Crayo said:
Where would the WWE Championship match and WHC match and hopefully (like it should be) the tag-team championship match? I like the concept, but it's not really a big enough PPV for that.
its a simple enough concept you have people paired together in "random" teams then you have 3 tag team matches were each winning pair goes through to the MITB match. It makes the match mean more because people have had to qualify, new teams can be formed from it and it could add to feuds by pairing 2 enemies together. You then have 4 matches including the Mitb so on a 3 hour PPV you could have the WHC, WWE title, tag and a mid card belt.
If you drop the world titles out to help their credability by not always being on PPV so people have to work towards getting a shot by not rushing a story line. You could then have 6 singles matches (1 or 2 as squashes to build up a monster) 1 MITB 1 tag and 1 mid card defense.