I didn't know being a pussy was a stomach illness.He didnt get his ass kicked that poor guy had just recovered from a life threatening stomach illness and thats why he quit UFC
Brock couldnt continue his UIFC career as that stomach illness changed everything. But in a way its a blessing as hes back in WWE where he belongs
He wouldnt. After that serious illness Brock was running the risk of getting killed in UFC he did the right thing by quitting
I bet you he'd tell you differently
I doubt Brock would change what he is doing atm. Getting a reported 5 mill a year to make 10-15 appearances? He has it made
Brock isnt on steroids
Better to die in battle then to cower in fear. He's a pussy.
Brock isnt a coward or a pussy
Brock isnt a coward or a pussy