Stopspot said:
No he shouldn't quit. He should take some time to learn the language and the WWE ring style. If he does that he will most likely become a gold mine, there is a reason he is the biggest draw in Mexican wrestling
^ This.
I can't hate on the guy. I hate that he botches so much, but WWE is the one that decided to put him in Smackdown so quickly and skipped some obviously needed steps. I can't fault Cara, however, for going with it rather than saying, "No thanks guys, I don't think I should do that yet." I can't see him turning down the opportunity. I just put the fault on WWE for not thinking it through clearly.
I can honestly see him being a good asset for WWE with the right progress being made, as it should have been done to start with. Let him learn the language, learn the rules and such, have him practice more to learn the ropes, etc., etc. He could be great for the company with the right amount of work and time. I just don't think it's quite his time yet.