As it pertains to the Belt of Bones discussion, I would honestly be 110% behind the idea, had the awkward coincidence of Darius winning that AND the World Title at almost the same time hadn't happened. If anyone else had won either of those things, it'd be perfect, but it's hard to have a guy defend a midcard title and lose it while still retaining credibility as main champ, and if the main champ loses the main title, it automatically devalues the other title. And if he keeps or loses both at the same time, then the secondary title is pointless anyway as it just continues to be linked to the main title. I feel like if anything, the Belt of Bones can be brought up and defended by Darius maybe like, a month after he loses the main title, whenever that may be (and apologies if he already lost it, I still haven't caught up from my absence, so I'm still a little behind xD). And from that point on it can be recognized as a second (well, third I guess, if this gets voted through) title.