My Friends

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America is hungry for change. Our economic recovery, continued national security and our future global standing are at stake. This election is in your hands. And there are clear differences in the choice you have on November 4th.

Instead of spreading wealth around, John McCain & Sarah Palin will spread opportunity.
Barack Obama will raise taxes on hardworking Americans to give a government handout to the 40% of Americans who pay no income taxes.

John McCain and Sarah Palin have an economic plan that celebrates the American dream of opportunity, not government giveaways. In this country, we believe in spreading opportunity, for those who need jobs and those who create them. While Barack Obama is ready to "spread the wealth around," John McCain has a plan to get our economy moving so everyone has access to good jobs, a quality education and the opportunity to succeed.

John McCain and Sarah Palin don't just talk about change ... they deliver.

The next President won't have time to get used to the office. America faces many challenges here at home, and many enemies abroad in this dangerous world. We cannot spend the next four years as we have spent much of the last eight: hoping for our luck to change at home and abroad. We need a new direction, and John McCain and Sarah Palin will fight for it.

We can trust John McCain and Sarah Palin because they are reformers with a record who stand by their words and will always put their country first.

Time and time again this team of mavericks has stood up, taken on tough issues and delivered. They're the real deal. They have a clear record that can deliver results, not just rhetoric that delivers votes.

John McCain on...

Taxes - John McCain believes we must keep taxes low to reward hard work and create jobs for all Americans.

Econmic Plans - John McCain has a comprehensive economic plan that will create millions of good American jobs, ensure our nation's energy security, get the government's budget and spending practices in order, and bring relief to American consumers

Energy - John McCain will break from the past to lead a great national campaign to put us on a course for energy independence. No problem is more urgent today than our dependence on foreign oil.

Health Care - John McCain will make health care more available, affordable and responsive to patients and he will give families more choices over their care.

Reforming Washington - John McCain has a record of working to end Washington's stagnant, unproductive partisanship. He will end wasteful government spending and put the government back on the side of the American people.

Government Spending - John McCain is committed to and has long fought for restoring fiscal discipline by eliminating wasteful government spending. Out of control spending has resulted in a weaker dollar, raising the cost of groceries and gas and killing jobs. John McCain will rein in federal spending to help our families in tough economic times.

Education - John McCain will shake up failed school bureaucracies with competition, empower parents with choice, remove barriers to qualified instructors, attract and reward good teachers.

Iraq - John McCain had the judgment to understand that America's strategy in Iraq was failing and the courage to call for a dramatic change. That strategy is now working, and America is succeeding in Iraq

Obama on....

Taxes - Barack Obama wants to "spread the wealth around" and is more interested in controlling who gets your piece of the pie than he is in growing the pie.

Economic Plan - The Obama tax increase would come at the worst possible time for America, and especially for small businesses like the one Joe the Plumber dreams of owning. The small businesses Senator Obama would tax provide 16 million jobs in America. And a sudden tax hike for those businesses will kill jobs at a time when we need to be creating more jobs.

Energy - Barack Obama voted for the same policies that created the problem. He voted for the energy bill promoted by President Bush and Vice President Cheney, which gave even more breaks to the oil industry.

Health Care - Barack Obama's plan will harm employer coverage, continues the push toward government-run health care and will damage private coverage.

Reforming Washington - The American people have not seen Barack Obama forsake partisanship for progress. In his short time in the Senate, Congressional Quarterly shows he voted with the Democrat Party 97 percent of the time.

Government Spending - Barack Obama plans to increase spending by nearly a trillion dollars. Already in three short years in the Senate, he has requested nearly a billion dollars in pork projects for his state and has been an eager participant in this corrupt system.

Education - Barack Obama wants our schools to answer to unions and entrenched bureaucracies.

Iraq - Barack Obama opposed the new strategy and predicted wrongly that it would fail. He voted to deny critical funds to our men and women fighting in Iraq.

For those of you who like to say "McSame" might want to look at Obama too...BOTH of the senators have voted WITH President Bush on almost if you think McCain is like President Bush, you might want to look at Obama also...

I like to look at this too...I'll have some things from Barack Obama's site up soon also. One more thing...his grandmother, or one of this close relatives (I can't remember) isn't an American citizen, and she is she's being kept in the country illegally and she has donated to the Obama campaign...I'm pretty sure you have to hold a green card or be an American citizen to donate money (I watched this on CNN this morning when they discussed this)

My Friends imo >_>

imo Barack Obama is taking away from the American Dream...if you work your entire life to make so much're going to get punished for it, by paying extra taxes....


Okay...did I go into the Pro Obama threads and rip Chuck or Obama?, I didn't, so why don't you go to Chuck's thread and bash McCain...

and why do I "know nothing"? Becuase I believe in something that you don't?..and that makes me wrong?

and lol at BKB


Well, Taxing the rich is smart, instead of taxing the middle class who struggle, so you do know nothing, or your a racist :yes:
Apr 12, 2008
Reaction score
The Altar of Sacrifice
America is hungry for change. Our economic recovery, continued national security and our future global standing are at stake. This election is in your hands. And there are clear differences in the choice you have on November 4th.

Instead of spreading wealth around, John McCain & Sarah Palin will spread opportunity.
Barack Obama will raise taxes on hardworking Americans to give a government handout to the 40% of Americans who pay no income taxes.

John McCain and Sarah Palin have an economic plan that celebrates the American dream of opportunity, not government giveaways. In this country, we believe in spreading opportunity, for those who need jobs and those who create them. While Barack Obama is ready to "spread the wealth around," John McCain has a plan to get our economy moving so everyone has access to good jobs, a quality education and the opportunity to succeed.

John McCain and Sarah Palin don't just talk about change ... they deliver.

The next President won't have time to get used to the office. America faces many challenges here at home, and many enemies abroad in this dangerous world. We cannot spend the next four years as we have spent much of the last eight: hoping for our luck to change at home and abroad. We need a new direction, and John McCain and Sarah Palin will fight for it.

We can trust John McCain and Sarah Palin because they are reformers with a record who stand by their words and will always put their country first.

Time and time again this team of mavericks has stood up, taken on tough issues and delivered. They're the real deal. They have a clear record that can deliver results, not just rhetoric that delivers votes.

John McCain on...

Taxes - John McCain believes we must keep taxes low to reward hard work and create jobs for all Americans.

Econmic Plans - John McCain has a comprehensive economic plan that will create millions of good American jobs, ensure our nation's energy security, get the government's budget and spending practices in order, and bring relief to American consumers

Energy - John McCain will break from the past to lead a great national campaign to put us on a course for energy independence. No problem is more urgent today than our dependence on foreign oil.

Health Care - John McCain will make health care more available, affordable and responsive to patients and he will give families more choices over their care.

Reforming Washington - John McCain has a record of working to end Washington's stagnant, unproductive partisanship. He will end wasteful government spending and put the government back on the side of the American people.

Government Spending - John McCain is committed to and has long fought for restoring fiscal discipline by eliminating wasteful government spending. Out of control spending has resulted in a weaker dollar, raising the cost of groceries and gas and killing jobs. John McCain will rein in federal spending to help our families in tough economic times.

Education - John McCain will shake up failed school bureaucracies with competition, empower parents with choice, remove barriers to qualified instructors, attract and reward good teachers.

Iraq - John McCain had the judgment to understand that America's strategy in Iraq was failing and the courage to call for a dramatic change. That strategy is now working, and America is succeeding in Iraq

Obama on....

Taxes - Barack Obama wants to "spread the wealth around" and is more interested in controlling who gets your piece of the pie than he is in growing the pie.

Economic Plan - The Obama tax increase would come at the worst possible time for America, and especially for small businesses like the one Joe the Plumber dreams of owning. The small businesses Senator Obama would tax provide 16 million jobs in America. And a sudden tax hike for those businesses will kill jobs at a time when we need to be creating more jobs.

Energy - Barack Obama voted for the same policies that created the problem. He voted for the energy bill promoted by President Bush and Vice President Cheney, which gave even more breaks to the oil industry.

Health Care - Barack Obama's plan will harm employer coverage, continues the push toward government-run health care and will damage private coverage.

Reforming Washington - The American people have not seen Barack Obama forsake partisanship for progress. In his short time in the Senate, Congressional Quarterly shows he voted with the Democrat Party 97 percent of the time.

Government Spending - Barack Obama plans to increase spending by nearly a trillion dollars. Already in three short years in the Senate, he has requested nearly a billion dollars in pork projects for his state and has been an eager participant in this corrupt system.

Education - Barack Obama wants our schools to answer to unions and entrenched bureaucracies.

Iraq - Barack Obama opposed the new strategy and predicted wrongly that it would fail. He voted to deny critical funds to our men and women fighting in Iraq.

For those of you who like to say "McSame" might want to look at Obama too...BOTH of the senators have voted WITH President Bush on almost if you think McCain is like President Bush, you might want to look at Obama also...

I like to look at this too...I'll have some things from Barack Obama's site up soon also. One more thing...his grandmother, or one of this close relatives (I can't remember) isn't an American citizen, and she is she's being kept in the country illegally and she has donated to the Obama campaign...I'm pretty sure you have to hold a green card or be an American citizen to donate money (I watched this on CNN this morning when they discussed this)

My Friends imo >_>

imo Barack Obama is taking away from the American Dream...if you work your entire life to make so much're going to get punished for it, by paying extra taxes....

Shut up.

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
Reaction score
In my beard
You do realize the average american will never have the attention span to read through your entire post, right? So trying to convince wrestling fans to vote for Mcain is like trying to convince white southerners to vote for Obama.

I mean....racism > all


WTF is with you people? Obama is black so he must be a terrorist bomber >_>

All I have to say for this is "Ahh Mcain, you've failed again" :eek:

Racist son of a bitch
Racist smurf :shifty:


Okay...why in the fuck are people bringing racism into this thread? I never said I didn't like Obama because he's black. I never said anything about Obama's race as a factor.

Here's my main thing that is against Obama...

So you work hard to earn money right?....let's say you make $200,000 a year right? you're going to get taxed more than the middle class because you work harder than some middle class people. That would really piss me off.

I am so gonna laugh my ass off when Obama pulls troops out of Iraq early and causes another Vietnam. And I always hear people use the excuse "The soldiers don't want to be over there" Then why in the hell is McCain (someone that is for the war in Iraq) leading Obama in military polls?

And I really don't get why people have to come into this thread and act like ignorant asshole because I believe something differently than most of the people on this forum do....I never went to anyone's Obama threads and attacked Obama or the thread starter, did I? So please GTFO of this thread and don't act like an asshole if you're here to bash me, or McCain.


Why did you post this in HIAT, you're just asking for such comments...

McCain sucks. :shifty:

Moonlight Drive

Trav, I have no idea about the election. But I applaud you for sticking with McCain despite the fact everybody here seems to hate him/

The only reason Obama is more liked is cos of all his boyz in the hood. :yes: