Yeah I shockingly rate Archer over both Tom and ELP so far as the guest commentators lol he's really a natural you can tell he's just winging it, if he had time to like really prepare he'd be even better.
Also I actually think you might be right on Tama winning against Jay to set up the title match at power struggle or sometime soon now that I think about it. The story works out really perfectly, it's not a bad loss for Jay to take angle-wise and he'd get the win back anyway. I don't think Jay wins the whole thing obviously so he'd either have to take that loss or a loss in the semis or finals which if that's the case would more than likely be against his actual WK opponent
Only real complaint would be.....they literally had Tama beat Okada kinda randomly last year just to get a title shot at Power Struggle

but this is much better angle-wise so I can forgive it