Yeah, the IWC is really frustrating when it comes to TNA. We say that only smart-marks watch TNA because we're the only ones who know of it... well all the time you see all this stupid stuff people say about the product. "TNA has never had a good match since they always screw up the finishes!" "TNA's nothing more than the WWE Retirement Home". Has anyone in the IWC watched this show in the last 2 years? "They're still pushing Hogan as a top babyface in 2013! These idiots!" Umm, not really? "TFA be out of buildness in a year" yeah keep saying that.
But then again people will yell that the show's too predictable and has completely lost the "anything can happen" atmosphere, and then bitch about Aries screwing over Sabin and call it the worst thing to happen in wrestling in years. Thanks for that one,
Shawn Michaels said in an interview that "wrestling fans don't know what they want anymore". Think all the marks, smart or not, need to figure that out.
And stop idiotically hating on everything (although intelligently hating on everything is fine)