More prove that John Cena is a douchebag

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Luke Flywalker

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It's ribbing. Locker room banter... NOTHING is off limits. If you can't handle it, you fight it out, otherwise you keep your mouth shut and just let the jokes flow.

The older you get, the more seniority you have among a group like that, the more you dish out.

That's the problem with people everywhere nowadays... not just wrestling, but wrestling is one of the greatest examples. NOBODY has thick skin anymore. They can't take shit and expect to be pampered. Lemme link you to Heyman's rant from a couple months back:

VERY applicable here...


Mar 29, 2006
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That is a fucking Blue thing to say, nothing is off limits? Really? No, personal shit is personal shit and Riley did say something back to Cena and like a bitch, Cena went over and bitched to Vince because Riley fought back.

Luke Flywalker

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Where does it say Cena ran to Vince? Or anyone for that matter? Perhaps some of the big dogs saw Riley's insecurity getting the best of him and decided he was too hot-headed?

There comes a time, being a celebrity, especially the face of a company like WWE, where any mistake you make outside of the ring comes back to haunt you, and it will get thrown in your face... you've got to keep your composure.

Honestly, you could look at it more as Cena testing Riley's fortitude to take his career to the next level and Riley failing that test.


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Feb 7, 2007
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Toronto, Ontario
But... it's Alex Riley lol. What was the last match he had? Last time I saw him he was chuming it up with CM Punk in a random backstage moment.

And Cena a douche? Make-A-Wish bitch, nuff said. That guy IS Superman to those kids.
Jun 4, 2007
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Badstreet, USA
But where the fuck did you hear about Jericho not attending his mothers funeral???

You know what, I am honestly fucking sorry about this, I got confused and was 100% WRONG. It was his mother's boyfriend that didn't attend. But so are you...

That is a fucking Blue thing to say, nothing is off limits? Really? No, personal shit is personal shit and Riley did say something back to Cena and like a bitch, Cena went over and bitched to Vince because Riley fought back.

The story YOU posted said: reports word going around is that a while back, Riley was backstage with John Cena and Cena was ribbing him in front of some of the other wrestlers. Riley reportedly came back angrily at Cena, which was seen as him “breaking the code of the locker-room.”

Both Orton and Cena talked Vince in letting him go.

Again, only reported as Orton complaining. Hear say on Kennedy's part.

Like I said, he has no choice anyways, pretty sure Orton does a nice share of this stuff and everyone knows he is a prick. But this is this just dumb, this has NOTHING to do with anyone else. This isn't a comparison of who the biggest d bag is. I agree on pretty much with everyone you mentioned but it's completely irrelevant.

This is completely fucking relevant. Your gripe is about the biggest modern draw ribbing on a pussy crybaby jobber you slurp and you go on to slam him further for what he has done in the past. You act as if he is the only douchebag or the biggest douche in the industry. You state how stale he is (showing how you feel about the character) and then backtrack to other shit that has come to light (compounding your hate of the character with your hate of his morality). If you insist otherwise, you're contradicting yourself and showing your hypocrisy.

You hate the character. You use that to fuel your hate of the man himself. Alex Riley is a no one, will always be a no one. John Cena is bankable. You are scrutinizing him. Everyone I mentioned except Perry Saturn and Bob Hoilly were bankable stars who were absolute fucking disgusting people (Batista BY FAR is the biggest fucking POS) that have done everything you are ripping Cena for, but far worse. There is no proof that Cena holds people down and no proof that he fucking bullied Riley or cried to him. You can claim what you'd like, your rant and stances suggest otherwise.


Mar 29, 2006
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This has to be the biggest example of you blatantly making up shit....provide examples of when I ever acted like Cena is the only douchebag? This is about Cena, not anyone else. I already said and agreed with most of the people you mentioned but it's absolutely irrelevant. You want me to say that Cena isn't the only douchebag who cheated on his wife and fucks over other guys? I know he isn't but not once did I claim otherwise and again, this has nothing to do with how much talent Riley has but I'll call you out again on you calling him awful in the ring and bad on the mic....I already said he has much to improve in the ring but he is no where near that bad and as I said before once again, Miz rubbed off on him and as a heel he was solid on the mic. Funny and entertaining. However this is another argument and the main topic has nothing to do with talent or pointing fingers at anyone else.

Since you fail or outright refuse to acknowledge most of the things I say in arguments, it could be fucking anyone and this would still be ridiculous. The fact that Riley himself said he can't talk about it right now instead of denying it, it prove. Let's use a little common sense here. I clearly don't like Cena as a person and he has been the stalest motherfuckers for years but I have always given him props when he deserves it but sadly, most of the time he doesn't put in much effort but when he does, he can put on amazing matches and make some amazing moments. Why do you think so many people give him shit for the 5 moves and say he can't wrestle? I'm not a Cena fan, however I know he can but 90% of the time it's the same shit. It has gotten better over the past year or two but that doesn't change the fact of how little effort he gave most of the time.
Jun 4, 2007
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Badstreet, USA
^^^Where the fuck in my original argument "NATION, YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT. THESE GUYS ARE WAY FUCKING SCUMMIER THAN CENA, NATION. NATION. NATION, I'M TALKING TO YOU DIRECTLY." Substantiate your stupid claim with something to that tune..

Oy vey, you nub...

I don't even care. You're making it into something I never made it into you putz. You aren't that important, my arguments don't evolve around you entirely, they're generalizations. You said Cena is a douchebag, you made a thread about him being a douche bag (I would say you made another one, I don't know if you posted his divorce thread or not). You said you HATE the character. You took time to make a small thing (and ribbing a useless jobber who is a crybaby pussy is INDEED a small issue) into a thread to trash the guy.

1. It doesn't matter how you feel about the other douches. I wasn't making an observation directed exactly at you, again, you aren't that important. My stance is that dummies will take a rip at the guy any way they can (be it the long standing "he cant wrestle" bullshit that he has disproved quite a few times) and that he is a huge piece of shit. Yet these same chumps are slurpers of Flair, JBL, HBK (love him, doesn't change the fact he was one major dick) HHH and they are far above Cena on the Dick Meter. Get over yourself, it wasn't directed at you, stop attention mongering.

And just to really drive this point home... Riley sucks. For a micro second he got some face heat, and that's more of a testament to Miz's ability than his as A-Ri died FAST. Any time he was in the ring, he was awful and the Swagger sandbagging fuckin ruined any chance he had. He's also an overly sensitive pussy obviously. He wouldn't have made it onto any main roster of any promotion worth a damn 20-30 years ago. He doesn't have the stern stuff to make him one of the "boys". Wrestling is incredibly fraternity minded, it always has been and always will be. Don't shake Andre's hand? GTFO. Don't like a Dusty finish? You're jobbing to the Ding Dongs. Fuck with the Clique? Your girlfriend is sleeping in my hotel room tonight and riding with us. Fuck with Orton?m I'll shit in your bag and get you fired. Get cracked on by the biggest draw today? Go cry to the sheets like a pussy.

Here's the highlight of this thread in all seriousness:
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Hometown Kid

Apr 29, 2008
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Columbia, Tennessee
Miz has cut the same damn promo for 3 years now, and makes goofy facials. He's a shit worker, who gets love because we saw him as one of the worst wrestlers in the history of the business to get a national TV spot. Just 'cause he's improved from that, the IWC rides him. Enzo, you keep saying nothing indicates Riley not being terrible, where are all of these great Miz matches? In fact, i'd dare say Miz has had way more terrible matches since 2010 than Riley. Miz couldn't cut a non-cheap heat promo to save his life. Like I said, Riley's average, but that doesn't make him shit & certainly more talented than Miz. Miz couldn't even have a 3 star 10 minute match with Bryan. :lmao And all those ATROCIOUS Orton matches. His best match as champ was against The King, for Christ's sakes! I like Sheamus in-ring though. Promo-wise, ehh...

Hometown Kid

Apr 29, 2008
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Columbia, Tennessee
Also Enzo, me grasping at straws to drag Cena down? Which one of us had to bring up 10 other guys to defend their favorite? Not to mention how I was totally with you defending Cena when Airfixx was bashing him and defending Trips. >_> Being the Tiger Woods of wrestling is not okay, it doesn't matter who else did what. Cena's proven to be a gigolo scumbag, and that's literally 100 times worse than "burying" people, even to the level of that egomaniac big nosed bastard. Certainly worse than being a bully asshole like Holly or JBL, comparing what he did to Kenny, Mickie, his wife, and others i'm sure is grasping at straws.

My point stands. The IWC would be up in arms killing H if he pulled this, I know I would. That goes for many others people hate. Make no mistake, Cena's a better worker than almost everyone on Enzo's list, but I guess i'm just different that way. Judging a man's actions based on right and wrong, rather than how I rate his contributions (good & bad) to his sport. :smh
Jul 23, 2012
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So once this degraded to petty insults I kinda stopped reading as it got to be quite a bore, but two things I noticed to comment on:

1. If you can't cut a promo as a heel on the mic, you should be shot. My 1 year old cat can cut a heel promo, it's not hard.

2. Undertaker, JBL, Bob Holly, HHH, and others have all been ripped to shreds by the IWC on numerous occasions because of related douchebaggeriness. Cena's been ripped to shreds for six years straight, and I think even some of his biggest haters are getting tired of thread after thread after thread after thread after thread about how much Poster X hates Cena and <this> is why.


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Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
Also Enzo, me grasping at straws to drag Cena down? Which one of us had to bring up 10 other guys to defend their favorite? Not to mention how I was totally with you defending Cena when Airfixx was bashing him and defending Trips. >_> Being the Tiger Woods of wrestling is not okay, it doesn't matter who else did what. Cena's proven to be a gigolo scumbag, and that's literally 100 times worse than "burying" people, even to the level of that egomaniac big nosed bastard. Certainly worse than being a bully asshole like Holly or JBL, comparing what he did to Kenny, Mickie, his wife, and others i'm sure is grasping at straws.

My point stands. The IWC would be up in arms killing H if he pulled this, I know I would. That goes for many others people hate. Make no mistake, Cena's a better worker than almost everyone on Enzo's list, but I guess i'm just different that way. Judging a man's actions based on right and wrong, rather than how I rate his contributions (good & bad) to his sport. :smh

Not a huge fan of this attitude. What do his personal failings have to do with his ability to entertain you? Is it just the fact that they've been made public? If history has shown us anything about wrestlers it's that they're almost all a bunch of borderline narcissists. It's the type of personality that would be drawn to that kind of business. So, I don't see how it's fair to put down somebody like Cena for doing things that your favourite wrestler has likely done too but just hasn't been caught for because, well, they're not John Cena and the public eye vis a vis pro wrestling doesn't give a shit about anyone but John Cena. If Shelton Benjamin, for example, ever got any kind of mainstream attention. :rofl: I assure you that it likely wouldn't take long before someone dug up stuff on his personal life that would make him look awful too.

My point is that John Cena is no worse than more or less any other pro wrestler. If you want to hate on him for the stuff you've heard that he's done, fine. But just remember that Cena is the only one popular enough at the moment for the mainstream and wrestling dirtsheets to give a shit about. Shine that light of scrutiny on most people and they won't hold up to your ideals, let alone most wrestlers.

I doubt this is going to reach, or convince any of his blind haters to actually, maybe, change their stances on this subject but that's okay. Keep your head buried in the sand and don't understand that most of the other guys are just as bad as him and moreover, most want to be just like him.

Luke Flywalker

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I love how nation accuses Enzo of making up shit to defend his points, when nation can't even answer where this argument that Cena ran to anyone to cry about Riley that he keeps throwing around came from...

Hometown Kid

Apr 29, 2008
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Columbia, Tennessee
And if Shelton did what Cena did, i'd say he's a piece of shit asshole, regardless of his talent in the ring, and that goes for anybody else in wrestling. We know Cena did it (Well, i'm sure you can make an interesting case that he didn't, just like you could say Trips had no power backstage 4 years ago.) We have no proof that anybody else did anything of this sort. That's ridiculous to say that "everyone else has, we just don't know it", it was ridiculous when Spygate happened and it's ridiculous for Cena.

And i'm a fan of the guy's wrestling, that just shows how little you have to stand on when you keep bringing up the "blind hater who just wants to bury Cena' card. :lmao His behavior should be appalling, not as a wrestler, as a human being. And the reaction should be the same whether it's Cena, Shelton, Trips, CM Punk, or Michael Cole, or everyone in wrestling. (Which I don't believe at all.)


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Mar 29, 2010
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It's always hard to continue to cheer or like someone if you know they've done some completely horrible fucking things backstage. In Cena's case, he's potentially done some bad things, but I don't think he's done enough (even considering the accusations are true) for me to despise him as a human being. Most of em have their personal problems, Austin supposedly beat his wife, but it didn't bother me when he came on screen, dunno. That lifestyle is so difficult to live, that it almost excuses some of the small mistakes they make in life to me. Batista seems like a pretty scummy individual though, didn't he leave his cancer ridden wife and write a book not giving Jim Cornette any credit at all for his success? Then stole poor Johnny's girlfriend. All the while, he injured more throughout his WWE career than he wasn't. Whereas Cena has been wrestling 4 years NON-STOP. And even when he got injured he almost immediately came back, he's literally been wrestling non-stop for the past decade. That's more than anyone from this generation and most from the 80's and 90's as well. That in itself instantly commands respect. I mean, to Monk's point, it also probably means he's a narcissistic piece of shit, but so was Hogan, everyone loved him. Then all of these personal issues arose and Hogan's popularity and reputation severely took a hit, even though he probably was on the receiving end of most of it. Point is, Cena can't have a life with all that shit, how do we know he didn't divorce his wife through basis of it simply not being fair to her? And the ribbing Riley is non-existant, like who the fuck cares? Every single wrestler in the history of professional wrestling has ribbed other people. He DID try really hard to get Ryder over, that was the one of the main things that made me like Cena a little more, and he kinda tried to bring Bryan back although I think that was probably a work too. Remember some of the good things he's done is all I'm saying.

Hometown Kid

Apr 29, 2008
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Columbia, Tennessee
You make some good points, G1, but I don't buy that he divorced his wife for a mercy killing of sorts. There really are a lot of things we don't know about his wife and their situation together. She could have been a sleazy individual to begin with, but that still doesn't excuse Cena and what he did. I certainly wouldn't consider it a small mistake though, it was repeated and calculated. And i'm not even considering Riley. I'm not going to say the guy's worse than Batista, because he's done some things that are just as bad and worse. And is just a giant asshole in general. Cena's done some good in his life and I won't take that away from him, maybe even someday if he knocks this crap off, I can gain some respect for him again, much like Austin...

I just think Cena shouldn't be above criticism for doing these things just because we know some other people are worse in their lives. The WWE's system is self-destructive, but in the end, even with that schedule, you have to choose to commit these acts, and he did.