Percy Watson needs to do his own thing. That guy has superstar written all over him, he has more charisma than the entire Nexxus combined and could easily get mad over on his own. If they want him to really succeed they need to put him on SD! where there is such a huge lack of talent he could really shine and not get lost in the shuffle. I think Kaval would benefit from going to SD! as well, he doesn't need to get lost in the shuffle either.
Alex Riley just needs to GTFO. His character really bothers me. Who's he designed to feud with? Archie and Jugghead?
But if they are going to patch Nexxus up with some NXT 2 guys, they should obviously use Husky Harris and Mike McGuilicutty after he cuts a promo where he talks about how his name isn't McGuilicutty, it's Hennig and how shafted he feels about having to use such an atrociously fake name when he's a third generation star from the famed Hennig family. Mike's got it all, the look, the ability and the mic skills. I even think he's better than Barrettt, who is the cream of the Nexxus crop. And I like Husky, he has a different look, can really really work well in the ring and his mic skills are good too. It's just crazy hom far superior the season 2 guys are compared to the season 1 guys. Season 1 produced 2 definite keepers in Wade and Dragon and 3 possibilities in Sheffield, Gabriel and Otunga (he has the look), season 2 produced 4 definite keepers in Harris, Kaval, Mike and Percy Watson and had some definite possibilities in Riley (if they change that stupid character) Cottonwood and Lucky Cannon.