I had a dream about an episode of Raw once. I only remember two things that happened on said episode of Raw. First, it opened up to a black & white promo by Balls Mahoney about Vince McMahon, I don't really recollect the words he said but it was clear that Balls was in a top program with Vince McMahon at the time. No clue, why my subconscious wanted to see that, I hate authority angles. Anyway, the next thing I remember was the main event, which was a triple threat match between John Cena, Umaga, and Batista for the WWE Championship. It was a game of tag taking place in a forest, and when Umaga tagged Cena, Cena broke into a thousand shards of glass, so Umaga won. Then it turned out I was Hank Hill the whole time watching Raw at the backstage of a concert that Luanne, Peggy, and Bobby were attending so at this point it became a King of the Hill dream. I don't remember much of that part though.
Asuka's also popped up in my dreams before, just not in a wrestling context, though not always in a "wrestling" context either to be fair.