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Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
Toledo, OH

-Pyros go off and the show is about to start.

-Teddy Long walks out onto the stage and he has a microphone. Teddy says that tonight is the last show before Backlash. Teddy says that we already have a cage match booked for tonight between Big Show and Wade Barrett. Teddy says we will also have an 8-man over the top rope battle royal between The Corre and Big Show's team at Backlash. Whatever team wins the match gets the man advantage for their War Games match at Backlash. Dolph Ziggler's music plays and Dolph walks out with Vickie Guerrero. Dolph wants to know who his opponent is for Backlash. Teddy tells him he will have to wait till Sunday. Teddy says he does have an opponent for him tonight. "Ohhh Chavo" plays and Chavo Guerrero walks out and stands next to Teddy. Chavo takes the mic and walks over towards Vickie. Chavo tells her she is a disgrace to the Guerrero name. Chavo tells her she isn't even a real Guerrero. Chavo says if it wasn't for Eddie, no one would even know who she was. Dolph attacks Chavo and starts beating on him. Dolph grabs Chavo and walks him down towards the ring. Dolph throws Chavo into the ring and he climbs in.

Match One
Chavo Guerrero vs. Dolph Ziggler
-Chavo grabs onto the ropes and Dolph quickly goes for The ZigZag. Chavo holds onto the ropes and Dolph slams down to the mat. Chavo grabs Dolph from behind and hits the Three Amigos Suplex. Chavo points to the corner and climbs up to the top rope. Vickie distracts him and Dolph gets to his feet. Dolph jumps up to the corner and armdrags Chavo off the top rope. Chavo slowly gets to his feet and Dolph locks in The Sleeper on him. Chavo starts fading and the referee rings the bell.
Winner of the Match: Dolph Ziggler

-Vickie Guerrero gets in the ring and celebrates with Dolph.

-Wade Barrett is talking with The Corre in their locker room.


-Cody Rhodes comes out from the back and he is carrying a gym bag. He walks down the aisleway and climbs in the ring. Cody puts down the bag and pulls out a microphone. Cody says that last week we all saw what the great Sin Cara could do. Cody says we all say that he can't beat him. Cody says that Sin Cara better hope he gets drafted to Raw on Monday or his career will come to an end. Cody says that mexican wrestlers live by their mask. Cody opens up the gym bag and pulls out Rey Mysterio's mask. Cody says at Wrestlemania he unmasked Rey Mysterio and his career will be over soon. Cody starts pulling out other masks. Cody says all of these masks were great mexican wrestlers that I unmasked throughout my career. Cody says that none of them have seen him do it, but he did it. Cody says he has the proof right here in this bag. Cody looks through the bag and looks confused. Cody pulls out Kane's old mask. Cody asks who put this here. The lights go out and red lights shine throughout the arena. Flames come from the stage and Kane's music plays. Kane walks out from the back and Cody is yelling at him. Kane climbs into the ring. Cody goes to hit Kane and Kane blocks it. Kane nails Cody and Cody falls back to the mat. The referee calls for the bell.

Match Two
Kane vs. Cody Rhodes
-Kane nails Cody with a dropkick and Cody falls back against the ropes. Kane goes for a big boot, but Cody moves out of the way. Kane gets hungover on the top rope. Cody tosses Kane from the ring. Kane falls to the outside of the ring. Kane gets to his feet and Cody hits a baseball slide on Kane. Cody grabs Kane and throws him in the ring. Cody climbs up to the apron. Kane gets to his feet and grabs Cody by the throat. Kane lifts Cody up and Choke Slams him down to the mat. Kane covers Cody or the win.
Winner of the Match: Kane

-Kane stands up and sees his mask in the ring near the corner. Kane walks over to the corner and picks up the mask. Kane looks at it and smiles. Kane throws the mask down to the mat and leaves the ring.

-Alberto Del Rio knocks on Christian's locker room door and walks into the room.


-Laycool is in the ring and Michelle McCool is ready for her match. Beth Phoenix comes out from the back. She poses on the stage and walks down the aisleway. She gets in the ring and goes after Layla. Layla screams and quickly exits the ring. The bell rings for the match to begin.

Match Three
Beth Phoenix vs. Michelle McCool
-Beth is stomping away and McCool in the corner. Beth grabs her and throws her into the other corner. McCool slams against the turnbuckle and Beth clotheslines her into the corner. McCool falls down to the mat. Beth grabs ahold of McCool and goes for The GlamSlam. Awesome Kong walks out onto the stage. Beth sees her and drops McCool down to the mat. Beth walks over to the ropes and calls Kong down to the ring. Kong slowly walks down to the ring. McCool grabs Phoenix from behind and rolls her up. The referee counts for the pin.
Winner of the Match: Michelle McCool

-Michelle quickly leaves the ring and celebrates with Layla. Kong stands outside the ring and stares at Beth. Beth gets to her feet and quickly locks eyes with Kong. The Bellas sneak in the ring from behind Beth. They attack Beth and start beating on her. Kong gets in the ring and watches The Bellas beat on Beth. Kong gets in the ring and The Bellas throw Beth down at Kong's feet. Kong pulls Beth up and stares at her. Kong lifts Beth up and hits a two-handed chokeslam on her. The Bellas start laughing at Beth as Kong looks on.

-The Main Event is announced as a tag team match between Christian and Alberto Del Rio against Edge and The Undertaker.


-The Corre's music plays and Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel, Ezekiel Jackson, and Johnny Curtis walk out. They walk down the aisle way and get in the ring. Kofi Kingston's music plays and Kingston walks out wearing the Intercontinel Title around his waist. Rey Mysterio's music plays and he walks out and stands next to Kofi. Booker T's music plays and he stands next to Kofi and Rey. Diesel's music plays and he walks out and stands behind all three of them. Rey and Kofi run down to the ring and get in the ring. The Corre starts beating on them. Diesel and Booker T get in the ring and evens up to the fight.

Match Four
8-Man Battle Royal
The Corre (Jackson/Gabriel/Slater/Curtis) vs. Kofi Kingston/Rey Mysterio/Booker T/Diesel
-Everyone starts fighting each other. Curtis is paired up with Rey Mysterio. Curtis throws Rey up against the corner. Curtis lifts up Rey onto the top turnbuckle. Curits charges at Rey and Rey nails Curtis in the face with a boot. Rey wraps his legs around Curtis's head and swings him over the top rope to the floor. (Johnny Curtis is eliminated). Rey stands on the top rope and leaps at Zeke Jackson. Jackson catches Rey and tosses him over the top rope. (Rey Mysterio is eliminated). Jackson turns around and Kofi hits him with Trouble in Paradise. Jackson staggers back against the ropes. Kofi charges at Jackson and Jackson backdrops Kofi out of the ring. (Kofi Kingston is eliminated). Booker hits The BookEnd on Slater. Gabriel nails Booker with a dropkick and Booker falls back against the corner. Diesel nails Jackson with a big boot. Diesel grabs Jackson and sets him up for The Jackknife Powerbomb. Jackson backdrops Diesel over him. Diesel gets to his feet and Jackson clotheslines him out of the ring. (Diesel is eliminated). Jackson turns around and Booker nails him with a spin kick. Jackson goes over the ropes. (Ezekiel Jackson is eliminated). Slater goes after Booker and Booker kicks him in the stomach. Booker bounces off the ropes and hits Slater with the Axe Kick. Booker goes for the Spin-a-roonie. Gabriel grabs Booker and tosses him over the ropes. Booker holds onto the ropes. Booker gets back in the ring and nails Gabriel with a kick. Slater charges at Booker and Booker moves out of the way. Booker grabs Slater and tosses him over the top rope. (Heath Slater is eliminated). Gabriel nails Booker with a spinning leg lariat. Gabriel goes over to the corner and climbs to the top. Gabriel goes for the 450 Splash. Booker moves out of the way and Gabriel slams to the mat. Booker grabs Gabriel and throws him out of the ring. (Justin Gabriel is eliminated).
Winner of the Match: Booker T

-Booker T celebrates in the ring. Heath Slater gets in the ring and attacks Booker. Zeke Jackson and Johnny Curtis get in the ring and join in on the attack. Jackson nails The Book of Eli on Booker. Gabriel climbs to the top rope and hits the 450 Splash on Booker. Kingston, Rey, and Diesel come out from the back and scare off The Corre members. Kingston and Diesel check on Booker. Rey stands in the corner and watches as The Corre walks towards the back.


-The cage is being lowered. A video is shown of highlights of Big Show/Barrett's Wrestlemania match. Where Big Show won after the Knockout Punch.

-The Big Show's music plays and he walks out from the back. He slaps hands as he makes his way to the ring. Big Show walks up the ring steps and goes through the cage door. The Corre's music plays and Wade Barrett walks out from the back. Barrett walks down the aisleway and looks around at the cage. Barrett goes through the cage door and gets face to face with Big Show.

Match Five
Steel Cage Match
The Big Show vs. Wade Barrett
-Big Show throws Barrett into the side of the cage. Barrett straddles the top rope. Big Show starts slamming Barrett's head into the cage. Big Show grabs Barrett and throws him down to the mat. Big Show bounces off the ropes and goes for a huge legdrop on Barrett. Barrett moves out of the way and Big Show slams down to the mat. Barrett gets ontop of Big Show and starts punching him. Barrett gets off of Big Show and Big Show slowly gets to his feet. Barrett grabs him and picks him up on his shoulders. Barrett hits Wasteland on Big Show. Barrett covers Big Show for the win.
Winner of the Match: Wade Barrett

-Wade Barrett stands up and is favoring his back. Wade raises his arms in the air and poses for the fans. Big Show gets to his feet and Wade turns towards him. Wade smirks at Big Show and slaps him across the face. Wade starts trash talking to Big Show. Big Show turns around and nails Wade with the Knockout Punch. Big Show looks down at Wade and leaves the ring.

-Christian and Alberto Del Rio walk out of Christian's locker room and they are both smiling.


-Christian's music plays and he walks out with Alberto Del Rio and Brodus Clay. They walk down the aisleway and get in the ring. The lights go out and Undertaker's music plays. The lights come back on and Undertaker and Edge are in the ring. They are standing behind Del Rio and Christian. Christian and Del Rio turna round and they get attacked. The referee calls to ring the bell.

Main Event
Alberto Del Rio/Christian vs. Edge/Undertaker
-Edge bounces off the ropes and Clay grabs Edge's foot. Edge turns around and quickly leaves the ring. Edge attacks Clay and beats on him outside the ring. The referee leaves the ring and breaks them up. The referee yells at Clay to go to the back. Edge gets in the ring and Del Rio and Christian jump him. Taker gets in the ring and Christian goes after him. Taker nails him with a boot to the face. Christian gets to his feet and Undertaker clotheslines him out of the ring. Taker goes over the ropes with Christian as well. Del Rio goes over to the ropes and checks on Christian. Del Rio turns around and Edge goes for The Spear. Del Rio moves out of the way and Edge gets hungup on the ropes. Del Rio grabs Edge and locks him in The Cross Armbar. Del Rio continues to pull on Edge's arm and Edge finally taps.
Winners of the Match: Alberto Del Rio and Christian

-Del Rio won't let go of Edge's arm and Edge is screaming in pain. Undertaker gets in the ring and grabs Del Rio by the throat. Del Rio lets go of Edge and Taker lifts Del Rio up in the air. Taker choke slams Del Rio down to the mat. Christian gets in the ring and grabs Taker from behind. Christian goes for Killswitch, but Taker fights out of it. Taker grabs Christian and nails The Tombstone on Christian. Taker stands above Christian and stares down at him as the show comes to a close.
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
Toledo, OH
Here is the final card for this Sunday's Backlash


WWE Title Match
John Cena (c) vs. Randy Orton

World Heavyweight Title Match
Edge (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio w/Brodus Clay

#1 Contenders Match for World Heavyweight Title
Christian vs. The Undertaker

War Games Match
The Corre (Wade Barrett, Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater, Ezekiel Jackson, Johnny Curtis)
The Big Show, Rey Mysterio, Kofi Kingston, Diesel, Booker T

Ted Dibiase w/Maryse vs. John Morrison

United States Title Match
Submission Match
CM Punk (c) vs. Daniel Bryan

Dolph Ziggler vs. Teddy Long's Mystery Opponent

6-Diva's Tag Team Match
Awesome Kong, Nikki Bella, Brie Bella vs. Natalya, Beth Phoenix, Eve​
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
Toledo, OH
2011's Backlash


-Pyro's go off in the arena and the fans are cheering. The War Game cage is shown high above two rings.

-The Raw's GM sounds in and Jim Ross stands up from the announcers table. He walks over to the podium and reads the email. JR says he has brought in a new voice of the general manager. JR continues say that this man will be speaking on behalf of the general manager. JR says that the new voice is this man.

-The Raw theme music plays and everyone watches the stage...Abraham Washington walks out from the back and gets booed. Washington soaks up the boos and smiles at the crowd. Washington has a microphone and he said he is proud to be the new voice of the Raw general manager. Washington says has one big announcement to make regarding the main event for the WWE Title. Washington says that John Cena suffered a concussion last week on Raw, after Randy Orton's punt kick. Washington says that if Cena can't compete tonight, he will be stripped of the WWE Title. Washington says thank you and walks to the back.

-Dolph Ziggler's music hits and he walks out with Vickie Guerrero by his side. He poses on the stage and walks towards the ring. Vickie follows behind him. Dolph gets in the ring and raises his arms up in the air. Teddy Long comes out and stands on the stage. Teddy says that he promised Dolph will go against someone he never wrestled before. Teddy says he makes good on his promises and brought in a future talent to the WWE. Teddy says he wants to welcome our newest superstar to Smackdown.....Seth Rollins! Seth Rollins walks out from the back and shakes hands with Teddy Long. Rollins makes his way to the ring and Dolph has smiles as Rollins gets in the ring.

Match One
Seth Rollins vs. Dolph Ziggler
-Dolph locks in The Sleeper on Rollins and Rollins reaches for the ropes. Dolph pulls Rollins away from the ropes. Rollins slowly starts to fade. Rollins grabs Dolph and nails him with a jawbreaker. Dolph is stunned and Rollins bounces off the ropes. Rollins nails Dolph with a clothesline and Dolph quickly gets to his feet. Rollins nails him with a superkick and Dolph falls back against the corner. Rollins grabs Dolph in the corner and powerbombs him into the turnbuckle. Rollins pulls Dolph away from the corner and goes for God's Last Gift. Vickie gets on the the ring apron and distracts Rollins. Rollins throws Dolph to the mat and goes after Vicki. Vicki quickly gets off the apron as Rollins yells at her. Dolph grabs Rollins from behind and goes for The ZigZag. Rollins grabs the ropes and Dolph slams down to the mat. Rollins grabs Dolph and hits a spinning lifting inverted ddt on Dolph. Rollins covers Dolph and the referee counts 1..2..shoulder up. Rollins sits up and can't believe it. Rollins goes over to the corner and climbs the top rope. Rollins jumps off the jump up and goes for a corkscrew 450 splash. Dolph moves out of the way and Rollins hits the mat. Rollins gets to his feet and Dolph nails The ZigZag on him. Dolph covers him for the win.
Winner of the Match: Dolph Ziggler

-Dolph Ziggler stands up and Vickie Guerrero gets in the ring. She celebrates with him in the ring and Dolph can barely stand. Dolph raises his arms up in victory.

-The Miz is sitting in his locker room and Abraham Washington walks in. Miz stands up
and shakes hands with Washington. Washington tells Miz that if John Cena can't go tonight, he will fight Randy Orton for the vacant WWE Title. Miz smiles and says he its about time he got his shot at the WWE Title again. Washington tells him to be ready.

-Ted Dibiaise's music plays and he walks out onto the stage. Maryse walks out behind him and Dibiase looks around at the crowd. They walk down towards the ring. John Morrison's music plays and he walks out from the back. He poses on the stage as the fans cheer him. Morrison removes his jacket and runs down the aisleway. Morrison gets in the ring and tackles Dibiase. The bell rings to start the match

Match Two
Ted Dibiase vs. John Morrison
-Dibiase goes for the Dream Street, but Morrison counters it with an armdrag. Dibiase gets to his feet and Morrison hits him with a dropkick. Morrison pulls Dibiase up and goes for a suplex. Dibiase blocks it and hits a swinging neckbreaker. Dibiase drops a punch on Morrison. Dibiase goes for another punch, but Morrison rolls out of the way. Morrison and Dibiase both get to their feet. Morrison hits a spin kick on Dibiase. Dibiase sits up on the mat and Morrison bounces off the ropes. Morrison hits a running knee and hits Dibiase in the face. Maryse gets on the ring apron and distracts Morrison. Morrison walks over to her and smiles as Maryse is yelling at him. Melina runs out from the back and grabs Maryse. Melina pulls Maryse off the apron and they start fighting outside the ring. Morrison goes over toward Dibiase and stands in the corner. Morrison sets up for The Starship Pain. Someone comes out from underneath the ring. He gets on the ring apron and hits Morrison in the back of the head with a wrench. Morrison falls down to the mat and Dibiase covers him. The attacker gets off the apron and hides in the corner. The referee sees the pin and counts 1..2..3.
Winner of the Match: Ted Dibiase

-The Mystery Attacker gets in the ring and stands above Morrison. The referee tells him to get out of the ring and the referee gets nailed. Melina gets in the ring and gets face to face with the attacker. Melina smiles and hugs the attacker and the fans start booing. Morrison slowly gets to his feet and is holding his head. Morrison falls back against the corner and sees Melina hugging the attacker. They look over at Morrison and Melina smiles. Melina reaches up and grabs the ski mask. She removes the mask and its JOEY MERCURY. Mercury goes after Morrsion and starts beating him in the corner. Melina cheers Mercury on as he continues to attack Morrison. WWE officials and referees charge down to the ring and pull Mercury off of Morrison. Mercury and Melina stand in the ring and kiss as the fans boo them.

-Wade Barrett is standing in front of The Corre members. Barrett is giving them orders on how to win the match.

-Big Show is talking with his team in their locker room and giving them tips. Diesel gives them advice on how to win a War Games match.

-Christian's music plays and Christian walks out from the back. Christian walks down the aisleway and gets in the ring. He poses in the ring as the fans boo him. The lights go out and The Undertaker's music plays. The lights dim and Undertaker walks out from the back. He slowly walks down the aisleway and Christian stares at him. Undertaker gets in the ring and takes off his hat and the lights come back on.

Match Three
Number One Contenders Match for the World Heavyweight Title
The Undertaker vs. Christian
-Taker drops Christian face first onto the turnbuckle. Taker bounces off the ropes and nails Christian with a boot to the face. Christian grabs the ropes and pulls himself up. Christian staggers around and Taker grabs him by the throat. Taker lifts Christian up in the air and Christian fights out of it. Christian grabs Taker from behind and hits him with a reverse ddt. Christian gets ontop of Taker and starts beating on him. Taker pushes Christian off of him. Taker gets to his feet and Christian nails him with a right hand. Taker stares at him and Christian nails another punch. Taker stares at him and shakes his head. Christian dropkicks Taker's knee and Taker falls down to one knee. Christian goes for a ddt. Taker throws Christian off of him and Christian hits the mat. Christian charges at Taker and Taker backdrops him to the mat. Taker goes up to the top rope and waits for Christian. Christian staggers up to his feet and turns towards Taker. Taker comes off witha flying clothesline. Christian gabs the referee and pulls him in front. Taker nails the referee. Alberto Del Rio comes out from the back and he has a steel chair. Del Rio gets in the ring and Taker gets to his feet. Del Rio nails Taker in the back with the chair. Taker turns towards Del Rio and backs him into the corner. Del Rio hits Taker in the stomach with a chair. Taker backs away and Christian clips Taker's legs. Taker falls down to the mat and gets double teamed by Del Rio and Christian. Christian starts choking Taker and Del Rio beats Taker's knee with the chair. Christian gets off of Taker and pulls him up to his feet. Christian hits The Killswitch on Taker. Del Rio wakes the referee up and the Christian covers Taker. The referee crawls over and makes the count for the win.
Winner of the Match: Christian

-Christian celebrates the victory. Alberto Del Rio is in the aisleway and motions to Christian for the belt. Christian smiles and nods at him. Del Rio walks to the back with a smile on his face. Taker quickly sits up and Christian sees him. Christian quickly leaves the ring and runs away. Taker gets to his feet and stares at Christian running towards the back.

-Daniel Bryan is walking through the hallway. David Otunga stops him and says he will be watching his back. Bryan shakes his hand and says he doesn't think Nexus will get involved tonight. Otunga tells him never to doubt them. Otunga tells him good luck and Bryan continues to walk.

-WWE's next Pay Per View Over the Limit will be shown in 3 weeks.

-CM Punk's theme music plays and Punk walks out from the back. Punk raises the United States title in air as the fans boo him. Punk throws the title over his shoulder and walks down towards the ring. Daniel Bryan's music plays and Punk waits for him in the ring. Bryan doesn't come out from the back. Daniel Bryan comes out from the crowd and climbs to the top rope. Punk turns around and Bryan nails him with a dropkick from the top rope. The referee quickly rings the bell.

Match Four
United States Title Match
Submission Match
CM Punk (c) vs. Daniel Bryan
-Bryan pulls Punk up to his feet and nails him with an uppercut. Punk is stunned and Bryan goes for a kick to the head. Punk ducks it and grabs Bryan from behind. Punk goes for a sleeperhold, but Bryan blocks it. Bryan grabs Punk and throws him on his shoulders. Bryan goes for an airplane spin and he puts him. Punk staggers around and Bryan smiles at him. Bryan goes for the LeBell Lock. Punk tries to fight it, but he gives up. Mason Ryan comes running down and distracts the referee. Bryan lets go of the hold and dropkicks Ryan off the ring apron. Bryan turns around and Skip Sheffield charges at it. Skip goes for a clothesline, but Bryan lowbridges him out of the ring. Bryan turns around and Punk puts him on his shoulders. Punk hits Go 2 Sleep on Bryan. Punk grabs Bryan and quickly locks in the Anaconda Vice. Bryan isn't moving and the referee calls for the bell.
Winner of the Match and still United States Champion: CM Punk

-CM Punk lets go of the hold and sits up on his knees. Punk looks up at the roof and starts laughing. The referee hands him the belt and Punk clutches it against his chest. All the members of Nexus come down and start celebrating with CM Punk.

-A video is shown of the history of The War Games Match. The only way to win is to make someone on the other team say he quit.

-The cage is lowering down over both rings. Rey Mysterio's music plays and he walks out to a good reaction. The Corre's music plays and Heath Slater comes out. Slater gets in the ring and stares at Mysterio. The cage door is locked and the bell rings.

Match Five
War Games Match
The Corre (Wade Barrett, Ezekiel Jackson, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel, Johnny Curtis) vs. The Big Show, Rey Mysterio, Kofi Kingston, Diesel, Booker T
-Mysterio hits the bronco buster on Slater in the corner. The buzzer sounds and Diesel comes out from the back. Diesel walks into the cage and Slater quickly runs away to the other ring. Slater is chased by Mysterio. Slater runs into one ring and walks right into a boot from Diesel. The buzzer sounds and Johnny Curtis runs out from the back. After some action in the ring the ring fills up with everyone. Kofi Kingston came out, then Ezekiel Jackson, Big Show, Justin Gabriel, Booker T, and finally Wade Barrett. Big Show choke slams Gabriel from one right into the other. Kofi goes for Trouble in Paradise on Barrett, but Barrett catches him on his shoulders. Barrett hits The Wasteland on Kofi. Big Show throws Slater out of the ring into the cage. Cody Rhodes comes out from the back and hands Johnny Curtis something through the cage. Curtis pulls out handcuffs and grabs Mysterio in the ring. Curtis pulls Mysterio out of the ring and slams him against the cage. Curtis handcuffs Mysterio to the cage. Curtis starts beating on Mysterio. Curtis pulls out a leather strap from underneath the ring. Curtis starts whipping Mysterio with the strap. Barrett and Jackson cut off Big Show and Diesel in the ring. They start beating on them. Booker T comes up to stop Curtis, but Gabriel grabs him. Gabriel throws Booker T right into the cage and Booker is busted open. Curtis chokes Rey with the strap and Slater holds a microphone up to Rey. Rey screws he quits.
Winners of the Match: The Corre

-The Corre members continue to attack the members of the losing team. Barrett calls them off and leads them out of the cage door. They post outside the cage. The camera catches all the members of Big Show's team laying inside and outside the ring. Rey Mysterio is still handcuffed to the cage.

-A video is shown of the history between Edge and Alberto Del Rio.

-Edge and Del Rio are shown walking to the ring.

-A promo for tomorrow night's Raw with the 2011 Draft.

-Alberto Del Rio's music plays and Del Rio walks out with Brodus Clay on his side. They walk down towards the ring. Edge's music plays and Edge walks out to a huge reaction. Edge throws the World Title over his shoulder. Edge makes his way down to the ring and slides into the ring. Edge stares at Del Rio and Del Rio smiles at him. The referee takes the title and holds it up in the air. The bell rings to start the match.

Match Six
World Heavyweight Title Match
Edge (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio
-Edge bounces off the ropes and Clay holds down the ropes. Edge falls out of the ring and the referee sees it. The referee ejects Clay from the ringside area. Clay starts arguing with the referee. Christian comes out from the crowd and grabs Edge. Christian throws Edge back in the ring. Del Rio pulls Edge up to his feet and hits a vertical suplex on him. Del Rio gets to his feet and starts celebrating early. Del Rio pulls Edge and Edge kicks Del Rio in the stomach. Edge hits the Edge-o-cution on Del Rio. Edge covers him 1..2..kick out. Edge gets to his feet and measures Del Rio up for The Spear. Del Rio gets to his feet and Edge charges at him with The Spear. Del Rio moves out of the way and Edge hits the turnbuckle. Del Rio grabs Edge and goes for The ArmBar Submission. Del Rio goes for it and locks it in. Del Rio pulls Edge's arm and edge is screaming in pain. Christian grabs Edge's leg and puts it on the ropes. The referee sees it and gets Del Rio to break the hold. Del Rio lets go and sees Edge's foot on the ropes. Del Rio starts screaming at Christian and Christian acts like he didn't do anything. Del Rio says they had a plan and he held up his end. Christian shrugs his shoulders and tells him to turn around. Del Rio slowly turns around and Edge hits The Spear. Edge pulls Del Rio away from the ropes and covers him 1..2..3.
Winner of the Match and still World Heavyweight Champion: Edge

-Edge is handed the title and he celebrates with it. Christian is in the aisleway and is clapping for Edge. Edge looks confused as Christian walks to the back. Edge climbs up in the corner and holds up the World Title.

-Randy Orton is sitting in his locker room and Abraham Washington walks in. Orton asks him what does he want. Washington just wanted to say he has no update on Cena. Washington says his locker room door has been locked all day. Orton says he doesn't care about Cena. Orton says he doesn't care if he goes against Cena or Miz, he will win the WWE Title. Washington just tells him to be ready for anything. Orton smiles and says he always is.

-Chris Jericho and Sheamus are shown sitting in the owners box eating popcorn and watching the show.

-The Bella's music plays and they walk out from the back. Awesome Kong walks out from the back. The Bellas lead the way down to the ring. Natalya, Beth Phoenix, and Eve run down from the back. They attack them at the ringside area. Phoenix and Natalya quickly take out The Bellas and its a 3-on-1 on Awesome Kong. They throw Kong into the ring.

Match Seven
Six Diva's Tag Team Match
Awesome Kong and The Bellas vs. Natalya, Beth Phoenix, and Eve
-Kong nails Eve with a spinebuster. Kong goes right after Natalya and throws her in the ring. Kong and Natalya start fighting and The Bellas get in the ring. Phoenix gets in the ring and takes them both out with a clothesline. Kong knees Natalya and sets her up for The Awesome Bomb. Phoenix hits Kong from behind and Kong drops Natalya. Phoenix lifts Kong up and body slams her down to the mat. Nikki Bella gets in the ring and goes after Phoenix. Phoenix grabs Nikki and lifts her up. Phoenix hits The GlamSlam on Nikki and Nikki lands ontop of Kong. Eve hits a standing moonsault on Kong and covers her. The referee counts 1..2..3.
Winners of the Match: Eve, Natalya, and Beth Phoenix

-Brie Bella helps Nikki up to her feet and can't believe Kong was pinned. Eve, Natalya, and Beth Phoenix celebrate in the ring and Kong leaves the ring without looking back.

-Randy Orton is show walking towards the ring.

-A promo video of last week's Raw with Randy Orton punting John Cena.

-"Voices" plays and Randy Orton walks out with a mixed reaction from the fans. Orton slowly walks down the aisleway and climbs into the ring. Orton walks over to the corner and climbs to the top. Orton extends his arms in the air. Abraham Washington walks out onto the stage. Washington says that he still hasn't heard word from John Cena. Washington says that he has no choice by to give The Miz the WWE Title shot. "Awesome" The Miz walks out from the back and shakes hands with Washington. Miz walks down the aisle way and Orton stares at him. Miz climbs in the ring and poses for the fans. The referee is about to start the match. John Cena's music plays and the fans go crazy. Cena walks out very slowly and is he carrying the WWE Title. Cena walks down towards the ring and slowly climbs in. The Miz is having a fit and Washington says that Cena and Orton will have their match. Washington tells Miz he is sorry for wasting his time. Miz charges at Cena and Cena backdrops him out of the ring. The bell rings and the match is started.

Main Event
WWE Title Match
John Cena (c) vs. Randy Orton
-Orton hits Cena with a neckbreaker and Cena lays on the mat. Orton begs Cena to get to his feet and Cena can barely move. Cena slowly gets to his feet and Cena goes to hit Orton. Orton moves out of the way and Cena falls back down to the mat. The referee checks on Cena and calls for medical assistance. Orton pushes the referee out of the way and pulls Cena up to his feet. Orton nails Cena with The RKO. Orton flips Cena on his back and starts laughing at him. Orton backs up to a corner and sets Cena up for another punt kick. The referee gets in Orton's way and pleads with him not to. Cena slowly gets to his feet and Orton goes for The Punt Kick. Cena takes Orton down and locks in The STF. Cena locks it in tighter and Orton taps out.
Winner of the Match and still WWE Champion: John Cena

-John Cena lets go of Orton and slowly gets to his feet. Cena stumbles around and the referee hands him the WWE Title. The Miz gets in the ring and attacks Cena from behind. Miz grabs the WWE Title and nails Cena in the head with it. Miz pulls Cena up to his feet and hits him with The Skull Crushing Finale. Miz picks up the WWE Title and stands above Cena. Miz holds up the title and looks down at Cena as the show comes to a close.​
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
Toledo, OH

-A recap video is shown of last night's Backlash pay per view.

-Pyro's go off inside the arena and the fans start cheering.

-Abraham Washington and Teddy Long are standing in the ring. They both have microphones in their hands. Washington says he is here to speak on behalf of the Raw General Manager. Teddy says this year draft will be different than the other years. Washington says that both shows have drafted their superstars. Washington continues and says that tonight we will see the newest Raw superstars and Smackdown will have their new superstars. Washington says by orders of the Raw general manager, all of the newest superstars will compete tonight. Washington says we will have a battle royal to determine the Number One Contender for the WWE Title. Washington looks at Teddy and says his job is done and he can get out of here. Teddy tells him fine and walks out of the ring. Washington say that being the voice of the GM is a dangerous job. Washington says he has hired a bodyguard that will protect me. Washington points to the entrance way and says Raw's newest superstar and my bodyguard....Tyler Reks. Reks walks out onto the stage and walks down the aisleway. Washington says that John Cena isn't in the arena tonight. Washington tells everyone not to worry, because Cena will defend the WWE Title next week. Washington says Cena will go against my bodyguard Tyler Reks. Washington tells everyone to be ready for a great night.

-Joey Mercury is walking with Melina in the back.


-Joey Mercury's music plays and Mercury walks out with Melina. They pose on the stage and the fans boo them as they walk towards the ring. They get in the ring and Mercury raises his arms in the air. Yoshi Tatsu comes out from the back throws up his arms. Yoshi runs down the aisleway and slides in the ring. Mercury attacks Yoshi from behind. The referee rings the bell.

Match One
Joey Mercury vs. Yoshi Tatsu
-Mercury starts beating on Yoshi and Yoshi gets pulled up to his feet. Mercury whips Yoshi into the ropes. Mercury goes for a clothesline, but Yoshi ducks under it. Yoshi bounces off the ropes and hits Mercury with a spinning leg lariat. Mercury sits up on his knees and Yoshi kicks him in the chest. Yoshi goes over towards the corner and climbs to the top. Mercury stands up and Yoshi goes for a cross body block. Mercury moves out of the way and Yoshi slams to the mat. Mercury picks Yoshi up and hits The Double Underhook DDT. Mercury picks Yoshi for the win.
Winner of the Match: Joey Mercury

-Melina gets in the ring and holds Mercury's hand in the air. John Morrison comes running out from the back. Morrison gets in the ring and tackles Mercury down to the mat. Morrison starts beating on Mercury. Melina pulls Morrison off and Morrison walks towards Melina. Melina is cornered and Morrison stands above her. Mercury grabs Morrison and throws him down to the mat. Mercury grabs Melina and leaves the ring. They run towards the back and Morrison watches them from the ring.

-Abraham Washington and Tyler Reks are walking through the hallway and The Miz comes up to him. Miz yells at Washington for making a number one contenders match. Miz says he deserves the title shot. Reks stands in between Miz and Washington. Washington tells Miz that he better win the battle royal. Miz says he is the rightful WWE Champion and he shouldn't have to earn it. Miz says he was screwed from the title match last week and last night. Washington tells them just win the battle royal and there won't be any problems. Washington walks away and is followed by Reks.

-A black limo pulls up in the parking garage. The door opens and Chris Jericho walks out and is followed by Sheamus. They walk into the arena.


-Mason Ryan is standing in the ring and its announced his opponent is the newest member of Raw. JTG's music plays and JTG comes out from the back. The fans start cheering as JTG walks down the ramp. JTG gets in and poses for the fans. The referee calls for the bell.

Match Two
JTG vs. Mason Ryan
-JTG starts hitting Ryan with chops to the chest. Ryan falls back against the ropes. JTG grabs him and throws him into the ropes. Ryan bounces off the ropes and JTG nails him with a standing dropkick. JTG climbs to the second turnbuckle and Ryan gets to his feet. JTG goe for a double axhandle, but Ryan hits him in the stomach. JTG falls to his knees and gets to his feet. Ryan nails JTG with a big boot to the face. Ryan covers him and the referee counts for the victory.
Winner of the Match: Mason Ryan

-Mason Ryan gets ontop of JTG and starts pounding on him. CM Punk walks out with the rest of Nexus. They walk towards the ring as the fans boo them. They get in the ring and stand over JTG. Punk nods and Ryan picks JTG up. Ryan tosses JTG over the top rope to the floor. Michael Tarver hands Punk a microphone. Punk takes the microphone and says Daniel Bryan isn't a problem anymore. Punk says he is now going to bigger and better things. Punk says he will win the battle royal tonight and go on to win the WWE Title. Punk says there isn't one man on Raw that can stop him. David Otunga's music plays and he walks out onto the stage. Otunga stands on the stage and stares at Nexus. Otunga tells Punk he wants him in a match. Otunga says he doesn't care if its for the belt or not. Otunga says that wants revenge on Punk for the months of humiliation. Punk smiles and shakes his head no. Otunga tells him he isn't going to have a choice. Otunga says he will run through Nexus all the way straight to Punk. Punk smiles and says he agrees to his match on one condition. Punk says next week Otunga has to be Nexus. Otunga says he agrees. Punk laughs and says he wasn't done yet. Punk says he has to beat every member of Nexus in a gaunlet match. Otunga looks around at the crowd and says it doesn't matter. Otunga says he will do whatever it takes to get his hands on Punk. Punk tells him to beat Nexus and he will have his chance.


-Highlights of the 6-Diva tag team match is shown. It shows Eve hitting the Standing Moonsault on Awesome Kong and pinning her.

-The Bellas come out from the back and get in the ring. They pose together in the ring. Awesome Kong's music plays and Kong walks out carrying the Diva's Title. Kong stares at The Bellas in the ring and Kong climbs into the ring. Kong hands the title to the referee and the referee calls for the bell.

Match Three
Diva's Title Match
Triple Threat Match
Awesome Kong (c) vs. Brie Bella vs. Nikki Bella
-Nikki lays down and Brie tells Kong to pin her. Kong grabs Brie and throws her down to the mat. Nikki stands up and starts screaming at Kong. Kong grabs Nikki and choke slams her down to the mat. Brie jumps on Kong's back and tries choking her. Kong falls back and sandwhiches Brie to the mat. Kong covers Brie and the referee counts 1..2..3.
Winner of the Match and still Diva's Champion: Awesome Kong

-Awesome Kong is handed the Diva's Title and she holds it up in the air. Beth Phoenix runs out from the back and slides in the ring. Phoenix starts exchanging punches with Kong. Phoenix gets the upperhand and knocks Kong out of the ring. Kong stares at Phoenix in the right and tries to get back in. The Bellas grab Kong and hold her back. Phoenix tells her to come on. Teddy Long comes out and tells Beth Phoenix to settle down. Teddy tells her that if she wants her shot against Kong she will have to earn it. Teddy says that Phoenix will take on Smackdown's newest Diva this Friday night. Teddy says if Beth wins, she will get a Diva's Title shot at Over the Limit.

-Chris Jericho and Sheamus are talking in their locker room.


-John Morrison, CM Punk, Randy Orton, Mark Henry, The Miz, Chris Jericho and Sheamus are standing in the ring. Abraham Washington walks out with Tyler Reks and they stand on the stage. Washinton says he would like to introduce to you the 3 newest members of Raw: Kane, Jack Swagger, and Dolph Ziggler. They walk out from the back and start walking towards the ring. They get in the ring and stare at the others in the ring. The bell rings to start the match.

Main Event
Number One Contenders Match
10-Man Battle Royal
-Kane, Swagger, and Ziggler get attacked and everyone gets their shots in. Jericho and Sheamus back away and stand in the corner. Orton quickly clotheslines Swagger out of the ring. (Jack Swagger is eliminated). Swagger starts flipping out and gets on the ring apron. Orton goes over to him and Swagger grabs him. Swagger tries to pull him out of the ring. Miz grabs Orton from behind and tosses him out. (Randy Orton is eliminated). Orton and Swagger start fighting outside the ring. Henry charges at Kane in the corner and Kane moves out of the way. Henry gets hung up in the corner and Kane tosses him over. (Mark Henry is eliminated). Referees seperate Swagger and Orton and walk them to the back seperately. Sheamus nails Kane with The Brogue Kick and Kane goes down to the mat. Sheamus pulls Kane up and Sheamus tries to throw him out. Jericho comes over and helps Sheamus and they toss Kane out. (Kane is eliminated). Ziggler nails Morrison with The ZigZag. Ziggler pulls Morrison up and throws him over the top rope. Morrison holds onto the ropes and pulls himself back in the ring. Ziggler turns around and sees Morrison. Ziggler charges at Morrison and Morrison backdrops Ziggler out of the ring. (Dolph Ziggler is eliminated). Drew McIntyre's music plays and McIntyre walks out on the stage. McIntyre runs down the aisle way and chases Ziggler around the ring. Ziggler runs back up the aisleway and Drew chases after him. Miz is beating on Punk in the corner. Sheamus and Jericho continue to stand in the corner and watch the action. Miz turns around and Sheamus goes for The Brogue Kick on Miz. Miz ducks it and Sheamus straddles the top rope. Miz clotheslines Sheamus out of the ring. (Sheamus is eliminated). Jericho grabs Miz and tries throwing him out of the ring. Morrison has Punk up against the ropes. Joey Mercury walks out onto the stage and he has a microphone. Mercury is calling for Morrison. Morrison sees Mercury and he throws Punk down to the mat. Morrison goes over the top rope and jumps on the floor. Morrison runs up the aisleway and chases after Mercury. (John Morrison is eliminated). Jericho continues to try and eliminate Miz. Punk comes over and tosses Jericho out of the ring. (Chris Jericho is eliminated). Miz holds onto the ropes and stays on the ring apron. Punk starts celebrating and Miz climbs back in the ring. Miz grabs Punk and tosses him out of the ring. (CM Punk is eliminated)
Winner of the Match: The Miz

-The Miz starts celebrating and Alex Riley comes running out. Riley gets in the ring and celebrates with The Miz. The camera fades out with Miz raises his arms in the air.
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
Toledo, OH
You guys can leave anytype of feedback. I would love to read what you guys think. I will even take suggestions.
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
Toledo, OH

-Christian's music plays and the fans start booing. Christian walks out from the back and walks down the ramp. Christian climbs into the ring and poses in the center of the ring. Christian has a microphone and he says he is the new number one contender for the World Title. Christian says that he beat The Undertaker and at Over the Limit he will take out Edge. Christian says he has been planning this for some time. Christian says the final chapter will finally be written at Over the Limit. Christian continues by saying that there isn't anyone stopping him from winning the World Heavyweight Title. Alberto Del Rio's music hits and he walks out with Brodus Clay. Del Rio gets in the ring and gets face to face with Christian. Del Rio says they had a plan at Backlash. Del Rio says that if he helped Christian beat Undertaker and then Christian would help him beat Edge. Christian says he tried helping, but Del Rio couldn't get the job done. Del Rio tells him to man up and explain himself. Christian says he doesn't to explain himself to anyone. Christian says he won the right to figth the World Champion. Christian tells Del Rio he just isn't good enough to hold the belt. Del Rio pushes Christian and Christian steps back. Del Rio tells Christian he cost him the title. Christian tells Del Rio that he wants to take the belt from Edge. Christian says there is no reason why he would face Del Rio. Christian continues by saying that Edge was his main target. Del Rio tells Christian that he is the target now. Del Rio tells Christian you don't mess with a man's destiny. Christian gets in Del Rio's face and says his only destiny is being a loser. Del Rio hits Christian and they start exchanging punches with each other. The lights go out and "DONG" Undertaker's music hits. The lights come back on and Undertaker is standing in the ring. Christian quickly flees the ring and Undertaker goes after Del Rio. Clay tries to help Del Rio, but Undertaker throws him out of the ring. Undertaker grabs Del Rio and goes for a choke slam. Clay chop blocks Taker's knee and Taker lets go of Del Rio. Del Rio and Clay leave the ring and Undertaker stares at them as they walk towards the back.

-The camera gets a shot of someone's boots as they are walking towards the ring. The camera never pans up to show who it is.


-Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater are standing in the ring. Teddy Long walks out onto the stage. Teddy says that Slater and Gabriel will get a rematch for the Tag Titles if they can beat Smackdown's two newest superstars. Daniel Bryan's music hits and he walks out from the back. The fans start cheering for him. Bryan stands on the stage and Evan Bourne's music hits. Bourne runs out onto the stage and high fives Bryan. They walk towards the ring. They get in the ring and quickly met up with Slater and Gabriel. They start exchanging punches with each other.

Match One
Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel vs. Daniel Bryan and Evan Bourne
-Bourne hits Slater with a dropkick and slater falls back against the corner. Bourne charges at Slater and Slater hits him with a boot to the face. Bourne staggers back and Slater hits a swinging neckbreaker on Bourne. Slater tags in Gabriel and Gabriel climbs to the top rope. Bourne gets to his feet and Gabriel jumps off the top rope. Bourne hits him with a dropkick in mid air. Bourne crawls over and tags in Bryan. Bryan gets the hot tag and nails Gabriel. Slater gets in the ring and goes for a clothesline, but Bryan ducks it. Bryan nails Slater with a kick to the head. Gabriel gets to his feet and Bourne hits him with a cross body block. Bourne pulls Gabriel up to his feet and Bryan turns Gabriel around. Bryan goes for the LeBell Lock, but Gabriel fights to stay out of it. Slater comes in and takes Bryan down. Slater and Gabriel grab Bourne and throw him out of the ring. Slater nails Bryan with a DDT and drags him towards the corner. Gabriel goes to the top rope and sets up for the 450 Splash. Gabriel comes off the top with the 450. Bryan moves out of the way and Gabriel hits the mat. Bryan quickly grabs Slater and locks him in the LeBell Lock. Slater quickly taps out.
Winners of the Match: Daniel Bryan and Evan Bourne

-Daniel Bryan and Evan Bourne celebrate in the ring.

-Cody Rhodes is shown walking in the hallway with a smile on his face.


-Cody Rhodes's music plays and Cody walks out onto the stage. He is holding a microphone and embraces the crowd. Cody stands on the stage and tells the fans to shut up. Cody says that at Wrestlemania, he took Rey Mysterio's entire career by ripping off his mask. Cody says that at Backlash, he even helped Rey say he quit. Cody says has now made a name for himself. Cody says he is now going to go on to bigger and better things. Cody says that tonight he is going to make his mark on WWE history. Cody says he will challenge Kofi Kingston for the WWE Intercontinental Title. Cody says not only will he win it, but he will be the most dashing champion in history of the WWE. Cody smiles at the camera and turns to the back.

-Zack Ryder is in the locker room and is hitting on Rosa Mendes. Zack asks her out and she says no. Zack says he is new to Smackdown and needs someone to show him around. Zack says he is going to win the World Title on Smackdown. Rosa laughs and someone clears his throat behind Ryder. Ryder turns around and Edge is standing there with the World Title around his shoulder. Edge asks Ryder if he is sure about that. Ryder says he is just showing off his game. Edge says if Ryder wants the shot, all he has to do ask. Ryder tells Edge he wants the shot. Edge smiles and tells him lets do it tonight. Edge walks away and Ryder smiles.


-Zack Ryder is in the ring and takes off his jacket. Edge's music hits and Edge walks out from a cloud of smoke. Edge comes down the aisleway and slides in the ring. Edge hands the World Title to the referee and the referee raises it in the air. The referee calls for the bell.

Match Two
World Heavyweight Title Match
Edge (c) vs. Zack Ryder
-Ryder poses to the fans and they start booing him. Ryder shakes his head and the fans and turns towards Edge. Edge drills Ryder with The Spear. Edge covers Ryder for the pin.
Winner of the Match and still World Champion: Edge

-Edge stands up and smiles as he looks down at Ryder. The referee hands Edge the World Title and Edge holds it up. Christian comes out from the crowd and grabs a steel chair. Christian gets in the ring and nails Edge in the back with the chair. Edge falls to his knees and Christian slams the chair down to the mat. Christian pulls Edge up and hits The Killswitch on the chair. Christian picks up the World Title and throws it over his shoulder. Christian holds up his arms and the fans boo him.

-Wade Barrett is talking with Johnny Curtis in the back. Barrett gives Curtis tips on his match against Big Show.

-Beth Phoenix is walking in the hallway towards the ring.


-Beth Phoenix makes her way out and stands on the ramp. Maryse comes out from the back and attacks Phoenix. Phoenix falls to the ground and Maryse starts beating on Phoenix. Maryse picks Phoenix up and walks her towards the ring. Maryse throws Phoenix in and climbs in the ring. Maryse tells the referee to ring the bell.

Match Three
Maryse vs. Beth Phoenix
-Maryse picks Beth up and sets her up for The French Kiss. Beth blocks it and hits Maryse with a forearm shot. Maryse falls out of the ring. The Bellas come out from the crowd and get in the ring. They attack Beth and start beating on her. The referee throws out the match.
Result of the Match: No Contest

-The Bellas continue to beat on Phoenix. They pick her up and hang her up in the air. Beth gets his with a double brainbuster. The Bellas stand above Beth and start trash talking to her. Teddy Long comes out and tells the Bellas that they weren't invited to Smackdown. Long says asks them if they want to come back. The Bellas nod and say they do. Long says that is fine by him. Long says that next week on Smackdown, The Bellas will go against Beth Phoenix in a handicap match. Long continues by saying if Beth Phoenix wins she gets a Diva's Title shot against Awesome Kong whenever she wants. Long turns and walks to the back, the Bellas are shown talking in the ring.

-Wade Barret is walking with Johnny Curtis in the hallway. Big Show is shown walking out of the locker room and is carrying his tag team title belt.


-Wade Barrett is talking to Johnny Curtis in the ring. Big Show's music plays and he walks out from the back. Big Show walks towards the ring and doesn't take his eyes off Wade Barrett. Big Show gets in the ring and goes after Barrett. Barrett gets out of the ring and Curtis attacks Big Show from behind.

Match Four
The Big Show vs. Johnny Curtis
-Big Show throws Curtis off of him. Curtis falls to the mat and goes right back at Big Show. Big Show nails Curtis with the Knockout Punch. Curtis falls back against the mat. Big Show places a boot on Curtis and doesn't take an eye off Barrett. The referee counts the pinfall.
Winner of the Match: The Big Show

-Big Show goes over the ropes and jumps down to the floor. Big Show starts walking towards Barrett and Barrett walks up the ramp. Big Show slowly stalks Barrett up the ramp. Barrett turns around and runs to the back. Big Show chases after him.

-Its announced next week that the rematch between Undertaker and Christian will happen inside a steel cage. Also R-Truth will make his return to Smackdown next week.


-Cody Rhodes's music plays and he walks out to a loud reaction of boos. Cody walks to the ring and gets in the ring. He has the referee hold up a mirror and Cody checks his hair. "Boom" Kofi Kingston's music plays and Kofi comes out from the back. Kofi stands on the stage and his pyros go off. Kofi comes down the ramp and climbs into the ring. The referee is handed the belt. The referee holds it up in the air and calls for the bell to ring.

Main Event
WWE Intercontinental Title Match
Kofi Kingston (c) vs. Cody Rhodes
-Cody is beating on Kofi in the corner and starts choking his with his boot. Cody pulls Kofi away from the ropes and sets him up for a ddt. Kofi blocks it and hits S.O.S on Cody. Kofi covers him, but Cody gets his foot on the ropes to stop the count. Kofi gets to his feet and waits for Cody to stand up. Cody grabs on the ropes and pulls himself up to his feet. Cody turns towards Kofi and Kofi goes for Trouble in Paradise. Cody ducks it and Kofi hits the mat. Cody pulls Kofi up to his feet and hits The CrossRhodes. Cody goes to pin Kofi and the lights go out. After a few moments the lights come back on and Cody doesn't know what happen. Cody goes over towards Kofi and turns his on his back. Kofi is wearing a Sin Casa mask. Cody starts freaking out and looking around for Sin Casa. Cody grabs the referee and is yelling at him about Sin Casa. Cody turns around and is nailed with Trouble in Paradise by Kofi. Kofi covers Cody for the win.
Winner of the Match and still Intercontinental Champion: Kofi Kingston

-Kofi leaves the ring and celebrates with the fans. Cody slowly gets to his feet and can barely stand. The lights go out again and the TitanTron starts showing pictures of Mexican wrestlers with masks. It finishes with a picture of Sin Casa. A message says next week...Cody Rhodes will experience a true faceless person. The lights come back on and Rey Mysterio and Sin Casa are behind Cody Rhodes. Rey hits a dropkick to the back of Cody. Cody falls against the ropes and Rey hits him with the 619. Cody staggers back and Sin Casa runs at him and hits him with The La Mistica. Cody starts tapping out and is screaming in pain. Sin Casa lets go of the hold. Sin Casa and Rey Mysterio embrace each other as the show comes to a close.
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
Toledo, OH

-A preview video is shown of last weeks Raw. The Miz winning the battle royal to get a WWE Title shot.

-Pyros go off inside the arena and the fans start cheering.

-Abrahan Washington walks out from the back and is with Tyler Reks. They walk down the aisleway and the fans start booing him. Washington and Reks get in the ring and Washington is handed a microphone. Washington says that tonight will history will be made. Washington says not only do we have a WWE Title match between John Cena and Tyler Reks. Washington says that with Over the Limt in less than 2 weeks away, the GM wanted to make a huge main event for the pay per view. Washington says the GM has changd the match between Cena and Miz. Washington says we are going to have a 6-pack challenge match. Washington says Miz will still be in the match and we will have 4 qualifying matches to determine the other 4 superstars. "AWESOME" Miz walks out with Alex Riley and Miz doesn't look to happy. Miz walks to the ring and gets in the ring. Miz goes towards Washington, but Reks gets inbetween them. Riley hands Miz a microphone. Miz wants to know what the hell is going on. Miz says he earned the title shot last week and now 4 other superstars are getting in on the match. Washington tells Miz that the WWE universe doesn't want to see a Wrestlemania rematch between him and Cena. Miz says he was screwed by The Rock at Wrestlemania and he deserves a one on one rematch against Cena. Washington says the GM just doesn't see the point of a one on one match. Washington tells Miz if he doesn't like it, he can leave the arena now. Miz tells Washington he better watch his back tonight. Washington laughs and says no one will be able to put their hands on him. Miz backs away and tells Washington we will see about that. Miz leaves the ring with Riley as Washington and Reks stand in the ring.

-Randy Orton is shown walking in the hallway.


-"Voices" plays and Randy Orton walks out from the back. The fans cheer Orton as he walks down the aisleway. Orton gets in the ring and climbs the corner. Orton extends his arms and the fans continue to cheer for him. "Perfection" plays and Dolph Ziggler walks out with Vickie Guerrero. Dolph walks down towards the ring and is followed by Vickie. Dolph gets in the ring and poses. The bell rings to start the match.

Match One
6-Pack Qualifying Match
Randy Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler
-Ziggler slams Orton's face into the turnbuckle. Ziggler turns Orton around and whips him into the other corner. Orton reverses it and throws Ziggler into the corner. Ziggler collides with the referee in the corner. Ziggler stumbles back and Orton hits him with a neckbreaker. Orton measures Ziggler up for The RKO. Vickie gets in the apron and distracts Orton. Orton goes after Vickie and Vickie quickly gets off the apron. Ziggler jumps up to his feet and nails Orton with The ZigZag. Ziggler covers Orton and Vickie tries to wake the referee up. Drew McIntyre comes out from the crowd. McIntyre gets in the ring and attacks Ziggler. Drew pulls Ziggler up and hits The Future Shock DDT on him. Drew leaves the ring and goes back through the crowd. Vickie starts screaming and the referee slowly gets to his feet. Ziggler slowly stands up and looks around for Drew. Dolph spots Drew in the stands and points at him. Dolph turns around and Orton nails him with The RKO. Orton covers him for the win.
Winner of the Match: Randy Orton

-Orton stumbles up to his feet and falls against the ropes. The Miz runs out from the back and gets in the ring. Miz grabs Orton from behind and hits The Skull Crushing Finale on him. Miz turns Orton on his back and smiles down at him.

-A preview of David Otunga's gauntlet match against Nexus is shown.


-Chris Jericho's music plays and the fans start booing. Jericho walks out with Sheamus. They walk towards the ring and get in the ring. Jericho has a microphone and says that he has some bad news for everyone. Jericho says that Triple H has handed in his papers to leave the WWE. The fans start booing as Jericho and Sheamus laugh. Jericho says their mission is finally complete. Jericho says that they finally eliminated the cancer from the WWE. Jericho says they have another pest to eliminate from WWE. Jericho says that John Cena is making the WWE Title a bad name. Jericho says that Sheamus or him will win the WWE Title and make sure Cena's run of champion is over. Abraham Washington walks out on the stage and tells Jericho and Sheamus that only one of them will be in a qualifying match. Washington tells Sheamus that an old friend of his will be his opponent. John Morrison's music plays and the fans start cheering. Morrison walks down the aisleway and gets in the ring. Jericho leaves the ring. Washington orders this match a No DQ match. The bell rings to start the match.

Match Two
6-Pack Qualifying Match/No Disqualification Matchc
John Morrison vs. Sheamus
-Morrison is beating on Sheamus in the corner. Jericho gets in the ring and attacks Morrison from behind. Jericho and Sheamus start beating on Morrison. Jericho pulls Morrison up to his feet and hits The Code Breaker on him. Sheamus covers Morrison and the referee counts 1..2..shoulder up. Jericho can't believe it and Sheamus gets off of Morrison. They continue to beat on Morrison. The lights go out in the arena. "Time to Play the Game" plays and the fans go crazy. The lights come back on and Triple H is standing on the stage. Jericho and Sheamus can't believe it. Triple H runs down the aisleway and gets in the ring. Jericho and Sheamus jump on Triple H and start attacking him. Triple H fights back and starts punching Sheamus and Jericho. Triple H hits Jericho with a knee into the stomach. Triple H throws Jericho out of the ring. Triple H turns around and Sheamus goes for The Brogue Kick. Triple H moves out of the way and kicks Sheamus in the stomach. Triple H hits him with The Pedigree. Triple H grabs Morrison and throws him on Sheamus. The referee counts the pinfall.
Winner of the Match: John Morrison

-John Morrison rolls off of Sheamus and Triple H pulls Sheamus up. Triple H throws Sheamus out of the ring. Triple H leaves the ring and grabs a microphone. Triple H walks around the ring and stands above Sheamus. Triple H looks up and stares at Jericho on the stage. Triple H tells Jericho that what they did, isn't going to make him quit. Triple H tells Jericho that it will take a whole hell of a lot to keep him down. Triple H tells Jericho that he wants both him and Sheamus at Over the Limit. Jericho smiles and nods his head. Triple H bends down and starts beating Sheamus with the microphone. Triple H stands up and runs after Jericho. Jericho quickly turns around and runs toward the back.


-Chris Jericho is showning running through the arena into the parking lot. Jericho jumps into the driver's side door. Triple H runs up to the car and tries to open the door, but its locked. Triple H elbows the glass, but it doesn't break. Triple H jumps on the hood and Jericho's car doesn't start. Triple H starts kicking the windshield. The car finally starts and Triple H jumps off the hood. Jericho quickly drives away and Triple H watches on. Triple H starts screaming Jericho.

-Mark Henry is standing in the ring. Jack Swagger's music plays and the fans start booing. Swagger walks out and quickly gets in the ring. Swagger poses in the ring.

Match Three
6-Pack Qualifying Match
Mark Henry vs. Jack Swagger
-Henry whips Swagger into the corner. Henry charges at Swagger and goes for a splash in the corner. Swagger moves out of the way and Henry slams against the turnbuckle. Henry staggers back and Swagger hits him with a high angle slam. Swagger grabs Henry's ankle and locks in the Ankle Lock. Swagger twists Henry's ankle and Henry taps out.
Winner of the Match: Jack Swagger

-Jack Swagger lets go of Henry's ankle and he poses in the ring. The fans start booing Swagger as he motions he wants the belt.

-David Otunga is walking in the hallway and many superstars wish him good luck.

-CM Punk is in Nexus's locker room. Punk tells them it's their job to put a stop to Otunga. Punk says whoever gets beat is out of Nexus. Punk says he isn't going to support a loser in his group.


-David Otunga's music plays and he walks down the aisleway. Otunga gets in the ring and poses in the ring. Nexus's music plays and CM Punk leads the members out on the stage. Punk points to Michael Tarver and Tarver runs down toward the ring. Tarver slides in the ring and the bell rings.

Match Four
Gaunlet Match
David Otunga vs. Nexus
-Tarver runs at Otunga and Otunga grabs ahold of him. Otunga hits The Verdict on Tarver. Otunga covers him 1..2..3.
(Michael Tarver is eliminated)
-Michael McGillicutty runs down towards the ring. Michael gets in the ring and attacks Otunga. Michael pulls Otunga up to his feet and throws him into the ropes. Otunga bounces off the ropes and Michael goes for a clothesline. Otunga ducks it and grabs Michael from behind. Otunga locks in a sleeperhold and Michael reaches for the ropes. Otunga pulls Michael away from the ropes and Michael taps out.
(Michael McGillicutty is eliminated).
-CM Punk is pacing back and forth on the stage. Punk picks Mason Ryan and Ryan slowly walks down the ramp. Ryan climbs in the ring and Otunga dropkicks him off the apron. Ryan climbs in the ring and goes after Otunga. Otunga runs away from Ryan and quickly leaves the ring. Ryan tries to get out of the ring, but the referee holds him back. Skip Sheffield comes down the aisleway and hits Otunga with a The Clothesline. Skip throws Otunga back in the ring. The referee turns around and sees Skip there and rings the bell. The referee has disqualified Ryan.
(Mason Ryan is eliminated)
-CM Punk comes down the ramp and tells Skip to hold on. Punk gets in the ring and stand above Otunga. Punk pulls Otunga up to his feet and throws him on his shoulders. Punk hits Otunga with the Go 2 Sleep. Punk covers him for the win.
Winners of the Match: Nexus

-Husky Harris and Skip Sheffield get in the ring and hold up Punk's hand in the air. Punk tells Mason Ryan to get in the ring and they all pose in the ring. The Nexus members start beating on Otunga. Kane's music hits and Kane walks out from the back. Kane makes his way into the ring. Nexus quickly flees the ring and Kane stands in the ring watching them. Abraham Washington comes out from the back and asks CM Punk where he is going. Washington says that Punk is in a qualifying match for the WWE Title. Washington says his opponent is Kane. Punk drops to his knees and can't believe it. Kane is in the ring smiling.


Match Five
6-Pack Qualifying Match
CM Punk vs. Kane
-Kane hits a top rope clothesline on Punk. Husky Harris gets on the ring apron and Kane knocks him down. Mason Ryan gets on the ring apron and Kane hits him with a boot to the face. Skip Sheffield gets in the ring and goes for The Clothesline. Kane ducks it and grabs Skip by the throat. Kane hits him with The Choke Slam. Kane grabs CM Punk and goes for The Choke Slam on him. Kane lifts Punk up and Punk hits Kane in the face with a knee. Kane drops Punk and Punk quickly puts Kane on his shoulders. Punk hits Go 2 Sleep on Kane and covers him for the win.
Winner of the Match: CM Punk

-Punk leaves the ring and the members of Nexus help him up to his feet. Punk starts celebrating and Kane sits up. Kane gets to his feet and stares at Nexus in the aisleway.

-A video is playing of a new breed coming to WWE. A picture of Vince McMahon is shown and it slowly starts burning.

-A split screen of John Cena and Tyler Reks is shown walking in the hallway.


-A match next week is signed....CM Punk will defend the United States Title against Kane

-Tyler Reks's music plays and Reks walks out from the back. Reks gets in the ring and stands in the center. John Cena's music plays and the fans go crazy. John Cena comes out and holds up the WWE Title. Cena salutes to the fans and runs down the aisleway. Cena slides in the ring and poses for the crowd. Abraham Washington walks out and stands on the stage to watch the match. The bell rings to start the match.

Main Event
WWE Title Match
John Cena (c) vs. Tyler Reks
-Reks nails Cena with a flapjack and Cena slams against the mat. Cena gets to his feet and Reks nails him with a running shoulderblock. Reks stands above Cena and pulls him up. Reks goes for The Burning Hammer. Cena counters it and throws Reks off of him. Reks goes to clothesline Cena. Cena hits Reks with a powerslam. Cena and Reks both get to their feet. Reks goes to punch Cena, but Cena ducks it. Cena hits Reks with a spinebuster. Cena hits the five knuckle shuffle on Reks. Cena sets Reks up for the Attitude Adjustment. Reks gets to his feet and staggers around. Cena picks Reks up and hits The AA on him. Cena covers Reks for the win.
Winner of the Match and still WWE Champion: John Cena

-John Cena stands up and starts celebrating. Cena is handed the WWE Title and he holds it up in the air. The Miz comes out from the back and attacks Abraham Washinton from behind. Miz picks Washington up and hits The Skull Crushing Finale on Washington. Washington's face gets smashed into the stage. Miz stands above Washington and slowly looks up at Cena. Miz points at Cena and Cena raises up the WWE Title as the show comes to a close.

Matches signed for Over the Limit

WWE Title Match
6-Pack Elimination Match
John Cena (c) vs. The Miz vs. Randy Orton vs. CM Punk vs. Jack Swagger

2 on 1 Handicap Match
Chris Jericho and Sheamus vs. Triple H

World Heavyweight Title Match
Edge (c) vs. Christian​


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Love the six pack challenge idea. And it has a mix of old blood with Orton/Cena/Punk and new blood in Miz/Morrison/Swagger. I am really enjoying the Jericho/HHH feud. I cannot wait for HHH to get his long overdue revenge though to be honest I don't see it ending at Over the Limit. Keep up the great work man.
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
Toledo, OH
-Smackdown Opening

-A recap video is shown of last weeks Smackdown

-Teddy Long is on the TitanTron. Teddy says that the Christian-Edge match at Over the Limit will have a match stipulation attached to it. Teddy says he will announce that stipulation later in the night. Teddy reminds everyone that The Undertaker will take on Christian in a steel cage. Teddy tells everyone to enjoy the show.

-Pyros go off inside the arena and the fans start cheering.

-"Time to Play the Game" Triple H's music plays and the fans go crazy. Triple H comes out on the stage and looks around the arena. Triple H walks down the ramp and gets in the ring. Triple H stands in the middle of the ring and the fans start to quite down. Triple H says he is here for one reason and one reason only. Triple H says he wants to ask The Undertaker a question. Triple H says that Undertaker probably knows what he wants. Triple H says he just wants to hear Taker's answer. Triple H tells Taker that he has until the end of the night to give him his answer. Triple H finishes by saying that he won't take no for answer. Zack Ryder's music plays and Zack Ryder walks out from the back. Ryder walks down to the ring and climbs in between the ropes. Ryder stands in front of Triple H and smiles at him. Ryder tells Triple H that he better go back to his show. Ryder says that Smackdown is his show and he is the top player on the show. Ryder tells Triple H that his time is about up. Triple H nods his head and nails Ryder with a punch. Ryder falls back against the ropes. Triple H throws Ryder into the ropes and Triple H hits him with a spinebuster. Triple H pulls Ryder up to his feet and hits him with The Pedigree. Triple H gets to his feet and looks down at Ryder. Triple H smiles at Ryder and throws his arms in the air. The fans continue to cheer for Triple H.

-Big Show and Diesel are shown walking through the hallways and have the tag team titles over their shoulders.


-The Corre's music plays and Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel walk out onto the stage. They walk towards the ring and go through the ropes. They post on the ropes and the fans boo them. Big Show's music plays and the fans start cheering. Pyros go off and Big Show walks out with Diesel. They raise the tag titles in the air. They walk down to the ring. They climb into the ring and pose in center of the ring. The referee takes the belts and calls for the bell.

Match One
World Tag Team Titles Match
Big Show and Diesel (c) vs. Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater
-Diesel tosses Gabriel over the top rope. Gabriel hangs onto the ropes and stands on the ring apron. Diesel turns around and Gabriel springboards off the top rope. Gabriel hits Diesel with a dropkick. Diesel stumbles around and Gabriel hits him with a forearm. Gabriel bounces off the ropes and charges at Diesel. Diesel nails him with a big boot to the face. Diesel pulls Gabriel up and sets him up for a Jackknife Powerbomb. Slater gets in the ring and attacks Diesel from behind. Gabriel and Slater start beating on Diesel. Big Show gets in the ring and Slater runs at him. Big Show backdrops Slater out of the ring. Gabriel grabs Big Show and turns him around Big Show nails Gabriel with The Knockout Punch. Gabriel stumbles around and Diesel kicks him in the stomach. Diesel lifts Gabriel up and hits him with The Jackknife Powerbomb. Diesel covers Gabriel for the win.
Winners of the Match and still Tag Team Champions: Big Show and Diesel

-Big Show and Diesel celebrate in the ring. Nexus comes out from the crowd and get in the ring. They attack Big Show and Diesel and start beating on them. Mason Ryan hits Big Show with a powerslam. Husky Harris holds Diesel up and Skip Sheffield hits him with The Clothesline. CM Punk is sitting on the turnbuckle and watching the beating. Mason Ryan hands Punk a microphone. Punk gets off the turnbuckle and stands above Big Show. Punk sits on Big Show's test and says that Nexus would like a shot at the tag belts. Punk tells Big Show to bring the belts to Raw this Monday. Punk says that Ryan, Sheffield, and Harris are the future of WWE and the three biggest men in WWE history. Punk gets off Big Show and poses in the ring with the rest of Nexus.


-Primo is standing in the ring and is yelling at the fans. "What's Up" R-Truth's theme plays and the fans start cheering. R-Truth raps his theme song as he walks down to the ring. R-Truth gets in the ring and Primo quickly attacks him. The referee calls for the ring bell.

Match Two
R-Truth vs. Primo
-Primo is beating on R-Truth in the corner and Primo backs away. Primo charges at R-Truth in the corner. R-Truth moves out of the way and Primo slams into the corner. Primo staggers back and R-Truth nails him with The Lie Detector. R-Truth covers him 1..2..3.
Winner of the Match: R-Truth

-R-Truth celebrates in the ring and rolls under the ropes. R-Truth starts slapping fan's hands as he walks to the back. R-Truth stands on the stage and poses for the fans. Seth Rollins attacks R-Truth from behind. Rollins pulls R-Truth up and hits God's Last Gift on him. Rollins stands over R-Truth and raises his arms in the air. Kaitlyn comes out and hugs Rollins from behind. Rollins turns towards her and kisses her. They stop kissing and turn towards the fans. They both smile at the camera.


-Cody Rhodes's music plays and the fans start booing. Cody Rhodes walks out on the ramp and walks straight to the ring. Cody gets in the ring and he has a microphone. Cody says he was embarassed last week by Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio. Cody says that they cost him his shot at being the Intercontinental Champion. Cody says that he already unmasked Rey Mysterio at Wrestlemania and he is going to do the same to Sin Cara. Cody asks Sin Cara why does he hide behind a mask. Cody says he is here to expose Sin Cara's secrets. Cody tells Sin Cara to get out here now so he can expose him to the world. Sin Cara's music plays and Sin Cara walks out onto the stage. Sin Cara takes off his jacket and runs down the aisleway. Cara slides in the ring and Rhodes quickly jumps him. The bell rings to start the match.

Match Three
Sin Cara vs. Cody Rhodes
-Sin Cara and Cody start trading blows with each other. Cara hits a kick to the side of Cody's head and stuns him. Cara goes to whip Cody into the ropes, but Cody reverses it. Cara bounces off the ropes and Cody goes for a clothesline. Cara ducks it and bounces off the ropes. Cara takes Cody down with a spinning headscissors takedown. Cody calls the referee over and says its his knee. Cara stands there and watches as the referee checks on Cody. Ted Dibiase runs down the aisleway and sneaks into the ring. Dibiase grabs Cara and nails him with Dream Street. Dibiase sneaks out of the ring and hides near the steps. Cody quickly gets to his feet and goes over to Cara. Cody covers Cara and the referee counts 1..2..3.
Winner of the Match: Cody Rhodes

-Ted Dibiase gets in the ring and gets face to face with Cody Rhodes. They smile and hug each other. They start celebrating as the fans boo them. Cody looks down at Sin Cara and pulls him up to his feet. They start beating on Cara and Cody tries to take off Sin Cara's mask. Rey Mysterio runs down from the back and gets in the ring. Ted Dibiase goes after Rey, but Rey rolls away from him. Rey tackles Cody down to the mat and starts beating on him. Dibiase pulls Rey off of Cody and holds him from behind. Cody gets to his feet and goes at Rey. Rey puts his feet up and kicks Cody. Rey gets out of Dibiase's grip and hits him with a spin kick. Rey hits Dibiase with a dropkick and Dibiase falls through the ropes. Rey goes after Cody and Cody quickly leaves the ring. Cody goes over to Dibiase and helps him up. Rey runs at them and fakes a dive at them. Cody and Dibiase start to go up the ramp. Rey helps Sin Cara up to his feet. Teddy Long's music plays and he walks out onto the stage. Teddy says he came up with an idea. Teddy says at Over the Limit, Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara will take on Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase. Teddy says before Over the Limit, they aren't allowed to have any physical contact at all. Teddy says if there is any physical contact, they will be fired. Teddy turns around and walks back. Rey and Sin Cara point at Cody and Dibiase.

-A highlight video of Christian's attack on Edge and victory over Undertaker at Backlash.


-Beth Phoenix is walking in the hallway and The Bellas attack her from behind. They start beating on her. Awesome Kong comes over and pulls Phoenix up to her feet. Kong chokes Phoenix and holds her against the wall. Nikki Bella tells Phoenix that they aren't fighting tonight. Nikki tells Phoenix that Kong accepts Phoenix's challenge for the Diva's Title. Brie tells Phoenix that they will see her at Over the Limit. Kong drops Phoenix and walks away followed by The Bellas.

-Evan Bourne is in the ring and poses for the fans. The Corre's music plays and Wade Barrett walks out from the back. Wade walks down the aisleway and climbs in the ring. The bell rings to start the match.

Match Four
Wade Barrett vs. Evan Bourne
-Bourne hits Barrett with a kick to the stomach. Bourne bounces off the ropes and Barrett hits him with a clothesline. Barrett pulls Bourne up to his feet and throws him on his shoulders. Barrett hits Bourne with The Wasteland. Barrett covers Bourne for the win.
Winner of the Match: Wade Barrett

-Wade Barrett pulls Bourne up to his feet and throws him out of the ring. Wade asks for a microphone and he is handed one. Wade says that his number one goal was to win the World Title. Wade says he was sidetracked by The Big Show. Wade says that he hasn't finished what he wanted. Wade says he wants to beat Big Show one on one with no help from The Corre. Wade says that he knows Big Show is distracted by Nexus, but he wants his match at Over the Limit. Wade says he will finally finish off The Big Show and move on to the World Title. Wade drops the microphone and leaves the ring.

-Christian is shown walking through the hallway.


-Christian's music plays and the fans start booing. Christian walks out from the back and he doesn't look at the fans. Christian walks towards the ring and stares up at the cage. Christian gets in the ring and looks up at the cage. The lights go out and Undertaker's music plays. Undertaker comes out from the back and slowly walks towards the ring. Christian is yelling for them to lower the cage. Undertaker steps in the ring and Christian quickly leaves the ring. Christian starts to walk up the ramp. The cage starts to lower and Undertaker stands in the middle of the ring and stares at Christian. Alberto Del Rio and Brodus Clay sneak in the ring behind Undertaker. They attack Undertaker as the cage is fully lowered. Del Rio and Clay start beating on Undertaker. Christian stands outside the ring and laughs at Taker. Edge's music plays and Edge walks out onto the stage. Edge stares at Christian and they meet in the aisleway. They start fighting each other. Edge gets the upperhand and Christian runs through the crowd. Edge quickly chases after him. Del Rio and Clay continue to beat on Taker. Del Rio grabs Taker's arm and locks in the Cross Armbreaker. Del Rio pulls Taker's arm back and Taker screams. Triple H's music plays and Triple H runs out from the back. Triple H goes through the cage door and tackles Clay. Triple H starts beating on Clay and Del Rio lets go of Taker's arm. Del Rio quickly pulls Triple H off of Del Rio and Triple H starts beating on Del Rio. Triple H throws Del Rio into the cage and slams his face into the cage. Clay gets to his feet and Triple H kicks him in the stomach. Triple H nails him with The Pedigree. Del Rio stumbles out of the cage door and falls to the floor. Triple H slowly turns his head towards Taker. Triple H asks him what his answer is. Taker shakes his head no and Taker pulls himself up. Taker holds his arm and Triple H asks him again. Taker shakes his head no and not to ask him again. Triple H kicks Taker in the stomach and hits The Pedigree on him. Triple H looks down at Taker as the camera fades to black.

-Teddy Long is in his office and says he had made a decision what stipulation for the World Title match. Teddy says he is also making a new match for Over the Limit. Teddy says that The Undertaker will fight Alberto Del Rio with Brodus Clay banned from ringside. Teddy says that the World Title match between Edge and Christian will be in a 3 Stages of Hell Match. Teddy says the first match will be a regular pinfall match. Teddy says the second fall will be a first blood match. Teddy says the final stage will be a ladder match. The show comes to a close.

Matches signed for Over the Limit

WWE Title Match
6-Pack Elimination Match
John Cena (c) vs. Randy Orton vs. CM Punk vs. Jack Swagger vs. John Morrison vs. The Miz

Handicap Match
Sheamus and Chris Jericho vs. Triple H

World Heavyweight Title Match
3 Stages of Hell Match
Edge (c) vs. Christian

The Undertaker vs. Alberto Del Rio

Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara vs. Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase

WWE Divas's Title Match
Awesome Kong (c) vs. Beth Phoenix
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
Toledo, OH

-Recap video of last weeks Raw and its followed by the Raw opening.

-Pyros go off inside the arena.

-The Miz's music plays and the fans start booing. The Miz walks out with Alex Riley and they walk down to the ring. Miz gets in the ring and stands in the center of the ring. Miz is holding a microphone and the fans won't stop booing. Miz says last week he shut up the voice of the Raw GM. Miz says there isn't anything he wouldn't do to win back the WWE Title. Miz says that he was once again screwed by the higher ups in WWE. Miz says that John Cena knows he can't beat him fairly. Miz says The Rock costed him the title at Wrestlemania and now the Raw GM screwed him last week. Miz says the WWE doesn't want him to win back the WWE Title. Miz says this Sunday he will walk through 5 other superstars and win back the WWE Title. The GM's sound goes off and Jim Ross stands up. JR goes to the computer and says he has an announcement from the Raw general manager. JR starts to read the email. The GM says that Miz's actions last week were unwarranted. GM says that Abraham Washington will be back when he is fully healed. The GM announces three matches for Raw tonight. The GM says that the three matches will be chosenly random with the 6 superstars in the 6 pack match for Over the Limit. The GM finishes by saying The Miz's match starts now, with this superstar....

-Jack Swagger's music plays and the fans start booing. Swagger walks out and walks down towards the ring. Swagger gets in the ring and smiles at Miz. Alex Riley runs at Swagger and Swagger backdrops him out of the ring. Swagger looks over at Miz and points at him.


Match One
The Miz vs. Jack Swagger
-Swagger hits Miz with a belly to belly suplex. Miz slams to the mat and slowly rolls out of the ring. Miz starts walking around the ring. Alex Riley distracts Swagger on the ring apron. Swagger goes after Riley and Riley quickly jumps off the apron. Miz gets back in the ring and rolls Swagger up. The referee counts 1..2..kick out. Swagger grabs ahold of Miz's ankle and locks in The Anklelock. Miz reaches for the ropes and Swagger pulls him back. Riley gets in the ring and Swagger lets go of the hold. Swagger grabs Riley and tosses him out of the ring. Swagger turns around and Miz kicks Swagger in the knee. Swagger is stunned and Miz quickly rolls him in a small package. The referee counts 1..2..3.
Winner of the Match: The Miz

-The Miz quickly gets out of the ring and falls to the floor. Miz is holding his ankle and Alex Riley comes over to him. Swagger is screaming in the ring and Miz smiles as he looks up at Swagger.

-Sheamus and Chris Jericho arrive to the arena in a limo. They walk inside the arena and Jericho says tonight is going to be a good night.


-Jey and Jimmy Uso are standing in the ring. Drew McIntyre's music plays and the fans start cheering. Drew McIntyre slowly walks out from the back. Drew walks down the aisleway and looks around at the crowd. Drew climbs into the ring and Dolph Ziggler's music starts playing. Dolph Ziggler walks out with Vickie Guerrero and they stand on the stage. Drew gets distracted and The Uso's attack Drew from behind. They continue to beat on him until Drew goes down to the mat. The referee grabs Jimmy and tells him to leave the ring. Jimmy leaves the ring and the referee calls to start the match.

Match Two
Drew McIntyre vs. Jey Uso
-Jey nails Drew with a running bulldog headlock. Jey starts stomping away on Drew. Jey walks over to the corner and walks up to the top rope. Drew stumbles up to his feet and turns towards Jey. Jey comes off the top rope with a double ax handle. Drew hits Jey in the stomach and Jey lands on his feet. Drew quickly grabs Jey and nails him with The Future Shock. Drew covers him 1..2..3.
Winner of the Match: Drew McIntyre

-Drew gets to his feet and Jimmy Uso gets in the ring. Drew grabs Jimmy and hits him with The Future Shock on Jimmy. Drew turns around and stares at Dolph Ziggler. Vickie hands Dolph a microphone. Dolph says these games are over. Dolph says he wants to finish Drew off once and for all. Dolph says he wants a match against Drew this Sunday at Over the Limit. Drew smiles and nods his head.

-CM Punk is walking in the hallway with the rest of Nexus. Punk has the United States Title over his shoulder. Punk tells Mason Ryan and Husky Harris its their job to add more gold to the collection tonight.


-Eve and Gail Kim are standing in the ring. Melina's music plays and she walks out with Alicia Fox. They walk towards the ring. They get in the ring and the referee calls to start the match.

Match Three
Eve and Gail Kim vs. Melina and Alicia Fox
-Gail Kim is stomping away at Fox inside the corner. Melina gets in the ring and goes after Kim. Eve gets in the ring and tackles Melina down to the mat. Eve and Melina start rolling around the ring. The Bellas sneak in the ring and attack Kim and Fox. The referee throws out the match.
Result of the Match: No Contest

-The Bellas continue to attack Fox and Kim. Melina and Eve go after The Bellas and everyone starts fighint with each other. Awesome Kong walks out and stands on the stage. Beth Phoenix attacks Kong from behind and stuns Kong. Phoenix grabs Kong and tries to bodyslam her. Phoenix's back goes out and she favors it. Kong nails Phoenix with a clothesline. Kong goes down to pick Phoenix up and WWE officials and referees run out. They pull Kong away from Phoenix. Phoenix is helped up to her feet and she goes after Kong. The officials grab them both and seperate each other.

-This Sunday's Over the Limit video is promoted.

-Chris Jericho's music plays and Jericho walks out with Sheamus. They walk down to the ring and is booed by the fans. They get in the ring and Jericho tells them to shut up. Jericho says he doesn't know why Triple H was on Smackdown asking Undertaker for something. Jericho says it doesn't matter what Taker does. Jericho says there is no one that can help Triple H this Sunday. Jericho says that they already finished Stephanie and Vince McMahon off. Jericho says Triple H doesn't have a friend in the world now. Triple H's music plays and Triple H walks out onto the stage. Triple H stares at Sheamus and Jericho and Triple H turns his head to the side. "Here Comes the Money" Shane McMahon walks out from the back. Shane stands side by side with Triple H. They run down the aisleway and get in the ring. Triple H attacks Jericho and Shane goes after Sheamus. Triple H starts beating on Jericho in the corner. Sheamus pushes Shane away and goes for The Brogue Kick. Shane ducks it and Sheamus is hung up on the ropes. Shane clotheslines Sheamus out of the ring. Triple H pulls Jericho out of the corner and goes for The Pedigree. Jericho quickly gets out of Triple H's grasp and leaves the ring. Jericho goes over and helps Sheamus up to his feet. Jericho tells at Triple H that Shane isn't enough to stop us. The lights go out and Undertaker's music plays. The lights come back on and Undertaker is standing in the ring behind Triple H and Shane McMahon. Undertaker and Triple H get face to face with each other. Taker nods his head at Triple H and Triple H smiles. Triple H turns towards Jericho and Jericho screams Triple asking him what do you want. Triple H turns back to Taker and Take grabs Triple H by the throat. Taker lifts him up and hits him with The Choke Slam. Shane checks on Triple H and Jericho and Sheamus are in disbelief.


-Nexus is standing in the ring and they raise their fists in the air. Big Show's music plays and Big Show walks out with Diesel. They walk towards the ring and CM Punk and Skip Sheffield leave the ring. Big Show and Diesel get in the ring and Big Show gets face to face with Mason Ryan. The bell rings to start the match.

Match Four
World Tag Team Titles Match
Big Show and Diesel (c) vs. Mason Ryan and Husky Harris
-Big Show slams Harris down to the mat and Big Show asks Ryan if he wants some. Ryan nods his head and Big Show pulls Harris up and throws Harris into the corner. Harris tags Ryan into the mat. Ryan gets in the ring and gets eye to eye with Big Show. They start exchanging punches with each other. Ryan knees Big Show in the stomach and slams him to the mat. Ryan runs over to the corner and nails Diesel. Diesel falls off the ring apron and quickly gets in the ring. The referee grabs Diesel and get him to leave the ring. CM Punk tosses the US Belt to Ryan and Ryan catches it. Big Show gets to his knees and Ryan nails him with the belt. Ryan throws the belt out of the ring and pulls Big Show away from the ropes. Sheffield pulls Diesel off the apron and starts fighting with him. Ryan covers Big Shown for the pinfall. The referee counts 1..2..3.
Winners of the Match and new Tag Team Champions: Mason Ryan and Husky Harris

-Mason Ryan gets to his feet and celebrates with Husky Harris. CM Punk grabs the tag titles and gets in the ring. He hands them to Harris and Ryan and Nexus starts to celebrate. David Otunga runs out from the back and gets in the ring. Nexus starts beating on him. Kane's music plays and flames come out from the stage. Kane comes out from the back and he makes his way down to the ring. Kane gets in the ring and starts fighting with Nexus. Diesel and Big Show join in on the action. There is a huge brawl in the ring. The GM chimes in and Nexus quickly retreats from the ring. Jim Ross goes up to the podium and starts to read the email from the GM. The GM says that he is making a Tag Team Title match for Over the Limit. The GM says the new champions Mason Ryan and Husky Harris will defend the titles against Kane and David Otunga. The GM tells everyone to leave the ring area, except for CM Punk. The GM tells Punk that his match is next.


-CM Punk is standing in the ring and is screaming at the crowd. "Voices" plays and Randy Orton comes out from the back. Orton slowly walks down the aisleway and Punk leaves the ring. Punk goes after Orton and they start fighting in the aisleway. Punk tackles Orton down to the floor and starts punching him. Punk stands up and pulls Orton up to his feet. Punk throws Orton into the ring. Punk climbs up to the ring apron and Orton quickly grabs Punk. Orton pulls Punk through the ropes and nails him with a DDT. The bell rings to start the match.

Match Five
Randy Orton vs. CM Punk
-Orton stands up and slowly turns his head to Punk. Orton falls to the mat and starts punching the mat. Punk gets to his feet and Orton goes for the RKO. Punk pushes Orton away. Orton turns around and Punk nails him with a kick to the side of the head. Punk grabs Orton and throws him on his shoulders. Punk nails Orton with Go 2 Sleep. Punk covers Orton and the referee counts 1..2..3.
Winner of the Match: CM Punk

-Punk sits up and smiles as he gets to his feet. Punk raises his arm up in the air. Orton gets to his feet and stands behind Punk. Punk turns around and Orton nails him with The RKO. Orton stands in the corner and sets Punk for The Punt Kick. The GM chimes in and Jim Ross stands up and goes to the podium. The GM says that if Orton kicks Punk he is removed from the WWE Title match and suspended for 6 months. Orton stops and stares at Punk. Punk sits up on his hands and knees and Orton goes to punt him. Orton stops before he lays him with the kick. Orton picks Punk up and hits him with another RKO. Orton falls to his stomach and stares at Punk on the mat.

-John Cena walks out of his locker room and starts walking down the hallway. Cena turns the corner and bumps into John Morrison. Morrison asks Cena if he is ready to put on a show and Cena says lets do this. Cena and Morrison walk down the hallway together.


-John Morrison's music plays and he walks out to a huge oviation from the fans. Morrison poses on the stage and then walks down to the ring. Morrison gets in the ring and walks over to the corner. Morrison holds up his arm in the air. John Cena's music plays and Cena runs out onto the stage. Cena holds up the WWE Title and the fans give him a mixed reaction. Cena salutes in front of the aisleway and runs down towards the ring. Cena slides into the ring and holds up the WWE Title. Cena hands the referee the title and the referee calls for the bell.

Main Event
John Cena vs. John Morrison
-Morrison kicks Cena in the stomach and bounces of the ropes. Morrison hits him with a swinging neckbreaker. Morrison pulls Cena up to his feet and Cena nails him a punch. Cena continues to strike Morrison and Morrison falls back against the ropes. Cena throws Morrison into the ropes and Cena with a shoulderblock. Morrison stands up and Cena hits him with another shoulderblock. Cena picks Morrison up and hits him with a spinebuster. Cena goes over to the corner and starts climbing to the top rope. Morrison stands up and runs up the corner. Morrison hits Cena with a superplex. Cena sits up and and Morrison bounces off the ropes. Morrison goes to hit Cena with a knee to the face. Cena quickly counters it with the STF. Morrison reaches out to the ropes and gets a finger on the bottom rope. The referee gets Cena to break the hold. Cena lets go of Morrison and walks away from him. Alex Riley comes running on and gets on the ring apron. The referee tries to get Riley back to the locker room. Miz comes out from the crowd and gets in the ring. Cena turns around and attacks Miz. Cena starts beating on Miz and Miz rolls out of the ring. Cena turns around and Morrison nails Cena with a superkick to the face. Cena falls back onto the mat. Riley jumps off the ring apron and the referee turns towards Cena and Morrison. Morrison jumps up to the top rope and hits Starship Pain. Morrison covers him 1..2..3.
Winner of the Match: John Morrison

-Morrison gets to his feet and raises his arms in the air. The Miz gets in the ring and starts beating on Cena. Morrison grabs Miz and pulls him off of Cena. Morrison starts beating on Miz and Miz falls back into the ropes. Morrison hits Miz with a dropkick and Miz goes through the ropes to the floor. Morrison turns around and Jack Swagger is standing there waiting. Swagger hits Morrison with a belly to belly suplex. Swagger gets ontop of Morrison and starts punching him. Swagger gets off of Morrison and goes for The Anklelock. Cena clothesline Swagger down to the mat. Cena pulls Swagger up and throws him on his shoulder. Cena nails Swagger with the Attitude Adjustment. Swagger rolls out of the ring. Cena turns around and Morrison is standing there. Morrison and Cena get face to face with each other as the show comes to a close.


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Sep 19, 2010
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Nice Raw bud, excited for SD coming up soon. Keep up the good work my friend.
Feb 6, 2011
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Toledo, OH
Hey guys, I wanted to let everyone know I will be returning to write my WWE soon. I just need to take care of some things first


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2010
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ok man. glad to hear you aren't quitting this. I have been really enjoying it. Hope to see you back soon and good luck man.


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Jun 3, 2010
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Geelong, Australia
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I like this; I'll be re-making mine seeing I screwed up lol
Feb 6, 2011
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Toledo, OH

-Teddy Long is standing in the ring with a microphone. Teddy announces that there will be two huge matches tonight. Both of them will be involving Edge and Christian. Teddy says that neither one of them know who they will be fighting tonight. Seth Rollin's music plays and the fans start booing. Seth walks out and is arm and arm with Kaitlyn. They walk towards the ring. Seth gets in the ring and is followed by Kaitlyn. Seth gets in Teddy's face and Kaitlyn hands him a microphone. Seth says that Teddy brought him to Smackdown to get embarassed by Dolph Ziggler at Backlash. Seth said that wasn't what he signed up for. Teddy says he is sorry for that and he wishes he can make it up to him. Seth tells him he wants a title shot. Teddy laughs and says he can't do that. Seth walks towards Teddy and backs him up against the corner. Seth says then give him an Intercontinental Title shot tonight. Teddy agrees to the match. Seth smiles and backs away from Teddy. Seth tells him to bring out Kofi and lets get this started.

-Fireworks go off and Kofi Kingston's music plays. Kofi walks out onto the ramp and charges into the ring. Kofi gets in the ring and starts brawling with Seth Rollins. The referee tries to break them up.


Match One
Intercontinental Title Match
Kofi Kingston (c) vs. Seth Rollins
-Rollins nails Kofi with a short arm clothesline. Rollins pulls Kofi up to his feet and Kofi nails him with Trouble in Paradise out of no where. Rollins hits the mat and Kofi covers him 1..2..3.
Winner of the Match and still champion: Kofi Kingston

-The referee hands Kofi the belt and he starts celebrating. Seth Rollins gets to his feet and realizes what happened. Rollins attacks Kofi from behind and starts beating on him. Seth hits God's Last Gift on Kofi and smiles down at him. R-Truth runs out from the back and charges towards the ring. R-Truth slides into the ring and Rollins quickly leaves the ring. Rollins starts walking back with Kaitlyn as he exchanges words with R-Truth.

-Daniel Bryan is shown walking through the hallway of the arena. Alberto Del Rio attacks him from behind. Bryan falls to the floor and Del Rio continues to beat on him. Del Rio grabs Bryan's arm and locks in the arm bar on him. Bryan is screaming in pain and WWE officials run over and pull Del Rio off of Bryan. Del Rio smiles as he stares at Bryan on the floor.


-Alberto Del Rio is standing in the ring with Brodus Clay and Del Rio has a microphone. Del Rio says that what he did to Daniel Bryan was just a message to The Undertaker. Del Rio says he isn't scared of him and he will break his arm off at Over the Limit. Del Rio says that it's his destiny to end Taker's career. Del Rio says that there isn't one superstar in the back that can stop him. Chris Master's music plays and the fans start cheering. Masters walks out from the back and walks straight to the ring. Del Rio laughs as Masters gets in the ring. Del Rio asks him who he is. Masters smiles and nails Del Rio with a punch. Clay goes after Masters and misses a punch. Masters locks in the Masterlock on Clay. Clay can't get out of the hold. Del Rio attacks Masters from behind. Del Rio grabs Master's arm and locks in the ArmBar Submission and Masters starts tapping out. Del Rio won't let go of the hold. Referees run out from the back and get in the ring. Clay starts hitting them as they get in the ring. Del Rio starts screaming he is going to break it off.

-The lights go out inside the arena. DONG! The lights come back on and The Undertaker is standing in the ring. Clay turns around and Taker grabs him by the throat. Taker choke slams Clay down to the mat. Del Rio lets go of Master's arm and slides out of the ring. Taker stares at Del Rio as Del Rio smile at him outside the ring.

-It's announced next week that R-Truth will fight Seth Rollins in a No DQ match.


-Christian's music plays and he walks out to a huge boos from the crowd. Christian walks towards the ring and gets on the ring apron. Christian poses on the apron and steps into the ring. Sin Cara's music plays and the fans start going crazy. Sin Cara runs out on the stage and points at Christian. Sin Cara runs down the ramp and jumps over the ropes and rolls into the ring. Christian isn't happy about who is opponent is.

Match Two
Sin Cara vs. Christian
-Ted Dibiase and Cody Rhodes walk out on the ramp and distract Sin Cara. Sin Cara is standing on the top rope and looks over towards Dibiase and Rhodes. Christian runs towads the corner and jumps at the top. Christian hits Cara with a top rope side suplex. Christian gets ontop of Cara and starts punching him. Christian pulls Cara up to his feet and Cara hits him with a kick to the side of the head out of no where. Christian staggers backwards and Cara bounces off the ropes. Cara goes for a headscissors, but Christian holds onto him. Christian drops Cara throat fist on the top rope. Cara is stunned and Christian grabs him. Christian nails him with The Killswitch. Christian rolls Cara over and covers him for the win.
Winner of the Match: Christian

-Christian stands up and walks over towards the corner. Christian climbs up the ropes and motions he wants the World Title. Christian climbs off the ropes and sees Sin Cara being helped up by the referee. Christian spears Sin Cara down to the mat. Rey Mysterio runs out from the back and pushes apart Dibiaise and Rhodes as he runs to the ring. Mysterio gets in the ring and Christian gets the early jump on him. Christian starts pounding on Mysterio. Dibiase and Rhodes run down the ramp and get in the ring. They start taunting Rey as he gets beat down. Edge's music plays and Edge runs out from the back. Christian gets off of Rey and Edge gets in the ring. Edge quickly hits Dibiase with a spear. Christian leaves the ring and Rhodes attacks Edge. Rhodes sets Edge up for The Crossroads, but Edge turns it around. Edge nails Rhodes with a spear. Edge quickly jumps up to his feet and turns his attention towards Christian. Edge points at him and tells him two more days. Christian starts backing up the ramp and stares at Edge.


-LayCool's music plays and the fans start booing. LayCool walks out from the back and poses on the stage. They walk towards the ring and the fans continue to boo them. It's announced that Layla will be wrestling. Beth Phoenix's music plays and the fans cheer her as she walk towards the ring. Beth climbs up on the ring apron and Awesome Kong is standing on the ramp. Phoenix stares at her and Layla grabs Phoenix and pulls her into the ring. The referee rings the bell.

Match Three
Beth Phoenix vs. Layla
-Layla throws Phoenix down to the mat and Layla quicky gets down. Layla grabs Phoenix's hair and starts ramming her face into the rmat. Layla gets off of Phoenix and starts celebrating in the ring. Michelle McCool gets on the ring apron and Layla high fives her. Phoenix gets to her feet and Layla turns around and sees her standing there. Layla is stunned and she goes to punch Phoenix. Phoenix blocks it and nails Layla with a punch. Phoenix goes after McCool and McCool quickly gets off the ring apron. Layla grabs Phoenix from behind and rolls her up. The referee counts 1..2..kick out. Layla starts arguing with the referee. Phoenix grabs Layla from behind and sets her up for The GlamSlam. Phoenix lifts her up and slams her down to the mat. Phoenix covers her 1..2..3.
Winner of the Match: Beth Phoenix

-Beth Phoenix looks over at Awesome Kong and poses towards her. Kong looks at The Diva's title and back at Phoenix. Kong shakes her head at her.

-Edge is shown walking towards the ring.


-Edge's music hits and the arena gets LOUD! Edge comes out from the back and he is holding the World Heavyweight Title. Edge stands in the ring and waits for his opponent. The Corre's music plays and the arena starts booing. Wade Barrett walks out and is followed by the rest of the members of The Corre. Barrett gets in the ring and stares at Edge. The bell rings to start the match.

Main Event
Edge vs. Wade Barrett
-Barrett hits Edge with a huge spinebuster. Barrett picks Edge up and throws him on his shoulders. Barrett sets him up for The Wasteland. Edge fights out of it and grabs Barrett by his head. Edge hits him with The Implant DDT. Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel, and Ezekiel Jackson get on the ring apron. The Big Show runs out from the back and pulls Jackson off the ring apron. Big Show throws Jackson headfirst into the steel post. Slater and Gabriel get off the ring apron and charge at Big Show. Barrett gets to his feet and sees Slater and Gabriel getting destroyed by Big Show. Barrett is screaming at Big Show and he turns around. Edge drills him with The Spear. Edge covers him and the new referee counts 1..2..3.
Winner of the Match :Edge

-The Big Show gets in the ring and helps Edge up to his feet. Barrett grabs onto the ropes and pulls himself up to his feet. Barrett attacks Big Show from behind and Big Show falls down to one knee. Barrett grabs Edge and throws him into the corner. Barrett gets ontop of him and starts beating on him. Big Show stands up and pulls Barrett off of Edge. Big Show nails Barrett with The WMD. Barrett falls down to the mat and he is out. Slater and Gabriel pull Barrett out of the ring and help him towards teh back. Edge starts celebrating in the ring.

-The Corre members help Wade to the back. Edge holds up the World Title as the show comes to a close.​