Crayo said:Dude I'm not talking about his previous face turn... I'm talking about his current one. He was booked as a heel and was cheered for it. He was turned by fans, not WWE.
Oh, f*** me then
You're completely, right
Crayo said:Dude I'm not talking about his previous face turn... I'm talking about his current one. He was booked as a heel and was cheered for it. He was turned by fans, not WWE.
Leojaay said:Eh, I can't understand everyones hate for Morrison, especially his overness.
To this day out of all the massive faces they have in the company, CM Punk, Cena, Orton, Ryder, Big Show etc, my little brothers favorite is John Morrison.
To top this off, all of HIS friends favorite superstars are John Morrison.
I don't like his mic work, but to say this guy wasn't over guys is a complete joke. If they pushed him and if he got slightly better mic skills, he could still be a top main eventer. He has that style that makes people like him, the crazy high flying gimmick. You know two other guys that had similar styles? Jeff Hardy and Rey Mysterio. Not exactly similar, but they're both guys who are exciting and high flying. Look how insanely over Hardy was during his end run with the WWE, and look how insanely over Mysterio is. They all have that kindof style of inring that get people entertained, especially kids. And that's what matters these days.
Oh and, everything Morrison said about Miz WAS true. He has great mic skills, but he can't top it off in the ring. Look at the Cena Miz matchup at WM last year, that was shocking.
JC4Life37 said:Oh, f*** me then
You're completely, right
Leojaay said:@[Crayo] My point was he was hugely over with kids, which would lead to pops at the stadiums. Imo, he definitely did get that from what I saw.
Oh and, it might've been the one match that I said, but he's had countless others. He's certainly not bad in the ring, but imo he's really boring for someone that is in the ME. But hey, same with Hogan and look where he is.
Crayo said:It's the opposite dude. I mean Morrison had a few screams on his music, even in his big push, but it was mainly women who found him attractive lol. He never appealed too much to kids, in America anyway. I blamed his theme, it's horrific.
Whilst in a match I loved watching him because he seemed to add something unique each week to his moveset, never could predict his matches.
Leojaay said:Eh, I guess we're looking at it in two completely different ways. So agree to dissagree?
To me I thought Morrison with better mic skils and a rougher attitude could be a fantastic uppermidcard - transitional maineventer, I think if they gave him time with this he could've been there right now instead of booking him into his losing streak which then lead to him quitting. Oh well.
Crayo said:Sure man.
I agree, with better mic skills and as a heel he could help revitalize the mid-card. The guy just has the look for leather jackets and sunglasses. I'm not sure he'll ever get to the main event status - his mic skills have always been poor and show no signs of improving. Though being in the mid-card shouldn't be a punishment, he could really bring a boost to it and who knows, maybe one day he will make the extra jump.
JeebaK said:a mid carder shooting on another mid carder. So whats new?
Crayo said:Miz hasn't been a mid-carder since 2010
Leojaay said:Uppermidcard these days tbh.