That would be a ridiculous match and I can't see Ryback being in WWE for long after injuring Ziggler.
That would be a ridiculous match and I can't see Ryback being in WWE for long after injuring Ziggler.
Make Goldberg the heel as he could be back for a score to settle regards how he left so VKM at this point in charge again sets up his boy Reigns to take out the cocky blast from the past. Queue the amazingly motivational Goldberg tune and breakout from his locker with security attempting to hold him back. Fits his character and suits the shield on a minor face turn under Vince.Roman vs Goldberg fits and could have a special feel to it depending on Romans overness at the time. One problem could be face vs face being too early in his face career.
Fantasy booking my man I know Goldberg is gonna be to over to be a heel. Despite hate if he returns an that tune hits the Goldberg chants will be rife!Goldberg can never be a heel. He's just not got it in him especially as a returning legend.