Fitz has been terrible the past few weeks, apparently Carson Palmer still sucks. Didn't account for that. :downer:
You've got this whole bet in the bag if D'Z would man up, un-false-retire, and face the music.
Fully expect the Cowboys to win. The San Diego Curse is so strong that Tony Romo may be able to not fuck up a 4th quarter comeback.
Haha, congrats on the win! Wonder how much of that was the Bills being that good or a classic "Ravens not caring" game, but if you're actually that good then you'll be pretty scary here in a few years. Dat pass rush. Damn.
Even if you have the best team here (possible) it's almost the worst to be the Bills fan though. You're the only one here that can't use the "Oh, well, the division sucks dong anyway :dawg:" excuse. lol @ pittsburgh