Okay man first off I don't really have a problem with you normally but now I think your going too far.
If this was just some stupid game to get a reaction it wouldn't be that big of a deal, but now think your the fucking boss around here?
Considering I was the one who got you your Admin spot you'd figure you'd be riding my e-penis instead of trying to step up and cause shit. So where exactly do you get off?
Last time I checked this forum didn't belong to monkeystyle.
Last time I checked I was the most active Administrator, and the one who everyone comes to with their issues, if that doesn't put me ahead of you two guys I don't know what is.
Not to mention ever since I first got here this forum has been in the palm of my hand. If it wasn't for me, I doubt even half the posters here would still be here.
Since when did we start appointing mods without approval of the other admins? What gives you the right to do this without checking with at least myself and Chuck. Everyone knows that Chaos & Mark leave the place more or less to the 3 of us to handle. It works well that way. When we needed a new TNA Mod, although we all agreed in that case, in times when we can't agree at least we can get a majority vote. You didn't even ask.
Oh yeah, majority vote

You assholes have been deliberately out voting me on everything lately. How exactly is that supposed to work well when you two are ensuring that nothing I want done ever gets done?
I'm getting real tired of you acting like your fucking better or maybe you think your more qualified to be admin then myself or Chuck. And don't give me that seniority bull shit either.
Nah, not senority, plain old common sense. Eventually somebody has to make the tough decisions and take the heat and that is always me. So excuse me if I think that I have a right to take a bit more than the rest of you.
Chuck has been an admin for longer then you have.
And I'm starting to think it's time to retire him Ric Flair style.
I'm fucking warning you right now monk. Either you start acting like a team player again or myself and Chuck are going to fucking get your removed from the staff. Cause last I checked your the same as us. Not better then us.
You remove me from the staff and I walk. I'm out of here. Then we'll see how well you guys do.