I thought I was on a different site when I saw the headline "Nancy Grace Spouts Dumb Stuff".
I mean, she's been spouting dumb stuff for years now with little comment (really from anyone), so this wasn't exactly news to me.
I bet she doesn't invite Chris Jericho onto her show to discuss any of this. Last time he was on CNN (at least to discuss wrestling), he schooled people on the Larry King show.
By the way, I have to agree with
@Sycosis on something: Philip Seymour Hoffman died of a heroin overdose because he had JUST SHOT UP HEROIN. And Nancy Grace didn't say anything about the drugs that caused his death. She talked about "addiction" being at fault and how much pain his family was going through (I'm sure she was right about his family suffering...as if Nancy Grace gives a shit about anybody not named Nancy Grace). Warrior died of a yet-to-be-determined cause, but we can reasonably suspect that it had something to do with his heart (from the reports from the scene) and may likely have had something to do with heavy steroid use TWENTY YEARS AGO. And, instead of talking about the pain his wife and two young daughters are now going through, she'd rather spread rumors about the causes and decry what might be at fault, which she won't justify (as she did in PSH's case) his steroid use because her opinion has often seemed to be that professional wrestlers aren't actually human beings, they're animals.
Nancy Grace would have fit in well during the last days of the Roman Empire. I can actually see her being disemboweled by Spartacus (yes, I know, the Spartacus incident took place during the Roman Republic, not the Roman Empire, but the visual's still there).