Your laptop is your dad? Shit those 4d pornos are more realistic than I thought. WJ is smart? OH HELL NO!no it not and its my dad.
Your laptop is your dad? Shit those 4d pornos are more realistic than I thought. WJ is smart? OH HELL NO!
Braid Wyatt? His hair hangs silly Frank. Wait Cena stole the spotlight and only gets cheers when D Bry is there? Kind of agree but he was over before Bryan was signed lol. Being at this angle and you screaming yes brings back memories :gusta: What a great cheap plug for the site, War Gohan. Bryan and Bray have been feuding for a while but this is lowering himself? Wut. He can't be in the mainevent currently but he got a co-main on the last PPV chill son.
It's Bray not Braid! Ooo more BJ 4 WJ. Skipping for a decent point, error 404 points not found press save changes to not give a fuck about the rest of this video.
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"Daniel Bryan should be wwe champion right now"
That's all I heard, bow down CM Punk Mark. You're submissive and I like it.
Thanks for the shout out bro
Is this fool still stealing my intro?
I alway looking for new idea to help out my channel.
I know man. You actually have his back, and I think that's cool. I just think that arguing with you is really fun.Idk why thing I hate bryan? I. Huge fan of his I just think better then cm punk which not. But I think bryan should be wwe champion right now!