This. Cody hit road bump after road bump on his way to the main event during 2012. During his injury a lot of talent stepped up to fill his spot and did so gloriously. Daniel Bryan, Sandow and Dolph to name a few (yeah I don't think the initial plan was to have Bryan remain in the main event after Miami but it seems he will be pivotal now). Cody is great as an upper midcarder right now. He's young and the main event will still be there for when he is ready.Crayo said:I'm not overly keen on Cody Rhodes breaking into the ME scene quite yet, he has seemingly lost his mojo. That may well be due to poor booking, injuries and weird gimmicks but I think there is much better talent available to have the push. An example of this is Sandow, I think he is outshining Cody exponentially in this current tag-team.