This dude by far... the guy carrying his bags (HHH) became a much bigger star than he ever was. He was such a failure at the top that they had to basically give the ball back to Bret to properly put Austin over.
DX/HBK ushered in the Attitude Era? B****, please, so I suppose hiring Mike Tyson had nothing to do with the fact HBK was a below average draw.
Even Nash surpassed HBK in terms of money eventually. HHH always pissed and moaned about Kurt Angle's height, yet HBK and Flair were literally around the same height as he was...very little difference
Drama queen who only learned to cut a promo at age 37 and a guy Vince wanted in the main event at WM20, because Benoit/HHH couldn't sell itself....are you motherf***ing kidding me?
Great performer, even better at WrestleMania. Given how much Vince let this bum get away with, yet still managed to pops this guy's rocks, despite eating money... I'd say this guy is the most overrated by far.