No Way Out 2009

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Moonlight Drive

Why is everybody shitting on this so quickly? I don't like Triple H being the champion, but this makes Wrestlemania that much better. The card went from predictable to up in the air, especially the Main Events.

And as for Orton jobbing, that is out of the question. Triple H made Randy a star, and despite his BIG EGOZ N PULL~! I think he'll put Orton over if they face each other.

Hometown Kid

They've killed all of Orton's momentum he had with this Shane stuff. If he faces Trips then he's not going over at 'Mania of all places. Though it's not set in stone, it would definitely be the most likely option.

Moonlight Drive

Orton is way over right now and Triple H has put him over many a time. Randy is the Triple H of the future, I'd actually put my money on him breaking Trips championship record in a decade or so. Although I still wish we got Cena vs Orton, that would've been much better than any other.

As for 'killing his momentum' if anything, it's given him more.


Oh boy, Triple H as champ. That really makes me want to watch Smackdown a whole lot more.

I noticed this while reading the results.

It was the first time both the WWE and World Heavyweight Titles were defended within the chain link entrapment known as the Elimination Chamber in a single evening. In a spin of irony, Edge not only competed in the pair, but also wore both of the squared circle’s most coveted titles.

If I'm not mistaken or misreading, weren't they both defended Last Year?


Yeah, if HHH faced Orton at Mania then I'm almost certain Orton would go over, so as to get really over as a heel, and sadly be made the face of the company.

the dark knight

Damn it!

Will the WWE title stop switching hands so often? Its like the Attitude Era on steroids!
im loving it. better than a 3 year cena title reign.

Oh boy, Triple H as champ. That really makes me want to watch Smackdown a whole lot more.
what are the options? it was either him or edge. what the fuck were you expecting?

anyway, i had no hopes of seeing an above average ppv, it really looked bad on paper. especially raw's ec.

msn said:
(7:47 AM) Jas: horror movies
(7:47 AM) Jas: im on a horro movie kick atm
(7:47 AM) Jas: horror*
(7:47 AM) [£]thé dãrk knîg: hellraiser
(7:47 AM) [£]thé dãrk knîg: teh first one
(7:47 AM) [£]thé dãrk knîg: THE THING
(7:47 AM) [£]thé dãrk knîg: have you seen it?
(7:48 AM) [£]thé dãrk knîg: WTF
(7:48 AM) [£]thé dãrk knîg: edge eliminated already?
(7:48 AM) [£]thé dãrk knîg: oh yea i get it
(7:48 AM) [£]thé dãrk knîg: edge vs randy at mania

although it was a bit obvious^^ to me edge was gonna get in raw's EC somehow after getting eliminated so fast, it was still a great twist and the match turned GREAT! i thought we were gonna get another mystery attacker who's gonna knock out either kofi or rey then when the final 2 superstars (out of 5) are left, edge gets in as a replacement and screws cena again. how edge attacked kofi was priceless though, better than the same old shit attacker angle. the rest of the match was good with the exception of cena's botches. he didn't even touch edge's hair with the five knuckle shuffle. i hated adding mysterio to the card but the prick was a nice addition with all the bumps he took. him and edge being the last 2 was a nice reminder of good ol' 2002 when they were tag champs but i preferred jericho and edge. being both heels was gonna be confusing but im not really a casual fan so it was gonna be better for ME to watch.

rest of the card was also great, except for the worthless ecw match as usual. they should either have extreme rules matches with proper contestants or leave the brand out of the ppv.

hbk's match wasn't bad, but his wife looked like she was laughing frm the start. she also laughed after she punched JBL, the camera soon changed focus. another thing i didn't like was the superman comeback hbk had, it wasn't so bad because he's not cena but still i would've preferred an out of no where sweet chin music. hbk could've been down, rebecca jumps in and tries to get in the ring, jbl turns his attention to her, she punches him THEN we get a sweet chin music.

hmmmmmmm what else...

oh yea, orton vs shane could've only been better if after shane loses but still tries to attack orton (with outside help maybe?) then does his trade mark 1000 feet leap of death.

'think thats it. quick ratings:

sd's ec: ****
ecw: who cares?
hbk vs jbl: ***1/2
shane vs orton: ***3/4 (bite me)
raw's ec: ****1/2 (just for edge)


Well come on then mr i always give opinions that no one questions. Your starting to piss me off analyzing my posts. I told you what i think will happen whether it makes sense or not. Does most of what wwe do make sense? No so stop worrying about what i think will happen and start to post your thoughts and not analyze ever one else posts. And i know your age has nothing to do with it but im being questioned by a 16 yr old. Im 26 i have wrestling knowledge than you do so whether my posts don't make sense to you don't mean they wont happen.

It may piss you off, but it is far more annoying (not to mention a contradiction to the notion of DISCUSSION) when someone posts expecting anything they say to be deemed un-debateable regardless of how flawed their opinion may be.

You posted your thoughts on a PUBLIC FORUM - If you don't want people to respond then don't damn-well post them. ---->

LOL... At your bringing up age.... News-flash: YOU'RE the one that looks immature here and what's more, you're far from exhibiting the superior wrestling knowledge that you refer to!

So, O-O-O-O-N topic then....

I could pick wholes in a few things, and I do still consider the EC matches to be wasted at NWO, but on the whole I thoroughly enjoyed said PPV.... Granted not a masterpiece of modern PPV, but a very entertaining show.

SD EC – Was baffled to see it open the show, but the distance between the two EC matches worked for the better in the end. The uncertainty of having so many ‘un-pinnable’ guys made for a good match and it was always gonna be somewhat satisfying seeing so many of them take a fall in the same match. If it wasn’t for the predictability factor of Taker’s streak, I’d be well up for seeing HHH defend vs Taker at WM now.

Orton v Shane – Not bad for what it was, but ultimately pale in comparison to the great street fight’s that Shane has had in the past. I guess it lost a little of the “wow”-factor due to Shane’s ‘coast-to-coast’ having already been seen on Raw a week or so before the PPV.

JBL v HBK – Booooooooooooooooooo!!! ....Good match, but damn, this was the only decent length storyline we had bubbling away for WM (whether it be for a JBL 1-on-1 or HBK being dicked around by JBL as a continuation of this storyline). They shot their load too early on this one. At most now, all I see being left of this saga is a prospective “Job done.... But now HBK is gonna kick your ass” match... Damn shame. IMO HBK should have been bitched out and humiliated a whole lot more; not merely made to feel moral conflict.

Swagger v Finlay – So are we to infer from that that Finlay was a bigger threat to our ECW champ than Matt ‘2 clean losses to Swagger’ Hardy? ...Surely that’s also gotta be ‘seeds sewn’ for the Finlay/Horny break-up too? Not a bad match, but it have been bottom of the card on virtually any other show. ...And wasn’t that more “we want Christian” chants I heard during the match? From an ECW-point of view, I’m really looking forward to the draft now... Got the feeling that the show itself is about to get a ‘push’.

RAW – EC – First things first, I’ve no beef with the Edge’s being left to complete after the attack, so long as there is some form of rational explanation of why the reign is allowed to stand. If not, no probs; just vacate the belt and move on. Was genuinely shocked at the quick exit of Cena and hope we’ve seen the foundations laid for a Y2J v Rey fued (With Rey pinning Y2J 1 man from the end, a suitable dynamic is already there)... Couldn’t help but enjoy Rey’s performance... I expected he’d be given a chance to shine and he delivered the goods. :y: ...Expecting a throwaway match between Edge & Kofi (a la Matt Hardy’s punting-revenge match against Orton last year) before Cena invokes the good ol’ rematch clause.

One last thought, 2 world titles on SD whilst the title-shot holder is the main Raw guy, Colon’s fueding with Mizzorison.... A draft the raw after WM.... Is it just me or does a Raw/SD title unification storyline look distinctly possible right now (however unlikely)? ...Keep your eyes on Shelton & Punk over the coming weeks, IMO.

The Rated R CMStar

OK, here are my thoughts. For the SD EC and part of the Shane vs Orton match, I was still pissed from Edge getting eliminated, so I'll try to comment ignoring that.

SD Chamber: It started REALLY BAD. And I am not talking of the Edge/Hardy exchange, but the poor offense Kozlov and Big Show got in. Big Show was mildly entertaining, but with Kozlov in there, it was almost unwatchable. Taker and HHH saved the match imo and made it rather good. The ending was awesome. Hardy vs HHH vs Taker was a nice exchange and made me forget of the pathetic beginning of the match.

Also, you might whine all you want about HHH winning, but:

1) Hardy is scheduled for Hardy vs Hardy, so he was out of the picture.

2) Taker? Do you really want to see Taker in a title match? I mean, geez, who will win the match?

Shane vs Orton: I liked the match. I marked for the blood, even if it was Orton getting fucked up. I didn't like the ending. Orton should have destroyed the hell out of Shane, not get a lucky RKO and win that way. I mean, they played after the match that Shane was getting unconscious, couldn't they booked for the match a damn punt?

Swagger vs Finlay: I used it as my bathroom break. They need to tell Swagger that he CAN'T mat wrestle the entire match, or people will fall asleep.

HBK vs JBL: I liked it. Great acting by both men. I actually found myself cringing when HBK got kicked out of the ring after 2 Clotheslines from Hell. The ending was lame. I expected more than HBK getting his entire finishing sequence and winning that clean.

Here's hoping that JBL finds a loop in HBK's contract and we get a rematch at Mania.

Raw Chamber: Lol, it's amazing how taking Kingston out of the match made it so great. Amazing booking, as the match gave Jericho and Rey a lot of credibility. I don't like how Cena has been almost buried as of late, but meh. Rey really got to showcase himself, same as Y2J. As for Edge...well, what can I say?

That's all. I didnt like how Kozlov got pinned. It took a Last Ride to end his streak? Lame. If they wanted to end it like that, at least have him pass out to the Gogoplata.


sd's ec: ****
ecw: who cares?
hbk vs jbl: ***1/2
shane vs orton: ***3/4 (bite me)
raw's ec: ****1/2 (just for edge)

lmao @ the HBK/JBL rating

SD Chamber ~ ***3/4
Orton/Shane ~ ****
Swagger/Finlay ~ **
HBK/JBL ~ **1/4
RAW Chamber ~ ****1/4

It was a pretty good show. I thought the ECW title match was a little underwhelming for what I was expecting, but meh. Really loved the Orton/Shane match. The stiff shot Shane gave Orton with the camera was sick. The Edge thing I really don't care to get into atm, because it's just too dumb to even discuss. I hope Raw sheds just A LITTLE common sense on the situation tonight, but IDK. Should be a pretty good Raw tonight. Really looking forward to it.