In this tutorial i am gunna show you a simple way to make a Night Of Champion Poster to advertise Triple H Vs. John Cena for the WWE Championship
1. Open a new document '400x550'
2. We are going to add a gradient to the poster with the following settings. Do it vertically
3. Now we will add some clouds to this. Create a new layer and go to 'Filters>Renders>Clouds' Set the blending options to 'Soft Light' and the opacity to '50'
4. Time to add your wrestlers. Take the pic of John Cena and put him on the left side of the poster.
5. Now add Triple H to the right side of the poster.
6. We are now going to take the "Marquee Rectangle Tool' with the feather set to '20'. Start at the bottom and make it about an inch tall. Fill it in all the way, hold the 'Shift' key and move it down abut 3 click.
7. Time for the logo. Take the Night of champions logo and center it on the top of the poster about 4 clicks down from the top. Now click the layer with the logo and move it down under the layer of the John Cena pic
8. We will add the text now. We will have it centered on that black box we made. We will use the text 'Arial Black' and type 'WWE Championship' 'Triple H Vs. John Cena'
9. Now double click the text layer and we will add a gradient to it witgh the following settings
10. Al we have left to do is add a border. first click 'D' to set ur colors back to defualt and then create a new layer. Now click 'Ctrl+A' to select the layer and go to Edit>Stroke and set it to '1 px' and you should now be complete.

1. Open a new document '400x550'
2. We are going to add a gradient to the poster with the following settings. Do it vertically

3. Now we will add some clouds to this. Create a new layer and go to 'Filters>Renders>Clouds' Set the blending options to 'Soft Light' and the opacity to '50'

4. Time to add your wrestlers. Take the pic of John Cena and put him on the left side of the poster.

5. Now add Triple H to the right side of the poster.

6. We are now going to take the "Marquee Rectangle Tool' with the feather set to '20'. Start at the bottom and make it about an inch tall. Fill it in all the way, hold the 'Shift' key and move it down abut 3 click.

7. Time for the logo. Take the Night of champions logo and center it on the top of the poster about 4 clicks down from the top. Now click the layer with the logo and move it down under the layer of the John Cena pic

8. We will add the text now. We will have it centered on that black box we made. We will use the text 'Arial Black' and type 'WWE Championship' 'Triple H Vs. John Cena'

9. Now double click the text layer and we will add a gradient to it witgh the following settings

10. Al we have left to do is add a border. first click 'D' to set ur colors back to defualt and then create a new layer. Now click 'Ctrl+A' to select the layer and go to Edit>Stroke and set it to '1 px' and you should now be complete.