Victory dance for what, smurf? This thread clearly shows that you're just as fucking stupid as Majesty and you don't know what an actual "own" is.
Granted, you're a Reznor fan so your stupidity isn't much of a surprise.
I love the amount of cockriders in this forum! It's become very clear that 99%of people here lick my asshole and then when I get banned and they think I'm not coming back, they try to make up some lame ass burns; "like, I SO didn't like her attitude!11!1!!!!" yet said prepubes liked it when I was burning people they didn't like.
Monkey is king of smurfs and you're all his followers. Respect your mods and admin? Ha! Fuck that shit. I respect all of the intelligent ones so it looks like Monkey's not on the list. He's a piece of shit and you're all the asshairs he's stuck on like peanut butter.
Wish I coud have thought of something better at the moment but, unlike you germs, I don't have time to sit online all day and wait for someone to show up. I'm going to an awesome birthday bash right now where drinking and fun will be happening while you guys sit back and fear for Tuesday morning when you'll be entering the first grade.
If you've got any more kindergarten insults you'd all love to share, please do, and I'll be sure to get back to you. Just bring a box of Pampers, you'll be needing them for yourselves.