My fellow Americans....that are 18...

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★Chuck Zombie★

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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St. Bernard/Cincinnati, Ohio
Do you want to vote for McCain and let 4 more years of the same crap we've been putting up with for 8 years continue. Tax payers having their money go into the pockets of people that already have more money than they know what to do with. A $700,000,000,000 bailout bill was approved that came out of our taxes to give CEO's and executives MORE MONEY to spend on their over the top luxuries. If the bailout had not been passed, those banks would have been bought by people that know that our money is what drives their company, and they would focus their company around us, not them. But instead we have the rich people in charge helping out their friends with OUR money that could have been used for thousands of other things that would be HELPFUL to America. It's time we stop letting the rich run our country for them and let someone run our country for US! This isn't about abortion or gay rights, this is about our damn economy. When we're all poor and can barely afford food because all of our taxes went to rich people, they will living large and we will be struggling. And trust me, if that happens, I highly doubt the immorality of gays will be on your mind. Let's take care of the bigger problems first, and then when we clean those up, we can go after that stuff. The stuff that won't change much of our society is unimportant compared to something that can RUIN it.

We're being placed in a war to "free the Iraqi people from tyranny" and they got people to support it by scaring us all into believing that Iraq would pull off some sort of terrorist attack when lo and behold, Iraq stopped building chemical weapons the first time we went over there in the early 90's. So what is the real reason we are there? OIL! And Oil=Money. All of this was at the expense of our brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, cousins, aunts, uncles, friends, neighbors, and people you haven't even met but still support our country. They did this because they love what our country is supposed to stand for, but they were put in harms way just to put money in some rich guys pocket. Our government didn't give a damn about the Iraqi people, and they don't give a damn about our troops...but I do. So we need to vote for someone who's going to put an end to this shit. He will quickly clean up our mess THAT IS ON OUR HANDS and stop fucking around over there. The rest of the world hates us because of this, and so does half of our own country. Let's fix that before we get hit again and give some rich asshole another excuse to kill our economy to get more oil. If our country practices the right policies, we won't be attacked by Islamic radicals, and no one can start bullshit wars in the name of our safety when the fact of the matter is that the bullshit wars we participate in is what gets us attacked in the first place.

So let's talk taxes and Social Security. The only rising taxes Obama plans on making for everyone is social security, which is something that needs to be done to ensure that the program has enough money to benefit the current retirees and us in the future. McCain wants Social Security to be funded through personal accounts which still takes money from you, the difference is, what you save is what you poor people will always remain poor under that and rich people will remain rich with Social Security. Taxing SS will provide everyone with a fair amount o money upon retiring. Other than that, the middle-class will see NO tax hikes for individuals. As for businesses and the rich, Obama plans on raising the taxes for the top two tax brackets and businesses that make over $250,000 in profit a year. These people already have a shitload of money anyways, and if they would have been spending it right in the first place, our economy wouldn't be as messed up as it is. Since their taxes will comprise more of the general pot, maybe they will focus more on treating the consumers the right way and earning more money over the long run and less on $440,000 spa trips right after they received money they "needed" from the government. McCain wants to cut taxes for the rich and raise OURS! Obama's plan would earn the government $700 billion in the first 10 years while only spending $2.7 billion while McCain's would have the government LOSE $600 million after he spends 3.7 billion (and don't forget about the ever growing debt that Iraq is giving us, since McCain wants to keep the war going). Where's the rest of that money going you rich people's pockets.

This isn't about black or white, gay or straight, pro-life or-pro-choice, this about having a future successful enough to not have to worry about anything else enough to argue over that kind of stuff.

It's time our government starts caring about every person, not just the rich ones.

We are choosing hope over fear. We are choosing unity over division and sending a powerful message that change is coming to AMERICA. " - Barack Obama


THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

I seriously lol'd at that Neo Nazi freak who got arrested. The skinny, pale one, who looked 100% fag.

Italian Outsider

Active Member
Apr 19, 2007
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We're being placed in a war to "free the Iraqi people from tyranny" and they got people to support it by scaring us all into believing that Iraq would pull off some sort of terrorist attack when lo and behold, Iraq stopped building chemical weapons the first time we went over there in the early 90's. So what is the real reason we are there? OIL! And Oil=Money. All of this was at the expense of our brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, cousins, aunts, uncles, friends, neighbors, and people you haven't even met but still support our country. They did this because they love what our country is supposed to stand for, but they were put in harms way just to put money in some rich guys pocket. Our government didn't give a damn about the Iraqi people, and they don't give a damn about our troops...but I do. So we need to vote for someone who's going to put an end to this shit. He will quickly clean up our mess THAT IS ON OUR HANDS and stop fucking around over there. The rest of the world hates us because of this, and so does half of our own country. Let's fix that before we get hit again and give some rich asshole another excuse to kill our economy to get more oil. If our country practices the right policies, we won't be attacked by Islamic radicals, and no one can start bullshit wars in the name of our safety when the fact of the matter is that the bullshit wars we participate in is what gets us attacked in the first place.

and quintastic kept asking why i dislike usa... >_> :tool:

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
And Italian Outsider like to stir up unnecessary shit with conflicts that were mostly resolved in his favor months ago. :p

Evil Austin



edit but in all seriousness imo neither McAin or Obama are good for Pesidental job one is really old and can't stand on his own to feet he keeps changing his mind and contridicting himself, then on the other hand there is Obama that is too young compared to others that have held the job spot of President and is to inexperienced and doesn't know what he is doing yet. imo.

★Chuck Zombie★

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
St. Bernard/Cincinnati, Ohio
Obama knows that he is there to serve his country and not himself. I'd rather elect someone that may have to take a minute to figure out how to help us rather than someone who is very experienced at manipulating our government to pad his pension.