Monday Night Raw 5th of March 2012 discussion thread.

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Biggest self-mark since Bret Hart
Feb 2, 2012
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Crayo said:
Oh dear Dolph, oh dear.

Thought you were the oldest here? :troll:{You trolling?}


how am I trolling? You brought up some off the wall comparison between Rock/Cena feuding and Obama being black or white, in which he is both. Are you trolling or do you really not know his Mom is a white lady?


Biggest self-mark since Bret Hart
Feb 2, 2012
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My God you are unbearable these days. Your posts are under my head, if anything.


Biggest self-mark since Bret Hart
Feb 2, 2012
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I'll ask my 10 year old sister to explain it to me. It's about on her level of thinking


Mar 4, 2012
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United Scotland of Ambrose
I found the HBK/HHH segment a bit boring to be honest, nothing much new from last promo. Still looking forward to HBK as special referee.

Santino winning the US title was awesome, he really deserves it and he put an end to Jack Swagger's meaningless reign.

Zack Ryder's return was pretty cool. REally hope, actually no. I pray that it isn't Kelly vs Eve @ 'Mania.

The tag match was decent. Although Jericho won despite the fact he wasn't the legal man! Still the best way for it to finish because Jericho needed the upper hand. Bryan Sheamus need some sort of promo on Smackdown, their fued has been non-existent so far.

Rock's history promos were hilarious besides the annoying stereotypical comment about England. I really cringed at that.

Rock/Cena promo annoyed me a bit though. There were a few things about it. One is that Rock needs a legit reason to hate Cena. Cena already explained how much it means to him etc but Rock has no reason to dislike him really?

One thing that REALLY annoyed me and many other was Cena's no sell when Rock was being serious. It really made him look pathetic and low especially when the crowd chanted "tooth fairy". He just looked so excited that the crowd were on his side, he seemed so desperate to get their backing he totally ignored the fued and make The Rock look like a total tit.

Also, why the hell did Rock walk to the back then let Cena talk again? They did it last week as well and it just seems stupid.

This fued really needs to improve next week otherwise we may witness one of the biggest let downs in WWE history.
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Dec 19, 2011
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R'Albin said:
I found the HBK/HHH segment a bit boring to be honest, nothing much new from last promo. Still looking forward to HBK as special referee.

Santino winning the US title was awesome, he really deserves it and he put an end to Jack Swagger's meaningless reign.

Zack Ryder's return was pretty cool. REally hope, actually no. I pray that it isn't Kelly vs Eve @ 'Mania.

The tag match was decent. Although Jericho won despite the fact he wasn't the legal man! Still the best way for it to finish because Jericho needed the upper hand. Bryan Sheamus need some sort of promo on Smackdown, their fued has been non-existent so far.

Rock's history promos were hilarious besides the annoying stereotypical comment about England. I really cringed at that.

Rock/Cena promo annoyed me a bit though. There were a few things about it. One is that Rock needs a legit reason to hate Cena. Cena already explained how much it means to him etc but Rock has no reason to dislike him really?

One thing that REALLY annoyed me and many other was Cena's no sell when Rock was being serious. It really made him look pathetic and low especially when the crowd chanted "tooth fairy". He just looked so excited that the crowd were on his side, he seemed so desperate to get their backing he totally ignored the fued and make The Rock look like a total tit.

Also, why the hell did Rock walk to the back then let Cena talk again? They did it last week as well and it just seems stupid.

This fued really needs to improve next week otherwise we may witness one of the biggest let downs in WWE history.

Nice post. Liked! Looks like we're on the same page here.
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Mar 4, 2012
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HHH HBK segment was good, good way to announce HBK as the special referee, looking forward to seeing what they do with Undertaker and HBK next week, I'm a fan of HBK being the referee as it adds another dimension to the match. We now have the two men synonymous with Hell in a Cell battling it out for the first time in the cell, the streak is on the line against the man who has come closest to ending it and now we have HBK as the referee a man who says he respects the streak and doesn't think/want anyone to end it but who is also HHH's best friend. Should be a great match.

Santino winning was a great moment, he's really over, can work in the ring and has some of the best facial expressions in the ring I've ever seen. Great midcard champion and looking forward to seeing who he works with.

The Eve/Ryder thing was interesting and it should be good to see what direction they take it

The tag match was good and the ending was really good, looking forward to the WWE title match, the World title match needs more build in my opinion

The Rock's history lessons were fantastic, really entertaining and built up the confrontation with Cena really well

Cena's first promo was alright, he said why he wanted the old Rock back and was a good build for Rock to come out. The one thing I hated about this first bit was the way he no sold the history lesson segments; he said something along the lines of yeah I watched him call me trash all night, and i loved it. This is bullshit as it makes Rocks insults seem nothing and actually to me makes Cena look like a prick.
The Rocks promo was actually pretty good, he bought intensity and cut out all the twitter stuff from last week, he got in Cenas face and should have been a great moment.........but of course Cena ruined it with his stupid goofy smirk he had on his face. It took all the intensity out of the promo and made Rock look like nothing, Rock then gets in Cena's face and calls him his bitch, Cena smirks and says nothing and then cuts a pretty intense promo after Rock has left the ring, why not do this to the Rock's face? that could have been a really good moment them standing nose to nose going back and forth. In my opinion Raw should have gone off air with Rock and Cena nose to nose seething at each other. They are well on their way to ruining this feud and by "they" i mean Cena, his no selling of the Rocks promo took all intensity out of the feud and has me totally disinterested, can you imagine Austin smirking during a promo with the Rock? or Foley smirking during one of HHH's promo? or McMahon laughing off Austin?

Apart from the last segment I really enjoyed RAW and am now actually looking forward to HHH/Taker more than Rock/Cena and considering Rock/Cena has been built for a year and is billed as the biggest match of all time, this is seriously wrong

Lockard 23

The WWF/E Guru
Feb 10, 2012
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Union City, Tennessee
It's obvious WWE are trying to make Cena look good int his feud. He's going over at Wrestlemania, so it's only logical they would have him be Rock's equal in promos as well.

Although I'm going crazy over how people think Cena actually got the better of Rock last night. A week ago I could understand, but there was nothing Cena said last night that I would consider "ownage." Rock's Boston Tea Party stuff was classic, though.

I thought it was a very good episode of Raw overall.

Jose Tortilla

Feb 5, 2012
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Tea party was good.
But the history thing sucked big time.
Cena > Rock last night.