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Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Good show, read the whole thing, just one thing i must say is that I think there should have been one segment involving DDP,Sting, Steiner. Good show, but an even better PPV card.


NWA World Heavyweight Championship
Kurt Angle defends against Christian Cage

Team ECW vs. Team WCW
Shane Douglas, Rhino, and Raven vs. Sting, DDP, and Scott Steiner

NWA World Tag Team Championship
Tennessee Bull Rope Match
AMW defends against Team 3D

AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe

X Division Championship
Petey Williams defends against Senshi, Christopher Daniels and Eric Young

LAX vs. Konnan’s Gang


i thought I should have encorporated a west side story feel like Sting DDP and Steiner would come toe to toe with them backstage and exchange words, but DDP Steiner and Sting are going to have a segment on the next iMPACT!


Official iMPACT! Preview:

NWA World Heavyweight Champion Kurt Angle vs AJ Styles

Christian Cage vs Samoa Joe

Petey Williams and Eric Young vs Senshi and Christopher Daniels

DDP, Scott Steiner, and Sting's message to Team WCW

Is LAX in for a mugging by Konnan's "gang"?

AMW explains what in the world a "Tennessee Bul Rope Match" Really is.

The Ripper

Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
looks good cant wait to find out what a tennesse bul rope match is and the out come of aj vs angle

dont forget to check out mine NWA:REBORN

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
preview looks to be great..curious about the bullrope match and team WCW's message to team ECW. I'll be reviewing

check out my BTB: WWE The Commencement


Pyros go off as the iMPACT! theme plays.

Tenay: Welcome wrestling fans once again to TNA iMPACT! Mike Tenay, DW Don West here ringside, and well Don this Sunday TNA heads on the road once again for Sacrifice LIVE from Chicago, IL!

West: Everyone remembers the night TNA went on the road, last year for Bound For Glory! Career vs. title! Monster’s Ball! Well, Mike, Sacrifice may beat them all! We got the NWA World Championship! Kurt Angle vs. Christian Cage, AJ vs. Samoa Joe, a Tennessee Bull Rope Match, and Team WCW vs. Team ECW! Speaking of which…

Sting’s music hits as Sting comes out of the tunnel with DDP and Scott Steiner behind him.

Sting: Everyone saw the little interview the Extremists did last week. They said some stuff that was pretty hard to swallow. However, some of it was true. They spoke the truth when they said I have a stupid baseball bat and face paint, Scottie’s weird metal hat, and DDP’s high five, but that was it. They tell nothing but lies when they say…they will win at Sacrifice. Team ECW vs. Team WCW is what they are calling it now! TNA thought it would be great to see all 6 of us be in an Elimination Tag Match to see what promotion was better. For us, it’s not about that! Hell, DDP, Scott Steiner, and I are fighting because we owe it to ourselves!

DDP: Yea, who took my ankle out and I was almost crippled, that would be Raven! I am not fighting for WCW’s honor, because that’s not the problem here, come this Sunday Raven will feel the bang!

Steiner: Not only that, now we come to the stupid weasel known as the Franchise Shane Douglas. At Destination X, Rhino fought Sting in a little 8 Mile Street Fight to see who was the real Icon. Thanks to Rhino’s jealousy, he couldn’t take Sting’s popularity, so he hired Shane Douglas to kidnap him in his trunk. Raven’s assault on DDP is what we fight for, Shane Douglas’ abduction of Sting is what we fight for!

Sting: Damn right! Now they couldn’t hold me for long, and my return at LockDown was only part one, part two is this Sunday!

Shane Douglas’ music hits as Shane, Rhino, Raven, and the Naturals stand at the top of the stage. The Naturals are armed with chairs.

The Naturals hits the ring. Chase takes a swing and Steiner, and Andy takes a shot at DDP, they both duck and Sting nails them in the gut with his bat. DDP Diamond Cuts Andy and Steiner power slams Chase. Team WCW signals to Team ECW they want them in the ring. Shane, Rhino, and Raven run down the ramp but stop when they get to the ring. They start laughing at them and walk back up the ramp. Team WCW is pissed.

Tenay: Wow, they sure can talk the talk, but they can’t walk the walk.

West: They cleared out of here fast, after Team WCW roasted the Naturals for about the 3rd time!

PROMO: Highlights of the results of the Jim Cornette Zero Tolerance System on Monty Brown.

Tenay: And yes Don, from the offices of Jim Cornette, this Sunday at Sacrifice, Jim Cornette will be in the ring and give his state of TNA address, looks to me like he has a lot of violations that he needs to blab about!

West: Mike, I hope it has nothing to do with me or you, we’ll see at Sacrifice!


Petey Williams’ music hits as the X Division Champion comes out with Eric Young.

Senshi’s music hits as Senshi comes out with Kevin Nash

The crowd waits for Christopher Daniels’ music, he never shows.

Christopher Daniels shows on the screen.

Daniels: Hey Kev…Senshi. Do you really think I would risk an injury competing before my huge four way at Sacrifice? So I won’t be competing tonight, but Kev, you got supposedly “The Greatest X Division Superstar” fighting tonight, I have total confidence that he can get the job done tonight, have fun guys.

2 on 1 handicap match
Petey Williams and Eric Young vs. Senshi w/ Kevin Nash

Senshi is panicking early on. Eric Young starts dominating him. He suplexes him into a pin 1..2..kickout! He tags in Petey. Petey starts kicking him in the sides then roundhouse kicks him. He backflips onto Senshi and pins him 1..2..kickout! Petey picks him up but Senshi starts fighting out with repeated kicks and chops. Petey goes down and he drop kicks Eric off the apron. Senshi pops up and clotheslines Williams. Petey shoots up, but Senshi connects with a standing head scissors into a pin 1..2..kickout! Eric Young gets on the apron and springboards into a cross body onto Senshi and rolls out of the ring. The fans cheer Eric on because he is trying to be in the X Division, but Eric turns around and is nailed with a big boot from Nash. Petey crawls over to Senshi and covers him 1..2..kickout! Petey grabs him and attempts the Canadian Destroyer, Senshi flips him over and delivers a hard back kick to Petey. He goes up top and nails the Warrior’s Way onto Petey and pins him 1..2..3!
WINNER: Senshi

After Senshi celebrates, Eric and Petey get up and start beating him up. Petey and Eric raise the X Division Championship.

Christopher Daniels’ music hits as Daniels runs down the a ramp.

Daniels runs and springboards of the ropes and double clotheslines Young and Williams. He gets up and stares at Senshi and Nash and raises the X title.


Konnan’s locker room.

Konnan is talking to 2 guys in black with handkerchiefs over their faces. He turns around to the camera.

Konnan: Listen up LAX you ho’s. This is my gang homes. These guys will totally beat your asses up and down Chicago because our match, well it’s now a Chicago Streetfight. Hernandez, Homicide, meet Konnan’s enforcers, this gang will take your asses down for good. I live and die in LAX, well I died, and now I am back, back for revenge on you guys’ culo’s. Viva La Raza!


VIDEO: Hype for the Tennessee Bull Rope match between AMW and Team 3D at Sacrifice.

Tenay: Well Don, Harris, Storm, and Gail Kim are in the ring right now, and they have a bull rope with them, let’s see what AMW is up to now!

Harris: Alright, you guys shut the hell up when the Wildcat is talking! Now, everyone is aware Team 3D will have the odds stacked against them on Sunday night, because they are going to be in our yard! AMW defends our tag titles against Team 3D in a bullrope match! First thing that comes to everyone’s mind is what the hell is a bull rope match anyways? Well it’s pretty damn simple. This is different from WWE’s stupid bull rope matches, there are four guys in the ring. There will be two bull ropes linking each one member of one team to one of the opponents. I could be on one end while Brother Ray could be on the other.

Storm: Hey Chris, don’t forget to tell them that not only is the rope legal to choke your opponent with, in the middle of the 6 ft long rope will be a cow bell, which is also legal to smack the crap out of your opponent. Whoever can score a pinfall first will win the bull rope match.

Harris: Hell James, I think we got this match wrapped up before it even starts!

Team 3D’s music hits as Brother Ray and Devon run down the ramp.

The run towards AMW, but Storm and Harris grab one end of the rope clotheslining Team 3D with the rope. AMW laughs and Gail hands them the tag belts and AMW walks out of the ring.

West: AMW sending a dominating message to Team 3D, we’ll see what happens at Sacrifice in Chicago for the tag belts.

AMW is right at the top of the ramp, but Team 3D runs out of the crowd and ambushes them. Harris and Storm go down right away. Storm gets up quick, and they 3D him right on the stage. Brother Ray then Bubba Bombs Harris on the stage. They yank the tag titles and the bull rope out of Gail’s hands and raise them. Ray then has a glare in his eyes and smiles at Devon. They both look at Gail. She tries to run, but Devon grabs her hair. They 3D Gail Kim on the stage. Their music plays as they look at the carnage they caused.

PROMO: Hyping Christian Cage vs Samoa Joe


Samoa Joe’s music hits as Joe comes to the ring.

Christian Cage’s music hits as Cage comes down the ramp without Tomko.

Christian Cage vs. Samoa Joe
Cage and Joe meet and lock up fast, Cage quickly rakes his eyes. Cage grabs him and does a headlock takedown into a headlock submission. Joe flips over into a pin 1..2..kickout. Joe picks up Cage and starts kicking him followed by some reverse hand chops and ends with a dropkick. He grabs Cage and puts him in an Arm-Head lock. Cage begins to rise and elbows Joe in the stomach, he runs to the ropes and attempts a running clothesline, but is answered with a spinebuster by Samoa Joe. He covers him 1..2..kickout! AJ Styles pops out of the tunnel and stands at the ramp. Samoa Joe quickly gets out of the ring and runs up the ramp, but Cage follows and ambushes Joe from behind. He starts stomping Joe on the cold steel ramp. Cage runs towards the ring and the ref starts arguing with Cage. Styles starts beating the hell out of Joe. He nails the Styles Clash on Joe. Cage runs up the ramp and drags Joe into the ring. He covers him 1..2..kickout! Cage goes up top. He has a hard time balancing, Joe runs up and gets Cage into the Muscle Buster and nails it, 1..2..kickout! He slaps on the Kokina Clutch and Cage taps.
WINNER: Samoa Joe

Styles runs towards the ring and starts beating the hell out of Joe while Cage runs up the ramp. Styles busts Joe open. Styles gets up and smears Joe’s blood on his chest and walks out of the ring. The crowd boos horribly.


VIDEO: Hyping the NWA World title match at Sacrifice.


JB: Jeremy Borash here with the NWA World Champion Kurt Angle, Kurt before I ask you your thoughts about your huge match this Sunday, I have to ask you your thoughts on your next opponent, in our main event, AJ Styles.

Angle: Well, he is one hell of an athlete. I hear he could have been in the Olympics, just like I was, but loved this business so much, he decided to stop and train to become one of TNA’s biggest star’s in this companies history. Like also, however, I am something he is not…I am a freakin’ wrestling machine! I am a freakin’ gold medalist…I won the Olympics with a broken freakin’ neck! As far as AJ is concerned he is not in my league.

JB: How about your opponent on Sunday…Christian Cage?

Angle: Talk about not in my freakin’ league! I have defeated Big Red Machines, Monsters, Next Big Things, Games, Heart Breakers, and Eminem, I think I could defeat someone who dubbed himself an Instant Classic. Cage, face it, you are nothing but a fraud, you only won this NWA World title because I wasn’t in TNA at that time. This Sunday I took out your biggest resource, and now since you don’t have Tomko, this is the end of Christian Cage. Excuse me, but I got a match!

Kurt Angle’s music hits as Angle comes down the ramp.

West: Here he is Pro Wrestling’s only gold medalist! Angle is here!

AJ Styles’ music hits as AJ comes back out blood still on his chest.

Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles
Angle quickly runs and takes Styles down. He puts AJ in a head lock. AJ slowly rises and counters into a back drop. He pins Angle 1..2..kickout! Styles grabs his leg and goes for the ankle lock, but Angle easily counters into a pin 1..2..kickout! They rise into a fighting stance and lock up once again. Angle gets behind Styles, but Styles counters and gets behind Angle. He attempts a German Suplex, but Angle counters into another pin 1..2..kickout! Angle grabs his ankle, but Styles pushes him into a nearby corner. Styles rises and does a running drop kick into Angle in the corner. With Angle sitting in the corner, Styles runs and knees him right in the face. He runs across the ring and does it again. He then taunts Angle and attempts a 3rd knee but Angle moves and AJ goes groin first into the bottom turnbuckle. Styles struggles up, Angle gets behind him and German Suplexes him. Angle is fired up, Styles springs up stumbling around and Angle catches him with a German Suplex. He pulls his straps down and goes towards Styles, AJ swings his legs up around Kurt’s neck and hurricurana’s him. He pins him 1..2..kickout!

West: What athleticism!

Styles pulls Angle towards the corner. Styles goes up top, Angle gets up and jumps on the top turnbuckle and Angle Slams AJ off the top.

Tenay: Angle was waiting for him!

Angle goes for the pin, 1..2..kickout! He grabs his ankle, but once again, AJ flips and kicks him away. AJ gets up, Kurt runs towards him and AJ flips him over the top rope. AJ Springs boards onto Angle on the floor. AJ pops up and gets a horrible reaction. Christian Cage walks down the ramp and taunts Angle. He goes over to the announcer’s table.

Cage: Hey Mike…Don….this is one hell of a match ain’t it? Angle is getting his ass whooped.

AJ grabs Angle and slides him into the ring his head hanging over the apron. He elbows Angle in the face. Angle jumps in pain on the mat. AJ goes up top. He pauses then goes for the Spinal Tap, Angle moves out of the way. Styles is motionless. Angle grabs his ankle and locks in the ankle lock and grape vines his legs. With the last bit of strength, AJ taps.
WINNER: Kurt Angle

Christian Cage hits the ring with a steel chair. He smacks Angle right in the face. Cage goes to get another chair. He puts one beneath Angle’s head and is ready to give a Con Chair Toe right on Angle.

Samoa Joe’s music hits.

Joe runs to the ring and takes down Cage. He starts beating the hell out of Cage. AJ gets up and smacks Joe across the back. Joe isn’t affected, and chases AJ out of the ring.Cage gets up and is answer by Angle staring him in the face. Angle picks up a chair and takes a swing at Cage, but Cage high tails it out of the ring.

West: I can’t wait until these guys lock horns!

Tenay: It’s all going to hit the fan at Sacrifice!

West: We’ll see you Sunday!

VIDEO: Hyping Sacrifice

TNA Wrestling Presents TNA Sacrifice

NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Kurt Angle defends against Christian Cage

Team WCW vs. Team ECW Elimination Tag Match
Sting, DDP, and Scott Steiner vs. Shane Douglas, Rhino, and Raven

AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe

NWA World Tag Team Championship
Tennessee Bull Rope Match

AMW Defends against Team 3D

X Division Championship
Petey Williams defends against Eric Young, Christopher Daniels, and Senshi

Chicago Street Fight
LAX vs. Konnan’s Gang

Jim Cornette’s State of TNA Adress

The Ripper

Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
really enjoyed the kurt, Aj match. GIve the show 9/10
cant wait for the LAX vs Konnans gang match


Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
what a card, cant wait for sacrifice.


Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol, England
sacrifice is gonna be sick at this rate, dude.
likin' the way your building up to sacrifice's main event with promo's etc.
the lax thing is hotting up too. good promo by konnan.


The Official TNA Sacrifice PPV Preview Guide:Courtesy

TNA heads out to the windy city, Chicago, IL this weekend for Sacrifice. This preveiw guide gives you the insight to the history behind the matches that you'll see at Sacrifice.

NWA World Heavyweight Championship
Kurt Angle (c) vs. Christian Cage

After a bloody, hard fought steel cage match at LockDown, these two competitors go for Round 2. Cage and Tomko have gotten one over on the champ for weeks, but for the past 2 weeks, Angle has gotten revenge. The NWA Champion took out Cage's biggest resource being Tomko, and last Thursday got a huge win over AJ Styles. A major victory for Angle going into LockDown, and Cage coming off with a serious loss to Samoa Joe on iMPACT!, will this play a significant role on Sunday?

Team WCW vs. Team ECW
Sting, DDP, and Scott Steiner vs. Shane Douglas, Raven, and Rhino

A fued that will go down in the TNA history books. Going all the way back to Final Resolution, when Raven has an Open Challenge Hang Man's Horror Match that was answered by the returning DDP. DDP getting the big win over Raven lit a fire under Raven causing him to destroy DDP's ankle. Rhino and Sting have been fueding in TNA for awhile about who the true Icon was, at Destination X they had a huge 8 Mile Street Fight, Rhino scoring the win, he took Sting out and put him in a car trunk which took Sting away. Rhino and Raven would form a team to take out what was left of DDP, Scott Stiener returned to aid DDP and fight off Rhino and Raven. Later we found out that Shane Douglas was behind the wheel of the car that abducted Sting, and he quickly alligned himself with Raven and Rhino. At Lethal LockDown Last month, DDP and Steiner got the win over Rhino and Raven, after the match, they went after Shane who scaled to the top of the cage. Sting would return and lower from the rafters putting Shane in the Scorpion Death Lock starting this huge main event matchup. On it was announced that there will be the match, Team ECW lead by the Franchise Shane Douglas vs. Team WCW lead by the Icon Sting in a huge Elimination Tag Team match, both teams looking for the victory, who will emerge from the ashes at Sacrifice?

AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe
After Joe was taken out a couple months back, AJ did as much as he could to get the spotlight off him blaming Christopher Daniels, but Joe was preying on him the whole time. At LockDown, AJ revealed it was him who took out Joe, but Joe waited for the right time and dropped his crutches revealing he wasn't really injured. With that happening AJ quickly high tailed it out of LockDown. They have had countless confrontations over the past month and now they will fight at Sacrifice!

NWA Tag Team Championship
Tennessee Bull Rope Match

AMW (c) vs. Team 3D

First it was about respect, then AWM turned the tables. AMW showed no respect for Team 3D over the past few weeks. Last week Team 3D struck back demolishing AMW on the ramp and 3D'ing Gail Kim! These two teams clash one more time in AMW's specialty, a Tennessee Bull Rope Match!

X Division Championship
Petey Williams (c) vs. Eric Young vs. Senshi vs. Christopher Daniels

A strange secret pack was made between Daniels and Senshi's manager Kevin Nash, and over the past few weeks Chris has been haunting Kevin and his buddy Senshi. Petey and Eric have been training together after their classic at Lockdown and have become real brother like, now these four competitors will vie for X Division Gold at Sacrifice!

Chicago Street Fight
LAX vs. Konnan's Gang

The blood runs thick in LAX. You live and die in LAX and the heat has been going strong between LAX and Konnan. After Konnan's rejection of LAX, he tried to apologize and rejoin, but Hernandez and Homicide wouldn't have it, so Konnan revolted and came back with 2 masked men and these teams collide in Chicago, in a streetfight. Who are these masked men? Order the PPV to find out.

Jim Cornette's Zero Tolerance Company Address
After kicking Monty Brown out of TNA right after he returned suspending him, his Zero Tolerance System has reaked havoc in TNA, now he addresses the whole company this Sunday, what will he say?

It will be a great night of action and suspense, keep a look out for TNA Sacrifice!

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Impact was awesome...angle/styles was great and the ppv looks to be a great card....I'll be reviewing....

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
PPV looks awesome...can't wait...

check out my btb: WWE The Commencement


TNA iMPACT! Presents TNA Sacrifice LIVE! From Chicago, IL!
Part 1

VIDEO: Highlighting the NWA World Heavyweight Championship match Kurt Angle vs. Christian Cage as well as Team WCW vs. Team ECW.

Pyros go off as the Sacrifice theme plays.

Tenay: This is Total Non Stop Action Wrestling, the is TNA Sacrifice on the road, LIVE on PPV from Chicago, IL! This is intense Don, the atmosphere could blow the roof off the place!

West: I know exactly what you’re talking about Mike, we were turning away fans, this is soldout! TNA fans know this is the biggest PPV we will ever put on and they are showing it here tonight!

Tenay: If I don’t lose my hearing by the end of tonight it will be a miracle!

Petey Williams’ music hits as the X Division Champion walks down the ramp in Chicago, IL pyros and all.

Eric Young’s music hits as Young walks down the ring with is pyros going off.

Senshi’s music hits as the Warrior walks down the ramp with Kevin Nash.

Christopher Daniels’ music hits as The Fallen Angel walks down the ramp, his eyes focused on Nash.

X Division Championship
Petey Williams* vs. Eric Young vs. Senshi w/ Kevin Nash vs. Christopher Daniels

Christopher Daniels looks at Senshi, and Senshi signals he wants a piece of Daniels. They go at it and exchange blows. Eric and Williams look at each other, shake hands, and lock up. Petey puts Eric in a head lock, but Eric counters and twists his arm behind his back. Petey elbows Eric in the face and gets behind him and German suplexes him. Senshi does hard chops to the sternum of Daniels. Daniels stops and feels no pain. Senshi chops him again, Daniels blocks him and head butts him. Senshi stumbles around and is greeted with a drop kick from Petey Williams. Daniels does a running clothesline to Petey. Daniels covers Petey, but Eric clubs Daniels on the back. Daniels gets up and points and laughs at Eric. Senshi clips Daniels from behind with a reverse head scissors. Senshi gets up and screams and taunts Daniels, but Eric creeps behind Senshi and does a roll up, 1..2..Senshi kicks out. Petey gets up and helps Eric pick up Senshi, they whip him towards the ropes, they try double clotheslining him, but he ducks and goes against the ropes again and double clotheslines Eric and Petey. Senshi gets up right away and does a warrior pose, but Daniels takes him down over the top rope. Daniels slams Senshi’s head against the canvas and whips him into the ring post. Senshi stumbles, Daniels gets distracted by Nash who is calling him. Petey and Eric double suicide dive out of the ring on top of Senshi and Daniels.

Tenay: Who says Eric Young isn’t fit for the X Division???

West: I’ll tell you something, these guys are putting on a hell of a show for these Chicago fans!!!

Petey and Eric jump up and high five another. Petey picks up Senshi and Eric picks up Daniels. They smile and irish whip Senshi into Daniels, but they counter and Eric and Petey bump heads. Daniels extends his hand to Senshi, Senshi puts his hand out, but Daniels takes that same hand and slaps Senshi across the jaw. Kevin Nash comes and spins Daniels around.

Nash: What the hell did you do that for???

Daniels out of rebellion slaps Nash across the face also. Nash turns and holds his face. He turns to Daniels and is ready to kill him, but Senshi tries to ambush Daniels from behind, but he turns around and back drops Senshi and Nash catches him. Nash gently puts him down and goes for Daniels again. Daniels walks towards Eric and Petey, but they double dropkick Daniels and he falls into Nash. Daniels turns around.

Daniels: What the hell are you still here for, we have a deal! Stick to it!

Nash gives him a serious look and backs off. Eric and Petey throw Daniels into the ring. Eric flips over the top rope into a leg drop onto Daniels. Petey goes up top and frog splashes onto Daniels. Petey flops in pain and roles out of the ring. Eric covers Daniels 1..2..Daniels gets his foot on the rope. Senshi goes up top and drop kicks Eric. He covers Young 1..2..Daniels breaks the pin. Senshi and Daniels come together and are talking to each other. Petey sling shots off the apron hitting both men with one of his feet. Eric Young cheers Petey on, Petey caught up in the moment superkicks Eric Young. Petey is in denial thinking what has he done. Daniels gets up and turns him around and hits the Angel’s wings. He pins Petey 1..2..Senshi breaks the pin. The crowd is extremely into this match. Senshi picks up Daniels and back kicks him. He goes up top and nails the Warrior’s way on Petey. He covers him 1..2...Petey kicks out! Senshi can’t believe it He gets up and Eric superkicks him, but Senshi ducks and Eric hits Petey with the kick. Daniels clotheslines Senshi over the top rope. Eric goes to help Petey, but Daniels gets a roll up on Young 1..2..3!
WINNER: New X Division Champion Christopher Daniels!

West: Well he was the one that lost the title to Petey in the first place at Destination X, now he regained it!

Tenay: What a controversial victory to say the least!


Leticia is backstage with Christian Cage.

Leticia: Okay, I am here with the number one contender Christian Cage. Christian, any thoughts on your match tonight with Kurt Angle or his comments on iMPACT! last Thursday?

CC: Oh yea, I got a few hum dingers for you toots. Kurt Angle thinks I’m not in his league, we all know that, well maybe he isn’t in mine either. I represent excellence, beauty, and charisma. What the hell does he represent huh? Just a pain killer addict fired from WWE that’s what he represents. He came to TNA for another run main eventing in pro wrestling, because WWE saw no more future in him. I on the other hand left on good terms, just to clear that up. Oh and Toots, about the Tomko situation. Kurt you put my man in the hospital, he is down in Orlando still! I just visited him and he said when he comes back you are number one on his list, better watch your back there champ. I gotta prepare for my match, hey toots hit me up sometime my locker room is right down the hall.

VIDEO: Highlights of the rivalry between LAX and Konnan.

LAX’s music hits as Homicide and Hernandez comes out in front of the Chicago Crowd.

Konnan’s music hits as Konnan appears on the stage.

: So, I know all you ho’s have been wondering who my little gang is. Well, the time is up. This match is a Chicago Street Fight, Gang Warfare! Here is my gang, when you are backed into a corner you have to look to your closest familia homes, you gotta look to your past essay! I introduce you to Ron “The Truth†Killings and BG James, together we like to call ourselves 3 Live Kru…

3LK’s music hits as BG and Truth come out of the curtain.

Chicago Street Fight
LAX (Homicide and Hernandez) vs. 3LK (BG and Truth) w/ Konnan

Hernandez and Homicide rush up the ramp and collide with BG and Truth. Truth clotheslines Hernandez and BG starts swinging at Homicide. Konnan cheers them on. BG drags Homicide up to the stage and slams his head against the big screen. Truth picks up Hernandez and irish whips him up the ramp and BG big boots him. They continue to brawl with LAX through the curtain. They are now in the hallways of the arena. BG takes a chair and cracks it over Homicide’s head. Hernandez head butts Truth and whips BG into the wall. He grabs BG’s chair and smacks it over his head. He nudges towards Konnan, but Truth gets him from behind. Homicide throws BG into the metal garage door. Truth superkicks Hernandez and grabs the chair. He runs over to Homicide, but Homicide dropkicks the chair into Truth’s face. He pins Truth 1..2..kickout!

Konnan: C’mon Truth, show these ho’s who’s boss!

Tenay: Konnan trying to encourage 3LK.

BG gets Homicide and does a swinging neckbreaker. Hernandez runs over but BG clotheslines him. He covers Hernandez 1..2..kickout! Truth and BG double stomp Hernandez. Homicide sets up a table behind them. He grabs a garbage can and smacks it over the head of Truth and clocks BG across the face with it. Hernandez gets up and places Truth on top of the table. He grabs BG and powerbombs him into a pile of stage equipment. He signals Homicide to get a ladder. Homicide sets a ladder up next to the table and climbs it. He jumps off the ladder, but Truth moves and Homicide goes through the table. Hernandez grabs Truth and sets him up for a powerbomb, but Truth sneaks out and turns him around and scissor kicks him. He quickly cover him 1..2..kickout! Konnan walks in and takes off his shoe. He curses at Hernandez in Spanish for awhile and chucks the shoe in his face, Truth connects with another scissor kick and covers him 1..2..3!

Tenay: What a comeback, 3LK!

West: Looks like Konnan’s gang is the superior gang! This isn’t the end of this!


Jim Cornette is walking through the hall way. He confronts Kurt Angle.

Cornette: Kurt.

Angle: Jim. I am not defying your Zero Tolerance System right now am I?

Cornette: No Kurt, you have actually been good here in TNA, some wrestlers should look up to you as an example.

Angle: Why thank you Mr. Cornette.

Cornette: Are you serious? Because I don’t even believe what I said. You took out one of my superstars, you threw him of the freakin’ stage! Angle I am writing you up for a fine. You have just went against the Zero Tolerance System and now you will pay. Since you are our champion, I can’t physically suspend you, but fining is the next best thing. Have a good night you criminal.


AJ Styles’ music hits as AJ cockily walks down the ramp.

Samoa Joe’s music hits as Joe comes into the ring.

: Don I can smell the tension from here!

AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe
They lock up fast. AJ puts a headlock on Joe. Joe counters with a reverse suplex. He covers Styles 1..kickout! He grabs AJ and attempts a suplex, but AJ counters and suplexes Joe. AJ covers Joe 1..2..kickout! AJ stomps Joe, but Joe manages to get up. Joe starts kicking Styles and follows up with chops to the chest. He then does a belly to belly to Styles. Styles is in pain and roles out of the ring. Joe goes against the ropes and, but Styles was waiting for him and hangs him up on the ropes. Styles then springboards off the apron over the top rope onto Samoa Joe with a cross body and covers 1..2..kickout! Styles does a backflip landing on Joe. He covers 1..2..kickout! Joe gets up and whips Styles into a corner and starts shouldering him in the gut. He puts him up on the top and superplexes him. He covers him 1..2..kickout! Joe leg drops him, but Styles rolls over and kicks Joe. Styles runs up and head scissors Joe into another pin 1..2..kickout! They get up fast into a fighting stance and pauses the crowd goes insane. They lock up once again, Joe puts Styles into a headlock takedown, and gets him in a guillotine choke. Styles begins to fade. The ref comes in and raises his hand, his hand falls. He goes in again and raises his hand. It falls for a second time. He raises his hand for the final time, Styles has the strength and keeps his hand up, he powers out and does a neckbreaker to Joe. He covers Joe 1..2..kickout once again. AJ does a solid kick to the spine of Joe. AJ goes up top and nails a moonsault on Joe. He drags Joe into the middle of the ring and sets up for the Styles Clash, Joe counters and has him up for the Alabama Slam and whips him into the corner. It knocks the wind out of Styles. He puts him up top and nails the Muscle Buster on Styles. He locks in the Kokina Clutch and Styles has the strength and taps.
WINNER: Samoa Joe

West: Talk about pure wrestling.

Tenay: That was a pure match hands down, that was a classic mat style match between 2 highflyers, definitely adds to this historical night!


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Tennessee Bull Rope Match

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-NWA World Championship
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