Well come on then mr i always give opinions that no one questions. Your starting to piss me off analyzing my posts. I told you what i think will happen whether it makes sense or not. Does most of what wwe do make sense? No so stop worrying about what i think will happen and start to post your thoughts and not analyze ever one else posts. And i know your age has nothing to do with it but im being questioned by a 16 yr old. Im 26 i have wrestling knowledge than you do so whether my posts don't make sense to you don't mean they wont happen.
It may piss you off, but it is far more annoying (not to mention a contradiction to the notion of DISCUSSION) when someone posts expecting anything they say to be deemed un-debateable regardless of how flawed their opinion may be.
You posted your thoughts on a PUBLIC FORUM - If you don't want people to respond then don't damn-well post them. ---->
LOL... At your bringing up age....
News-flash: YOU'RE the one that looks immature here and what's more, you're far from exhibiting the superior wrestling knowledge that you refer to!
So, O-O-O-O-N topic then....
could pick wholes in a few things, and I do still consider the EC matches to be wasted at NWO, but on the whole I thoroughly enjoyed said PPV.... Granted not a masterpiece of modern PPV, but a very entertaining show.
SD EC – Was baffled to see it open the show, but the distance between the two EC matches worked for the better in the end. The uncertainty of having so many ‘un-pinnable’ guys made for a good match and it was always gonna be somewhat satisfying seeing so many of them take a fall in the same match. If it wasn’t for the predictability factor of Taker’s streak, I’d be well up for seeing HHH defend vs Taker at WM now.
Orton v Shane – Not bad for what it was, but ultimately pale in comparison to the great street fight’s that Shane has had in the past. I guess it lost a little of the “wow”-factor due to Shane’s ‘coast-to-coast’ having already been seen on Raw a week or so before the PPV.
JBL v HBK – Booooooooooooooooooo!!! ....Good match, but damn, this was the only decent length storyline we had bubbling away for WM (whether it be for a JBL 1-on-1 or HBK being dicked around by JBL as a continuation of this storyline). They shot their load too early on this one. At most now, all I see being left of this saga is a prospective “Job done.... But now HBK is gonna kick your ass” match... Damn shame. IMO HBK should have been bitched out and humiliated a whole lot more; not merely made to feel moral conflict.
Swagger v Finlay – So are we to infer from that that Finlay was a bigger threat to our ECW champ than Matt ‘2 clean losses to Swagger’ Hardy? ...Surely that’s also gotta be ‘seeds sewn’ for the Finlay/Horny break-up too? Not a bad match, but it have been bottom of the card on virtually any other show. ...And wasn’t that more “we want Christian” chants I heard during the match? From an ECW-point of view, I’m really looking forward to the draft now... Got the feeling that the show itself is about to get a ‘push’.
RAW – EC – First things first, I’ve no beef with the Edge’s being left to complete after the attack, so long as there is some form of rational explanation of why the reign is allowed to stand. If not, no probs; just vacate the belt and move on. Was genuinely shocked at the quick exit of Cena and hope we’ve seen the foundations laid for a Y2J v Rey fued (With Rey pinning Y2J 1 man from the end, a suitable dynamic is already there)... Couldn’t help but enjoy Rey’s performance... I expected he’d be given a chance to shine and he delivered the goods.

...Expecting a throwaway match between Edge & Kofi (a la Matt Hardy’s punting-revenge match against Orton last year) before Cena invokes the good ol’ rematch clause.
One last thought, 2 world titles on SD whilst the title-shot holder is the main Raw guy, Colon’s fueding with Mizzorison.... A draft the raw after WM.... Is it just me or does a Raw/SD title unification storyline look distinctly possible right now (however unlikely)? ...Keep your eyes on Shelton & Punk over the coming weeks, IMO.