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- Oct 20, 2022
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Who the heck authorized this to keep going? I need names. We open on a crowd of eager fans, in whatever arena we're in, for nGw's return! We pan over several signs at ringside supporting some of the pre-announced compeditors in tonight's main event, including Heidi Blackthorn, 'The Maltese Falcon' Alejandro Giunti, and Who?, before turning to Broc Lobster & Danielle Kennedy.
Broc Lobster: Hello everyone! You’re watching Next Generation Wrestling, where the stars of tomorrow take flight, TODAY! I’m the Crustacean Sensation, Broc Lobster-
Danielle Kennedy: -And I’m Five O’Clock on a Friday, Danielle Kennedy! Welcome to nGw: Battle Royal with Cheese! Weird name. We’re airing live on the WS Network, after a few months off to recharge, and where are we airing from, Broc?
Broc Lobster: Not a clue. I want to say… South Dakota? Let’s go with that. We’ve got a special show for you tonight folks - over a dozen fresh and exciting new wrestlers debut in our main event, in a match to determine the next challenger to Stu Grimes’ nGw Championship!
Danielle Kennedy: Is Stu Grimes still alive? … Anyway. Throughout the night, we’re going to be introduced to a bunch of new wrestlers debuting in our main event, along with brief recaps of the current title scene in nGw. For now, let’s go backstage with Bell Connelly, as she provides an update on the nGw Champion, Stu Grimes.
We fade in on, what seems to be a VERY fancy-looking office...like too fancy looking. Almost obnoxiously so, with pink and blue accents lighting up the room, various title belts hanging up pride of place, some princess peach, Disney and SpongeBob characters hanging up, but pride of place is a VERY tall oil painting of a young woman with s bleach blond hair and blue eyes. She maybe WOULD be considered beautiful if it wasn't for that gleam in her eye that seemed to scream 'I'm not all there.' dressed in an old school smoking jacket, holding a Sherlock Holmes like pipe, reclining back in front of an oak desk, the camera pans down to reveal... That exact woman, in the exact same pose. Holding the exact same pipe.
Bell Connelly: Oh, Hello, there. I absolutely saw you come in. Relax. Take off your shoes. Take some deep breaths, and remember, You're nice, and everyone likes you. Anyone who doesn't like you is a smelly loser. But if you don't like someone else, you're absolutely right. In fact, you're the only person that exists, I'm just a figment of your imagination, I don't live outside these shows and when you look away I vanish forever. Imagine a nice cool waterfall, where's the waterfall going? It's going to your happy place; your happy place is inside of your heart, your heart's function is to pump blood, so when you really think about it all waterfalls are really blood falls. BLOOD. BLOOD. BLOOD... Are you relaxed yet?
Well, I don't know about you but I don't think she should be starting an ASMR channel any time soon.
Bell Connelly: To the uninitiated, you're no doubt thinking "Who is the blond vision of loveliest, I daren't make eye contact with such a divine being lest my eyes implode knowing they will never stare at any radiant ever again? Well, you can call me Mr. Bubbles. You can, but you probably shouldn't because my name is Bell Connelly. Oh, I'm no one special. Just the greatest, most charismatic show women the world has ever seen. No biggie. Hey, did you guys know we had a women's championship? Do you know what happened to it? Fun Fact, they retired it because it turns out I was REALLY REALLY good at defending it. 664 days. Two. Years. Let's see, what else... I'm a Hall of Famer and a part of the ELITE sisterhood in pro wrestling to win the FWA World Heavyweight championship. It's just me...Shannon, Gabby and- Um...
A frown comes to Bell's features as she starts snapping her fingers, hoping to spark the memory of that last name.
Bell Connelly: God, what was that name again? I can never put my finger on it... It's too unimportant, forgettable, and just not memorable enough to remember besides a vague connection to me... Aw well... Point is, among my MANY, MANY, MANY, talents, I've been known for my giving nature. Recently I've been giving back to FWA by presenting you, the stars of tomorrow, TODAY with our developmental show.... NGW.
With one free hand, she reaches into her desk and from within it, is loose glitter which she throws in the air, as if to underline how much joy those letters should give us, while most of us wonder '...Does she have an entire draw full of glitter?' The answer is likely yes.
Bell Connelly: Y'know, people come up to me and say 'Bell, NGW is great and all but isn't it a little silly? If we're building FWA talent for the future, shouldn't it be a little bit less whacky?' To which I reply, 'SHUT UP. QUIT THAT CRAZY JIBBER JABBER, I WILL FIND YOU, TRACK YOU DOWN AND HIDE IN A TREE BESIDE YOUR HOUSE DRESSED AS A CROW AND POUNCE ON YOU WHEN YOU LEAST SUSPECT IT-! CAW! CAW!'
Those all-American baby blues stare right into the camera, as she leans forward, malice dripping off every word she says, before like someone has flipped a switch in her head, she leans back, and that warm and welcoming smile returns like it never went away. Yep. This chick was nuts, point of interest; we see the jacket she's wearing has a phrase stitched into it 'Property of Jasmine Perlot.'
Bell Connelly: Now, recently, NGW has been having a little whoopsie daisy time, what with people thinking our NGW champ was killed off in the first show after BIB, but those people are WRONG. I'm pleased to report Stu Grimes is alive and well, and what you guys actually saw, was a super impressive MAGIC trick. An Illusion, ohhhhhhh spooky. Turns out Stu is quite the magician; for example, he's changed his appearance, and might look, sound and act like someone entirely different, and at times it might LOOK like he's someone else but remember, it absolutely Stu Grimes. Oh, and there is the fact our network closed down. Big ol' WHOOPIE there; they told me, it was because they couldn't afford to run it anymore.
She pauses to shrug her shoulders, and while she does, the camera pans out to reveal Bell is sat next to what appears to be a solid gold statue of herself encrusted with all manner of sparkling diamonds, emeralds and sapphires, and spelt out in said diamonds is the legend 'MVH HAS A BUTT FACE. SHE HAS A BUTT FOR A FACE. MICHELLE VON BUTTFACE.'
Bell Connelly: I blame the economy.
Bell Connelly: But after talking to the fancy people, we are BACK. LIVE AND KICKING, and to celebrate, I give you... I can't remember the name of this show, Nolee insert something witty in post-production, thanks. I've opened the doors to independent talent all over the world like my name was Bell Wonka, giving them the chance to impress me enough to give them a shiny new NGW contract... All you got to do? IS SURVIVE THE RING OF FIRE! Tonight, the ring will be set on fire while the mat spins faster and faster; only the strong will survive THE RING OF FIRE. FIRE WIL-
It was just then another woman dressed in a smart casual jacket and carrying a clipboard runs into the scene and mutters something in Bell's ear.
Bell Connelly: What?!
Nolee LaCroix whispers in her ear again.
Bell Connelly: Urg, Health and Safety, those guys are SO lame. Can we at least have the mat spin?
Nolee LaCroix whispers in her ear for a third time.
Bell Connelly: Whadduya mean impractical?! I'm trying to provide cutting-edge innovative wrestling concepts, and everyone is so hung up on 'Heath and safety.'
Bell says those last three words with quotation mark fingers and a sarcastic tone, in case you couldn't pick up on it.
Bell Connelly: Fine, I guess we can just do one of those battle royales? They're fun. Cool? Cool. Coolcoolcool.
She smiles at the woman, and the woman smiles back... Until-
With no small about of sudden bemusement at another signature mood shift from the unpredictable Bell Connelly. Nolee LaCroix rushes out of frame to presumingly tell the locker room what's happening, meanwhile, the camera focuses on Bell as she takes a pull from the comically oversized pipe. Bubbles come out.
Bell Connelly: Man, I'm good at this job.
We fade to black...
… then we return from black, outside an ominous door marked ‘Director of Internal Affairs.’ Bell’s sitcom arch-rival herself, Jasmine Perlot, looking like Cruella De Ville if she had a casual hobby in something as begign as human trafficking. Smug and vain, she lights a cigar with a wad of one-hundred dollar bills.
Jasmine Perlot: Of course they’re not getting the nGw champion back, Stu’s dead. Don’t be daft. Bell’s being too stupid to just recoup her losses, if you didn’t need another indicator of her financial idiocy.
Beside her, her valued assistant and entree in tonight’s Battle Royal Main Event, Monica Masters, nods while writing this down.
Jasmine Perlot: Bell’s regime is one step away from bust, Monica. You know, when I was a young lady, I went through a mermaid phase, so I had my nanny surgically changed to look more like a mermaid. As soon as she had the fin put in, I grew out of it, so I fired her for looking like a freak.
There’s a brief pause. Perlot stubs out her cigar on the backside of a passing staff member.
Jasmine Perlot: The point is, Monica, I don't tolerate failure. Not from Bell, not from my children, and most certainly not from you. Don’t embarrass me and my brand in tonight’s Battle Royal, Monica. There’s too many… Variables, and if I want this blasted project to turn a profit, I need that nGw Championship on someone reliable. Someone I can count on. Someone who will do as I say without question. Stop writing this down, I didn’t tell you to write this down!
Monica Masters pauses her note-taking, her pen hovering anxiously above her clipboard. Jasmine lights up another cigar.
Jasmine Perlot: Now write that down.
Monica Masters resumes her writing.
We cut to a vignette. It’s an apartment, covered in the remains of one banger party. Discarded cans, blunts of half-smoked you-know what, a dozen people passed out in various stages of undress.
From within the mountain of mess, a man stirs awake. Long black shaggy hair, a trail of stubble, and dried spit mark his features. He groans, pressing a palm against his eyes. Clearly, this man is hungover to hell and back. He needs some water, or some coffee, or-
He instead flicks a stereo next to his bed, and heavy metal SCREAMS through the room.
The sleeping figures around him slowly stir to life, as the man starts headbanging his way to breakfast. He passes a note pinned to the fridge with a magnet of his own face.
nGw tryout
January something
Party On
~ The Dude
With that, we cut to black…
… And fade in on our next vignette. There’s going to be a lot of vignettes this show, so get used to it. We have a man, framed in shadow. We can’t see his face of his defining features, but we CAN see he has taped fists. You know what that means!
Anyway. The camera catches the glint of gold and certificates on the wall behind him, noting some kind of technically skilled background. All in the name of BENJAMIN FOSTER. This is a man who clearly know how to take people apart, piece by piece. A killer in the ring.
From off screen, someone throws a bag at the man.
Bell Connelly: Suit up, Benny! Hop to it!
With clear hesitation and existential dread, Benjamin Foster opens up the bag, and pulls out a giant bunny rabbit head, the kind you’d see during easter. He sighs.
Bright pink text flashes on the screen.
Hip-and-hopping his way to the ring!
We cut to black, not before the sound of Benjamin Foster’s anguished sobs echo, clearly not happy with this gimmick.
And we once again return from black, to a third vignette! This is a YouTube video, entitled ‘Look at this silly bird lol.’ In this video, a bird has it’s head stuck in a McDonald’s chip cup. The person recording the video is giggling nonstop. Why are we watching this? Surely th-
Christ it has 9.2 million views and it was only uploaded last week.
As the video comes to a close, text appears on the screen.
Thxs 4 watchin SILLY BIRDS!!! Watch me debut in @nGw!!! Love, K@te!!!
Back in the ring, the crowd suddenly explodes into ENORMOUS SCREAMS OF JOY at the sight of a middle-aged man with vampire teeth making Dubstep noises with his mouth as he grooves down to the ring.
Danielle Kennedy: STEVE THE TECHNO VAMPIRE! Main roster STAR, Steve the Techno Vampire, is making his way to the nGw ring!
Broc Lobster: So he is! As a sign of good faith, FWA officials have allowed two of FWA’s finest main roster combatants to step into the ring here and show everyone backstage what’s waiting for them when they get the main roster call.
Danielle Kennedy: Amazing! Are we getting another exciting chapter of Steve the Techno Vampire vs Ratin Mikichin?
Broc Lobster: You’re damn right, Danielle!
Indeed! Ratin Mikichin soon joins Steve the Techno Vampire in the ring, eager to gain a win over his rival, in an old stage. The bell rings, and the match begins!
Steve the Techno Vampire vs Ratin Mikichin
In a strange inversion of the main roster crowds, the captive audience for Steve vs Ratin is HOT HOT HOT for this encounter! I’m honestly not sure why. Steve & Ratin do little more than sloppy punches and poorly-sequenced holds, but the crowd just… Eats it up. They’re rock stars tonight, putting on a terrible match that gets treated like a five-star encounter.
Soon, the action spills to the outside. Ratin throws Steve against the guardrail, then turns, motioning for the stinkface! He hikes up his mankini - god help the poor lass who got a front row seat to this - and backs it up!
But Steve ducks out of the way! Ratin backs up, his bare cheeks meeting the cold unforgiving steel! It's winter, so the bare skin contacting with cold steel is instantly stuck on ice! We've all seen those winter movies where a kid gets their tongue stuck to a pole. Don't ask why his ass cheeks are so moist, they just are. He squeals in anguish! Steve points and laughs! Ratin tries to pull himself away from the guardrail, but his cheeks are stuck! Steve taunts him, slapping him several times, then turns as the referee reaches seven. But Ratin grabs him by the hair, holding and preventing him from entering the ring! Eight count! Steve struggles! Nine! Steve breaks the hold and makes a mad dash to the ri-TEN!
Draw - No winner - Double countout
Steve the Techno Vampire slaps the ring in frustration, while Ratin asks for some warm water for his... Predicament. What a shitshow.
Danielle Kennedy: What a blockbuster!
You're kidding me right?
Broc Lobster: A nailbiter for sure! Ratin Mikichin and Steve the Techno Vampire are too evenly matched! Looks like this rivalry will continue, and I for one think we're all for the better because of it. Thank you to the main roster for allowing nGw to be a part of this history rivalry!
Let's just... Move on.
Look at the time, it’s time for another vignette for another debut in tonight’s Battle Royal! Here, we have a big tall brick shithouse of a man, doing pushups in a hoodie, whil-
Jesus christ man don’t get so close to the camera. Instead of the obvious athlete, our attention is instead drawn to a blotchy, sweaty man, holding a canister of coffee. He keeps shaking, as he takes another sip of coffee.
He spoke so fast, if it wasn’t for some convenient subtitles we won’t have a clue what he’s saying.
Towerblock Bruno doesn’t seem to notice Lugi, as he continues doing pushups. He grunts once, whether that is in recognotion of Luigi or his own excercise, no-one knows.
We fade to black…
Here's a recap of the nGw Tag Team Championships scene. We Do Exist! have retained their belts against The Alchemists, and are set to defend their belts against The Lumberjacks, and The Internet Anti-H8 Squad. Meanwhile, Toxic Wonderland & Crimson Knights are scheduled to face off next week for no.1 contendership! And yet, Kung-Fu Boom lurks on the sidelines…
This vignette is short, sweet, and too the point.
A burly, heft man brandishes a pair of scissors menacingly.
???: The Barbershop… Is open.
A laugh echoes, as we fade to black…
Y’all know what time it is, it’s time for another vignette! Where are we this t-OH GOD EVERYTHING IS ON FIRE.
We’re in a kitchen?!? There’s fire everywhere and people are screaming?!? But they’re not screaming because of the fire, oh no, they’re screaming of the big hulked out man screaming obscenities. Which, y’know, comparatively speaking- anyway.
Oh wow. He’s a chef. A very angry chef. Don’t see many of those in wrestling. Hang on, isn't that celebrity masterchef, Chef Cross? He's like Gordon Ramsey without the charm.
We once again fade to black…
We’re backstage! It’s not a vignette this time, it’s an interview! Hooray for variety! Nolee LaCroix on the mic, and standing next to her is a quivering mass of muscles. If you look closely there’s a face somewhere in those muscles, looking like they’ve got stagefright.
Nolee LaCroix: Yo wass poppin’. I’m here with one of the debutants for tonight Battle Royal, none other than Zap Powerslam. What’s up, Zap?
Nolee aims the mic to where she hopes Zap Powerslam’s face is. Given that he has no neck, Zap pivots his entire torso to face Nolee.
Zap Powerslam: H-H… Hello.
He breathes deeply into the mic, looking somewhere offscreen, most likely at some kind of stage hand holding cue cards.
Zap Powerslam: M-M-My n-name is Pap Zowersla- Zap Powerslam-m-m-m, an-and I-
Nolee gives him an encouraging thumbs up.
Zap Powerslam: And I… Er… I’m g-going to win tonight’s ladder ma-
He pauses and looks at Nolee. Nolee shakes her head, mouthing the words ‘Battle Royal.’
Zap Powerslam: I’m going to w-w-win tonights… Battle… Royal! Battle Royal. B-Because, I… I…
Oh dear, the poor thing has lost his place in the script. His eyes dart in panic, sweat drips down his forehead. The LIVE icon does not help his anxiety.
Zap Powerslam: I… I… I… LOOK WHAT I CAN DO.
In a panic, he starts flexing. Nolee stares, entranced.
This goes on for several minutes, until someone finally motions to cut the feed.
Another recap, this one of the nGw Young Lion’s scene. Champion Charles Newry, The Scheming Behemoth is scheduled to defend his title against Noach ‘The Roach’ Van Der Cappallen on the next show. Beyond that… It’s all open.
Random-ass Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, the INNOVATOR of the 460 SPLASH!
Getting right into it with another vignette! A dude is perched on the top turnbuckle! He motions for some kind of flip, but adds a bit more motion than usual! And suddenly, we’re in slow motion.
Sorry. Slooooooooooow mooooootion. That’s better.
The guy stands on the turnbuckle. Then he leans back, ever so slightly, before leaping off! 90 degrees! 180 degrees! 360 degrees! 450 degrees! THEN THE EXTRA TEN DEGREES FOR A 460 SPLASH! THE CROWD GOES WILD, THE EXTRA TEN DEGREES MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE!
He makes the impact as we cut to black.
Mr. 460
What a stupid name. And we fade away…
One last vignette!
Over a groovy beat, a man alternates between dancing and punching people in the groin.
I got nothing. This is Funky Fedora and I hate him. Fade to black right now, don’t give him any mic time.
One final interview. Nolee LaCroix is standing by with a spooky man under a dark hood. Nolee closes her eyes, exasperated, and merely holds the mic up.
Nolee looks annoyed.
Nolee rolls her eyes so hard they almost fall out of her head.
He laughs. And keeps laughing for several minutes.
We fade to black.
We see a brief recap of the nGw world title scene, from Stu Grimes retaining the nGw Championship, to the announcement of a fatal four-way for his next challenger scheduled for next show, between Salvador Grimm, Elliott Harvey Huttlestone, Angel Clemente, & Shiji Mikami.
Broc Lobster: jesus christ why were there so many vignettes?
Danielle Kennedy: Lot of characters to introduce, my guy.
Broc Lobster: How many of them are even going to appear past tonight?
Danielle Kennedy: *vague shrugging noise*
Broc Lobster: Anyway. It’s time for tonight’s main event! An eighteen-person battle royal, the winner of which will battle the nGw Champion at a later date. We’ve met our contenders, let’s get right into it!
nGw Battle Royal - Winner Gets A Future nGw Championship Shot
Who? vs Frankie Purejoy vs Alejandro Giunti vs Heidi Blackthorn vs Keiko Hirabayashi vs CHAOS vs Johnny Johnson vs Zap Powerslam vs Nicodemus vs The Dude vs Monica Masters vs Towerblock Bruno vs K@te vs Funky Fedora vs Pepper Pickering vs Benny the Rabbit vs Chef Cross vs Jack the Clipper
The bell rings, and the match begins! What wild fisticuffs will ensure as everyone battles to make sure their name is in the running for next nGw title conten-
Nicodemus has been eliminated!
… huh. That was quick, I didn’t even catch that. Can we back up a second?
Via replay, the bell rings, and the NEXT BIG SPOOKY GUY NICODEMUS takes one step forward, is immediately rocked by a headbutt by CHAOS, and eliminated. The cries of ‘NO MY LORE FORBIDS THIS’ goes unheeded, as a referee gently but firmly tells Nicodemus to beat it.
Monica Masters has been eliminated!
Wait, no, hold on, we’re still one the firs-Rewind for a minute!
Okay, so, apparently Monica Masters started this off by loudly proclaiming that she ‘crunched the data’ and ‘the only variable is who’s under Who?’s mask’. Her attempt to unmask Who? Ends poorly as she is immediately lariated out of the ring by the masked assailant. I would’ve thought with Jasmine Perlot’s backing she would’ve gone far, but I guess-
Pepper Pickering has been eliminated!
What?!? What happened here? Can we get another replay? Please?
Right, so, here we see Pepper Pickering springboarding his way around the ring… And here we see Frankie Purejoy spraying an aerosol can directly into his eyes. Jeez, that’s gotta sting. The followup elimination is almost a mercy. I can’t believe we flew Pepper Pickering all the way over here and he didn’t even bust out his 460, what a waste of ti-
Towerblock Bruno has been eliminated!
What the shit, did the big lug really get eliminated within, like, four minutes?!? How? Replay please.
Alright. So Towerblock Bruno made a beeline for Alejandro Giunti, perhaps seeing the hyped sensation as the ‘biggest dog in the yard’, to borrow some prison slang. He whiffs a clothesline, Giunti catches him with a jumping knee, and dropkicks him out just like that. Bruno’s manager is aghast, and just about faints at ringside. We’re not even going to get the usual ‘it takes everyone to eliminate the big guy’ thing. Wild, I-
Benny the Rabbit has been eliminated!
Stop eliminating people this quick! This is getting absurd, we’re barely two minutes into this!
Where are we, where are we… Okay, so, Benny the Rabbit tried to use some technical prowess to be slightly less of a joke, only for Johnny Johnson to grab him by the oversized bunny ears and whip him out of the ring. Benny might be happy to leave at this point, we know he’s very unenthusiastic about the whole rabbit thing, s-
Funky Fedora has been eliminated!
You’re shitting me. Just give me a minute to catch up on things, alright, just-GAWD.
Alright, so Funky Fedora seemed to try and deceive his way into eliminating Keiko, however not only did Keiko not fall for it, she beat the piss out of him and threw him right out of the ring, where he landed on his manager/slash sister. Eh, no big loss, but what I’d really like for things to just-
Chef Cross has been eliminated!
Rewind and replay. Chef Cross began throwing hard rights at Heidi Blackthorn while angrily lecturing her about the proper way to cook pancakes. Heidi avoided the blows, chirping back with her own cooking methods, which only infuriated Chef Cross into throwing a haymaker, which Blackthorn easily ducked before superkicking him over the ropes. Stay tuned for Chef Cross’s Competitive Celebrity Cooking Combat Challenge, where celebrities compete to cook various pastries while a pro wrestler beats the shit out of them. It’s got good ratings but I feel like it’s fourth season is a bit lackluster.
Oh. I was expecting another elimination to occur. So I can properly do my ‘here’s what the field is doing’ thing? Neat. So we’re just about two minutes into this and already like half the field is eliminated. Swell. Let’s see how the remaining contenders are doing.
CHAOS has exited the ring and is scaring fans at ringside. Yeah, that tracks.
Johnny Johnson agreed to take a selfie with K@te, only to throw up a very vuglar hand symbol for the photo. When K@te protests, Johnson flattens her with a lariat, takes the phone, and begins posting inappropriate messages on K@te’s page.
Frankie Purejoy attempts to use the aerosol spray on The Dude, but The Dude’s sunglasses block it! I mean, yeah, he still inhaled a bunch of terrible chemicals, but he’s not blinded. He nabs Purejoy in a body slam, maybe the first actual wrestling move of the match.
There’s drama in the middle of the ring! Heidi Blackthorn and Keiko Hirabayashi seem to have noticed each other. Words go unsaid, as they stare, ready to grapple - before Heidi suddenly pivots and clocks Who? with a forearm instead! Keiko follows suit, turning her attention to Zap Powerslam, raining hash elbows and forearms on the big lug.
Elsewhere, Alejandro Giunti does battle with Jack the Clipper, trading blows. The villainous barber nearly takes Giunti’s head off with a lariat, Giunti avoiding it by the slimmest of margins, before catching Jack with a beautiful Rolling Wheel Kick. He hoists Jack the Clipper over the ropes, but Jack holds on, pushing Giunti away - only for Giunti to respond with a TURBOxALEJANDRO, spearing Jack through the ropes and out of the ring!
Jack the Clipper has been eliminated!
Since Alejandro Giunti went through the ropes, he’s safe from elimination - but not from CHAOS! CHAOS takes down Giunti with a haymaker outside of the ring, before pulling out a limp red balloon! He takes some time blowing it up, twists and contorts it into the shape of a singapore cane, and swings it at Giunti’s ribs! It somehow makes the iconic ‘THWACK’ noise a cane makes upon contact, and Giunti writhes in pain!
Meanwhile, back in the ring, Frankie Purejoy hugs the bottom rope in hopes that no-one notices him. Johnny Johnson tangles with K@te, the both of them spilling over the top rope onto the apron. K@te staggers Johnson with an uppercut, then another, then a third! Johnson NEARLY spills to the floor, gripping the bottom rope, and as K@te bends to push him out, Purejoy suddenly strikes with a boot to the backside, sending her down to the floor!
K@te has been eliminated!
Elsewhere, The Dude grapples with Keiko Hirabayashi, attempting a series of barroom brawling blows, however Keiko doesn’t reciprocate, deftly avoiding the wild fists and utilizing technical wizardly to keep Dude off balance. Keiko grips him in a headlock takeover, aiming to drag him over the ropes, but Dude fights out of it, and nails Keiko with a hard right. But coming up from behind is Who?, who dropkicks The Dude in the back of the head and sends him tumbling out of the ring!
The Dude has been eliminated!
Heidi Blackthorn outclasses Zap Powerslam rather easily. The big guy is, well, big and all, but he’s uncoordinated as fuck and seems so lost. Heidi seems both annoyed and pitiful of the guy. Maybe that’s why she lets her guard down and Zap is able to rock her with the stiffest right hand known to man. He seems surprised, yet still tries to throw Heidi out - but at the last second Heidi wraps her legs around his shoulder, and drags him over to the apron! She follows with a spinning forearm, unseating the big man and sending him down!
Zap Powerslam has been eliminated!
As Heidi scrambles to get back in the ring, CHAOS suddenly intercepts her from ringside, spraying her with his Green Mist trick flower! Heidi is blinded as she rolls into the ring! She’s easy pickings, as she struggles at the feet of Keiko Hirabayashi, who gazes down upon her with an unreadable gaze. CHAOS re-enters the ring, gripping Heidi by the neck, hissing at Keiko as he does. He goes to throw Heidi out, but Keiko suddenly jumps on his back in a rear waist lock, transitioning into a german suplex! She snarls at CHAOS, turning back to Heidi and deciding to do it herself - but Heidi manages to catch her with a jawbreaker! Heidi wipes more of the mist from her face as Keiko stumbles back to the ropes - right into The Punchline by CHAOS, who sends her spiraling over the ropes!
Keiko Hirabayashi has been eliminated!
Meanwhile, Who? Has Frankie Purejoy in a sleeper hold! Frankie tries to catch him with the aerosol spray, but Who? manages to avoid it, as he drags Frankie over to the ropes! Frankie ditches the spray cans, and instead grasps at Who?’s mask! He claws at it with stubby fingers, and suddenly rips it off!
GASP! But Who? was wearing another mask underneath it! As Frankie celebrates, Who? Clocks him with a bicycle kick, sending him tumbling over the ropes!
Frankie Purejoy has been eliminated!
Frankie is aghast at ringside, angrily throwing the mask on the ground and stomping on it. He screeches something about this not being the end, before furiously leaving.
In the ring, Alejandro Giunti has recovered from the balloon cane, and rolled back into the ring. Johnny Johnson is quick to take advantage with a double-knee gutbuster. He drags Giunti to the ropes, and tries to toss him out - but Giunti avoids it with a double-knee takedown, and starts beating the shit out of Johnson! He’s beating on that Johnson like it owes him money! Johnson gets some separation with a thumb to the eye, scrambling away. He kicks Giunti in the gut, grabs him in a powerbomb, and runs him to the turnbuckle with a buckle bomb! He follows with a big boot to the cranium, sending Giunti over the ropes-
But Alejandro Giunti hangs on! He skins the cat as Johnson slaps at his hands, catches him with a knee to the forehead, and makes his way back into the ring! Johnson, incensed, throws a haymaker - but Giunti ducks it, backdrops him over the ropes! Johnson hangs on, but Giunti nails a forearm to the back of the neck, and Johnson drops!
Johnny Johnson has been eliminated!
We’re down to four! CHAOS, Alejandro Giunti, Heidi Blackthorn, and Who?~!
CHAOS squares off with Alejandro Giunti, while Heidi Blackthorn does battle with Who?.The latter two grapple, trading holds and blows, while CHAOS just punches Giunti in the mouth. Giunti responds in kind. CHAOS suddenly has Giunti’s nose! Not in the party magic trick, but by gripping Giunti’s nose in a vice grip and punching him in the ribs with his free hand. CHAOS drags Giunti across the ring, and throws him at Who? & Blackthorn! The three fall! CHAOS marches over, laughing, only for Giunti to crack him with a sudden headbutt and a DDT! Giunti rolls to his feet, the only one on a vertical base - But Johnny Johnson sprints back into the ring and nails Giunti with a vicious forearm! He throws the dazed Giunti over the ropes!
Alejandro Giunti has been eliminated!
BOO! HISS! Johnson poses, happy with his handiwork, while Giunti surprises him with a right hook! The two brawl out to the back, as the match continues!
Down to three, CHAOS aims for Who? with a splash, only for Who? to intercept with a double-knees. Heidi Blackthorn joins in, the two teaming together to take out the monster clown with shared rights and lefts. The duo take him off his feet with a double suplex, before dragging him to the ropes and trying to throw him out - but CHAOS surprises them with an uppercut to Heidi, and a headbutt to Who?! CHAOS grips both of them in a choke hold, pushing both towards the ropes! Both go over, both hang on! They fight back, Who? nailing a kick, Heidi nailing a punch, and CHAOS retreats. Who? & Heidi meet eyes, and they both turn on each other, attempting to knock the other off! Trading blows on the edge of the apron, Who? catches Heidi with a suplex on the apron! Heidi hangs on to the bottom rope just barely, her legs dangling above the outside!
Suddenly CHAOS rears it’s ugly head once more, and grabs Who? with a chokehold! He lifts him up, and chokebombs Who? right onto Heidi Blackthorn! They fall to the outside floor!
Who? is eliminated!
Heidi Blackthorn is el-
WAIT! Heidi’s legs have not touched the floor! She tanked a grown man being slammed onto her like a champ, with the wherewithal to keep her grip on the bottom rope firm! CHAOS attempts to kick her grip and send her sending, but Heidi hangs on! She climbs back to a vertical base, as CHAOS slaps and parries at her. CHAOS misses a forearm, and Heidi locks in Heidi’s Trap! The submission starts to drag CHAOS out of the ring, onto the apron, as he tries to fight out of it! As he lands on the apron, he manages to shake Heidi off, and nails her with an uppercut! She’s stunned! CHAOS goes for The Punchline! Heidi ducks, and when CHAOS turns, nails him with the Vicious Cycle! CHAOS hits the apron and rolls to the floor!
CHAOS has been eliminated!
WINNER: Heidi Blackthorn
Heidi Blackthorn has won! She’s going to face off with the nGw Champion! Speaking of which, as Heidi celebrates, Bell Connelly marches out on stage.
Bell Connelly: Ay yo congrats! Heidi Blackthorn! You’ve got a date with destiny in your future!
Heidi seems pleased, and confident, as she stands by.
Bell Connelly: That’s right! If he can retain against his next defense, who will either be Salvador Grimm, Elliott Harvey Huttlestone, Angel Clemente, or Shinij Mikami in two shows time, then Stu Grimes will defend the nGw Championship against Heidi Blackthorn!
A cheer echoes through the crowd!
Bell Connelly: And I do mean, Stu Grimes! No stripping, no vacating, we’ve found Stu Grimes! Come on out big guy!
A monster roar pops through the crowd! A massive big man steps out from behind the curtain! Just like Stu, he’s big as shit, heavy as shit, fits the build perfectly! … Except-
Broc Lobster: Is… Is that The Boulder in a wig?
Danielle Kennedy: Don’t be a buzzkill, Broc. STU GRIMES LIVES! OUR NGW CHAMPION IS ALIVE!
“Stu Grimes” roars, raising the nGw title. Heidi glares back, as we fade to black…
Next time, on nGw!
nGw presents it's latest PPV Special: The Old Man Next Door Thinks His House Is Haunted
Winner faces Stu Grimes for the nGw Championship
Salvador Grimm vs Elliott Harvey Huttlestone vs Angel Clemente vs Shiji Mikami
nGw Young Lion's Championship
Charles Newry (c) vs Noach 'The Roach' Van Der Cappallen
nGw Tag Team Championships match
We Do Exist! (c) vs The Lumberjacks vs The Internet Anti-H8 Squad
The fallout from the Battle Royal With Cheese airs! We'll hear from Johnny Johnson, Alejandro Giunti, Frankie Purejoy, Who? Keiko Hirabayashi, CHOAS, winner Heidi Blackthorn, among others!
probably an undercard match or two maybe, idk, we'll figure it out.
Author notes: Right, so this'll be the thread where cards & results are posted, with the title being updated to reflect the most recent update. Any actual character submissions should stay in the signup thread. Most of the 'new characters' here will get their profile in said thread so people know what to expect from them. Hopefully this is a good indicator of how the next few nGw shows will go as we settle into a good balance. Thanks for reading!
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