Nostradamus’ Multiverse BTB: “A Creative New Direction”

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White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
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Brooklyn, NY
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Welcome to Nostradamus' Multiverse, a mostly randomized BTB.
WWE Superstars from across multiple timelines converge here to compete within, what Vince McMahon is calling, "A Creative New Direction".
Faces old, new, and forgotten will appear. Rosters may change in some way over time. The timeline takes into consideration most history between the years 2004-2022.
Other pieces of history will be used as necessary to advance the writing.
Under the guidance of two new Commissioners, both RAW and SmackDown! will battle for supremacy over one another; trying to gain an upper hand by any means necessary.
Everything, and everyone, will be fueled by fate. What you read is written not solely by my hand, but guided by whatever higher powers control this wonderful kayfabe world.
All are booked appropriately (barring obvious IRL exceptions), regardless of my personal opinions on the wrestler.


Undisputed Champion


William Regal
1. William Regal




World Heavyweight Champion


Sasha Banks
1. Sasha Banks

Intercontinental Champion


Cody Rhodes
1. Cody Rhodes




WWE Champion


Seth Rollins
1. Seth Rollins



Austin Theory
1. Austin Theory


Free Agents have a chance to appear on either show and have a slightly less likely chance of winning, although not impossible.
This list is fluid, which means any of them may be signed to a brand at any point if needed or if a story calls for it.

Kerwin White 0-0-0
Gail Kim 0-0-0
Bull Dempsey (Bull Fit) 0-0-0
Hornswoggle 0-0-0
MVP 0-0-0
Daniel Bryan (YES! Movement) 0-0-0
Cesaro (007) 0-0-0
CM Punk 0-0-0
WALTER 0-0-0
The Rock (Hollywood) 0-0-0
Stone Cold Steve Austin 0-0-0
Wade Barrett 0-0-0
Kharma 0-0-0
Finlay (He loves to fight) 0-0-0
Giant Ninja Omos 0-0-0
Sarray 0-0-0
Eric Young (SANITY) 0-0-0
Mr. Kennedy 0-1-0
"Glorious" Bobby Roode 0-0-0
Asuka 0-0-0

AJ Styles​
Austin Theory​
Becky Lynch​
Brock Lesnar​
Cody Rhodes​
Curt Hawkins​
Dominik Dijakovic​
Dustin Rhodes​
Heath Slater​
Ilja Dragunov​
Io Shirai​
Kairi Sane​
Keith Lee​
Kevin Owens​
Kurt Angle​
Lince Dorado​
Mason Ryan​
Mustafa Ali​
Sami Zayn​
Samoa Joe​
Sarah Logan​
Sasha Banks​
Seth Rollins​
William Regal​

*More stats/records to be added in the future*​
Last edited:


White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
Brooklyn, NY
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(I recommend scrolling slowly, because I'm not about to deal with putting Spoiler tags in this. Enjoy!)

Episode 1 – Draft Day


As the theme song to Monday Night RAW plays, pyrotechnics go off on the stage. The setup looks just like the WWE Thunderdome, except there is a crowd in place of the virtual audience boards. There is a new RAW logo on the left side of the stage with a podium in front of it and a red spotlight casted onto it. Opposite that on the right side of the stage is the same setup but with a new SmackDown! Logo and a blue spotlight.

Farther to the left, near the crowd, stands a lifted commentary table. At commentary are the loveable duo of veteran commentator Michael Cole and the ever-excitable Pat McAfee. They smile at the camera with Pat also rocking out to “Across The Nation”.

Cole: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Monday Night RAW. With Pat McAfee, I’m Michael Cole, and today is going to be a huge day in WWE history.

Pat: Oh yeah, if you love drama, if you love surprises, if you love chaos and controversy, then you’re going to want to marry tonight’s episode of RAW!

Cole: I’m excited for tonight, maybe not as much as Pat-

Pat: I’m ready to propose!

Cole: And definitely not as excited as the fans in attendance and the millions watching at home will be in just a few moments. Tonight, on a historic episode of Monday Night RAW, we’re going into what WWE Chairman and CEO Mr. McMahon has described as a “creative new direction”.

Pat: That’s right, we’re going to be getting some new bosses here tonight! Both RAW and SmackDown! Are going to be getting new commissioners, and on top of that, both commissioners are going to be drafting WWE Superstars to their new rosters.

Cole: We might be seeing stars that have been away for a while, some fresh new faces and perhaps some shocking individuals we could have never expected.

Pat: And we can’t forget what’s probably the biggest news, Michael!

Cole: And what would that be?

Pat: We’re crowning new champions! Not only are the new commissioners getting brand new rosters, but they will be personally crowning two champions each. And then even huge-er news-

Cole: Uh, huge-er isn’t a word, Pat.

Pat: It is now Cole, because this is such a big deal! In even huge-er news, both brands will also be sharing an Undisputed Championship!

Cole: That’s right, in a manner that will be described during the draft, both brands will be fighting for control over the Undisputed Championship. It will come with a few perks that benefit both the title holder and the brand they are on.

Pat: Some epic stuff going on tonight guys, but without any further stalling, here’s the host of tonight’s draft!

Onto the stage, with microphone in hand, comes the Harvard Law School graduate, David Otunga.

The audience might as well be a sea of ghosts as boos rain down onto a smiling Otunga. He mouth’s the words “thank you, thank you” as his theme song fades but the boos remain.

Otunga: Wow, you all really missed me, huh?

The audience boos even louder in response to his smugness.

Otunga: Ok listen, listen.. You all don’t have to like me, but you’re damn sure going to respect me. Not only am I a former WWE Tag-Team Champion, not only am I a Harvard educated lawyer, but I am now, officially, Mr. McMahon’s personally appointed Special Counsel to the Commissioners of both RAW and SmackDown!, so I will be shown the respect that I deserve.

The boos grow even louder and a chant of “No! No! No!” breaks out.

Pat: Would this technically make him the second most powerful man in the company?

Cole: In his mind, maybe.

Otunga: Now, with that being said, I am also your host for tonight’s draft. By the power entrusted to me by Mr. McMahon, allow me to explain how Draft Day is going to play out. There is a large free agent draft pool that both commissioners will be picking from. Of this draft pool, a total of thirty will be chosen, leaving approximately twenty Superstars undrafted. The number of undrafted Superstars may or may not be a little higher or lower than that number. The thirty Superstars that are drafted are split between the two shows, which means each show will have fifteen Superstars. There will be three rounds and in each round the commissioners will choose five Superstars, again, making a total of fifteen for each show and thirty in total. Are you all following me? I know some of you aren’t good with numbers, so I hope you’re following me.

The crowd boos David Otunga once again.

Pat: man, they love him, they REALLY love him.

Otunga: Calm down, calm down. Geez, you all are so uncivilized. Anyway, at the end of each round there will be a match. Those matches will feature one Superstar from each brand that was drafted in that round. Perhaps those matches might help the commissioners choose their champions, perhaps it won’t. But it will factor into the Undisputed Championship. That will be explained later in the draft, however. With the explanation out of the way, I’m sure you’re all eager to find out exactly who the new commissioners are, right?

The crowd cheers in anticipation.

Otunga: I won’t keep you waiting any longer. To kick it off, ladies and gentlemen, the new Commissioner of Monday Night RAW!...

To a raucous mix of surprise, excitement and hatred, the song “I’m Back” blares throughout the arena as the new Commissioner of Monday Night RAW, Eric Bischoff, makes his way onto the stage highlighting his cheek dimples with his fingers. He walks over to David Otunga and shakes his hand before motioning to the RAW Draft Podium and making his way over to it.

Otunga: What a surprise, right? Relax everyone, you’ll all be hearing from Eric Bischoff in just a few moments, but as Mr. McMahon’s Appointed Special Counsel to the Commissioners, it would be incredibly unfair if I didn’t allow the Commissioner of SmackDown! to be present for any of Eric’s remarks, and vice-versa. So, introducing the new Commissioner of Friday Night SmackDown!...

An unfamiliar song plays for a while and the crowd doesn’t know how to react. Confused and curious, they stare at the entryway as a graphic pops up on the screen and the crowd gives a similar reaction as they did to Bischoff, albeit with a few more cheers than boos.

Pat: With a dope and fitting new theme song, it’s Paul f’n Heyman! I can’t believe he’s been given this much power!

Paul Heyman stands on the stage, his hands folded in front of him. After surveying the arena, he walks towards David Otunga, who holds out his hand. Paul mouths “you want me to shake that?” and then laughs as he shakes his head and walks to the SmackDown! Draft Podium and his music fades.

Otunga: I don’t know who you think you are, Paul, but I’ll have you know-

Heyman: I’ll have you know that I do not care what you are about to say, I do not care to hear you speak whatsoever, unfortunately I have to for the duration of the draft, and I do not care to shake your hand when it’s probably been wiping Vince McMahon’s ass, considering that’s the only way you could get the position you were about to so flagrantly flaunt. But please, spare me, and continue on with Draft Day, please.

Bischoff: Wow, Paul, some things never change, do they? How the hell have you been?

Heyman: Oh I’d rather be anywhere than here on RAW, simply because it’s your show, but other than that, I’m just peachy, Eric.

Bischoff: Just as loveable as always. Oh, uh please, Mr. Otunga, continue. On behalf of Paul Heyman, I would like to apologize for my co-worker’s comments. You’re doing a fine job, a great job I might even say.

Paul Heyman shakes his head in disgust and mockingly makes kissy faces at Otunga and Bischoff.

Otunga: Thank you Eric, I appreciate that. I see that we’ll have a great working relationship. Paul…I see that I’ll have a whole heap of paperwork on you when I report back to Mr. McMahon during my periodic evaluations.

David Otunga walks over to Eric Bischoff’s podium and stands there, leaning on it.

Draft Round 1

Otunga: So Eric, because of the kindness you’ve shown me, I’m going to allow you to get the very first pick of Draft Day. Who’s it going to be? A huge star? A relative unknown? A former champion or a somebody on the other end of that spectrum?

Bischoff: I’ll tell you what Mr. Otunga, my first pick might not be known by everyone here. This is a man that definitely has a bright future in this company and could be a major player on RAW, not SmackDown!, of course. Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce to you my first of five picks this round, Dominik Dijakovic!


Otunga: What a fine pick! Those that tune in to RAW are sure to amazed by this superior specimen. I’m sorry Paul, I really don’t know how you can top that, but go ahead and try.

Bischoff: Who you got Paul, who you got?

Paul Heyman stares at Eric Bischoff and David Otunga, with an almost confused look on his face.

Bischoff: What? What is it?

Heyman: I’m sorry, I thought I was dying for a second. I-I-I started seeing this-this light, this bright white light, but then I got to the end of that bright white light and almost got pushed back because it wasn’t my time. And-and, here’s the weird thing…I got pushed backwards, almost falling to the ground, but I was caught. I was caught by the comforting arms and aura of my first pick. It might not be as big as your savior of a pick in Dominik Dijakovic…it’s actually bigger, you pick wasting idiot. My pick is the Friday Night Messiah, Seth Rollins!


Cole: Woah, would you look at the face of Eric Bischoff! He’s shocked!

Pat: he’s probably wishing he chose some bigger star power for his first pick right now, Seth Rollins is a huge first get for Paul Heyman.

Bischoff: Ok! Ok! Wait a minute, wait a minute…my next pick is up there with Seth Rollins, arguably he’s better than Seth Rollins! My second pick is the Prizefighter, Kevin Owens!


Heyman: Am I feeling a little bit of a panic pick in your tone of voice? I’ll admit, that’s a great pick actually, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want Kevin Owens. Let me put you at a little bit of ease with my second pick, but still keep you on your toes. My second pick is one hell of a Role Model, ladies and gentlemen, coming to SmackDown! is Bayley!


Otunga: Can’t disagree with that pick Eric, Bayley is a pretty good one. What’s your response?

Bischoff: My response? My response?! Well I think my response is how stupid can you be?! Sure, she’s fantastic, but when you think about Bayley, there’s somebody else that comes to mind that is far superior to her. In fact, you could even say that she is The Blueprint of modern-day women’s wrestling. Please welcome to RAW, my third picks, The Boss, Sasha banks!


Cole: Looks like RAW’s timeslot is now Boss Time!

Pat: You couldn’t resist it, huh?

Otunga: Ohhh, Sasha Banks off the board. Paul, do you have an answer to that?

Heyman: Honestly, not yet, no. So I’m going to do something Eric mistakenly did for his first pick, and that’s choose someone that the fans might not be expecting. My third pick is the Viking Warrior, Sarah Logan.


Eric Bischoff and David Otunga burst out laughing. They stop laughing, look at each other, smile, and burst out laughing even harder a second time.

Bischoff: I’m-I’m sorry, but WOW! You said I wasted a pick, but my God, what a waste that is! I’ve never even heard of her!

Heyman: But you will soon, and that’s the point Eric.

Bischoff: Sure, whatever. Oh that’s rich. Hey, Mr. Otunga, do you want to know what else is rich?

Otunga: What would that be Eric?

Bischoff: Me! When my next pick starts shoveling in mountains of cash from all the stellar, five-star classics he’ll put on every night! My fourth pick is the Wrestling Machine, Olympic Gold Medalist, Kurt Angle!


Bischoff: Beat that one Heyman!

Heyman:…… Samoa Joe.


Pat: Wow! Two back-to-back blockbuster picks!

Cole: Two absolute heavy hitting, main event players right there.

Otunga: Woah ok you two, let’s spread out these big picks a little more, alright? Why don’t we go to the bottom of your lists for your next picks? Like, maybe the bottom five of your considerations.

Heyman: In that case, I think I’m going to give a little bit of a handout. Some charity, if you will. Goodwill, even. This man has some…potential, but if I’m being sincere, I’m really giving him this job because he needs it. He’s got kids for Christ’s sake! Ladies and gentlemen my final pick of the first round, Heath Slater!


Bischoff: I still absolutely need to one-up you, so I’m going to go with a friend of Heath’s actually. In fact, I believe he was a friend of yours at one point too Mr. Otunga. I guess you can say he’s the nexus of a few different relationships. My final pick of round one, is Mason Ryan.


Otunga: Alright gentlemen, with the first round of picks done. It is now time for you both to select one of the five from this round to compete in a match. So please write down your picks, I will collect them and announce who they are.

Both Eric Bischoff and Paul Heyman write down their picks, occasionally locking eyes with one another. They both finish writing their picks down and David Otunga retrieves them both before going to the center of the stage.

Otunga stares at both papers with a shocked look on his face, caught off guard by the names.

Otunga: I don’t know if you two somehow planned this telepathically or something, but you two chose a perfect match to go on first tonight. Ladies and gentlemen, for the first matchup tonight, representing Monday Night RAW will be… Sasha Banks!

Pat: Ok, ok, solid, solid.

Otunga: And representing Friday Night SmackDown! is Bayley!

Cole: he was right, talk about a perfect pairing!

Pat: This is going to kick so much ass!

Sasha Banks vs Bayley

Sasha Banks comes onto the stage and walks over to the Raw Draft Podium where Eric Bischoff stands. She jokingly puts her shades onto Bischoff’s head, shakes his hand and continues down the ramp as the fans boo this display.

Finkel: The following contest is an inter-promotional match scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Boston, Massachusetts, she is “The Boss”, Sasha Banks!

Finishing up her normal entrance, she removes her jacket and stands in the ring, facing the ramp.

Bayley makes her way out and stands in the middle of the stage. She looks over at Paul Heyman and the two exchange a head nod before she continues down the ramp.

Finkel: And her opponent. From San Jose, California, she is “The Role model”, Bayley!

Getting into the ring, and looking for an upper hand on Sasha, Bayley takes off her jacket and tosses it at Sasha’s face! She follows this up by tackling her down to the mat and unleashing a flurry of strikes before Sasha manages to wriggle free and roll out of the ring. In the meantime, the referee rings the bell.

Pat: The Role Model leading by example and setting the tone for the night! Fortune favors the bold!

With Sasha using the announce table to get up, Bayley exits the ring and attempts to grab “The Boss” by the hair, but she’s elbowed in the gut for her efforts. The moment now in her favor, Sasha powers Bayley towards the apron, slamming her back first into it. After a few more blows to return the strikes from earlier, Sasha rolls Bayley back into the ring.

Sasha makes her way to the top rope and jumps off, landing a big Frog Splash resulting in a two count. Both ladies get to their feet, Bayley being in the corner, Sasha running towards her looking for double knees to the chest, but Bayley manages to get out of the way just in time, causing Sasha to bounce off the turnbuckle and roll backwards onto the mat. Seeing Sasha on her knees, Bayley guns in and whacks Sasha hard, high on the back, with a clubbing forearm. Bayley goes for the pin, getting just a one count.

Sasha still being dazed, gets taken advantage of as Bayley begins slapping the back of her head, following that up with a stomp to the stomach. She screams at the crowd, belittling Sasha Banks, who suddenly springs to life with a roll up! One! Two! Bayley kicks out, but Sasha uses the momentum to turn it into the Bank Statement! She wrenches back with Bayley yelling in pain and struggling to find a way out of the move. Eventually, Bayley manages to maneuver her body enough to get a foot onto the ropes, making Sasha release the hold.

Bayley heads under the ropes and uses them to come to a standing position on the apron. Sasha comes over and grabs Bayley by the head, but she’s reversed and grabbed by her head as Bayley hops off the apron, sending Sasha throat first onto the rope. Bayley quickly slides into the ring, pushing the referee out of the way, and grabs Sasha from behind by her arms. She picks Sasha in the air, but this is scouted, as Sasha rolls Bayley forward into a pin attempt. This is kicked out of at two and both women get to their feet, with Sasha slapping Bayley in the face, throwing her off momentarily. This is just enough to turn Bayley around and hit her with a Backstabber! And now into a Bank Statement again!

The referee gets in close to ask Bayley if she wants to quit and Bayley is flailing her arms every which way, “accidently” catching the referee in the eyes! The referee holds their face, losing all focus on the match, and Bayley takes advantage by yanking at Sasha’s hair, forcing a break of the hold. Still holding onto Sasha’s hair, Bayley wraps it around Sasha’s eyes, completely blinding her, and hits a Bayley to Belly!

Bayley scurries over to the referee to get them focused back on the match. She then goes to the top rope and jumps off, landing her signature elbow drop. She goes into the pin, getting the three count and the win!

Finkel: Here is the winner of the match, SmackDown! Superstar, “The Role Model”, Bayley!

Bayley leaves the ring and makes her way up the ramp and towards the podium of Eric Bischoff. Bragging about her win, and profanely belittling RAW, Bayley is on top of the world…until she isn’t. From behind her, Sasha Banks runs up and punches her in the back of the head! Caught off guard, Bayley is grabbed by the hair and almost whipped around like a bag of rocks, as she is tossed off the RAW stage!

Cole: Oh my lord! Sasha tossing Bayley off the stage!

Pat: And that’s why you don’t play games with The Boss, when she’s the one that makes the rules!

Bayley weakly rolls around in pain as Sasha Banks looks over her handiwork before retrieving her shades from Bischoff and walking to the back. We head to a break.

Draft Round 2

Otunga: Now that we’ve cleaned up and settled down out here, it’s time for the second round of Draft Day. In the spirit of fairness, albeit reluctant fairness, I think it would only be right to let Mr. Heyman have the first pick of the second round. What do you say, Eric?

Bischoff: Seeing as one of his picks might already need to be replaced, I think it’s perfectly fair.

Heyman: I’m going to cut off Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dumbass right there and just get on to my pick. Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to re-introduce you to a man that certainly is more than capable in the ring. A man that is criminally underrated and would most-certainly be underused by my poor competition over there. This is a man with a great vision for himself, for all of you and for this grand country. While on SmackDown!, please allow this man to give you his vision for a more perfect union...Ladies and gentlemen I give to you Mustafa Ali!


Pat: Certainly not a bad pick at all, if I was building my own wrestling promotion, I would put Mustafa Ali amongst the top of my list to carry my company.

Cole: A very good way to start off the second round indeed, I’m curious just how Eric Bischoff looks to respond.

Bischoff: Hey, alright, I’ll give credit where it’s due Paul. That’s a fine pick, a very fine pick indeed. You brought up something that I want to touch on, and that’s being more than capable in the ring. When I think of a trait like that, I tend to think of people like Rey Mysterio. People like Tajiri. People like Sabu. These smaller Superstars that are incredibly captivating in the ring. With that being said, I’d like to give another opportunity, similar to my first, first pick. My first pick of the second round, an incredible masked wrestler, Lince Dorado!


Cole: Speaking of great in-ring talent, the Golden Lynx is amazing between the ropes. The way he strings moves together and soars through the air is definitely up there with some of the best of all time.

Otunga: Alright you two, I propose another interesting stipulation. For your next picks, I want someone a little eccentric. Somebody that might be out of the ordinary in one way or another. Somebody-

Heyman: Shut up and let me get this pick out of the way. My next pick is, ahem….FAAAAAANDAAAAAANGOOOOOOO!


Heyman: I’ve always wanted to do that. It’s just as fun as I thought it would be.

Bischoff: That’s your eccentric pick?! Oh boy, Paul, I’m sorry to absolutely slaughter you with my next pick. This woman is a pirate extraordinaire, shiver your timbers, for Kairi Sane!


Otunga: Certainly exactly what I asked for, buuuuut I do think that Eric got just a little more in that one. Let’s throw another curveball that isn’t so limiting here, because I’m fair.

Bischoff: So fair.

Otunga: So fair, yes. For this next one, I want you two to both randomize your lists and see who comes up first. Use the little tablets at your podiums, it’s all setup for you both. Heyman, you get the honors of going first. Let’s see what poor soul you’ve drawn.

Paul Heyman swipes a few times on his tablet and taps a few times on the screen. He waits for the result to pop up, with an annoyed expression on his face. The tablet makes a dinging noise and Paul’s expression completely changes to one of almost chaotic joy.

Bischoff: What? Who is it?

Heyman laughs mockingly in the direction of Bischoff.

Otunga: Paul, just tell us who-

Heyman: The Animal! Batista!


A look of disbelief flashes on both the faces of Bischoff and Otunga.

Bischoff: Just you wait! I’ve got an answer for that! My pick…is a monster! It’s…it’s a beast! It’s one of the greatest champions in all of WWE history! My pick is!....

Bischoff taps on the screen of his tablet and a roster graphic pops up.


Pat: It’s Cody Rhodes! That’s not a bad pick at all, honestly. Solid workhorse and he’s championship material.

Cole: Yeah but, Cody Rhodes is definitely not on the level of Batista. I think a little bit of karma came to bite Eric.

Pat: And it got him right in the ass!

Otunga: Ok, no more of that! Let’s just get to another normal selection for the rest of this round. Heyman, go ahead.

Heyman: Now that you’re sufficiently “shook” as the current generation would say, I think that I’ll go a little easy on you. But not too easy, however. My next pick is the “Great Liberator”! Sami Zayn!


Bischoff: Seeing as you’ve probably blown your load for this round on your actual selected picks, I think I’ll save my best one for last. So for my fourth pick, I’m going a little off the beaten path and choosing…Curt Hawkins.


Otunga: We are now down to the final two picks of the second round. Gentlemen remember, after this you must each select one Superstar from this round to compete for your show in the next match. Please continue with your final picks.

Heyman: If I hadn’t randomly gotten Batista, thank you for that one Mr. Otunga, then I think my next pick would have been the best of this round. Regardless of that, my final pick is magnificent in her own right and will be sure to takeover the skies of SmackDown! Ladies and gentlemen, Io Shirai!


Bischoff: Blah blah blah, oooo Io Shirai. You know what Paul, she might have potential, but my final second round pick has nothing less than limitless potential. Because my final pick for this round is none other than “Limitless” Keith Lee!


Giving the Commissioners time to choose their match participants, we cut to backstage where Christy Hemme is standing with an irate Sasha banks.

Hemme: Sasha, you took a loss on the-

Sasha snatches the mic out of Christy’s hand.

Sasha: Let’s get something straight here. That bitch Bayley did not win! Who’s still standing? Me. Who’s the one here doing this interview? Me. Who’s the one getting taken away on a stretcher after getting her ass tossed off the stage like trash? Bayley! And Eric, I better get the damn recognition I deserve on this show. I know you liked what you saw. Do the right thing.

Sasha shoves the mic back towards Christy and the scene goes back to the RAW stage.

Pat: What does she mean by “the right thing”?

Cole: I have no idea, Pat.

Otunga: Ladies and gentlemen, the Commissioners have given me their selections for this next match. Representing Monday Night RAW will be…

David Otunga opens a small piece of paper.

Otunga: “Dashing” Cody Rhodes. And representing Friday Night SmackDown!...

Otunga opens the other small paper.

Otunga: Will be Io Shirai!

Cody Rhodes vs Io Shirai

Cody Rhodes jogs out onto the stage, wiping a finger on his mustache and snapping his head in a showoff-y manner. He makes his way down the ramp to an audience not-too-thrilled to see him, but still chanting “Cody’s Mustache!”.

Finkel: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Making his way to the ring, from Marietta, Georgia, “Dashing” Cody Rhodes!

Cody Rhodes stands in the ring, removing his entrance attire and bouncing to his theme music. He walks by Howard Finkel and snatches the microphone right out of his hands.

Cody: If there’s something I’ve learned from all my experience in this business…it’s that my new boss, Eric Bischoff, the great man that he is, appreciates two things…one of those things being controversy, and the other thing being a person that shows no mercy. On top of being dashingly good looking, I’m going to show all of you, Eric Bischoff, and Io Shirai, that those two qualities I mentioned before…are exactly the reasons why I will be the flag bearer for Monday Night RAW. And Eric, we’re going to show Paul Heyman –

Interrupting Cody Rhodes, Io Shirai explodes onto the stage when the beat drops in her music. Looking almost manic, she erratically moves her arms and body about oddly in tune with her theme song.

Finkel: And his opponent, from Tokyo, Japan, Io Shirai!

Io Shirai slides into the ring, pops up to her feet and screams in Cody Rhodes face, before going to the corner and doing more of her schtick on the top rope…. When Cody comes from behind, yanks her off the top rope, bends her backwards and drills her with a Cross-Rhodes!

Pat: No! That’s not fair! He caught her when she wasn’t paying attention!

Cole: Cody intending to back up his words, that’s my guess here!

Cody walks around Io and puts on a giant smile while laughing. He looks at the referee and yells to ring the bell, which the referee does. Cody Rhodes then picks up the limp Io Shirai, puts her in position once again and hits her with another Cross-Rhodes! But he isn’t done as he repeats the process again, hitting a third Cross-Rhodes! The audience is extremely loud with the boos as Cody soaks in the reaction and goes for the pin. He gets the three count as the crowd continues to boo him.

Cole: Well even if it is a tainted victory, Cody Rhodes gets the win for RAW. This puts the shows at one win a piece tonight.

Pat: Speaking of wins, I actually think it’s time to explain the Undisputed Championship. Let’s go back to Mr. McMahon’s Appointed Special Counsel to the Commissioners, David Otunga.

Undisputed Championship Explanation & Draft Round 3

Otunga: As mentioned earlier in the show, it’s time to explain how the Undisputed Championship will work. Make sure you’re following along people, I’m only going to say all of this once. Ahem, the Undisputed Championship is a cross-brand championship. This means that any Superstar from any show is eligible to hold this Championship. Under normal circumstances, whichever brand holds the Undisputed Championship will have the luxury of choosing the stipulation of each match the championship is defended in, and that stipulation can be just about anything. The challenging brand will be able to select any Superstar on their roster to compete for the championship, with the only rule being that it cannot be their individual World Champion at the time of the match starting. Secondary champions, however, are allowed to compete in these matches, with the agreement that, if the situation should arise, they might have to compete twice in one night. Since the Undisputed Championship is currently without ownership, for tonight only, both shows will be able to select a representative for this match. The match stipulation will be chosen by the brand that has the most wins tonight. With them being tied at one a piece, the third match will decide who chooses the stipulation for the main event.

Pat: This championship certainly holds a ton of power and bragging rights.

Cole: Whoever holds it can say, without a shadow of a doubt, they are the top Superstar on the top brand in the WWE.

Pat: I wish I was still wrestling Cole, I think I’d have a shot at it!

Cole: You’d be put through the ring by Batista, Pat.

Otunga: Now, let’s get on to the final round of Draft Day. This round, we’re going to change it up a little bit. There will still be five picks, but they will be announced two-two-one. So, two at a time, and then your final pick. Do the Commissioners both understand?

Paul Heyman and Eric Bischoff both nod, signaling they understand how the last round will play out.

Otunga: Ok, Mr. Heyman, since Eric finished us off last time, why don’t you begin?

Heyman: Firstly, the thought of Eric “finishing” someone off is perhaps the most nauseating thing to ever grace your lips, since Vince McMahon’s ass.

Otunga stares at Paul with a “really” type of look filling his face.

Heyman: I digress from your extracurricular activities, Mr. Otunga. I think I would rather let Eric go first, I mean he did win the last match, after all.

Otunga: Ignoring your insult, maybe you do have a little bit of class in you, since you’re letting the arguably better man here between the two of you, go first. Eric, if you would, please.

Bischoff: My pleasure. You know, I think that I want to go across the pond for my next few picks. I’m feeling a little giddy about these next two, honestly. My next two picks are the Irish sensation, Becky Lynch! And Moscow’s toughest athlete, Ilja Dragunov!


Heyman: I-I-I-I’m being quite honest right here, I just don’t have much left. We’ve gone back and forth and you have some great picks indeed, this is making it tough for me…You know what, I’ll start off this round with two random picks, may I do that?

Otunga: Yes! Go right ahead! I’d love nothing more!

Heyman: Let’s test my luck again…..and I have….


Pat: Heyman got Mitch of the Spirit Squad and the smoking hot Aksana!

Cole: Luck was not on his side this time around.

Eric Bischoff is almost celebrating at his podium witnessing the disappointment in Heyman’s face.

Bischoff: Oh that’s great, Paul! Hell I think you’ve got your champions right there! You know what? I think I’m just going to piss you off some more, because my next two picks are legends in this business in their own rights. Ladies and gentlemen, I select…William Regal and “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles!


Bischoff: Beat that, Paul!

Heyman rubs his face, looking lost…but is he really?

Heyman: I’m going to do a little bit of a 50/50 here…by that I mean I’m going to choose a young, up and coming Superstar…and someone that the fans might have forgotten about, but it is a fantastic damn hand to have in any promotion on this planet. My next two picks are “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes and a man that can go “all day”, Austin Theory!


Bischoff: I actually kind of wanted Austin Theory, you beat me to the punch there, Paul. So, I’m going to have to hit you low. I’m going to have to go after someone personal to you. Someone that, arguably, I can say you love. Someone that, in this business, was a huge deal for you. I’m taking one of your toys, Paul, I’m picking Rhyno!


Heyman holds onto his chest, slams his hand down onto his podium and then puts his head down, all in an exaggerated manner. He feigns a lip quiver before doing a deep sigh and leaning in closer to the microphone.

Heyman: Eric…that stings. That really does sting, I do love Rhyno. Rhyno and ECW were two peas in a pod. I don’t know how I’m going to recover from this….

After a brief pause, and a knowing look from Paul Heyman...

The faces of Eric Bischoff and David Otunga absolutely drop to the fucking floor when the theme song of Brock Lesnar blares through the arena. An evil grin is on the face of Paul Heyman as the crowd loses their mind when Brock Lesnar, with the appearance of a Viking-lumberjack, slowly makes his way out onto the stage in jeans, a white shirt, and a light brown jacket.

Lesnar walks over to David Otunga, who can’t look The Beast in the eyes, and moves to hide behind Eric Bischoff. Lesnar, having a bit of fun, pretends to come at Bischoff, who jumps back and bumps into Otunga, making them both stumble and fall. Lesnar walks over to Heyman and the two give each other a big hug, much to the excitement of the audience in attendance. Lesnar then makes his way down the ramp and into the ring.

Third SmackDown! vs Raw Match – Tiebreaker

Heyman: Well, Brock’s in the ring, Eric. Why don’t you choose one of your final five, now. Please, we don’t have all night.

Bischoff and Otunga scramble to their feet and converse frantically. Finally, Eric goes back to his podium and shakily speaks.

Bischoff: I….Send out Ilja Dragunov!

Marching out comes Ilja Dragunov, prime for war. He goes straight past both the Commissioners and David Otunga, intimidating eyes fixated on the casually dressed Brock Lesnar.

Finkel: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Already in the ring, from Minneapolis, Minnesota, Brock Lesnar! And making his way to the ring… from Moscow, Russia, Ilja Dragunov!

Dragunov enters the ring and stares Brock Lesnar in the eyes in the middle of the ring. He quickly moves away from brock and heads to the turnbuckle, doing orchestral arm motions, which the crowd responds with in turn. He looks over his shoulder, bringing his attention back to Lesnar. He hops down from the turnbuckle and removes his coat in almost one seamless motion and once again stares down brock Lesnar.

Dragunov yells at Brock Lesnar, but the fans are so loud that it is impossible to tell what he’s saying. The referee rings the bell.

Cole: I think this kid is in way over his head here.

Pat: Give him a chance, Ilja has the fire-Oh like that!

As McAfee was talking, Dragunov slaps the ever-living-shit out of Brock Lesnar, but the beast responds by quickly getting behind Ilja and tossing him with a German Suplex.

Pat: That’s the first!

Cole: And here comes the second!

Brock hits a second German Suplex in the man from Moscow, throwing him for a loop. Brock gets up and does an almost primal scream, then turns around…right into the path of a charging Ilja Dragunov, Torpedo Moscow! The wild running headbutt connects and drops The Beast!

Ilja runs to another corner and sizes up Lesnar, shouting at him to get up. Once Brock does, Ilja charges, once again connecting with Torpedo Moscow! He goes for the pin! One! Two! And Brock Lesnar kicks out, but is still dazed!

While he’s still trying to get up, Ilja lays in a combination of chops, punches, forearms, slaps and elbows to the back and head of Lesnar to keep him down. One more time, Ilja retreats to a corner to set up for Torpedo Moscow. Brock gets to his feet and Ilja charges, jumping for the headbutt, but is caught out of mid-air and dropped with an absolutely devastating F-5! Brock goes in for the win. One…two…

Thr—by the grace of whatever god you, and he, believe in, Ilja Dragunov kicks out of the F-5! The crowd go crazy, chanting “Holy Shit! Holy Shit! Holy Shit!”.

Cole: How in the hell did he kick out of a Brock Lesnar F-5?!

Pat: This kid’s got more heart, guts and grit than he does brain! He’s the toughest man from Moscow for a damn reason!

Brock sits up, shocked, but almost appreciating and respecting Ilja Dragunov. He stands as Ilja struggles to get to his feet. Red-faced and shaking, Ilja grabs on to the jeans and jacket of Lesnar. Helping him up, perhaps not how Ilja wants, Brock once again lifts him up on his shoulders and hits another ring-shaking F-5.

Lesnar looks over at the RAW stage, staring at Eric Bischoff. He points at him and then shakes his finger in a “no” gesture. He walks back over to the lifeless body of Dragunov, lifts him by his trunks and basically throws him onto his shoulders. He hits a third, statements making F-5. Standing with one foot on Ilja’s chest, Lesnar gets the three count and the win.

Heyman: Here is your winner, SmackDown!’s final draft pick, BRRRROOOCK…LLLLEEESSSNAR!


The show goes to break as Brock Lesnar walks back up the ramp, smiling towards Paul Heyman.

Crowning The First Champions

We come back seeing Renee Paquette standing backstage with a microphone in hand.

Renee: Ladies and gentlemen, tonight has been momentous to say the least. We just saw Brock Lesnar secure the deciding win for Friday Night SmackDown!, which means they will get the advantage of choosing the stipulation for the Undisputed Championship match. Speaking of championships, in just a matter of moments, both Commissioners will be crowning their inaugural champions in the middle of the ring. Anyone on their rosters are eligi-

A sudden loud whistle is heard from somewhere off screen…and into the frame jumps Mitch, now the one man Spirit Squad.

Mitch: R-E-N-E-E, what’s that spell!?

He waits for a response that he does not get.

Mitch: I said…What’s that spell?!

Renee reluctantly replies.

Renee: My name.

Mitch: You’re supposed to actually yell out your name, Renee! How am I supposed to spread good cheer and a winning attitude, when people like you just suck so much?! Like, geez, c’mon Renee! You know what, we’ll try again another time. Actually, maybe, next time I’ll de draped in GOLD! Could you imagine that Renee?! Mitch, World Champion! Gosh, that has such a nice ring to it. I’ll be as big of a star as you seem to think you are, you pompous-

He stops talking as another Superstar comes into frame.

Fandango: Hey. What were you going to say to her? You better be respecting the lady.

Mitch: What’s it to you, pal?

Fandango: Hmph. You know what. I’ll speak to Paul. See you on SmackDown!

Fandango walks away.

Mitch: Who the hell was that guy?!

Fandango jumps back into frame.


He hits Mitch on the head with the microphone and saunters away as the scene crossfades to show the ring.

David Otunga’s music is playing as he stands in the ring with both the Commissioner of Monday night RAW, Eric Bischoff, and the Commissioner of Friday Night SmackDown!, Paul Heyman. His music fades away as he begins to speak.

Otunga: It is now time for the Commissioners to formally crown their champions. Here is how this will go. They will start by announcing their secondary champions, those will be the Intercontinental Champion on RAW, and the United States Champion on SmackDown! Once those proceedings are done, they will then crown their primary champions, those will be the WWE Champion on SmackDown! and the World Heavyweight Champion on RAW. Finally, they will then announce their participants for the Undisputed Championship match, as well Paul Heyman announcing the stipulation, and that will take place immediately after. With that being said, I would like Eric Bischoff to start off by announcing his very first Intercontinental Champion.

Eric Bischoff steps forward, microphone in hand. He obnoxiously taps it, making a thud noise go around the arena.

Bischoff: Being an Intercontinental Champion means that you are the workhorse of the brand. You are the one that can be called on to do the tough jobs and show out in whatever way you do best, whenever you are called upon. This means I need my champion to be someone of high morals and integrity. Without any further ado, I would like to announce to you your new Intercontinental Champion, Cody Rhodes!

The audience boos as his name is announced.

Bischoff: Now he would come out here right now, but I texted him shortly before stepping into this ring, and because of how you all are being so callously rude to him, he will not be gracing you with his presence for a second time tonight.

The audience cheers at these words, not wanting to see Cody again.

Bischoff: Paul, why don’t you announce whoever your lackluster United States Champion is.

Heyman: With pleasure, you absolute doofus. I’m going to forego the long speech for this one. Your new United States Champion, an up and coming star, Austin Theory!

Austin theory comes out onto the stage, looking shocked and overly happy. Hopping up and down like a child for a moment, he jogs down the ramp, stopping short of the ring. He pulls out his cellphone and goes into the ring. Paul Heyman, holding the United States Championship, holds it out to Theory. He puts his hand out mouthing “one second” and slightly kneels down, holding his phone in front of him. With him, the title, and an unamused Heyman in the frame, he snaps a selfie. He retrieves the championship and hops out of the ring, celebrating all the way back up the ramp.

Heyman: Well, I didn’t know what to expect. Kid says nothing, nothing. Great.

Otunga: Uhhh, ok then. Let’s just go on to the next championship presentation, shall we. Paul, since that was kind of an embarrassing display, I think I’ll give you first dibs here. I’m fair, after all.

Bischoff: So fair.

Otunga: So fair, yes. Proceed, Paul.

Heyman: Ahem, I am proud to present to you the man that will bring upon a wave of greatness to Friday Night SmackDown! Your new reigning! Defending! A Messiah for a WWE Champion, Friday Night’s Guiding Light, Seth Rollins!

A quick burst of bright pyro rocks the arena and the theme song of “Friday Night’s Guiding Light” Seth Rollins begins to play. He slowly walks out onto the stage, hands holding onto the lining of a rather fancy red jacket. He outstretches his arms to the side, then transitions to putting one in the air in front of him, before clenching his fist in time with the music. He makes his way down the ramp and into the ring where Paul Heyman bestows upon him the WWE Championship by placing it onto his shoulder. Paul Heyman hands Seth Rollins the microphone.

Rollins: Remember this moment. Ladies and gentlemen, remember this moment. Cherish it. Embrace it, for you are basking in the presence of omnipotence and greatness. You are witnessing the crowning of the first, and only, new WWE Champion of this new era. The era of “Friday Night’s Guiding Light” Seth Rollins! I promise to lead the way for Friday Night SmackDown! and show why we are superior to this…well, this dumpster fire of a show, as I’m sure Eric Bischoff will show over the course of his employment. Which, if Paul and I have our way, will be very short lived. With someone of my stature at the helm, I feel like it’s downright impossible to top this crowning of a true world champion. Eric, please excuse my rambling, haha, I humbly concede the spotlight to you momentarily so that you may crown whatever unfortunate soul has to try and top me. If you would.

Rollins motions for Eric to stand front and center, which he does, with a smile on his face.

Eric: This is actually surprising, Paul. I would’ve expected you to keep Brock Lesnar out here and make him your champion, but you went with Seth Rollins. I can’t say I hate it; I actually love it! I love Seth Rollins! I love him so much in fact, that I can’t disrespect him by presenting a champion that’s lower than his outright godly presence, right? Which brings me to my selection. There was someone I drafted tonight that intrigued me far more than the rest. Someone that is willing to do anything and everything to be the end-all, be-all on RAW and in this entire company. This person is one-hundred and ten percent World Heavyweight Champion material. In fact, I believe they have more balls than Seth Rollins. They definitely have more balls than any other man in the back, they proved it tonight, actually!…Well, I guess I might as well say it outright…they aren’t a man at all, ladies and gentlemen the new World Heavyweight Champion, Sasha Banks!

Pat: What!

Cole: This is astonishing!

Sasha Banks arrives on the stage, mean-mugging the audience. She scans the arena, which is going wild in a multitude of ways over this historic moment. She locks eyes with everyone in the ring and gives a smug grin to match Bischoff’s.

Sasha makes her way down the ramp and into the ring, making it a point to stare at Seth Rollins as she power walks, stomping her feet with authority.

While her music still plays, she enters the ring, snatches the World Heavyweight Championship from an impressed looking Eric Bischoff, and pushes aside David Otunga to stand in the middle of the ring with a grinning Seth Rollins.

He raises his WWE Championship high above Sasha Banks and receives a chorus of boos over Sasha’s theme. Although shorter, she still raises her World Heavyweight Championship above her head, still staring at Seth Rollins. The crowd loves this display, as they wildly cheer Sasha Banks, who could care less about their approval.

This scene fades to black and goes to commercial as her music continues to play.

Undisputed Championship Match

We come back from break and David Otunga stands on the stage ready to speak.

Otunga: Both Commissioners have submitted their picks to compete in the Undisputed Championship match that is about to take place. Before the Superstars come out, however, let’s find out what stipulation Paul Heyman has chosen for this match.

David Otunga opens up a folded piece of official documentation containing the match stipulation.

Otunga: Sorry to take part of your job Fink, but the following contest will be…A Steel Cage Match!

The audience cheers as a Steel Cage is lowered down onto the ring from above.

Otunga: The competitors have been made aware of this match during the break and are prepared to give it all for their brand. Let’s get this match underway, please welcome the man that will be representing Monday Night RAW…

The crowd cheers at the sight of the rugged, tough, English professional wrestling icon, William Regal. He walks down the ramp, mean-faced and ready to put on a clinic.

Finkel: Making his way to the ring, from Blackpool, England, William Regal!

Pat: This is just a treat! Getting to witness the great William Regal do what he does best! I’m so excited!

Cole: Same Pat, William Regal is one of the greatest to ever lace up a pair of boots. There has been almost nothing this man hasn’t been able to turn into absolute gold.

Once in the ring, he removes his jeweled coat and tosses it out the door of the cage. Regal walks to the ramp facing side of the cage and clutches the wall with both of his hands, shaking it before bringing his face close and biting down as the camera zooms in.

He backs off, going to the opposite side of the ring, awaiting his opponent.

Finkel: And his opponent…

Pat: Welp, I know where my money’s going now, I’m all in on The Animal!

Batista makes his way onto the stage, jacked to the gills. Bursting with energy, Batista readies the machine guns and lets them rip as pyro goes off all around him.

Finkel: From Washington, D.C., he is The Animal Batista!

Batista reaches the end of the ramp and bounces up and down as he looks at William Regal in the cage, who stares back and adjusts his wrist tape. Batista heads up the steps and enters the ring, going past Regal to climb the turnbuckle and flex for the crowd. Regal simply glances over at him and moves to the opposite end of the ring.

Batista hops down and examines Regal, sizing him up. The music stops as the two stand eye to eye and the bell rings.

Regal, now sticking his nose up to Batista, moves close enough to bump chests. Batista chuckles a bit, but is very much taking Regal serious. They exchange inaudible words as the crowd chants “BA-TI-STA!, Let’s Go Regal!” over and over.

Regal slaps Batista’s chest with both of his hands and pushes away. The two back away from each other, circle the ring a few times and meet back with a collar-and-elbow tie-up to start the action. Being the bigger and stronger man of the two, Batista shoves Regal down into a roll. He gets back to his feet, adjusts his trunks, and re-engages in the tie-up.

The veteran manages to get behind Batista, holding him around the waist and tripping him to bring him down to the mat. He puts on a grounded hammer lock, wrenching the arm of The Animal. Adding in a little bit of mind games, Regal uses his free hand to slap the back of Batista’s head a few times. Responding to this, Batista powers out of the grounded hammer lock and transitions into a side waist lock, which he then lifts Regal out of, and turns him head over heels for a Gutwrench slam!

He picks Regal up, sends him into the corner and follows after him with a shoulder straight to the gut! He thrusts his shoulder into Regal a few more times. Regal hunches over but is hit with a back elbow to straighten him up. Batista goes to grab Regal by the sides of his head but is poked in the eyes! Batista backs off and turns around, holding his face.

Regal measures his opponent and comes in, going low for a cop block that brings The Animal down to his knees. Seizing the opportunity, Regal positions himself behind Batista and puts him in a Surfboard Stretch! A few moments later, he turns this into a Dragon Sleeper, bending the muscular man back, likely an extremely uncomfortable situation for a man his size.

The referee comes into see if Batista wants to quit, but he yells out no. Using his considerable strength, Batista forces himself free of the submission hold, but Regal refuses to let up as he begins stomping on The Animal, who then retreats to a seated position in the corner.

Regal runs towards him, going for a cannonball! But this is countered, as Batista just kicks his legs forward to push Regal out of the air and away from him! Both men stagger to their feet and Batista sprints at Regal, nearly cutting him in half with a Spear!

He grabs Regal by the hair and brings him to his feet…then runs with him towards the cage wall and tosses him face first into it! He repeats this again, running to the other side of the cage and tossing him into it as well! Regal’s face is started to stream a bit of blood after coming into contact with the Steel Cage twice. Batista goes over to the hard cam side if the ring, grabs the top rope, shakes it and stomps his foot before doing his signature thumbs up/thumbs down taunt…and Regal hits him with a low blow while he’s turned around! The bloody William Regal presses Batista, now resting on the second rope, face first into the cage wall. He rubs Batista’s face across the steel, grating it with a chef’s precision. Their faces now a matching shade of crimson, Regal brings Batista into the corner and uses his entire body to put him on the top turnbuckle.

He scales up there himself and underhooks the arms of Batista. Leaping off the top, he hits an Avalanche Butterfly Suplex! Both men crash into the mat! Looking incredibly tired, they both get to their feet after around thirty seconds, but regal attempts to climb up the wall and escape!

Batista goes after him, also climbing up the wall next to him. Batista grabs Regal by his hair and starts to bash his head into the wall of the cage. Regal refuses to fall, and through sheer desperation, he grabs the arm of Batista, wraps it around his neck and hops off with a high-risk Regal Cutter!

Regal goes for the pin! One! Two! Batista kicks out! The crowd is loving this match as they are shocked at the action before them. Red-faced, both with blood and anger, William Regal gets up and leans in the corner. As Batista gets to a standing, but hunched over position, Regal runs in for the Knee Trembler! But Batista turns it into a Spinebuster! Regal bounces from the force of the move and ends up on his stomach with his hands underneath him.

Batista uses the ropes to bring himself back to his feet. He is visibly exhausted, but appearing to be in better shape than the almost catatonic William Regal. Batista drags Regal’s body up and sets him up for his patented Batista Bomb. He lifts him up onto his shoulders, but stumbles back a bit, because of his exhaustion, towards the cage door. Suddenly, out of seemingly nowhere, Regal strikes Batista in the head, his body bends backwards sending Regal into and through the Steel Cage door to the outside! Batista goes limp in the ring as regal lays prone on the ground, winning the match!

Finkel: Here is your winner, and the new Undisputed Champion! Monday Night RAW’s William Regal!

Cole: Look, Pat! Look at this hand!

Pat: Which one, the one with gold or the other one?!

Cole: No, Pat look! Regal’s got Brass Knuckles! He knocked out Batista with the Brass Knuckles and his body broke the door!

Pat: The genius! Nothing beats experience, cunning and a mind like William Regal, the new Undisputed Champion!

William Regal walks up the ramp holding the Undisputed Championship against his chest and kissing his Brass Knuckles as the show fades away and the ending lower third appears on screen.​
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White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
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Brooklyn, NY
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Episode 2 – “Prove it to me.”


As the theme song to Friday Night SmackDown! plays, pyrotechnics go off on the stage. The setup looks just like it did on RAW, akin to the WWE Thunderdome. However, the commentary table is at its traditional spot near the ringside area as opposed to off the side of the stage.

A loud bang of pyro goes off.

The theme song of the WWE Champion, “Friday Night’s Guiding Light”, Seth Rollins begins to play in the arena and he comes out onto the stage, title around his waist.

Cole: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the very first episode of Friday Night SmackDown! in this new era. I’m Micheal Cole joined by my broadcast colleague Pat McAfee, and it looks like we’re about to be joined in the ring by the WWE Champion Seth Rollins.

Pat: I think a more appropriate word might be blessed! We’re about to be blessed by the absolutely divine Seth Rollins. A man who, for as great and trusted as he is, was rewarded the WWE Championship by the Commissioner of SmackDown!, Paul Heyman.

Cole: We saw Seth Rollins standing in the ring face to face with RAW’s World Heavyweight Champion Sasha banks on Monday, and he looked almost amused by her standing there with the title.

Pat: I mean if you’re Seth Rollins, wouldn’t you think your brand got the better end of that? Seth is a multiple time world champion, meanwhile Sasha Banks can barely ever hold on to a damn title, her lasting long would be a miracle! Oh, I know, maybe Seth can bless her and RAW with one!

Seth Rollins, now in the ring, removes the WWE Championship from his waist and triumphantly thrusts it forward into the air as pyro goes off above the ring. His music fades away and he retrieves a microphone from ringside crew.

Rollins: Ha-ha-ha-haaaa. My people of Friday Night SmackDown! Rejoice! Because you are now in the company of greatness. The company of your WWE Champion. The company of “Friday Night’s Guiding Light” Seth Rollins, ha-haaaa.

The crowd boos Rollins as he holds his arms out to bask in the jeers from the audience.

Rollins: This past Monday, on the lowly, feeble, and downright disaster of a show known as RAW, you all bared witness to the beginning of a new crusade and the birth of its divinely anointed leader. A man, who alongside Paul Heyman, will guide this show to victory over the plague of Eric Bischoff and his army of castaways, broken toys, and failures. For Christ’s, well… for my sake, we saw him crown Sasha Banks and Cody Rhodes as his champions! Credit where credit is due, they’re two slightly above standard competitors…but they aren’t meeeee, ha-haaaa!

The crowd begins chanting Sasha’s name.

Rollins: Unfortunately, no matter how loud you say her name, she isn’t going to magically appear on that stage and make some sort of move on me, no-no-no. She’s too busy worrying about how she can match the superior world champion, me, and she’s got to figure out how she’s going to possibly defend against all the far more superior men on the RAW roster.

He covers his mouth and puts on a fake shocked look on his face before he begins laughing again as the crowd boos him even louder.

Rollins: Hahahahaha, ok, ok. Enough about the trash over on the other show, I’m here tonight to talk about this baby right here.

Rollins pats the WWE Championship on his shoulder.

Rollins: Paul Heyman has given me the opportunity of naming my very first challenger! Now, while I would love to do that, I think I need to set an example as a great leader, right? I mean what kind of a leader would I be if I didn’t face the best of the best, the absolute most battle-hardened Superstar we have on SmackDown!, other than myself of course. That’s why, in tonight’s main event, there’s going to be an Elimination Triple Threat Match to determine the Number One Contender to my WWE Championship, how about that, eh!?

The crowd cheers at the mention of a big match.

Rollins: I took a long and hard look at the roster and decided on the three men that will be in this match. Of course, I want to give fresh opportunities to people that aren’t complete losers-

Rollins winks at the camera while doing a thumbs up/thumbs down motion.

Rollins: Sooooo, I chose a man that’s somewhat like myself, the Great Liberator Sami Zayn! I chose a machine of the Samoan and submission variety, Samoa Joe! And I chose a beloved veteran in “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes! These three men have the honor-

Seth Rollins is interrupted by the theme tune Sami Zayn, who comes out smiling, rocking and dancing to his music. He heads down to the ring, grabbing a mic on the way, then heads on in.

Zayn: Seth! How ya doing man?!

Rollins: Pretty good Sami, nice to see you! Hey-how the heck are you?

Zayn: Well I’m-I’m doing just great, thank you for asking. You know, when you first came up to me backstage and told me that I was hand selected by “Friday Night’s Guiding Light” to be in this match, oh man, I-I-I felt like I was getting blessed, ladies and gentlemen, Seth Rollins bestowed a blessing upon me and he can do the same for all of you!

The crowd boos both of them as the pander to each other’s egos.

Rollins: Sami, that’s what I do, it’s what a great leader would do! You deserve it, you really do.

Zayn: Thank you, again! And you’re right, I do deserve this, after all the time I’ve been overlooked…manipulated…made fun of, taken advantage of, conspired against, it’s nice to know that someone is finally doing the right thing! It’s going to truly be an honor to win tonight’s match and then go on to face you in fair one-on-one combat for the WWE Championship!

Samoa Joe’s music starts playing and the submission specialist from So-Cal makes an appearance on the stage with a microphone in hand.

Samoa Joe: Sami Zayn…Seth Rollins… If you two would stop standing in the middle of that ring stroking off each other’s…fragile egos for just one second while the adult is speaking, that would be very much appreciated.

The crowd breaks out into “Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe” chants.

Zayn: Hey! Who do you think you are-

Samoa Joe: Shut up!

The crowd cheers as Sami looks on annoyed.

Samoa Joe: Who in their right mind would want to see you two compete for the WWE Championship? I can tell you exactly how that situation would end up…with Sami Zayn getting his head stomped in after being taken advantage of by Seth Rollins. Luckily, we won’t have to witness that hypothetical scenario, because tonight, in that Triple Threat match, I’m going to put your ass to sleep and then deal with Dusty’s bastard son before I move on to Rollins and end him before he gets off the ground.

Rollins: Joe, hahaha, you aren’t going to do anything to me. I have full faith in Sami to beat you and to then face me in a fair contest. I’m sorry to say that even if you do somehow manage to get by tonight, you’re going to end up exactly how you think Sami is going to end up.

Samoa Joe: You need to shut your damn mouth before I go into that ring, victimize both of you, and make sure neither of you leave here standing tonight.

Zayn: Oh big words! Big words from someone standing so far away! What, are you scared?! Come on Joe, say it to our faces, right Seth?!

Seth’s eyes look back and forth, bewildered, until Sami pats him on the chest. He then responds with “Y-yeah!” before Sami motions for Joe to come at them.

Joe shrugs his shoulders, drops the microphone and starts walking towards the ring.

Pat: We’re about to witness a Samoan beatdown!

Joe gets in the ring and stands face to face with Sami Zayn; Seth Rollins standing slightly behind him. Joe fakes a strike towards them and Seth Rollins pushes Sami into Joe before he turns and hauls ass out of the ring. Sami is tripped up, grabbed by Joe and slammed, almost through the canvas, with a Uranage.

Cole: Oh man, did you hear that slam?!

Pat: Slammin’ Sami like he owes Joe money!

Joe lifts Sami to his feet and tries to put him in the Coquina Clutch, but Rollins reaches into the ring and pulls Sami out of the ring before further damage can be done.

Pat: Look at that, Seth Rollins taking care of his people!

Cole: Or, more likely, saving him so he can use Sami Zayn as a tool to make sure Joe doesn’t win tonight.

Joe looks on angrily as Rollins nearly drags Sami up the ramp and backstage.


Fandango vs Mitch

“Chachalala” begins playing in the arena and the crowd start “Fandangoing” along to the music.

Finkel: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, he is from Boston, Massachusetts, Faaaaaan-daaaaaan-goooooo!

Pat: The Fink might be one of the few people that can ever do that right, besides that man cha-cha-ing down to the ring right now!

Cole: You’re probably right, but let’s get to what’s going on right now. Pat, we’re about to see Fandango take on Mitch from a group that was known as the Spirit Squad, care to explain why this is happening?

Pat: Well as we saw on RAW, the male cheerleader Mitch was being less than cheery to our backstage correspondent Renee Paquette, which the uber ballroom-dancing gentleman Fandango didn’t take too kindly.

Cole: That’s right, so Fandango is looking to show Mitch a bit about respecting others here tonight. You have to appreciate a guy sticking up for a woman, or anyone, like that.

Pat: What a class act, honestly.

Pyro goes off in the ring as a Fandango-shaped structured above the ring lights up with small sparkles and he poses.

Although not welcomed by the crowd, “Team Spirit/Bad H.S. Band” begins to play with a backing track of…airhorns?

Sure enough, out comes Mitch blaring an airhorn, much to the absolute dismay of everyone. His music stops as he starts talking into the little microphone attached to him.

Mitch: Ready?! Ok! You take one arm and put it up, you take the other and push it to the side, what’s the shape I’m putting out?! It’s the “L” you’re gunna take, Fandango!

Fandango retrieves a microphone.

Fandango: Mitch, if you’re done putting out and doing to hokey-pokey, stop stalling, get in this ring, and let’s dance.

Mitch, having made his way down the ramp, slides into the ring. The referee gets between the two men and asks if they’re ready, to which they both respond yes. As the bell is rung, Mitch blares the airhorn in Fandango’s face, which throws off his equilibrium, allowing Mitch to connect a few strikes that back Fandango into the ropes.

Mitch Irish whips him to the other side of the ring, Fandango bounces back and ducks a clothesline, bounces off the ropes again and comes running at Mitch with a Spinning Wheel Kick! Mitch gets dropped to the mat.

The crowd starts “Fandangoing” once again. In response, Fandango starts dancing around the ring while Mitch recovers, picking himself up in the corner. From the other corner, Fandango runs towards Mitch, jumps, and misses with a body splash as Mitch gets out of the way and rolls him up!

He barely gets more than a one count as Fandango kicks out. Mitch tries to capitalize but is quickly outmatched as Fandango turns an attempted mount by Mitch into one of his own. Fandango pushes off of Mitch’s chest, stands up and yells “It’s… FAAAAANDAAAAANGOOOOO!!!!” before doing a kissy face at him. Angered by this, Mitch gets up and lunges at Fandango who just dropkicks him square in the mouth. With the upper hand, Fandango goes to the corner and scales up to the top. He leaps off and hits The Last Dance! The leg-drop lands snuggly on target, as he goes for the pin and gets the win on Mitch!

Finkel: Here is your winner, ehem, Faaaaaan-daaaaaan-goooooo!

Fandango points at The Fink and gives an approving nod. He then poses over the body of Mitch in the center of the ring.


We go backstage into the office of the Commissioner of Friday Night SmackDown!, Paul Heyman. He is standing in front of a TV screen with the Appointed Special Counsel to the Commissioners, David Otunga, both having just watched the previous match.

Otunga: Not a bad first match for Fandango, Paul. Maybe you can send him for the Undisputed Championship next since your last guy didn’t work out that well.

Heyman shoots daggers at David Otunga with his eyes.

Heyman: Yes, well, thank you for the suggestion Mr. Otunga. I’m sure your expertise on winning world championships is held in very high regard.

Otunga returns the same stare.

Heyman: Why are you even here? Vince didn’t tell me you’d be here tonight.

Otunga: Well I took it upon myself to be here for your first show on the job. I have to make sure that you’re running a tight ship. Got to say, the top of the show has me a bit worried. Samoa Joe blatantly attacking Sami Zayn and your WWE Champion is not a good look when it comes to maintaining order and the safety of your talent.

Heyman: If you would like me to summon Samoa Joe into my office so that you may give him this feedback, I would be more than happy to oblige, Mr. Otunga. I think he’d actually really appreciate your advice on how to handle himself.

Otunga: Uh, no, that won’t be necessary at all. You can relay the message for me.

A knock on the door is heard and their conversation gets interrupted.

Heyman: Come in! I’d love to continue this lovely back and forth, but I think you’d agree that I have a job to do.

In comes “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes as David Otunga exits.

Dustin: Paul, first of all, I know it was probably you that made the main even for tonight and not Seth, so thank you.

Heyman: You’re quite welcome. Although it wasn’t fully me, Seth Rollins did have a few suggestions, but I very much encouraged him to include you in the match because I knew you’d be up for the task.

Dustin: I appreciate it, I really do. There was something else that I wanted to talk to you about though. I heard rumblings that Mr. McMahon was considering allowing-

The door to Paul Heyman’s office is slammed open. Both men look off screen as a loud “HEYMAN!” is heard being yelled. In comes “The Animal” Batista.

Batista: Paul, why the hell am I not in that match?

Heyman: Dave, I would love to have had you in the main event…but I don’t know how much stock I can put in you being able to win that match. After your showing against William Regal, I question if you’re all hype.

Batista: Excuse me? Paul, he used brass knucks, you saw that, we all saw it.

Heyman: And you’re supposed to be “The Animal”, how the hell is a toy like that supposed to take you out? How could you let yourself be outplayed by William Regal and embarrass SmackDown! like that? Embarrass me like that? Dave, you’re lucky you’re still employed, I had half the mind to fire you the moment you lost the way you did. I’m disappointed in you. All you showed me was that you make mistakes.

Batista: Paul, you’re going to put me in that damn match. If this guy, Sami and Joe are who you’re banking on, then you’re the real disappointment here.

Dustin: Listen here, you need to calm your ass down. I’m not going to take that kind of disrespect.

Batista glares at Dustin Rhodes and then turns his attention back to Heyman.

Batista: We both know I deserve this opportunity more than anyone after the way I was screwed…after the way SmackDown! was screwed. Put me in the match.

Heyman: You deserve it? Hm, ok…Prove it to me. You win a match, right now, against a surprise opponent, and I’ll change the main event into a Fatal Four Way Elimination Match. You lose, and your surprise opponent gets the spot. How about that, Dave?

Batista once again glares at Dustin, looking him up and down, then looks back at Paul Heyman.

Batista: Whoever you put in front of me I’ll kick their ass. Then, I’ll kick his ass too.

Batista does a mocking grunt towards Dustin Rhodes before leaving Heyman’s office.

Heyman: Now Dustin, what was it you were saying?


A video package begins to play on the screen starring Mustafa Ali.

After the video, a message appears on screen:

Campaign for Mustafa Ali’s New America with “#InAliYouCanTrust”


Batista vs ???

“I Walk Alone” blasts throughout the arena to a large amount of cheers. An angry looking Batista makes his way out onto the stage. He flexes his muscles and lets out a primal yell before doing his iconic machine gun motion in tune with his music and pyro.

Finkel: The following match is scheduled for one fall! The winner of the match will be placed into tonight’s Main Event Number One Contender’s Match! Introducing first, from Washington, D.C., “The Animal” Batista!

Cole: Batista with a big chance at redemption here tonight after failing to beat William Regal for the cross-brand Undisputed Championship on Monday Night RAW. If Batista wins this match, then he’ll be included in tonight’s main event. If he loses, then Paul Heyman will rub salt into the wound by adding in his surprise opponent. The stakes, and pride, are high for The Animal.

Pat: Hold on, can we take a second to acknowledge that Mustafa Ali promo? What on Earth was that, is he some sort of politician now?

Cole: I’m not too sure Pat, but let’s stay focused on the matter at hand.

Pat: Well I’m rooting for Dave here, I think he deserves a shot. He couldn’t beat Regal, who knows if he’ll ever get another shot at doing that, but he could have a shot at becoming WWE Champion if he wins two matches tonight.

Batista waits opposite ramp-side of the ring for his opponent to be announced.

Finkel: And his opponent…

The music of Free Agent Gail Kim begins to play in the arena.

She stands on the stage wearing a black trench coat and sunglasses. Gail Kim does a pose stretching her legs one at a time and then runs down the ramp and slides into the ring. She removes her coat and sunglasses and stands face to face with Batista.

Finkel: From-

Batista snatches the microphone from Howard Finkel.

Batista: Paul! Are you trying to be funny, huh?! Gail Kim?! What the hell are you getting at?! Don’t play games with me, damn it!

Gail Kim has now retrieved a microphone of her own.

Gail: Batista, helloooo, I’m standing right here. First of all you big jackass-

Some of the crowd laughs and some boo.

Gail: If I were to actually compete against you, it wouldn’t be a joke. I’d wrestle circles around you, ok?

Batista smirks and laughs.

Batista: What the hell are you doing out here then?

Gail: I’m here to support my new business partner, and your actual opponent. This man and I are what you can consider as for hire for any deed someone doesn’t want to get their hands dirty with.

Onto the stage, to a surprising amount of cheers, but still mixed in with boos, is another Free Agent in Mr. Kennedy! He makes his way down the ramp and into the ring, standing in front of Batista.

Batista goes to move closer, but Kennedy puts his hand in his face, stopping The Animal in his track. He then reaches his hand upwards and a microphone drops down from the ceiling into his hands.

Mr. Kennedy: Now that I have everybody’s attention…I would just like to remind you that I weigh in tonight at two-hundred and forty-six pounds…I hail from Green, Bay, Wisconsiiiiiiiiin…Mmmmiiiissssteeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrr Kennedy-

He leans in closer to Batista’s face.

Mr. Kennedy: Kennedy.

Batista slaps the microphone out of Kennedy’s hands and then nearly decapitates him with a powerful clothesline. Gail Kim quickly leaves the ring as the referee rings the bell. Batista brings Mr. Kennedy to his feet, kicks him in the gut, lifts him in the air and slams him down onto the mat with an immediate Batista Bomb! Annoyed, he goes into the pin and gets the win in quick fashion.

Finkel: Here is your winner and now inserted into the Number One Contender’s Main Event, “The Animal” Batista!

Pat: Ok, what the hell is this business relationship between Free Agents Gail Kim and Mr. Kennedy, and why do I feel like it’s already not going how they intended?

Cole: That’s something for another day Pat, because what we do actually know about is tonight’s main event, which will now be an Elimination Fatal Four Way Match including Batista on top of the already announced Sami Zayn, Samoa Joe and Dustin Rhodes.

Pat: Listen, I’m just going to say what everybody is thinking-

Cole: What’s what, Pat?

Pat: That is one weird ass match, but it’s going to be good!

Cole: I don’t know if everybody is thinking that, but nonetheless, it’s our main event tonight! For right now though, let’s go backstage to our backstage correspondent, Christy Hemme standing by with Io Shirai.


Hemme: I’m here with Io Shirai who suffered an unfortunate loss to RAW’s Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes this past Monday. Io, we know that must have been a hard loss for you because you are certainly capable of more than what we saw. What are your thoughts on what happened and where do you go from here?

Io Shirai stands there with an angry look on her face. She breathes heavy into the microphone, killing the camera with her stare.

Io: Never. Again. Io will not lose like that again. コーディは私を驚かせた。その試合は私と私の能力を表すものではありません。私は皆を打ち負かし、トップに立つと約束します。私は二度と恥ずかしくなりません。
(Cody caught me by surprise. That match does not represent me and my abilities. I promise to beat everyone and get to the top. I will not be embarrassed again.) I want challenge. Bring me challenge.

The attentions of both Io Shirai and Christy Hemme go off camera as they are dwarfed by large shadow. The cameraman moves backwards to get all three figures in frame, revealing the shadow is coming from Brock Lesnar!

Lesnar: Ladies, hope you’re doing well. I heard this one over here screaming and thought I’d stop by and see what it’s all about.

Io Shirai steps up to Lesnar and begins loudly talking in his face.

Io: 私と戦ってください。あなたはこのビジネスの最大の課題です。私は獣が欲しい。私はみんなを倒す男が欲しい。
(Fight me. You are the biggest challenge in this business. I want the beast. I want the man that defeats everyone.) I. Want. You. In. the. Ring.

Lesnar starts laughing, amused by Io’s display.

Lesnar: I like her. Alright, I’ll talk to Paul. See you around, miss.

Brock Lesnar walks off, leaving Shirai and Hemme behind.

Io: I will kick. His. Ass.


Austin Theory U.S. Open Challenge

The United States Champion Austin Theory comes out onto the stage with the title on his shoulder. He gets to the ramp and stands very close to the crowd, leaning towards them and holding his title out as he retrieves his phone and snaps a selfie with them.

Finkel: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the United States Champion, Austin Theory!

Theory asks Howard Finkel for his microphone and the announcer obliges, handing it to him.

Theory: Ah, thank you Howard, you’re so great at your job by the way. I know nobody was expecting me out here tonight, but I just had to come out and say hello to everyone here! Bu-but, that’s not the only reason I’m out here. I’m out here to issue an Open Challenge for my United States Championship! I heard Seth Rollins talking about being a leader and giving opportunities, and I want to do both of those things! So, I’m putting my title on the line against anybody that’s man enough to come out to the ring and face me right now!

Pat: Well certainly not a man, but this is Bayley, who is more than capable of whooping some ass!

Cole: Pat, I’m surprised she’s here after being pushed off the stage by Sasha Banks on RAW. Her mid-section is all taped up, so she’s certainly feeling the effects of that attack from Monday.

Pat: Regardless, you know that Bayley is probably pissed off about that whole thing, so I’m actually waaayyy more worried about Austin Theory’s health than Bayley’s.

Cole: I can’t disagree with you there.

Bayley enters the ring, as does a referee shortly after. Howard Finkel once again has a microphone.

Finkel: The following contest is a United States Championship match and it is scheduled for one fall! Already in the ring, the United States Champion, Austin Theory! Also in the ring, the challenger, from San Jose, California, the “Role Model” Bayley!

The referee rings the bell signaling the start of the match. Theory walks to the center of the ring, trying to keep a cool demeanor. He extends his hand, motioning for Bayley to shake his hand. She has a look on her face that reads of “are you serious?” as she steps forward. She pushes his hand away and goes for a lock-up that she then transitions into waist lock. Theory counters out of it, Bayley rolls and hops to her feet, going back in for another lock-up. This time, Theory gets her in a front face-lock…

And Bayley turns this into a Northern Lights Suplex, getting a surprise two count on Theory. He scurries away, looking shocked. Bayley, holding her mid-section, runs at Theory in the corner but he gets his knees up to block her. She stumbles backwards, doing a full turn, and is met by Austin Theory doing a dropkick after rolling and leaping from out of the corner.

He goes in for the pin but only gets a one as Bayley kicks out with ease. Both competitors get to their feet and Bayley rushes him, laying in a few strikes that then enables her to hit her signature Bayley-plex. With him downed, Bayley starts stomping away at him angrily, letting out a week’s worth of frustration on Austin Theory.

Bayley now goes to the corner and ascends to the top turnbuckle. She stands tall, posing for a second, before leaping off with an elbow drop! But Theory gets out of the way as she comes crashing down onto the mat, yelling out in pain as she damages her mid-section. Theory quickly capitalizes and brings her to her feet, then onto his shoulders. He spins her around, colliding her head with his knee, the ATL! Theory goes in for the pin and gets the one! Two! Three!

Finkel: Here is your winner, and still the United States Champion, Austin Theory!


Elimination Fatal Four Way Number One Contender’s Match

Sami Zayn vs Samoa Joe vs Dustin Rhodes vs Batista

A loud bang of pyro goes off.

Out comes the WWE Champion, “Friday Night’s Guiding Light”, Seth Rollins. On his way down the ramp, he meets Austin Theory halfway. Theory, clutching his championship, looks at Rollins and smiles. Rollins places one of his hands on the shoulder of Theory, smiles and nods, then pats him on the head. They part ways and Rollins heads towards the commentary table.

Pat: Hallelujah, it looks like we’re going to be joined on commentary by the divine himself, Seth Rollins!

Cole: Fitting, considering that we’re going to find out who his first challenger is going to be at the conclusion of our main event, which is next.

Pat: Sit right here Seth, next to me, not Cole!

Seth Rollins takes a seat off to the side of Pat McAfee.

Rollins: Gentlemen, gentlemen, no need to fight over me. I’m here for everyone, guys. And I can’t wait to call this match with a two-man team as extraordinary as yourselves.

Pat: Neither can I!

The theme song of “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes plays in the arena, letting off an almost calming aura. The crowd claps in tune with the song, seeming to enjoy it.

Dustin makes his way onto the stage, with his hands on his hips, before throwing his fist into the air and yelling “yeah!”

Finkel: The following Elimination Fatal Four Way Match is to determine the Number One Contender for the WWE Championship! Introducing first, from Austin Texas, he is “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes!

Cole: So Seth, how do you feel about Dustin Rhodes?

Rollins: Oh, well he’s a legend in this business, isn’t he? He’s been around forever. I mean, he’s never quite made it to the top of the mountain like I have, but he’s always been one of those guys fighting his way up the hill through blood sweat and tears…and then falling back down that hill to the very bottom, hahahahaha!

Dustin in the ring, points at Rollins, and then motions around his waist as if there was a title there.

Seth: Oh you want this? You’ll never have it, hahaha!

Sami Zayn makes big strides coming out onto the stage and somehow ends up on his knees, sliding on the ground, before hopping back up and flailing his arms and legs a small bit. In tune with his music, he strolls down the ramp.

Finkel: The second competitor in this match, from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Sami Zayn!

Rollins: That’s my guy right there! That’s the man that’s going to beat all the two has-beens and the never-was in this match. Sami Zayn, the Great Liberatoooooorrrr!

Pat: You know, I was checking on social media-

Rollins: Why would you ever do that?

Pat: Eh, I’m a glutton for punishment. But nevertheless, I was browsing the bird app and saw people saying that you want Sami Zayn to win because he might be the easier match for you, care to respond?

Rollins: Easier match? Do people knot know who Sami Zayn is? He-his credentials and accolades make other people’s accomplishments look like a back-to-school shopping list! I want him to win because he deserves it! And then when we face each other, we’ll burn the whole building down with how amazing our match is!

Sami Zayn taunts Dustin Rhodes, mimicking a square dance and throwing harsh words his way. Dustin stands there, not reacting to the childlike antics.

The crowd starts cheering like mad as Samoa Joe’s music hits.

Finkel: The third competitor in this match, from Huntington Beach, California, Samoa Joe!

Pat: Many of the things that you said about Sami Zayn kinda apply to Joe too Seth-

Rollins: I’m going to stop you right there Pat, because Joe should’ve been pulled from this match after what he tried to do to me and what he did do to Sami!

Cole: Seth, you pushed Sami into Joe, he probably could’ve gotten out of there if you hadn’t done that.

Rollins: Are you implying that I would purposely bring harm to one of my fellow SmackDown! Superstars? To one of the people I’m leading into battle against the tyrannical Monday Night RAW? For shame Michael, for shame.

Cole: I’m just saying what we all saw.

Rollins: What we all saw was this monster try to take out one of his opponents before the match! And me! That’s despicable, I can’t condone such actions on my show.

Joe, now in the ring, throws up his signature hand sign. Instead of facing hard-cam, he faces Seth Rollins, staring a hole through him.

The theme song of Batista is met with an insane amount of cheers. Unlike his usual entrance, Batista quickly walks down the ramp, skipping all of the theatrics.

Finkel: The final competitor in this match, from Washington D.C., “The Animal” Batista!

Batista makes his way towards the commentary table and stands in front of a seated Rollins.

Rollins: Hey-hey, woah, woah, woah, calm down there big guy! I’m not your opponent tonight, it’s them. Yeah, it’s those three, deal with them if you even want a chance at me. Go on, move it, hahaaa.

Batista sneers at Rollins before turning around and heading into the ring.

The referee rings the bell as all four competitors each stand in a corner.

Until Samoa Joe immediately rushes at Sami Zayn, cracking him upside the head with an elbow, sending him to the mat and rolling out of the ring.

Samoa Joe exits the ring to continue his assault on Sami Zayn. Meanwhile in the ring, Batista has powered Dustin Rhodes into the corner and is laying in hard shoulder strikes to the gut. He hooks an arm, takes a one step and then biel throws Dustin across the ring. He lands on his back and bounces, ending in a seated position in the opposite end of the corner. Batista walks over to him and reaches down, but Dustin hits an uppercut that connects somewhere below the chin. Batista backs off and Dustin now moves in and begins hitting a series of chops.

Outside the ring, Joe has been rag-dolling Sami Zayn around. Zayn has been sent into the barricade, the apron, the steps, the post and now the announce table. After bouncing Zayn’s head off of it, Joe slams his hands off of the table and stares at Seth Rollins. Rollins stands from his seat and begins chastising Joe.

Pat: Seth, I don’t know if you want to make the angry Samoan even angrier!

Rollins: What’re you gunna do Joe? Huh, what are you gunna do? You think you’ll get a shot at this? You’ll never get a shot at this!

Joe grabs Seth by his jacket, but is blindsided by Sami Zayn and a steel chair!

Cole: Oh that thud!

Pat: Wait look, oh!

Rollins hits Samoa joe with The Stomp! Sami Zayn and Seth Rollins laugh maniacally and embrace in a hug. Rollins returns to his commentary chair as Sami Zayn stalks outside of the ring. Back to Batista and Dustin Rhodes, as The Animal is hitting a ring shaking Spinebuster on The Natural. Into the ring comes Sami Zayn, who hits a Helluva Kick on Batista as he turns around after doing his rope shake taunt! Batista goes over the top rope and onto the floor below.

Pat: Both big men are out on the outside; Sami and Dustin are the only two still in the ring.

Dustin uses the corner to get to his feet, here comes Sami Zayn going for another Helluva Kick! But Dustin gets out of the way and rolls him up with a School Boy! Zayn manages to just kick out at the count of two after that surprise pinning maneuver. Both men stand and Dustin punches Sami in the gut, then the head, then a chop, all of which put him in the corner. He positions Sami’s legs open on either side of the second turnbuckle and kicks it directly where the sun doesn’t shine!

Zayn falls out of the corner, holding onto his Great Liberators as he lands on the mat. Dustin brings him to his feet and puts him in position for the Final Cut! He lifts him in the air, but Zayn manages to turn himself around in mid-air, come down and hook Dustin’s legs for a Small Package! He gets the three and Dustin Rhodes gets eliminated by Sami Zayn!

Finkel: “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes has been eliminated!

Cole: There’s the first of three eliminations, Dustin Rhodes is gone!

Pat: Yeah he is, but I don’t know if Sami realizes what that means.

Rollins: Pat, Pat, he’ll be fiiiiiine. He’s got this…he’s…got this.

On the outside, Samoa Joe and Batista have both risen to their feet. Shifting his focus for a second, Joe quickly turns around and boots a seated Seth Rollins directly in the face, sending him to the floor. After this, Joe and Batista enter the ring from opposite sides. They stand with Sami Zayn in-between them.

Pat: Things ain’t looking too great for Zayn, or our WWE Champion for that matter, you ok champ?

Zayn appears to be pleading for his life, begging Joe and Batista to back off. They respond by taking turns pushing him back and forth. Finally, Joe grabs Zayn and slams him with a Uranage, much like at the top of the show. Sami Zayn writhes in pain on the canvas. Batista grabs Zayn by his tights and shoulder, and tosses him to the side, Sami rolling onto the apron. Batista and Samoa joe now stand face to face in the middle of the ring.

The crowd is cheering like mad at the idea of these two big men going at it. They start trading strikes, but Samoa Joe quickly gets the better of Batista since he’s the better striker. A series of quick jabs is followed up by a big uppercut. Showing his strength, Joe grabs Batista and lifts him in the air, hitting a Falcon Arrow!

Rollins: Look at that! Batista can’t even defend against Joe, hahaaaaa! How’s he supposed to even dream of beating me?!

Batista rolls into the corner, getting into a seated position. He is greeted by Samoa Joe coming at him with a cannonball that shakes the ring. Joe rolls back to his feet and goes to the middle of the ring to taunt at hard cam. As he does this, Sami Zayn comes back in and tries to roll up Joe by surprise, but he barely gets even a one count!

Not letting up, Sami crawls back towards Joe who was trying to get up, and trips him up. He throws wild clubbing blows as Joe tries to block them all. Eventually, Sami stops and Joe rolls out of the ring. By this time, Batista has gotten to his feet in the corner and Zayn runs at him for another Helluva Kick! However, the much stronger Batista sees this coming and just catches Sami’s leg. He walks him backwards towards the middle of the ring and nails him with a Spinebuster!

Cole: The Animal is feeling it now!

Pat: I think he’s got this in the bag, we’re about to see Sami go bye-bye.

The Animal signals for the Batista Bomb and, sure enough, as Sami gets back to his feet, he gets kicked in the gut, lifted in the air….

Rollins: Haha!

From behind comes Samoa Joe! He locks Batista in the Coquina Clutch, causing him to drop Sami Zayn, who scurries away from the other two men.

Pat: We spoke too soon!

Cole: He’s got it in tight!

Rollins: Look, look! He’s going to quit! It’s what he’s good at! He’s going to quit!

As much as Rollins would love that to be the case, Batista seems to be very much adamant on not quitting…but his fortitude doesn’t seem to be enough as the referee checks on him only to be there as The Animal passes out in the clutch! Batista has gone night-night and been eliminated!

Finkel: “The Animal” Batista has been eliminated!

Pat: It’s down to Samoa Joe and Sami Zayn, two –

Rollins: Pat, I freakin’ told you! Hahaaa! Sami’s got this in the bag!

Not sure what bag Seth Rollins is talking about, but maybe it’s the bag of hell Samoa Joe is unleashing on Sami Zayn as he now has him in his grasp. Wasting no time, Joe whips Sami into the ropes and gives him a huge boot for his troubles off the rebound. Now that he’s floored, Joe decides to grab him around his waist and deadlift him into a German Suplex…and now he brings him back up with a Tiger Suplex!

Pat: That’s two thirds of his classic trifecta right there!

Instead of going for a complete Chimera-Plex, Joe elects to just toss Sami shoulder first into the post. He stumbles back, turns around and is hit with an enzuigiri! Joe runs to the ropes, comes back and hits the biggest of Sentons right onto the torso of Sami Zayn.

Cole: Seth, he’s just toying with Sami. I think he’s trying to send a message to you.

Rollins: Shut up, Cole! Joe’s nothing! He’s nothing!

As these words come out of Seth’s mouth, Joe now has Zayn propped up on the top turnbuckle. He leans him forward, puts Sami’s head on his shoulder and hooks the legs.

Pat: Wait a minute, could we actually be seeing it! He doesn’t even use this anymore!

Samoa Joe orients himself to stare directly into the eyes of Seth Rollins as he hits the –


Smoothly, Joe transitions into a pin while never breaking his line of sight with Rollins.




Finkel: Here is your winner, and now the Number One Contender for the

WWE Championship, Samoa Joe!

Getting back to his feet, and looking to send more of a statement, Joe grabs Zayn by the head and tosses him out of the ring so he lands in front of a shaken Seth Rollins. He yells at Seth, “That’s you! That is YOU! I’m champion! I’M CHAMPION!”

SmackDown! ends as the angry face of Samoa Joe as he looks towards his potentially gold filled future and hopefully mangled opponent.


Message from Jonny/Nostradamus:
Please feel free to leave any comments on this show (or the other one as well). Feedback, reviews, criticisms, suggestions, etc. are all welcome!
Predictions on things are welcome as well. Hope you enjoyed my nonsense!​
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Episode 1 – Draft Day - Review

- Pat and Cole introducing the show and by proxy letting us as readers know the direction of the episode, but also project as a good idea. It created a very organic feel, rather than a information filled paragraph

- I personally think Otunga is one of the worst personalities that has ever existed in wrestling, hoping he is just a feature just for this episode. Eric & Heyman as the two commissioners are always great choices in my mind - as they are authority figures that always come with depth.

- Dijak as the overall first pick of the draft is certainly not something I was expected - but that dude was fucking hot as fuck when he was on ROH, so if you have clear intent to use this guy as one of the main talents then I certainly think this project could end up being the real deal in terms of originality.

- In terms of GFX pictures, I would suggest in future to edit the pictures so the size is reduced. On reading the, they are so big they take up the whole page.

- The first match was good - a solid enough start to the project. Banks vs. Bayley is always a great pairing and certainly set the tone.

- Always a fan of inter-gender matches and like that you are already creating something interesting with Cody

- In terms of any draft, after the first ten picks or so - in terms of reading, it does get a little grating. Its more at this point you could just do a general top out reminder. But that is just my take.

- Also not a fan of title just being handed out to people - but this is your project, so I am sure it will end up taking us down an interesting route. Banks as the heavyweight champion is certainly a shock announcement though, but I do like it.

- William Regal vs. Batista sounds dope. Regal going on to win the match was pretty cool.

Overall - the length of the show was good. It wasn't too long that it before a chore to read. I would say, if I could - that editing and presentation in terms of having a clear break between one segment and the next. But this is a new project, so it takes a while to get into the swing of things. Certainly a really enjoyable opening show.



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Mar 30, 2020
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Episode 2 – Draft Day - Review

- I liked the vibes you gave with Seth opening the show - absolute heel that is just easy to dislike right off the bat. And setting up a triple threat match to challenge him for the belt - is also a nice touch. Zayn vs. Joe vs. Dustin already in my head sounds like a great match, with there being no certainty at this point in your project who you are going to even give the win to. I enjoyed the heat between Joe and Zayn, and I can see both of them costing each other and Dustin actually winning the match - more so because I feel like you are building something between Sami and Joe.

- Glad that Dirty Dango got the win - can't take Mitch seriously at all.

- Otunga and Heyman having heat. Dustin and Batista having a tense moment and Dave having to earn his way into the main-event. Swerves left right and center.

- Feel bad for Ken getting squashed by Batista though - that was brutal. Truly brutal. Almost had me thinking we were going to see Gail vs. Batista though.

- Shirai vs. Brock - sounds like murder. like brutal murder.

- Bayley and Theory was interesting, but I think Austin got a lot of potential and with the write booking you could turn him into a credible top guy.

- Joe wins - I can see its merit, he certainly loons strong AF going into his future match.

- I feel what is missing is developing more storylines. But I enjoyed it.
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