Mysterious Interstellar Object to Be Tested for Signs it Was Made by Aliens

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Solid Snake

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Jun 4, 2016
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You're probably right if we learned that extraterrestrials were coming to Earth that people would react this way. But more than likely, if we were able to discover intelligent life existed on others planets, they wouldn't be coming for us. They'll have just as much difficulty with interstellar travel as we do.

That is unless they were able to solve the dark energy fuel problem and were able to develop an Alcubierre drive that also has a stopping method and then they could come and visit us. My thoughts however are that if an alien civilization was able to develop a working drive that could actually successfully facilitate interstellar travel, they would have to have put aside aggressive and warlike ways on their own planet in order to work together to achieve such a monumental scientific achievement. My thought would be that they would be more peaceful than aggressive.

And yes, I know Stephen Hawking claimed that if Aliens came to Earth that they would likely want to colonize and take our resources but I honestly think he started losing his mind at about the time he made his first appearance on the Big Bang Theory.

He was on that show? Did they drug him? LOL

And yeah I guess that makes sense. Like what would they want with us or this planet... UNLESS, there is a resource we know nothing about that they use/need for something. Then we would likely be screwed. Maybe they would enslave us and we would rise up against them and take back planet earth!

That is why they are easing us into the idea. :madcat:
Dammit Hollywood. :disapprove:

Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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Just call me Buzz Killington.

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Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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Hawking is a shill.

He's honestly the most overrated scientist in the world. Yeah, he's a lot smarter than I could ever hope to be. Still, he's really only as well known as he is because of his ALS. Most physicists I know wouldn't even include him in the top 25 physicists in the entire world.

He was on that show? Did they drug him? LOL

And yeah I guess that makes sense. Like what would they want with us or this planet... UNLESS, there is a resource we know nothing about that they use/need for something. Then we would likely be screwed. Maybe they would enslave us and we would rise up against them and take back planet earth!


Dammit Hollywood. :disapprove:

He's been on the show 7 times actually. He's been on a lot of TV shows, really. Which is why it seems often that he is more concerned about his celebrity than he is actually progressing science.

I always felt that if a planet was looking for a resource, traveling across interstellar space to get it would be the silliest way to get that resource. Even with interstellar travel possible, it would still be a resource draining option.

For example, there IS a planet with warp drive fuel on it, It would be silly to try and go get fuel from it though because of the amount of resources it would take us even if it were possible. And then to transfer it back to our planet would take even more resources and then it would likely take more resources to get there and back than we could even get from it.

Only real hope is that they have mastered a form of interstellar travel that we have not yet conceived of. Now, I do think that is possible. Some physicists think we are really on the verge of knowing everything possible about the universe but I don't think that's remotely true. I'm open to the idea that there is an efficient form of space travel possible. I just haven't seen or heard anything convincing.
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Solid Snake

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Jun 4, 2016
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He's been on the show 7 times actually. He's been on a lot of TV shows, really. Which is why it seems often that he is more concerned about his celebrity than he is actually progressing science.
Yeah Death is right about him. Such a shill. lol

I always felt that if a planet was looking for a resource, traveling across interstellar space to get it would be the silliest way to get that resource. Even with interstellar travel possible, it would still be a resource draining option.

For example, there IS a planet with warp drive fuel on it, It would be silly to try and go get fuel from it though because of the amount of resources it would take us even if it were possible. And then to transfer it back to our planet would take even more resources and then it would likely take more resources to get there and back than we could even get from it.

Only real hope is that they have mastered a form of interstellar travel that we have not yet conceived of. Now, I do think that is possible. Some physicists think we are really on the verge of knowing everything possible about the universe but I don't think that's remotely true. I'm open to the idea that there is an efficient form of space travel possible. I just haven't seen or heard anything convincing.

What if they know how to use warp holes or something and they can simply warp to the Milky Way? Just thinking about technology advancement as a whole and how they could have had AC back in Jesus' time makes me question a lot here. Like we are just average joes, who's to say the "elite" of the world don't already know a crap ton of stuff already? They don't owe us anything in terms of telling us their plans or what they have. Supposedly invisibility cloaks are a real thing. That is some Harry Potter level sorcery. lol

I don't know. Based on what I believe in, I keep my mind open to a lot of possibilities but I get being a skeptic too.

Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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Yeah Death is right about him. Such a shill. lol

What if they know how to use warp holes or something and they can simply warp to the Milky Way? Just thinking about technology advancement as a whole and how they could have had AC back in Jesus' time makes me question a lot here. Like we are just average joes, who's to say the "elite" of the world don't already know a crap ton of stuff already? They don't owe us anything in terms of telling us their plans or what they have. Supposedly invisibility cloaks are a real thing. That is some Harry Potter level sorcery. lol

I don't know. Based on what I believe in, I keep my mind open to a lot of possibilities but I get being a skeptic too.

If you mean worm holes, they're only a theoretical concept. Even if they did exist, you wouldn't know where they led to if you found one. They more than likely would lead to an empty place in space, since over 99% of space is empty anyway. If they found the ability to form worm holes and the ability to control where they led to, this again takes us back to the resource argument. The amount of resources it would take to do this is unimaginable and it's unlikely they would use them to come here.

The elite of the world really don't have any reason to hide those things in my opinion. It's not like they have to fear us coming and taking them since they obviously have armies and stuff. And they tend to delight in letting us know what they have and what we do not have. But that is just my thought. I am not saying you're wrong.

Just my thoughts, really.

Solid Snake

New Member
Jun 4, 2016
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If you mean worm holes, they're only a theoretical concept. Even if they did exist, you wouldn't know where they led to if you found one. They more than likely would lead to an empty place in space, since over 99% of space is empty anyway. If they found the ability to form worm holes and the ability to control where they led to, this again takes us back to the resource argument. The amount of resources it would take to do this is unimaginable and it's unlikely they would use them to come here.

Not exactly this but something similar. Like a form of time travel in a sense. If wouldn't be us doing it, rather the other intelligent form. I can't fathom someone from earth figuring that out but there is always Futurama... Wouldn't that be funny if that came true to life? lol

Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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Not exactly this but something similar. Like a form of time travel in a sense. If wouldn't be us doing it, rather the other intelligent form. I can't fathom someone from earth figuring that out but there is always Futurama... Wouldn't that be funny if that came true to life? lol

If wormholes did exist, they could theoretically lead to a different time as well. Spacetime is a fairly fascinating thing really.

Oh yeah, it would be interesting if the greatest cartoon in history was real :)
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