Cena/Lesnar was great, although I'd love it even more if not for the FACT they made Rollins a total jerkoff idiot who ruined the night for everyone. Seriously, why wouldn't he wait until the match is over? This makes no fucking sense. Now, onto the match - loved it once again. Cena evolved both mentally and tactically since SummerSlam, the first AA was a sign of things to come that he may actually damage Lesnar here. That's exactly what happened and he'd probably win the match if not for Rollins. From a booking standpoint, it'd be a disaster, but it'd make sense within the context of the match and how the story was handled. There was few nice details where Cena exploited Lesnar's past MMA weaknesses to gain some offense, I dug that.
Cena/Lesnar series:
that 2003 match bad
Extreme Rules 2012 ***3/4
SummerSlam 2014 ****3/4
Night of Champions 2014 ****