With all due respect to him, fuck C********...
The C******** fan boys can bitch all they want, but imagine how you'd be feeling if you were MVP... Not only seeing Punk take a last minute winner's spot last year (a push the I believe MVP could have run with if given the chance) only to see WWE had very little faith in him, but then seeing the SAME guy get handed the win again after having been jobbed to fuck and had your character trashed by the 'creative' team in an effort to turn your heel heat to face pops?
Maybe next year, Montavious. :sigh:
As for, specifically, Punk winning... Good for him. He's over and has done a good job over the last year. he was blatantly a prospect going into the match so I dunno why so many are so pissed about his win (well the non-Christian fan-boys amongst ya'll anyway).
A-a-a-a-a-s for C********'s future... IMO, no world title shots until he's had a successful mid-card fued where he shows us all the things that make him as good as the net thinks he is. Hoping he ends up on SD if they end up stacking Raw with extra stars... Christian, Umaga, MVP, Jeff Hardy, Kennedy, Shelton... If SD can retain those guys and maybe end up with a Jericho or an Orton, then the upper-midcard (and eventually the ME for some) could be a very interesting place over the course of the next 12-18 months (like it could/should have been after the 2008 draft).