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The Rated R CMStar

I love to see Lance Hoyt main eventing, but I prefer AJ so I hope he wins. The next to get a push should be Roode. I will be reviewing as usual


Jun 18, 2007
Reaction score
Memphis, TN.
XBA, congrats on becoming a hall of famer, you really deserved it. I just plan to meet you there someday. (maybe when i turn 13) lol. Anyways, keep it up! Haha, 'keep it up" is sorta an understatement for you lol. I'll just say, something like..."best btb ever."



Pyros go off as SoCal Val blows you a kiss and the iMPACT! theme plays.

Tenay: Hello everyone and welcome to the only show that has the pro wrestling world buzzing lately, yes that’s right, it’s TNA iMPACT! Mike Tenay, Don West, here ringside. Don, I can’t begin to tell you how huge tonight’s show is!

West: Mike, let’s run through it, first and most of all, tonight, 2 weeks ago we started it and now we are going to finish it, who will fight Sting at Hard Justice? Stay tuned to find out because Lance Hoyt will take on the Phenomenal AJ Styles winner of course moving onto Hard Justice to face the champ!

Tenay: Don, also tonight, it will be Brother Devon taking on Hernandez after that horrible brawl that took place in last week’s main event!

Kurt Angle’s music hits as the Olympic Gold Medalist comes down the ramp.

: Speak of the devil, this man, Kurt Angle was in last week’s main event, in what was supposed to be a tag team match, but really turned into a 2 on 1!

Angle: Every time I come out here, it’s all about pure bullshit! Everything that I say has to do with Jeff freaking Jarrett! I am tired of it, but this has to be said. Before I say anymore, let’s take a look at what happened last week right here on iMPACT!

VIDEO: Jarrett walking away from Kurt’s attempted tag.

Angle: Now I have called Jarrett many things in the past, no good, back stabber, traitor, it all stands, but now you can add coward to that list! Jeff, I would have never expected the “honored” Jeff Jarrett to retreat in a match! I knew you were underhanded, but we fall from the same tree, we are competitors! Last week, however, Jeff, you showed no sportsmanship, no heart what so ever! For that, Jeff, you are a freaking coward and I have had just about enough of it! Jarrett get your ass out here right now!

Jeff Jarrett’s music hits as the King of the Mountain comes to the ring.

Okay, now Kurt, buddy, let me explain. Last week, I admit, that was just a little miscommunication. Don’t get me wrong Kurt, but you do say we fall from the same tree. I will compete and tag with guys in a match, but the number one rule is, never help your enemy! Kurt, now we are the farthest from friends, and if I see you getting the hell beaten out of you, I sure wouldn’t give a damn if you lived or died!

Angle: You freaking snake!

Jarrett: Angle, like you really expected me to team with you last week, spare me the crap! If the tables were turned, you would be the one running up the ramp with your tail between your legs! Hell, I bet you wouldn’t have even came to the ring! Angle, you and me are never going to get along and never will.

Angle: Jarrett, that’s been the best thing you’ve said all day.

Jarrett: Well Kurt I am glad, but I am also glad that I can stand here and say I am truly the better man despite last week and all.

Angle: What, why the hell is that?

Jarrett: Damn Kurt, get your mind in the game, don’t you remember Victory Road, I beat you one, two, three, so you are not in my league, and I couldn’t give a damn what the hell is coming out of that mouth of yours!

Angle: Jeff, how about we put that little theory of yours to the test shall we?

Jarrett: You know what I am so confident in myself, let’s do it, what do you have in mind?

Angle: A Re-Match!

Crowd starts chanting Rematch! Rematch! Rematch!

Jarrett: That’s what you want Kurt, the almighty Jarrett-Angle II, huh? Well, Kurt today is apparently your lucky day for once, because I am going to give it to you! What better of a way to humiliate you more than to beat you 2 straight!

Angle: That’s real funny Jarrett, because that’s not how it’s going to go down. Hard Justice is only 2 weeks away, so my advice to you, you better start thinking of your plan to get out of this one, because there will be no way out! This time, I can pin you in the ring, on the outside, in the parking lot, because at Hard Justice, it’s time to pay the freaking Piper Jarrett, because at Hard Justice, it will be Angle-Jarrett II, Falls Count Anywhere!

Jarrett: That’s fine with me, another reason to boast once I beat the hell out of you, the match is on!

Tenay: Oh my God Don! Jarrett and Angle in a Falls Count Anywhere match!!!

West: Hard Justice, it will be on! I can’t wait Mike, the history between these two men runs deep, and in 2 weeks, it runs deeper!


Kevin Nash and Senshi are walking to Jim Cornette’s office.

: Senshi, this is insane, I can’t believe I was booted off the PPV, before I was even on it! Damn Jerry Lynn raining on my parade! This is my division, the X-Division! I elevated it to what it is known as now, well with the help of you of course Senshi, but mostly it was me who managed superstars, it was me who won them their matches, and it was me who won them gold, but apparently Jim Cornette would throw that all away, just to have some has been named Jerry Lynn to take my place! This is anarchy!

They get to Cornette’s office door and before they could open it, the door opens and Jerry Lynn walks out.

Lynn: Hey, Kev, Senshi, what’s happening?

Nash: Hey…Jerry…not much, not much…so what were you doing in Cornette’s office?

Lynn: Just smoothing out the new deal I signed with TNA, you know all the rough marks, just blew right over those, and I am happy to say that I am now on the TNA roster, I am totally psyched!

Nash: Oh, so now you’re a wrestler? So you won’t be a special guest referee at Hard Justice? Oh then I will gladly take your place, I mean I made X-Division Superstars, I literally handed them the title…

Lynn: Nash, save it, nobody wants to hear your list of “accomplishments” if that’s what you call them. Nobody is going anywhere, I am still signed on as the ref for the 3 way, don’t you worry about that, but hey Kev, you still got your “reputation” right? You made superstars! You gave them the wins in their matches! You literally handed them the X-Division title! You could sure pass on the ref spot don’t worry about that one your highness!

Lynn walks away.

: Well, looks like he appreciates my work, I never knew that side of Jerry Lynn!

Senshi: Kev, he was being sarcastic?

Nash: What’s “sarcastic?” Anyways, I have to talk to Jimmy, let’s get in here…Hey Jimmy!?!

Nash and Senshi walk into Jim Cornette’s office and shuts the door behind them.


Tenay: Don, last week right here on iMPACT!, in our main event, we saw Jeff Jarrett and Kurt Angle taking on LAX, now putting the Jarrett and Angle situation aside, we saw the blood run cold between LAX and Team 3D, and that’s not the first time! These are possibly the best 2 teams in this company, and they were beating the hell out of each other last week!

West: Mike, when Brother Ray said that if they would go at it, it would be one last time, I think that’s all it can be one last time, because in that match they just might kill each other! Let me just say, straight from the offices of Jim Cornette, at Hard Justice, for the TNA World Tag Team titles, Team 3D will defend against the Latin American Xchange!

Tenay: Huge news there Don! Now, it’s time for our first match!

LAX’s music hits as Hernandez and Homicide come down the ramp.

Speaking of LAX!

Team 3D’s music hits as Brother Ray and Brother Devon, the TNA World Champions come down the ramp.

Brother Devon w/ Brother Ray vs. Hernandez w/ Homicide

Brother Devon and Hernandez stare each other down and then lock up. They start off quick and Hernandez puts him in a headlock takedown. Hernandez keeps the lock on Devon, but Devon rises. He elbows him in the stomach and whips him across the ropes. Devon runs towards him and knees him in the gut followed with a hip toss. Devon runs across the ring, bouncing off the ropes and nailing a huge leg drop on Hernandez into a pin 1…2…kickout! Devon sits him up and puts him in a half nelson. Hernandez struggles for quite awhile. Hernandez stands up lifting Brother Devon off the ground, still on his back. He rams Devon backwards into a turnbuckle. He then nails some reverse splashes on Devon. He slaps him in the face and puts him up top. Hernandez turns around and taunts the crowd. Devon grabs hold of him and nails a perfect top rope mid-air flying DDT. The crowd chants TNA! TNA! TNA! Devon goes to cover Hernandez 1…2…kickout! Devon can’t believe it, he stands up and starts stomping the lights out of Hernandez. Devon bounces off the ropes and from out of nowhere Hernandez nails a huge scoop slam on Devon. Hernandez covers him 1…2…kickout! Hernandez picks up Devon and signals for the Border Toss, he sets him up, but Devon powers back and back flips Hernandez! Devon crashes down to the mat. Devon picks the big man up and goes for a DDT, but Hernandez counters, twists his arm, then nails a huge clothesline on Devon. Hernandez picks up and slams Devon down with a body slam. He points to the top rope and begins to climb the corner. Just as Hernandez gets his balance, Devon begins to get up and without knowing he hangs on the top rope causing Hernandez to lose his balance and Hernandez crashes to the mat. Devon goes up top and nails a frog splash crashing onto Hernandez 1…2…kickout! Devon still can’t believe it, he picks up Hernandez once again, but Hernandez rakes his eyes. He knees him in the gut and sets him up for the Border Toss and nails it pinning him 1…2…3!
WINNER: Hernandez

Tenay: What an abrupt ending! LAX once again getting the cheap win over Team 3D! I guess it’s justified, why do you think they’re tag team champions?

West: Mike, this wasn’t a tag match! Even in singles competition LAX whooped 3D! Team 3D might be a little over their heads here!


Lance Hoyt is backstage with Robert Roode.

: So Robert, looks like you have an easy match tonight huh?

Roode: Against Samoa Joe? Well, speaking on behalf of all the worldwide many investors of Roode Inc, let’s just consider it a good investment, if you know what I mean, but Lance, your match is pretty much a walk in the park as well ain’t it?

Hoyt: Listen, AJ Styles was big in the beginning of TNA, he can’t be any bigger than he was especially now that TNA is becoming huge. AJ can’t be Mr. TNA forever, it’s time this punk steps over for the future of this business, Lance Hoyt! Once I decimate Mr. Phenomenal, let’s just say Grandpa Crow will be a piece of cake. Once I defeat Sting, I will grant the first title shot to my main man right here, you Robert.

Roode: I am touched, like who does Sting think he is anyways?

Sting walks in with the TNA World title on his shoulder.

: Who do I think I am Robert? Let’s just say, I know I am the Icon, I know I am the TNA World Champion, and well, I think I am better than your rookie behind. Hey Hoyt, don’t say anything, because if you win tonight you got me at Hard Justice, but Robert, you haven’t shut your mouth since coming back to TNA, you are a bright star in the sky over here, so let’s put it to the test huh?

Roode: Sure Stinger, what did you have in mind?

Sting: How about I face you, one on one next week right here on iMPACT!?

Roode: Well…

Samoa Joe runs into the picture with a steel chair and cracks it over Roode’s skull, Hoyt tries to fight back, but Joe smacks him across the skull as well. Joe turns around like he is going to smack Sting, but he stops.

: Sting, you should stop worrying about Roode, and start worrying about bigger things around here, much bigger! AJ and Hoyt might be gunning for your title, but with me, I don’t wait for a chance, I do it whenever I please. So Sting, watch your back next time…

Joe smirks and walks away.



Kevin Nash and Senshi walk out of Jim Cornette’s office with big smirks on their face laughing, and in comes the Naturals and Shane Douglas they walk into Jim Cornette’s office.

: Jim! Jim! Jim! How’s my boy doing?

Cornette: I’m not your boy Shane, I am your boss, and you wouldn’t waltz right in here without wanting something so shoot…

Douglas: Hey Jim, I am just being friendly, because I am glad to say that my boys the Naturals the greatest team right in TNA, that brings me to what I am asking of you Jimmy. You see since we put Rhino and Raven on the shelf, there hasn’t been much to do around here, I want to keep my boys’ momentum going.

Cornette: Alright, so what in the hell are you getting at here Shane?

Douglas: The Naturals request an open challenge for any 2 men who are prepared to get decimated at Hard Justice. We are looking for any 2 pathetic souls out there who think they could last with the Naturals. I don’t care who they are, what they’ve done, I don’t care, because I am just trying to catapult my boys to the main event status they once had, so what do you say Jimbo?

Cornette: Naturals Open Challenge at Hard Justice sounds very interesting, why not? Shane nice doing business with you, you got it, in less than 2 weeks, you got it!

Douglas: You won’t regret it…

Tenay: Hear that Don? The Naturals might decimate 2 more superstars at Hard Justice! I don’t think I can watch that kind of carnage another time!

Samoa Joe’s music hits as Joe comes down the ramp carrying his steel chair.

: Mike, judging by his actions a couple moments ago, plus his exclusive interview, this man looks to me like he has some issues to say the least!

Robert Roode’s music hits as Ms. Brooks is carrying Roode down the ramp shoulder on shoulder. Roode has a blood stained face from the chair shot and has his head bandaged.

Samoa Joe vs. Robert Roode w/ Ms. Brooks

Roode climbs into the ring and Joe charges at him and nails a major drop kick on Roode. Roode loses his balance and falls through the ropes out of the ring. Brooks helps Roode up, while Joe runs back and bounces off the ropes nailing his signature suicide dive throwing himself onto Roode and Brooks. The crowd chants TNA! TNA! TNA! Joe picks up Roode and rips the bandage right off his head and starts punching his forehead busting him open again.

Tenay: Roode shouldn’t be surprised, after he cost Joe his spot in his match against Lance Hoyt, he should have seen this one coming!

Joe drags Hoyt to the steel steps and repeatedly slams his skull off the stairs. Roode panics and stumbles around eventually hanging onto the steel barricade. Joe lands numerous shots on Roode, then throws him into the ring. Joe pins him 1…2…kickout! Joe is really pissed and picks up Roode to launch him across the ring. Joe tries to dropkick him, but nobody home as Roode latches onto the ropes for dear life. With Joe down Roode quickly runs for the pin 1…kickout! Roode starts stomping Joe, but Joe gets up and hard chops Roode. Joe connects with a couple more hard chops then nails a spin kick grounding Roode. Joe mounts on top of him and mounts punches on Roode’s skull. He gets up and gets a huge pop from the crowd. Roode crawls over to the corner and sits up. Joe runs and looks for the flying knee, but Roode moves and Joe crashes in the corner. Roode runs and bounces off the ropes and on his way back nails a flying clothesline on Joe. Roode covers Joe again 1…2…kickout! Roode sits Joe up and now nails shots to Joe’s skull. Roode pins Joe choking him with his forearm 1…2…kickout! Roode sits up and he is pissed bleeding. Joe gets up and they start exchanging shots. Joe knocks Roode down and bounces off the ropes and does his signature fall back drop onto Roode. He flips over into a pin 1…2…kickout! Joe flips him over and tries to lock in the Kokina Clutch, but Roode low blows Joe without the ref seeing. Roode bounces off the ropes and delivers a big boot to the injured Joe. Roode runs around the ring with his bloody face seeming like he’s won. Joe gets up looking like he doesn’t know where he is. Roode sees him and runs towards him, but runs into a Samoan Drop. Roode gets up right away and runs towards the rope, but Joe pulls him in and locks in the Kokina Clutch. Roode taps.
WINNER: Samoa Joe

Tenay: Samoa Joe! Even with the low blow from Roode, he still pulled out the victory!

West: Well Mike, you have to take into count the chair shot backstage as well as the beat down right outside the ring pre-match! I am not surprised Roode lost!

Tenay: Interesting point there Don, but the big story here is where does Joe go from here, he got his revenge on Roode, but he is not in the title race!


Christian Cage is looking for Monty Brown. He runs into the X-Division Champion Jay Lethal and the Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels.

: Hey, hey, hey, have any of you guys seen Alpha Male Monty Brown???

Daniels: Sorry Christian, haven’t seen him all day. What about you Jay?

Lethal: Ohhhhhh yeeaaaaa, sorry Christian, Black Machismo hasn’t seen, ohhhh, the Serengeti all day, sorry bro, DIG IT!

Cage: Oh, yea, thanks, big help there Randy Savage, get out of the Instant Classic’s way posers!

Cage walks down the hall running into AJ Styles.

: AJ! AJ! AJ! Sorry to bother you bro before your big match, but have you seen Monty Brown around anywhere?

AJ: Listen Cage, it’s definitely not the right time to ask me questions, but Christian I am being honest, I look around, and now that I recall, I haven’t seen him all day, I don’t know if he even came in…

Cage runs down the hall running into Chris Harris.

: Get out of my way poser, Captain Charisma coming through!

Harris: Excuse me “Champ!” Maybe if you weren’t always so pushy, maybe a little more people would like you around here!

Cage: Excuse me? I can’t believe what you are saying! First of all, it’s Mr. Cage to you rookie, and second of all, wait, why the hell am I giving you the satisfaction? Have you seen Monty Brown anywhere?

Harris: Cage, listen…

Cage: Mr. Cage….

Harris: Asshole, I haven’t seen Monty Brown all day, now get out of my way, poser…

Harris pushes him aside and walks by him.

: That’s so disrespectful Harris, I will see you later, yea out in the parking lot….

Cage runs into Jim Cornette who is on crutches and knocks him over.

: What the hell? Cage, damnit help me up! Are you trying to injure me? Again?

Cage: Oh, sorry Mr. Cornette, rookie Chris Harris was pissing me off, hey by the way have you seen Monty Brown, I am getting sick and tired of trying to find this guy!

Cornette: I know for a fact that “Alpha Male” Monty Brown never showed up, seems he had travel problems, he’ll be here next week though for sure. Cage I hear you needed to see him?

Cage: Hell yea, I need to come out into the open with that guy, I need some quality time just to talk to him, I need to patch things up with the Alpha Male.

Cornette: Sorry Christian, is there anything else I could do for you?

Cage: No, that’s…Wait, there is something you can do! Next time you talk to Monty Brown, tell him that next week on iMPACT! Christian Cage needs to talk to him right dead center in that ring. It won’t be just some normal interview, no, it’s going to be the TNA debut, of the one and only Peep Show! If you don’t know, now you know!

Tenay: Peep Show?


West: Well Mike, it’s main event time here on iMPACT!

Tenay: Thanks DW for taking my line! Anyways, it will be AJ Styles vs Lance Hoyt, winner will go onto Hard Justice to face Sting for the World Heavyweight Championship! It’s a Number One Contender’s Match on iMPACT!

Lance Hoyt’s music hits as Lance Hoyt comes to the ring.

AJ Styles’ music hits as the Phenomenal One comes down the ramp.

Number One Contender’s Match for the TNA World Championship
AJ Styles vs. Lance Hoyt

Styles and Hoyt face off. The fans start off right behind Styles. Hoyt has heavy heat. Styles starts clapping along with the fans’ stomps on the iMPACT! Zone floor and stands. They circle the ring and then lock up. Styles quickly gets behind Hoyt into a quick roll up 1…kickout! Hoyt gets up quick and locks up with him again. He gets him in position for a suplex and nails a perfect suplex on the Phenomenal One. Hoyt grabs AJ’s legs in hopes for a submission, but AJ kicks him away. Styles gets up and gets a standing head scissors on Hoyt. Hoyt springs up into another standing head scissors by Styles. Hoyt gets up and walks right into a drop kick this time by AJ. AJ goes for the pin 1…2…kickout! Styles picks him up, but Hoyt connects with rights and lefts. He knees him in the gut and gets a double under hook suplex on AJ. Hoyt walks over to Styles who’s on the mat and gets a huge leg drop. He pins AJ 1…2…kickout! The crowd is heavy pro-Styles at this point. Hoyt picks him up and throws him into a corner. He goes towards the corner, but AJ gets his legs up and kicks Hoyt away. Hoyt turns away holding his face, and AJ connects with a bulldog. AJ pins Hoyt 1…2…kickout! Hoyt gets up but AJ clubs him in the back and tries to go for a DDT, but Hoyt monkey flips him over. AJ gets up while Hoyt runs across the ring and bounces back, AJ hops flying over Hoyt, Hoyt bounces back once again into a hip toss by AJ. Hoyt springs up and AJ goes for a clothesline, but Hoyt counters spinning AJ around, kicks him in the gut, bounces off the ropes and gets a scissors kick on the Phenomenal One. He covers AJ 1…2…kickout! Hoyt brushes his hair back and starts mounting punches on AJ. Hoyt picks up AJ to a reign of boos. He whips AJ around and catches him for a side walk slam, but AJ counters into a spinning head scissors into a pin 1…2…kickout at the last minute! AJ goes up top to the top turnbuckle. Hoyt springs up and runs to the turnbuckle pushing AJ off and Styles crashes onto the guardrail. Hoyt runs to the outside and connects with serious chops to the sternum of Styles. He goes to whip him into the ring post, but Hoyt counters and swings Hoyt into the post. AJ puts Hoyt arm behind the ring post and pulls it slamming him skull first into the post again. AJ hurls Hoyt back into the ring. AJ goes up top and nails a huge frog splash on Hoyt. Styles picks him up and attempts the Styles Clash, but Hoyt counters flipping AJ over, but AJ lands into a roll up 1….2….3!

Tenay: AJ Styles has beat Lance Hoyt????

West: Well now, AJ gets his rematch after all, he gets a rematch for his title!

Robert Roode comes down the ramp into the ring, but AJ quickly slides out and up the ramp. Roode goes to help Hoyt.

Samoa Joe’s music hits as Samoa Joe comes out of the tunnel.

Joe runs down the ramp with a chair into the ring. He clocks Roode across the skull, busting him open for the third time tonight. He smacks Hoyt right on the noggin for the second time tonight. He raises the chair in victory.

Tenay: Seems like Joe thought he didn’t get the job done yet!

Sting’s music hits as Sting comes out of the tunnel with his belt.

Sting stands on the stage staring at Joe. Then he glances even further staring at Styles at the opposite stage.

Tenay: Don this is madness, these 3 legendary TNA superstars!

West: But let’s remember, Joe still isn’t in the title race, so he shouldn’t even be involved in this!


TNA Wrestling presents TNA Hard Justice LIVE! on PPV!

TNA World Heavyweight Championship
Sting* vs. AJ Styles

Falls Count Anywhere
Jeff Jarrett vs. Kurt Angle II

TNA World Tag Team Championship
LAX* vs. Team 3D

X-Division Championship (Jerry Lynn as Special Guest Referee)
“Black Machismo” Jay Lethal * vs. “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels vs. “The Warrior” Senshi

The Naturals Open Challenge to Any Tag Team in the Pro Wrestling World

“The Wildcat” Chris Harris debuts in single’s competition!

The Rated R CMStar

Great, just like a wanted, AJ Styles in the title match and probably we will have Samoa Joe vs Lance Hoyt. And I am pretty sure about Sting vs Samoa Joe vs AJ at BFG, but it is just a tought

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Another great Impact you've got there XB... I do really enjoyed reading it...

Best Match: Roode/Joe, well.. the ME is also great but I enjoyed reading Roode and Joe's match more...

Worst Match: n/a

Best Promo: Once again, all of the promos were great, but well.. I am going to pick Cage looking for Monty and the Angle/Jarett (tie)

Worst Promo: n/a

Another great show... I do really wonder who will challenge the Naturals.. I don't know why.. lol... Can't Wait for Hard Justice!

Wrestling God

Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Agree with The Leviathan Roode vs Joe for me

Worst Match: None at all and i looed very hard lol

Best Promo:Angle and Jarrett for me

Worst Promo: n/a

What a great show XB looking forward to hard justice, your match writing is getting better in my opinion you use all the superstars vey well espically in youur matches keep up the good work man.

The Ripper

Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match- The Main event

Worst Match- N/A

Best Promo/Interview/Segment- Christian Cage looking for Monty Brown

Worst Promo/Interview/Segment- None really but the weakest one was probably the Kevin Nash one

Additional Comments/Feedback: Cant wait for Hard Justice it is becoming one hell of a card especially with the Fall count anywere and AJ getting his rematch


Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Styles/Hoyt

Worst Match: Joe vs Roode

Best Promo: Jarrett/Angle

Worst Promo: Christian's. (He called so many people posers, and called Chris Harris a rookie?)

Add. Comments: Good show, except you made Robert Roode kind of look like a face when he came out after being attacked and finished the match. Other than that good show, and I'm so glad AJ won, I hate Lance Hoyt.
Jun 10, 2007
Reaction score
First, I just want to say check out my BTB, TNA-The future of pro wrestling if you want. I just wrote my preview, any feedback will be greatly appreciated...

now on to my review!

Best Match: AJ Styles vs Lance hoyt- This was a great match with an awsome finish, I hope AJ wins the TNA World Title!

Worst Match: N/A-All of your matches were great.

Best Angle: Christian Cage looking for Monty Brown-This was a very entertaining segment that really put Christian Cage over as a heel. It was funny how he treated everybody as posers and how he said "move out of the way the instant classic is here" lol. great segment and your promos are really genious

Worst Angle: N/A

Additional Thoughts: I really enjoyed reading your show. You really know how to keep the readers entertained! I hope AJ Styles gets the TNA World Title because he really deserves it and it would be really awsome for him to fued with Joe over the title after he wins it.

Overall: 9.5/10 Amazing show once again


Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol, England
BM: I'm gonna be the odd one out and say Hernandez vs Brother Devon

WM: All phenomenal but if I had to choose one it would be the main event (don't take it in a bad way, all the matches were great)

BP/S: Angle and Jarrett, started off the show nicely.

WM/S: A few repeated phrases and at some points made me lol, eg. rookie Chris Harris is pissing me off, classic! Hard to choose both the wordt match and worst promo.

Additional comments: i really enjoyed that show, not many sows make me feel bad when I chose a worst match (when it's still class) and that's how good a booker you are. Definately not losing your tounch any time soon 10/10!


Best Match: Styles/Hoyt

Worst Match: D'Von/Hernandez, not bad just not as good as the rest

Best Promo: Christan looking for Monty

Worst Promo: nash's was the weakest

Another great show... Hard Justice looks great im looking forward to Styles/Sting


Best Match: Styles/Hoyt.....great match

Worst Match: N/A

Best Promo: Cage, definalty......I loved him calling people Posers...LMAO. And who can forget the PEEPSHOW!!!!

Worst Promo: N/A

Another great show man. This one I will give a 8.8/10

Viva La Luke

Apr 20, 2007
Reaction score
Newcastle, Australia
Very Good Show XBA

Best Match: Samoa Joe/Robert Roode

Worst Match: Devon/Hernandez was the weakest

Best Promo: Christian Cage

Worst Promo: Kevin Nash's was the weakest


Jun 18, 2007
Reaction score
Memphis, TN.
Best Match: Roode/Joe, I enjoyed this, I'm trying to write similar matches, or at least just as good, as everyone is I bet.

Worst Match: maybe LAX/Team 3-D, it was ok, just not the best.

Best Promo: Angle/Jarett is a good way to kick off iMPACT!.

Worst Promo: I'm not so sure...they were all pretty good, and very TNA-like.

Additional Feedback/Comments: Great show man, as usual. The promos were just like TNA promos that you see on iMPACT!, and everyone is so in character. 9/10.



Official Preview Guide:

Total iMPACT!
Focus Point of the Week:
With only days before Hard Justice on PPV, TNA iMPACT! rolls on with possibly one of it’s biggest shows yet! As TNA iMPACT! went off the air last week, it saw “The Phenomenal One” AJ Styles pinning Jim Cornette’s enforcer Lance Hoyt to be named the Number One Contender for the TNA World title at Hard Justice to face Sting. Earlier in the night, there was a confrontation between both Hoyt, Roode, and Sting, which then saw Samoa Joe come in and demolished both Hoyt and Roode. He had a heated confrontation with Sting and told him to watch his back, even though Joe has no way of getting to the title before Hard Justice. Joe fought Robert Roode then after, destroying him outside the ring before the match, busting him open again. At the end of the program, Samoa Joe came to the ring once again and pummeled Hoyt and Roode with a steel chair, busting Roode open for the third time that night, will Joe face justice this week for his actions?


Main Event:
“The Icon” Sting and “The Olympic Gold Medalist” Kurt Angle vs. “The King of the Mountain” Jeff Jarrett and “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles

Samoa Joe vs. Lance Hoyt w/ Robert Roode and Ms. Brooks

Christopher Daniels vs. Senshi w/ Kevin Nash (Jerry Lynn as Guest Referee)

The TNA iMPACT! Debut of the Peepshow!
With special guest “The Alpha Male” Monty Brown.

Plus Chris Harris, The Naturals, and Team 3D!

TNG: Total Non-Stop Gossip :
Raven has been released from the hospital yesterday, although Rhino is still in very serious condition.

TNA is in major negotiations with a former TNA star, it is said that most contact has been through Christian Cage.

Bound For Glory this October has officially soldout, Chicago will be rocking this Fall with TNA’s biggest show of the year!