
VIDEO: Highlights from TNA’s 5 Year Anniversary show Slammiversary!
Pyros go off as SoCal Val blows you a kiss and the iMPACT! theme plays.
Tenay: Don, we are mere days off Slammiversary, and when I think about the “Phenomenal†event, I could only think of one man.
West: Well, Mike, it sure was “Phenomenal†and I am sure everyone knows who we’re talking about…AJ STYLES! The Phenomenal One finally regained the NWA World Championship in the King of the Mountain match ending the 4 month reign of Kurt Angle!
Tenay: Speaking of Kurt Angle, there was brutal brawls mentally and physically between the Olympic Gold Medalist and the King of the Mountain Jeff Jarrett last Sunday!
West: Mike, Jeff said taking out Angle is what is best for TNA, well, he almost took him out last Sunday, well out of the match that it. Angle was so close to pinning Styles to be eligible to win, but he couldn’t even pull that off since Double J broke up his pin. Angle was the only man throughout the match not eligible to pin. Well that set him off and both men brawled out of the iMPACT! zone abandoning the match!
AJ Styles’ music hits as AJ pops out of the tunnel holding his new NWA World Championship belt. He is also carrying a briefcase.
AJ: Well, well, iMPACT! Zone! Let’s give a huge round of applause to your new NWA World Heavyweight Champion! This marks my 4th title reign! You are looking at a 4 time NWA Champion! So let’s catch us up to speed, because I am pretty slow myself. I am a 4 time champion winning it at the 5 year anniversary PPV beating many men among the 6 time NWA Champion Jeff Jarrett. 4…5…6, I don’t know what I am getting at, but it’s one weird coincidence. Now, this NWA World Heavyweight championship symbolizes many things. Honor, respect, tradition, guys like Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, Sabu, Sting, and even the Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle, but it also represents something else.
West: What could AJ be talking about here Mike?
AJ: This NWA World Championship also represents TNA’s youth. TNA is the second largest…no, the largest wrestling promotion on God’s green Earth, so why not kick off the official era of TNA with the Phenomenal One? This company has been through a lot, and who has been there right by it’s side, me the Phenomenal AJ Styles for the last 5 years! So I have this brief case with me for a reason. Inside this briefcase represents TNA’s legacy, TNA’s future, inside this briefcase…
He pulls out a belt.
AJ: …is the new TNA World Heavyweight Championship! Yea that’s right folks, this is the belt that will be the face of TNA forever, and my name will be the first on it!
Christian Cage’s music hits as the Instant Classic hits the iMPACT! Zone stage.
Cage: Hold on a damn minute AJ! You don’t think this monumental moment in TNA history would be without the Instant Classic would you? Of course not. Let’s take a look at that brand new championship…
AJ pulls it away.
Cage: C’mon buddy let me see the…DAMNIT AJ! You would be nothing without the Instant Classic! TNA would be nothing without the Instant Classic! I got my ass beat last night and deserve that belt more than you and more than everyone else in that match last Sunday!
Samoa Joe’s music hits as Joe quickly walks into the ring.
Joe: Excuse me Cage? You had the opportunity to win, but you couldn’t kick out of AJ’s Clash!
Cage: Shut the hell up Joe! I deserve that belt, I am sore as hell and it can’t be for nothing give me that damn belt!
Joe: Hey CLB cool it. I almost shattered by kneecaps from that collision with the ladder. I am not saying I deserve anything, AJ put it up there, therefore AJ deserves it the most!
AJ: Thank You Joe…
Joe: However I don’t deserve the belt, but I deserve the next shot!
Cage: What happened to Samoa Joe Mr. Modest, in that case I deserve the shot!
Sting’s music hits as the Icon Sting his the ramp and walks to the ring with a huge ovation.
Sting: So let me get this one straight, after both getting a huge title match last Sunday, which both of you lost, you both think you deserve a shot at the big one huh? Well, what about a guy like me Cage, how about a star like me Joe, when does the Stinger get a shot at the TNA World title huh?
AJ: Hey, hey, hey, hey, settle down all you animals! There is only one champion here! That’s me! I call all the shots, I hold all the cards! So, concerning the number one contender ship, I will make a decision…
Jim Cornette appears on the screen.
Cornette: AJ! Shut up! Joe, Cage, and Sting, listen here, if it were up to me none of you guys would get title shots! However, since it is the new dawning of TNA wrestling, I will have to think this one through, who deserves the first shot at the TNA world title? That question will be answered next week, I bid you good day gentlemen.
Homicide and Hernandez are roaming around outside the iMPACT! Zone. Since 3LK defeated them at Slammiversary, they aren’t allowed in 3LK territory (the parking lot.)
Homicide: Damn those little ho’s man. Can’t believe they sacked us like that homes.
Hernandez: Bummer.
Homicide: Yo man watch out!
Petey Williams and Eric Young blindside LAX in front of the iMPACT! Zone. Petey clotheslines Hernandez and Eric takes numerous shots at Homicide. Eric kicks Homicide below the belt and DDT’s him on the concrete. Petey flips the lid open on a big trash can in the front lot. Eric and Petey pull up Hernandez and throw him in there closing the lid.
Petey: Well Eric, that’s what I call taking out the trash.
Eric: Think TNA is ready for us again?
Petey: Yea, looks like the Bash Brothers are back in town.
Tenay: The Bash Brothers? Well, I don’t know what that’s about, but let me tell you something, we haven’t seen Eric or Petey Williams for awhile ever since LAX took them out a couple months back, looks like they just got revenge!
Monty Brown’s music hits as Monty Brown explodes with a thunderous ovation in the iMPACT! Zone.
Sharkboy’s music hits as Sharkboy comes out of the tunnel.
Monty Brown vs. Sharkboy
Monty Brown signals to Sharkboy to get the first shot, he bends over and begs Sharkboy to put him in a headlock. Sharkboy pauses, then he slaps a headlock on Brown. Brown lifts him up and backdrops him. Brown pulls him by his mask and body presses him. He pins him 1…2…Brown lifts Sharkboy’s shoulders off the mat.
West: Monty is just toying with him now Mike.
Tenay: Don, did you really expect this to be a good match anyways? Sharkboy never had a chance!
Monty Brown whips him across the ring and Pounces him right out of his fins. He covers Sharkboy 1…2…Monty gets up. He looks at the rocking fans in the iMPACT! Zone. They cheer “One More Time!†Monty laughs picks up Sharkboy and delivers a huge Pounce one more time on Sharkboy. He covers him 1…2…3!
WINNER: Monty Brown
Monty Brown feeds off the crowd as he goes up the turnbuckles and celebrates.
Lance Hoyt’s music hits as Big Lance Hoyt pops out of the tunnel.
Lance runs down the ramp into the ring. Brown runs into him and they start brawling out on the ring canvas. Lance gets on top and nails repeated shots on the Alpha Male. Lance pulls out handcuffs and clamps Brown onto the top rope. He slaps him in the face and repeatedly hits him across the skull. Lance gets a chair from outside the ring. He sets up the chair backwards in front of him, he grabs him by the throat.
Hoyt: Hey Monty…Hey Monty! Listen to me when I am talking to you boy! From the offices of Mr. Jim Cornette, and this is quote! “Due to the recent reactivity of Monty Brown on in TNA, he has been out of action for a long time, so he needs to make up that time. So, in 2 weeks on iMPACT! Mr. Monty Brown will compete in a match against Lance Hoyt. The catch is…that it will be inside 6 Sides of Steel!†So Monty, if you can hear me boy, what do you think about that one Monty, Mr. Alpha Male! 6 Sides of Steel, you and me go another round, 2 weeks Monty, tick freakin’ tock!
Kevin Nash is seen walking down the hallways of the iMPACT! Zone on their way out to the ring.
Nash: Senshi, I am really proud of you defeating Daniels, keeping the belt, and most of all keeping me as your manager, because I have major plans in store for you, just wait, but first you have to knock off Jay Lethal next, you ready…good.
Senshi’s music hits as the X Division Champion Senshi comes down the ramp with Kevin Nash. Senshi is sporting the New TNA X Division Championship belt.
Tenay: Hey look there Don, since our 5 Year Anniversary, the company is literally getting bigger than we could have ever dreamed, new belts, more fans, better ratings, it’s great, and look at Senshi’s new X Division title!
West: It is a beautiful belt Mike, and you better to have it than the Warrior Senshi!
Jay Lethal’s music hits as Black Machismo comes down the aisle. Christopher Daniels is seen walking right behind him.
Jay Lethal w/ Christopher Daniels vs. Senshi w/ Kevin Nash
Lethal showboats to the crowd with his Macho Man impersonation, Senshi stands behind him and Insuguri’s him in the back of the head. Lethal goes down and Senshi grabs one of his legs. Lethal gets up on the other leg and Senshi still is holding his other and Lethal nails a Dragon Whip on Senshi. Lethal covers Senshi 1…kickout! Lethal picks him up and signals he’s gunna throw him over the top rope, he launches him, but Senshi reverses and whips Lethal pulling him back and kneeing him in the gut. He runs towards the ropes and back bulldogging Lethal. He covers him 1…2…kickout! Daniels pounds on the mat cheering Lethal on. Lethal gets up and is hammered with axe kicks by Senshi, Lethal ducks one of them and nails a chin breaker on the Warrior. Lethal gets Senshi into a cradle pin 1…2…kickout! Lethal puts Senshi into head scissors submission. Senshi begins to fade. Lethal tightens the hold. Nash pounds on the mat cheering Senshi on. Senshi starts pumping his arms up and down and breaks out of the hold. Both men get up, Lethal goes for a right, Senshi blocks, Jay goes for a left, Senshi blocks, Lethal goes for a kick. Senshi catches the kick and spin kicks Lethal down. He covers Lethal 1…2…kickout by Black Machismo. Senshi goes to the corner and Nash gets on the apron and gives him some advice. Daniels runs around the ring and trips Nash off the apron, Nash’s head bounces off the apron. Lethal creeps behind Senshi and gets a modified cradle roll up, pinning Senshi 1…2…3!
WINNER: Black Machismo Jay Lethal
Tenay: Wow, what another win by Lethal, this guy has been on a role after confronting Jim Cornette about him being an active wrestler!
West: Yea Mike, congrats go out to Jay Lethal, but he might as well not have pulled it off if it wasn’t for the Fallen Angel!
Jeff Jarrett is sitting down with Jeremy Borash.
JB: Jeff, I want to thank you for coming out tonight to speak about this issue.
Jarrett: Glad to be here Jeremy, thank you.
JB: I am sure everyone, including myself is anxious as to what is really going on here with you and one the Olympic Champion Kurt Angle.
Jarrett: Well JB. It’s real simple if you think about it. Long story, short, Kurt Angle. He has just got to go.
JB: Has to go? What do you mean?
Jarrett: I mean what I say Borash, Angle has got to go.
JB: Look what Kurt has done for TNA so far, and you say he has just got to go?
Jarrett: Listen, everyone looks at Kurt Angle like he is the best thing since sliced bread. Trust me, I am a ring veteran, when I look at Kurt Angle, all I see is hype. This kid thinks he deserves more than guys like me, AJ, Scottie Steiner, well the thing is, Kurt, just because you made it in WWE, doesn’t make you any better than any of us here, bottom line.
JB: Well, Jeff, I have to ask you , when you broke Angle’s only chance at being eligible to hang the belt last Sunday, what went through your mind, don’t you know that Angle is a beast, what I am trying to ask you is, are you, Jeff Jarrett, the King of the Mountain, are you afraid of Kurt Angle?
Jarrett: Good question Jeremy, sometimes I think about that myself. When I came back into TNA, to join the King of the Mountain match, Kurt was champ, and Jim called me and said, do you want another run? I said sure, he said chances are you will probably go against Kurt, because he is champ right now. It even went through my head then, I got to tell you Jeremy, I don’t really know. I guess we will have to find out now won’t we. Next week Jeremy right here on iMPACT! I will call out the one and only Kurt Angle. TNA needs to be ridden of Kurt Angle once and for all, I carried this company for 5 years, and I think I am the most qualified man to do the job.
JB: Well Jeff thanks for taking the time out to stop and address the situation.
Jarrett: Always a pleasure JB.
Tenay: DW, I think Jeff Jarrett means business, you see the intenseness of Jarrett, I don’t believe I have ever seen that side of him before.
West: We have seen every side of Jarrett possible, but I don’t think we have ever seen him more focused than right now trying to get Angle out of TNA.
Team 3D’s music hits as the NWA World Tag Team Champions come out to the ring.
Rhino’s music hits as The War Machine comes to the ring.
Raven’s music hits as Raven comes out of the tunnel.
Team 3D vs. Rhino and Raven
Brother Ray and Rhino start off this match. They lock up, Rhino backs Ray back into the corner. The ref separates them. Rhino takes a cheap shot at Ray and then nails him with shoulder thrusts into Ray’s gut in the corner. Rhino drags him out to the middle of the ring and body slams him. Rhino connects with an elbow and covers Brother Ray 1…2…kickout! Rhino drags Ray over to his corner and tags in Raven. Rhino picks him up and Atomic Drops him and Raven connects with a clothesline. Raven covers Ray 1…2…kickout! Raven picks him up, but Ray rakes his eyes and back elbows Rhino in the face. He hits Raven, nails Rhino, slams Raven, breaking out of the corner. Brother Ray runs to get a tag to Devon across the ring, but Raven drop toe holds him. Raven knee drops him, again, and connects with 3 knee drops. He pins him 1…2…kickout! Raven can’t believe it. Ray goes to crawl over to the corner, but Raven stops him and puts him in a knee lock submission hold. Ray panics and finally Devon comes in and breaks the hold. The ref starts pushing Devon back into the corner. Rhino runs in and picks up Ray. He body slams him and Raven leg drops him. As the ref turns around, Rhino gets out and the ref sees Raven pin Ray 1…2…kickout! Raven goes and tags in Rhino. Rhino goes out and whips Ray back into their corner. He starts mounting punches on Ray. 1…2…3…4…5…6…Ray gets Rhino up for a powerbomb reversal and nails it planting Rhino to the mat. Ray begins to crawl.
Tenay: That could have been the deciding moment in this match Don, come on Brother Ray, come on Team 3D get back into this!
Ray, with his last bit of strength jumps and makes the tag to Devon. Devon explodes shoulder blocking Rhino, then Raven comes in and Devon clotheslines him as well. Rhino gets up again, but Devon connects with a side Russian Leg sweep. Devon pins Rhino 1…2…Raven breaks the pin. Devon gets up and brawls with Raven. Raven tries whipping Devon to the ropes, but Devon counters whipping Raven, Raven reverses and whips Devon into the ref. Raven tries to get the ref up but Ray ambushes him. He nails the Bubba Bomb onto Raven. Rhino is seen in the far corner, he is looking for the Gore, he runs, but Ray moves and Rhino nails into the turnbuckles.
Jim Cornette’s music hits and Jim Cornette stands at the top of the ramp.
Cornette: Alright listen up you two table smashing hooligans. I have my hands full with AMW, how they get treated unfairly, how 3LK wants a title shot at you guys since they won at Slammiversary, and I got Gail Kim threatening to sew me for what you 2 shmo’s did to that woman last week.
Ray signals to Devon just to keep going. Devon slides the table into the ring and Ray sets it up.
Cornette: I am warning you two, no more tables guys or you are going to pay.
Ray pretends to cry, and he signals for the 3D on Raven. Ray pauses and Raven and Rhino slide down the ring. Team 3D stopped the 3D. Jim Cornette walks to the ring.
Cornette: Well guys I am you saw things my way. Now I have a little proposition…
Ray grabs the mic.
Ray: You know what Jimmy, I don’t like what you just did. The 3D is what we are all about, the tables are what me and my brother are all about. If you take that away from us, there might as well be no Team 3D!
Cornette: Well if that’s the sacrifice you need to make, I suggest you deal with it to keep your jobs.
Team 3D looks at each other and laughs. They nail the 3D on Jim Cornette through the table.
West: Oh my God! Did you see that!? They just 3D’d the boss through a table!
Team 3D grabs their belts and walks up the ramp. Jim Cornette shakes and roles around on the mat, with his last bit of strength he grabs a mic.
Cornette: Urgh…You sons of bitches! …Ow…You just violated….the Zero Tolerance System…therefore…you are stripped of your titles! That’s right!
Tenay: What? Team 3D stripped of the titles? Can he do that Don?
West: Yea he sure can, he’s the boss!
Rhino and Raven are walking back to the locker room when they are ambushed by the Naturals. Shane Douglas is seen in the back laughing as Chase and Andy beat the hell out of Rhino and Raven. They slam Rhino into the steel garage door and throw Raven through the locker room door.
Douglas: Well boys, Team ECW is gone, I hope you know what you sons a bitches did, you abandon me, well now, you bastards will suffer the wrath of the Naturals!
Shane puts his arms around the Naturals’ shoulders and walks away.