Mr.Kennedy Future World Champion?

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That is just you. The majority of fans would watch during the Cena hate era to see if and when he was going to lose.

the dark knight

He sucked three years ago and he sucks even more now.
.......okay. did he not give you chills when he walked up to vince and said he's his son?


for the record im not really a fan. just talkin'

mancilla 86

Apr 1, 2009
Reaction score
no not really but it would have been a better storyline then hornswoggle being the son..but it turned out okay hornswoggle got a major push and was very entertaining..


Mr. Kennedy has tried coming back so many times. Everyone always says this when he is going to come back. However, something always happens to push him further back down farther than he has ever been before. He is pretty low right now. I doubt he will get past mid card. I used to think Kennedy would main event Mania's with Cena and Orton, but as time goes on I doubt it and hate it more and more.


no i wouldnt i remember when jbl was champ i stopped watching wwe that whole year..until now i watched some of those classic matches from that year(excluding jbl matches)on me ppl wont watch unless they are forced to..

As someone has already said, that's just YOU....

The same person that by avoiding the JBL matches has missed out on a fucking awesome title reign and some great matches (vs Eddie G, the 4-way at Armageddon, barbed Wire cage match with Big Show).

Kennedy: Meh.... By all means push him (Sink or swim time.... Let's face it an injury angle to strip him of the title, if necessary, is extremely plausible!), but not ahead of the likes of Punk and MVP.

No, he will never be world champion. Jeff Hardy will dominate the world title scene and Kennedy will be lost in the mix. He is fated just like Matt to fade to obscurity. Jeff is a SUPERIOR wrestler to Matt and Kennedy. Kennedy simply does not have IT but Jeff has IT in SPADES!

Please die.... Painfully.


MC Rae

Jul 13, 2007
Reaction score
United kingdom
Am I the only one who thinks Dolph Ziggler is a more promising, younger version of Kennedy?

Aaaaaanyways, Kennedy struggles to stay fit, says the WRONG things in non-kayfabe interviews and he's generally lost steam on too many occasions. It's always a stop/start, stop/start deal with this guy and he's suffered for it. I'm not blaming only Kennedy because its not all his fault. (Also, when was the last GREAT Kennedy match you saw?)

I think this will be his make or break time when he comes back. He's hardly the youngest guy on the roster and the reaction when he returns remains to be seen. If he's used right, stays fit and puts a genuine effort into his return he may make headway and breakthrough to that elusive position in the company of main-eventing. He may do. Honestly though, I think he has a long way to go to get to that level.

He has the tools... some impressive mic skills (although they're often not as great as they are made out to be), decent in the ring and he can be easy to warm to. The build-up videos we've seen suggest they're going to take his return seriously and if they have sense they'll bring him back in Green Bay as if I remember correctly they have a show there in the coming weeks and that should secure the best return reaction he can get.

To be honest I agree with Airfixx... there are some people to prioritise over Kennedy in terms of pushes. I'm excited to see where Kennedy will go and I hope he does well but a title run seems many miles away in my opinion.