. kickout by Hero

Both superstars slowly climb b ack up to their feet and Hero hits a right handed strike on Evans who fires back a left hand of his own. Hero then hits another right hand followed by a hard kick to the midsection and then grabs a front face lock. Hero then falls down to hit his Heros DDT but beforew He can Evans pushes him forward and as Hero comes back Evans hits a kick to the midsection of Hero. Evans then hits a blatant kick to the shoulder of Hero who backs up and Evans comes running in and Hero pulls the referee in front of him and Evans hits the referee with a lariat kick. Claudio Castagnoli then comes running down the ramp with a chair in hand before climbing onto the apron as Jack Evans turns his attention to Castagnoli. Hero thebn comes from behind Evans and turns him around and goes for the Heros Welcome but Evans pushes Hero to the ropes as Claudio is still standing on the apron. Evans then hits a dropkick on the returning Hero and as Evans slowly returns to his feet gets a hard chair shot to the head from Castagnoli. Claudio then quickly exits the ring as the referee starts to come back to his senses. Claudio yells out YOU GOT SERVED. Hero then manages to make the pin as the referee makes the slow count 1...2......3

Winner: Chris Hero.

Jayden Loius: Here is your Winner, Chris Hero.

Chris Hero continues to celebrate as Claudio backs up trhe ramp holding the chair high above his head as we go off air.


opening Promo: very good Promo, I feel this promo was the best one out of the two and it was good in character stuff.

opening match: This match was a really good match perhaps the best match in the hole show, it was a good length and these guys work good together. Great way to start fueds...

Kenta Vs Kofi: I feel this match was quite good but it could have gone a bit longer but it was a good win for Kofi, btw his finisher is trouble in paradise...

Sabin promo: Good way to build Chris Sabin up, it was mostly in character, well done.

Gauntlet match: This was quite a good match, quite interesting to see who would win it, I had a feeling Sabin would win. Nice lengths between eliminations too, most of the match.

Main event: Chris Hero Vs Jack Evans, this was a good match. It wasnt the best match imo, it was actually quite short for a main event. Still quite good but not as good as I think you could have made it.

AF: Well you know what im going to say first, promo's. your Promo's are quite good but there was only 2 on the hole show. The matches were good but I feel that you could hva made them much longer, next week just have a couple more promo's and take more time with your matches to make them quite long, not real long and thats about it. other then that it was a good show and I enjoyed most of it... 6.5/10

CT Styles

Best Match: The Gauntlet. Shelley/Sabin was a shock.

Worst Match: None really. They were all not bad.

Best Promo: Sabin's are good, you are really building him up and I think he will end up with the title or Shelley will interfere costing him the title.

Worst Promo: Weren't many. This is your weak spot.

Additional Comments: Well you're promos are improving but you need more. Maybe instead of having Sabin interviewed he could have come out to the ring. Just have more people do promos as well. Another thing is, I think you should stick with this. The reason being, I can tell you're not 100% familiar with these indy and Jap stars and non WWE/TNA stars so stick with it and you will become a lot more familiar with them and Headfirst for Hardcore's PRIDE may have competition.

Cheap Plug: UWA Ignition has been posted.