My Top 20 Favorite TV Shows

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Apr 1, 2013
Reaction score
Phoenix, Arizona
In order, of course, from 20 being the one that made the list, 1 being my all time favorite.

Remember, this is all opinion.


20. Flash Forward

Why it made my list: Now, don't worry, I put this at number 20, because I am trying to not pick tv shows that had minimal episodes or seasons, but this show was just so good, I had to put it on my list. The show spans 24 episodes, and, though I wish they never would have cancelled the show, it's the greatest 24 hours you will spend. This show is about how everyone in the world, blacksout, all at the same exact time, and then awake exactly 2 minutes later, to discover that everyone has seen 6 months into their future.


19. That 70's Show

Why it made my list: Most of you have prob already seen this show. But, if you have, then you can see why I put it on my list. A group of teenagers get into misadventures, while finding friendship, true love, and getting high after every episode. I absolutely adored this show, I got some nice laughs out of it. Not to mention some of the biggest names in showbiz starred in this tv series.


18. Walking Dead

Why it made my list: Now, some of you may question why this is so high up on the list. The simple answer? I've only watched until season 2. After Season 2, I lost all interest in this series, they went totally out there, and it wasn't the same show I began watching, and liking. But, the first 2 seasons were amazing, which is why it made the list.


17. Breaking Bad

Why it made my list: Oh boy...don't kill me for this, Crayo. I only put this up here because I haven't seen enough of this show to clarify it as one of my top 10 favs, but, what I did watch, blew me away. Amazing series, with an amazing cast. Sorry Cray XD


16. The Office

Why it made my list: First of all, LOL at Dwights face in that picture. Secondly, why it made my list..not many people like this show, I, on the other hand, think it has it's moments, but when those moments do happen, I literally LMFAO. Steve Carrell is one of my favorite comedians, so it's not just the fact that it has it's moments, but that he is the main guy of the show. I also enjoyed discovering great actors through this show, like the man who played Dwight, for example.


15. Mighty Boosh

Why it made my list: You gotta love british comedy, eh? Mighty Boosh is one of the weirdest shows, aside from Assy Mcgee, that I have seen on adult swim. But the thing about Mighty Boosh, is that it was actually FUNNY. It was hard not to laugh, I think the thing that really made the show for me, was all the different characters they played, other than their own. Like the spirit of jazz, old gregg, and the hitchhiker.


14. Law & Order: SVU

Why it made my list: When you say, have you seen law and order? I say, "you mean SVU?", because that's the only Law and Order that I know and love. Been watching this amazing series since I was 10 years old, since my grandmother and mother watched it all the time, it was kinda hard to miss it. I love detective/cop shows, and SVU hit a home run for me. The best cast for any criminal show.


13. South Park

Why it made my list: Oh south I love thee. South Park has always been that cartoon that my mom wanted me to stay away from. I was aloud to watch anything on adult swim, but when it came to south park on comedy central, she said no way, stay away. But eventually, when I reached the age, I was able to watch the show. The first time I sat down and watched a full episode, I was amazed. Not amazed by how much it made me laugh, but how inappropriate it was, I was amazed that something like this could eve be aired on national television. But thank god it was, or I would have never had the chance to see it.


12. King of the Hill

Why it made my list: King of the hill was just an interesting cartoon to watch, to be truthfully honest. I just really enjoyed it for some reason, even though it NEVER, and I mean never, made me laugh one bit. I never saw the humor in it, but I just liked the whole idea of a bunch of beer guzzling texans going out on misadventures, I guess.


11. Family Guy

Why it made my list: Now, I know many of you won't agree with me on this one, or, my whole list for that matter, but that is why we all have an opinion. So anyway, why put Family Guy above the likes of Breaking Bad, or King of the Hill? Simple, it was the first mature cartoon my mom let me watch when I was a child. You see, it sorta holds a special place in my heart, believe it or not...I don't want to turn this into a sob story, but, when I was younger, my mom was heavily into drugs, we never got to spend time together, because she was either locked in her room, or in jail/prison. But every night she was home, at 11pm, we would sit down together and watch family guy, she even let me stay up until 11pm to do so. She is past drugs now, and thinks family guy is stupid, even though she used to love it, but oh well, it still reminds me of those times. A little bit of good with all the bad I see it. It was a bonding show for me and my mother, when we didn't get too bond that often, so the show is special to me in that regard.




Apr 1, 2013
Reaction score
Phoenix, Arizona
10. Futurama

Why it made my list: Futurama, same guys who created the simpsons, was just a unique show. It was part of that adult swim block, with the likes of king of the hill, and family guy, but, it was smart humor, and smart humor is always good if it makes you laugh. Futurama also seemed more like an actual series, than just some goofy "lets make you laugh" cartoon. The thing I liked about Futurama the most, was that there were serious, and even tear worthy episodes, beside the goofy ones, which is always good to look out for. The show is a milestone, imo, of mature animation shows, and I have fell in love with since the first time I saw in, back in 2002.


9. Psych

Why it made my list: Now this show is a laugh. One of my favorite crime shows, because it mixes crime with comedy so well. Not to mention the guy is a psychic detective...I mean, come on! Plus, Gus, and Shawn are one the greatest duo's since starsky and hutch. Or, cheech and chong...but their pretty good, so I wouldn't compare those.


8. Monk

Why it made my list: Oh, monk...I really wish I had a friend like him! Monk is a germophobe detective, with incredible knowledge, and, some sort of weird skin thing...but anyway, he's a great guy in this show, and I loved it while it was on.


7. Heroes

Why it made my list: Heroes, such a great show. I am a sucker for superheroes anyway, so when a bunch of average joes get super powers, it's pretty neat to see it unfold. Not to mention one of them is a goofy japanese guy that can teleport, or some stuff like that...Only watched the first 2 seasons of this show, I might get back into it..I do have netflix after all XD


6. Sliders

Why it made my list: Amazing show, by the way! Show is about a scientist, his professor, the scientists friend who he develops a love for, and some singing black guy, who all get sucked into this wormhole, when the scientist finally figures out the multiverse theory, and puts it to the test. After that, they go from dimension to dimension, all on the same earth, same time, just different dimension, trying to find their way back to their own dimension. After seasons 3, imo, it kinda lost it's touch..but, it's a good show nonetheless. It's on netflix if you haven't checked it out already, do so.


5. Courage the Cowardly Dog

Why it made my list: Courage the Cowardly Dog has to be one, if not, THE most favorite cartoon of mine, of all time. For those who somehow haven't seen this masterpeice, it is about an abandoned pup, named courage, who's found by a couple, muriel and eustace bags. Murial treats courage with the love and respect, while eustace constantly scares the poor pup, and calls it stupid. All in the meantime, there are ghouls, creatures, and other paranormal, who bother them in their home of nowhere.


4. Full House

Why it made my list: Full house is right, that's a lot of people! When you say Nick at Night, some people say Bill Cosby show, some may say roseanne. But me? I always say, Full House. I grew up on this show, I remember almost everything about it, like the back of my hand. Not to mention, I had some great memories with this show.


3. That 70's Show

Why it made my list: Now, some of you may be wondering why this show is so far up the list...again, it's my own personal opinion. I had a lot of good memories with this show too, particularly with my first love. I guess, not love, that's going a little too far, just a girl I really liked at the time, and things didn't work out. But, she was chill, and my favorite thing about her, was that we would always lay together and watch episode after episode of that 70's show, just after getting blazed. It was the funnest of times, and it was the most magical of times. I loved this show. Not to mention the sheer amount of big showbiz stars that starred in the show.


2. X-Files

Why it made my list: Yes, yes, for those of you that have seen my alien post when I first signed up, then this pick should be of no surprise to you. For those of you who have not, let's just say, i'm a big paranormal, and extraterrestrial fan. So it would only make sense that the X-Files is like, one of my all time favorite shows, right!? But admit it, whether you were a believe or not, the x-files was a pretty interesting show to watch. That was until, of course, they cut off my favorite guy...Fox Mulder.


Ready for the number 1 pick!?


1. Quantum Leap

Why it is number 1: Sorry guys, but nothing, and I mean NOTHING can beat this show. Everything about it was amazing. My all time favorite show. It stayed true to itself through all 5 seasons, and I loved watching ALL 5 seasons. I still re watch em'! I have so many favorite episodes of this show, I couldn't even begin to think where to start! It's about a man, sam, who jumps through time to the past, into other peoples bodies(famous, or a close friend, or just someone random)to change their future. He has with him(the guy on the lefy)Al, a hologram who follows sam from leap to leap, to help him out. Now, before sam can leap to the next body, he must fulfill the task that he was sent in that present body to do first. So, al, the hologram guy, consults Ziggy, a super computer, who tells them what they must do, to change that persons future for the better, in order to move onto the next leap. Not to mention Al is one of the BEST actors I have ever seen in any tv show. Well...for an 80's/90's tv show, okay?

I could go on and on forever about this show, just take it from me, if you have not seen this show, WATCH IT! You will thank me later, trust me. You will prob ask to marry me as well, but I will deny. It's a good show, and a must watch. For those with netflix, you can find all 5 seasons on there, available for streaming. For those without, use a torrent or buy it from ebay, idk, just find a way to watch it!


Well, that's it, my top 20. It was hard to choose, and I missed A LOT of good shows, I know. But, it's just my pure opinion.

So, anyways, what are your favorite tv shows? :obama:


Apr 1, 2013
Reaction score
Phoenix, Arizona
10. Futurama

Why it made my list: Futurama, same guys who created the simpsons, was just a unique show. It was part of that adult swim block, with the likes of king of the hill, and family guy, but, it was smart humor, and smart humor is always good if it makes you laugh. Futurama also seemed more like an actual series, than just some goofy "lets make you laugh" cartoon. The thing I liked about Futurama the most, was that there were serious, and even tear worthy episodes, beside the goofy ones, which is always good to look out for. The show is a milestone, imo, of mature animation shows, and I have fell in love with since the first time I saw in, back in 2002.


9. Psych

Why it made my list: Now this show is a laugh. One of my favorite crime shows, because it mixes crime with comedy so well. Not to mention the guy is a psychic detective...I mean, come on! Plus, Gus, and Shawn are one the greatest duo's since starsky and hutch. Or, cheech and chong...but their pretty good, so I wouldn't compare those.


8. Monk

Why it made my list: Oh, monk...I really wish I had a friend like him! Monk is a germophobe detective, with incredible knowledge, and, some sort of weird skin thing...but anyway, he's a great guy in this show, and I loved it while it was on.


7. Heroes

Why it made my list: Heroes, such a great show. I am a sucker for superheroes anyway, so when a bunch of average joes get super powers, it's pretty neat to see it unfold. Not to mention one of them is a goofy japanese guy that can teleport, or some stuff like that...Only watched the first 2 seasons of this show, I might get back into it..I do have netflix after all XD


6. Sliders

Why it made my list: Amazing show, by the way! Show is about a scientist, his professor, the scientists friend who he develops a love for, and some singing black guy, who all get sucked into this wormhole, when the scientist finally figures out the multiverse theory, and puts it to the test. After that, they go from dimension to dimension, all on the same earth, same time, just different dimension, trying to find their way back to their own dimension. After seasons 3, imo, it kinda lost it's touch..but, it's a good show nonetheless. It's on netflix if you haven't checked it out already, do so.


5. Courage the Cowardly Dog

Why it made my list: Courage the Cowardly Dog has to be one, if not, THE most favorite cartoon of mine, of all time. For those who somehow haven't seen this masterpeice, it is about an abandoned pup, named courage, who's found by a couple, muriel and eustace bags. Murial treats courage with the love and respect, while eustace constantly scares the poor pup, and calls it stupid. All in the meantime, there are ghouls, creatures, and other paranormal, who bother them in their home of nowhere.


4. Full House

Why it made my list: Full house is right, that's a lot of people! When you say Nick at Night, some people say Bill Cosby show, some may say roseanne. But me? I always say, Full House. I grew up on this show, I remember almost everything about it, like the back of my hand. Not to mention, I had some great memories with this show.


3. That 70's Show

Why it made my list: Now, some of you may be wondering why this show is so far up the list...again, it's my own personal opinion. I had a lot of good memories with this show too, particularly with my first love. I guess, not love, that's going a little too far, just a girl I really liked at the time, and things didn't work out. But, she was chill, and my favorite thing about her, was that we would always lay together and watch episode after episode of that 70's show, just after getting blazed. It was the funnest of times, and it was the most magical of times. I loved this show. Not to mention the sheer amount of big showbiz stars that starred in the show.


2. X-Files

Why it made my list: Yes, yes, for those of you that have seen my alien post when I first signed up, then this pick should be of no surprise to you. For those of you who have not, let's just say, i'm a big paranormal, and extraterrestrial fan. So it would only make sense that the X-Files is like, one of my all time favorite shows, right!? But admit it, whether you were a believe or not, the x-files was a pretty interesting show to watch. That was until, of course, they cut off my favorite guy...Fox Mulder.


Ready for the number 1 pick!?


1. Quantum Leap

Why it is number 1: Sorry guys, but nothing, and I mean NOTHING can beat this show. Everything about it was amazing. My all time favorite show. It stayed true to itself through all 5 seasons, and I loved watching ALL 5 seasons. I still re watch em'! I have so many favorite episodes of this show, I couldn't even begin to think where to start! It's about a man, sam, who jumps through time to the past, into other peoples bodies(famous, or a close friend, or just someone random)to change their future. He has with him(the guy on the lefy)Al, a hologram who follows sam from leap to leap, to help him out. Now, before sam can leap to the next body, he must fulfill the task that he was sent in that present body to do first. So, al, the hologram guy, consults Ziggy, a super computer, who tells them what they must do, to change that persons future for the better, in order to move onto the next leap. Not to mention Al is one of the BEST actors I have ever seen in any tv show. Well...for an 80's/90's tv show, okay?

I could go on and on forever about this show, just take it from me, if you have not seen this show, WATCH IT! You will thank me later, trust me. You will prob ask to marry me as well, but I will deny. It's a good show, and a must watch. For those with netflix, you can find all 5 seasons on there, available for streaming. For those without, use a torrent or buy it from ebay, idk, just find a way to watch it!


Well, that's it, my top 20. It was hard to choose, and I missed A LOT of good shows, I know. But, it's just my pure opinion.

So, anyways, what are your favorite tv shows? :obama:


Alien Princess
Sep 18, 2012
Reaction score
(old) Simpsons, King of the Hill, Beavis and Butthead, Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Crocodile Hunter, Raw is War, Boondocks, Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Z, (old) Tom And Jerry, Ren and Stimpy, Impact


Fooqy Booqy Biggest Gamer Winner!
Jan 1, 2013
Reaction score
few things, 2 first posts. 2 Topics.

1. Red Dwarf
2. Top Gear
3. Mighty Boosh
4. Megas XLR
5. South Park
6. Scrubs
7. IT crowd
8. Friends
9. The Simpsons (anyone who says the new stuff is bad, probably hasn't seen it)
10. Garth Marenghi's Dark Place

Robbie Coletrain

Big Robbie
Jun 6, 2012
Reaction score
1: Breaking Bad
2: Breaking Bad
3: Breaking Bad
4: Breaking Bad
5: Breaking Bad
6: Breaking Bad
7: Breaking Bad
8: Breaking Bad
9: Breaking Bad
10: The Walking Dead