Surtr, Avatar of Muspelheim
Arsonist, 1x Laevateinn
Congratulations, you are
Surtr, Muspelheim Aligned! Slated as the ultimate ender of the age of gods and giants, you have dominion over the fiery realm of Muspelheim and seek to expand that over all life. Wielding the mythical sword of fire
Laevateinn, your final goal is to sweep aside every living being and usher in a new age.
In this game, you have the following roles:
- Arsonist (You may target a player and place the Mark of Surtr upon them. Your target will not be informed of this, but you will receive confirmation if the mark is successfully placed)
- 1x Laevateinn (You may target a player at night and eradicate them from existence. This kill cannot be stopped by any means and will pierce all protective, redirective, blocking and commuting effects. All other players bearing the Mark of Surtr will also burn to death. If this ability does not end the game, you will die also, so use it carefully!)
You win when all creation is extinguished.