What should be next for MVP?
We all know his feud with Hardy is gold, but it cant go on forever...
And for him, hes a guy that I cant see being in the midcard WITHOUT a title... To me, he needs to have a title if hes in the uppermidcard. And if not, hes lost, but if hes in the Main Event finally, he can ge away without the title....
So what do you think he should do?
Jump to Raw? continue to feud with Hardy? ME on SD? Make a tag team for a while? What would you do with him?
We all know his feud with Hardy is gold, but it cant go on forever...
And for him, hes a guy that I cant see being in the midcard WITHOUT a title... To me, he needs to have a title if hes in the uppermidcard. And if not, hes lost, but if hes in the Main Event finally, he can ge away without the title....
So what do you think he should do?
Jump to Raw? continue to feud with Hardy? ME on SD? Make a tag team for a while? What would you do with him?