Royal Rumble Nixing Cena vs Taker and It's Effect on the Rumble

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Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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If John Cena vs the Undertaker has truly been nixed from WrestleMania, then this could actually very profound effects on the outcomes of the Rumble matches.

I don't presume to actually know what WWE's plans were and can only cite things that I hear on the rumor sites as rumors. But if the idea was Cena wins the belt against AJ and Taker wins the Rumble to face Cena, it seems that this plan is not going to happen. This, of course, would explain partly why Taker showed up on RAW. His WrestleMania opponent might be a Raw guy.

Regardless, this throws a lot more up in the air than would first seem. It makes the result of the AJ and Cena match more ambiguous. That's a comfort, knowing that since Roman lost the US title to Jericho that Roman is likely going to win the Universal title at the Rumble. So Jericho and KO will likely fight for the US title at WrestleMania. Blech.

Anyway, this begs the question who will win between AJ and Cena and who will win the Rumble.

My Rumble winner before was undefined. I thought Strowman might stand a chance. I also thought Taker did. But now, I don't think either of these guys will.

I don't have an answer for Cena vs Styles. I still think Cena's 16th world title should come at Mania. But as for now, I am thinking Samoa Joe might end up winning the Rumble. If Cena wins the World Title and the plans for Cena vs Taker are dropped, Cena defending against Joe might be the freshest and most interesting match for Cena. If AJ retains, then we get AJ and Joe. We've had AJ and Joe many times, but the majority of times we've had it, it's been pretty awesome.

So why might WWE go with AJ and Joe as opposed to Cena vs Taker? Well, I think that answer is pretty obvious. It provides a cushion for them to do whatever they want with Roman Reigns. They can have Reigns vs Strowman, which a lot of people don't want to see. But they can try to appease the people who don't want to see it by having AJ vs Joe, which is a much smarkier match. That way, they can try to ease some of the animosity away from Roman's inevitable victory.

I know that everyone says the brand split was done to get better ratings for Smackdown. I also think it was done so that WWE could promote Roman as the face of one of the brands, while trying to keep the other fans by giving them an alternative World Champion. I honestly think that with the direction both Raw and Smackdown have gone, this seems pretty likely.

Anyhow, what do you think? Do you think them nixing this match has a huge effect as to who wins the Rumble and if so, who do you think will win now?

Solid Snake

New Member
Jun 4, 2016
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I honestly am at a loss on what they are planning but I like it. It makes it feel exciting. Like there is no one wrestler that is looking good right now to win.

Assuming they don't do Taker vs Cena I can bet they start a feud between Taker and Strowman in the RR. Maybe one throws the other out, and the one who got thrown out is angered?

Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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You know, if I had the booking power, I'd book Cena vs Roman with Cena winning. I'm sorry, I don't giving a flying you know what about putting someone over. I think that Cena burying Roman will be the thing that makes me a Cena fan.

Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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Great post as always, Foxy baby!

Now, as far as who might win the Rumble goes, I can see Bálor winning (if he's healthy and cleared to return) and then go on to face Roman for the title at Mania.

Although, Bálor doesn't have to win the Rumble in order to have a Universal title match, 'cause he never lost it to begin with.

Joe is another choice, as you suggested. I'd love it, but... That'd be incredibly bold on WWE's part, giving Joe the monster push right off the bat, which is why I don't see them doing it.

As for my third choice, Taker would take that spot, but I don't see him going against the Universal champ at Mania, nor do I see him going against Styles, or both Cena and Styles at WM.
I certainly wouldn't mind Cena/Styles/Taker match, but Cena's 16th World title win should happen at WM and I'm sure people don't want Taker not coming out victorious in the match, despite him being protected by not eating the pin. As for The Phenomenal One vs The Phenom, that is something people would love to see, but would they really put the title on a part-timer now? Idk, I just don't see Taker vs Styles happening.

Which brings out the main question, who will be facing Taker?

Option #1: Finn Bálor. You said he might end up facing a RAW guy, so Finn comes to mind, purely because both guys have that dark and demonic side. If Finn or anyone else eliminates Taker at the Rumble, then I guess that's how they're going to start their feud.

Option #2: Baron Corbin. I don't see him going up against Taker, tbh. I see Corbin vs The Miz for the IC title at WM.

Option #3: Braun Strowman. Strowman might as well win the Rumble, but I honestly see him getting eliminated by Sami Zayn. Or, Taker might eliminate Strowman, which would piss Strowman off and then he'd come back to the ring to eliminate Taker. They could do it that way. But, to be frank, Strowman is the monster Roman will conquer.

All in all, holy shit, this is the least predictable Rumble in years!
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The Architect
Nov 4, 2016
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Moncton, New Brunswick, CA
I really just hope Roman doesn't take up any of the good matches on the card

Main event

Ect.... he should just stay home IMO, they have the potential for a great card this year

Mr. Roman Empire

The Game
Main Eventer
Oct 5, 2015
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I've said it before I'm calling for Cena to end up losing to AJ but winning the Royal Rumble. I can see somebody from Smackdown (probably Baron Corbin) getting attcaked before he enters the Rumble and Daniel Bryan and Shane letting Cena fill his spot.

Then I believe Cena is going to jump ship from Smackdown to Raw (like how Benoit did it) and challenge Roman for the Universal Championship at Wm33. While Smackdown decides their number contender at The Elimination Chamber.

Meanwhile Taker and Strowman have a big face off during Royal Rumble which starts a feud between them and they take it to Wrestlemania. And I believe that Vince is gonna let Strowman go over on Taker to really ignite his push.

Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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I've said it before I'm calling for Cena to end up losing to AJ but winning the Royal Rumble. I can somebody from Smackdown (probably Baron Corbin) getting attcaked before he enters the Rumble and Daniel Bryan and Shane letting Cena fill his spot.

Then I believe Cena is going to jump ship from Smackdown to Raw (like how Benoit did it) and challenge Roman for the Universal Championship at Wm33. While Smackdowns decided their number contender at The Elimination Chamber.

Meanwhile Taker and Strowman have a big face off during Royal Rumble which starts a feud between them and they take it to Wrestlemania. And I believe that Vince is gonna let Strowman go over on Taker to really ignite his push.

I don't see it happening, it'd be very bold and the ultimate heel move by Cena, Shane and DB to do something like that.

Mr. Roman Empire

The Game
Main Eventer
Oct 5, 2015
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I don't see it happening, it'd be very bold and the ultimate heel move by Cena, Shane and DB to do something like that.

OR it could be something like Ambrose kayfabe injuring the Miz. I don't know..just something on the lines of a Smackdown superstar not being able to compete

Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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OR it could be something like Ambrose kayfabe injuring the Miz. I don't know..just something on the lines of a Smackdown superstar not being able to compete

Yeah, I get your point, but why would they let Cena compete in the Rumble after losing to Styles earlier in the night?

Mr. Roman Empire

The Game
Main Eventer
Oct 5, 2015
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Yeah, I get your point, but why would they let Cena compete in the Rumble after losing to Styles earlier in the night?

Cuz he's BIG MATCH JOHN lol

Also for potentially wanting to have Smackdown brand go over so they can lock in the main event at Wrestlemania. But then Cena jumps ship because Reigns starts talking trash or something or he knows Styles is the better man. I don't know I just really don't think WWE is going with Taker vs Cena. Especially with Taker winning the Royal Rumble. But Ive been wrong plently of times before soooo :pity:

But if Finn Balor returns I feel like he's definitely going to win it, if not then I'm sticking with this prediction

Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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Cuz he's BIG MATCH JOHN lol

Also for potentially wanting to have Smackdown brand go over so they can lock in the main event at Wrestlemania. But then Cena jumps ship because Reigns starts talking trash or something or he knows Styles is the better man. I don't know I just really don't think WWE is going with Taker vs Cena. Especially with Taker winning the Royal Rumble. But Ive been wrong plently of times before soooo :pity:

But if Finn Balor returns I feel like he's definitely going to win it, if not then I'm sticking with this prediction

I'm pretty confident that RAW guys will get to main event WM over SD guys. But, we'll see.

As for Cena vs Reigns, it would've likely been this year's main event of WM if the brand split didn't happen. To me, Finn vs Roman or Roman vs Strowman sounds a lot more likely to happen over Cena vs Reigns.

Man, all I know is that this year's Rumble is very unpredictable and I'm looking forward to it!


World's Finest Failure.
Apr 23, 2016
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Where yo' grandma stay.
I think you have the right idea. Its very obvious after last Monday that Reigns is probably winning the Uni' championship. No other reason for him to drop the US title and I doubt he'll even invoke the rematch claus. It was dead weight on him anyway, Owens/Jericho feuding for the belt would do wonders for its credibility. It's a big money match too especially with how the relationship between the two has developed over time. If they keep the two away from each other until mania it'll be a great pay off.

My theory on the rumble match is that none of the part-timers will win. I believe they're all there to just plant the seeds for Wrestlemania, the obvious example of that being Lesnar/Goldberg. It was foreshadowed on Raw that Braun Strowman and Undertaker might be doing something. HHH might even pop up to sabotage Seth Rollins, either as a participant or not. With that being said I would have to assume Balor. He never lost the championship and beat Reigns to earn the spot in the championship match so that would be the easy story to tell. My only questions in this scenario is who turns heel and how much will people bitch when Reigns beats Balor clean?
Alternatively I could see Cena winning, no seriously, I think its a possibility if he doesn't tie Flair's record that night. It would be a good reason to continue his feud with Styles. I mean Cena tying Flair's record is justification enough I would think.

I love the Joe/Styles idea but I can't see it happening. When I think of Joe/Styles the first thing that comes to mind is literally TNA. Would WWE really put two guys whos names are synonymous with TNA and ROH in a high spot on a WrestleMania card?...


But who knows...
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