So is anything ever gonna come of this? I know i'm months late, but yeah. I've said what Enzo said about admins actually needing to be wrestling fans and post actively (worthwhile) stuff.
I try to get in on the discussions but my actual interest in wrestling has been at an all time low for the past couple of years. Luke does well for that though and that's good for me.
So fill me in on the situation 'round here currently. From the outside perspective, I don't know if the merging of all the wrestling sections has paid off.
If anything it's made no difference in activity but at least the site looks a bit more tidy.
Hasn't even been a Raw thread since I left in December it looks like.
I dunno what to say about that. I'd make them when I actually watch Raw but we start at 9:15 here so I would avoid the discussion anyway.
I bring this all back up hoping to get some sort of promotion for us on the main site and hopefully the admins to get some sort of power shit. I'm getting the feeling all these plans hit some kind of snag, and/or the main peeps dropped it after losing. Really hope we get some kind of rub from the main site, at some point.
Don't hold your breath. We've been exiled here never to return.
As a matter of fact if you look at the main page you can discuss all the news within the articles posted. We're totally superfluous.
Hell, I even asked Mark months ago if we could get a "top 5 threads" thing on the main page and he responded to every part of the e-mail I sent but that part. We've been left here to die, folks.