Monday Night Mayhem 4/13/2009

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Aug 10, 2007
Reaction score

Kerry Lane: Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to another great Monday Night Mayhem.

Josh Hart: The main event is going to be,

Suddenly If I was your Vampire plays and the crowd stands on their feet as Kassidy walks out onto the stage holding hands with Val and the IWF Championship over his shoulder.

Josh Hart: Talking about being rudely interrupted.

Kassidy and Val continue to walk down the ramp way and to the ring, Val holds Kassidy’s hand as she walks up the steps and then once Val is on the apron Kassidy lets go and Kassidy slides into the ring under the bottom ropes, Kassidy holds the ropes open for Val and Val enters the ring. Now in the center of the ring with microphone in hand Kassidy lays the title on the mat next to him and his music stops.

Kassidy: It seems there’s quite a pattern forming around me, when I am at the top and someone puts a target on my back it never stays in the ring. These cowards bring everything they can into it to distract me; since day one someone has had to bring the people around me into my problems instead of it just being a simple one on one match they have to mix emotion and people in it. Back when I first started everyone had to say something about Amanda, then it moved forward with my brother Cristian, to my son and now Val. Well since MNM choose to make it an emotional issue to make it a BLOOD issue then I promise at Final Impact it will end and it will end with more blood then MNM has ever lost in a single match. At Final Impact when the smoke has cleared and the lights a dimming down to finish the show MNM will be laying on the mat covered in so much blood that no one will be able to see MNM the man all they will see is MNM a blood covered piece of tangled flesh and meat and then only then will you truly regret making this more than just a one on one match.

The crowd is cheering “Kassidy is going to kill youâ€

And Ryan, if you even walk out to the ring during the match you will be sorry, because Ryan we are sorry that we didn’t stroke your penis and your ego like MNM does, we are sorry that our lives didn’t focus around you enough to where you were happy. Truth have it we don’t need you but MNM does and that’s all your there for, to be another back up boy, to serve MNM and help him get my title because he can’t do it on his own. Ryan what goes around comes around and you will get yours.

Kassidy drops the mic and grabs his title, returning backstage.

Kerry Lane: Strong words from the IWF Champion, Josh.

Josh Hart: He's going to have to back those words up at Final Impact, and it's going to be a hell of a thing to see! But for now, on wth the show!

Cameras come back from commercial and the fans are getting restless as they await the competitors. Suddenly The lights in the arena begin to flicker on and off as the beginning of Cowboys from Hell begins to play and them when the lyrics start Mike Miller goes through the curtain and stands at the top of the ramp posing for the crowd. The song continues to play as Mike starts to walk down the ramp he ignores the fans as he continues his way to the ring. He reaches the bottom of the ring and hops up on the apron and then springboards him self over the rope then when the song reaches the solo he goes into each corner and does a cork screw back flip and then he waits for his opponent in one of the corners

Jessica Lock: First . . Inside the ring . . Weighing in at 212 pounds. . Hailing from Manhattan, New York! . . . Mike Miller!

The arena goes pitch black as "Welcome Home" by Coheed and Cambria plays on the speaker system. The crowd erupts in cheers at the anticipation of the entering superstar. A dark, imposing silouette steps out from behind the titantron and stands still with head low. As the music grows to a heavy and driving guitar riff, sparks fly on both sides of the darkened figure. He raises his head and clenches his fist as he roars through the shower of sparks. Three bright white pyros fire in the darkness and the lights come on as Magnus "Pathwalker" Greyson makes his way up the entrance ramp and down toward the ring. He stares, focused and determined, at the ring as the fans cheer and chant "Mag-nus, Mag-nus, Mag-nus!" He climbs in the ring and walks to the ropes with a steely gaze directed toward the crowd. He reaches violently for the top rope and jerks it downward and roars ferociously as his entrance theme pounds on

Jessica Lock: Making his way to the ring from Knoxville, Tennessee, standing 6 ft 5 and weighing 285 lbs, Magnus Greyson

Magnus Greyson vs Mike Miller

Bell Rings The bell rings and it signals the opening of the match. The two competitors circle eachother around the ring, Trying to jock for position. The two lock eachother up in the middle of the ring and Magnus Greyson being the heavier of the two leads his opponent towards the turnbuckle. The ref breaks them up and Magnus Greyson cleanly releases Miller. The two stretch out a little and locks up in the middle of the ring once again. This time Miller goes for a hammerlock, Going behind Magnus Greyson to apply pressure on the hold. Magnus Greyson reverses and locks a hammerlock of his own. After a few seconds, Miller somehow gets out of the hold and kneels to the mat before executing a firearms carry onto Magnus Greyson. Taylor falls to the mat back first and sits up while favoring his back. Miller then runs to the ropes and dropkicks the unguarded back of Magnus Greyson, Adding to the pain he already has inflicted. Magnus Greyson lays on the mat facing down while favoring his back while Miller continues his ruthless attack on Magnus Greyson and stomps on his head. Miller stops after a couple shots on the back of the head of Magnus Greyson and raises him up to his feet. Miller then whips Magnus Greyson to the turnbuckle and runs towards him, Hitting a shining wizard across Magnus Greyson's face on the corner. He then follows it up with a bulldog before attempting a pin

1 . .

2. .


Magnus Greyson somehow kicks out of it and Miller gets a little frustrated. Miller then raises Magnus Greyson to his feet and hits him with a backbreaker. Magnus Greyson continues to favor his back as Miller smells blood on the water, Targeting that certain body part. Miller then stomps on the chest of Magnus Greyson for a little bit before grabbing him by the head and whips him to the turnbuckle, As Magnus Greyson reaches the turnbuckle he swiftly climbs it and in one solid motion hits the approaching Miller with a Whisper in the Wind. The two lay on the mat for a few seconds and start to make their way up. The two meet in the middle of the ring and exchange blows to the head. It almost seems like a stalemate when suddenly Miller hits him with a knee to the gut killing any momentum Magnus Greyson barely started. He then puts Magnus Greyson in between his legs and hooks his arm before hitting him with a double underhook backbreaker, Crushing the back of Magnus Greyson. Miller then catches his breathe for a little while before continuing his offense. Miller attempts to lift Magnus Greyson up on his feet but Magnus Greyson somehow hit shim with a jawbreaker. Magnus Greyson then goes to his feet and attempts to hits Miller with a superkick as he turns back around to Magnus Greyson after favoring his jaw but Miller ducks away from it and locks him into a Elevated Boston Crab. Miller got it locked in, Halfway from the ropes and as Magnus Greyson tries to reach the ropes. Miller drags Magnus Greyson away to the middle of the ring and fully locks in the submission hold. Magnus Greyson screams in pain as Miller applies more pressure each second passes.

Kerry: You can only imagine the pain Magnus Greyson is going through

Josh: I though he loved pain Kerry? I guess Miller is just giving him what his asked for

]The hold is still locked in and Magnus Greyson continuously tries to get to the ropes. Magnus Greyson finally reaches the ropes. The ref counts to 4 before Miller lets go of the hold. Miller then grabs Magnus Greyson by his mask and Irish whips him to the ropes. Magnus Greyson bounces back and gets hit with a Belly to Belly suplex. Magnus Greyson flies to the other side of the ring and the ring shakes from the impact. Miller then grabs Magnus Greyson by the legs and drags him across one of the turnbuckles. He then signals for a Shooting Star Leg Drop and slowly goes up the turnbuckle. He gets ready to jump and as he lands on the mat, There was nobody home. Magnus Greyson in the last minute rolled away causing Miller to backfire. Magnus Greyson slowly gets up with the help of the ropes and dropkicks the seated Miller on to the face. Miller lays on the mat holding his face as Magnus Greyson grabs him by the head and whips him to the turnbuckle. Magnus Greyson then runs towards him and hits him with a clothesline before hitting him with a running bulldog. He hits him right in the middle of the ring. Magnus Greyson then runs to the turnbuckle and leaps to the top ring rope before hitting a Double springboard corkscrew senton splash. He then turns around and goes for a pin.
1. . .

2. .


Miller gets an arm up and Magnus Greyson looks at the ref before getting back on his feet and grabs Miller by the head. Magnus Greyson then kicks Miller to the gut before trying a facebuster, but Miller reverses , Backdropping Magnus Greyson to the mat. Miller gets a little impatient and kicks Magnus Greyson to the mid section as he gets up. Miller then hits him with an Implant DDT , Rattling the brain of Magnus Greyson. Magnus Greyson lays out cold as Miller goes to the apron and is thinking of a springboard clothesline. Magnus Greyson slowly makes his way up to his feet when suddenly Miller springboards off the top ring rope towards Magnus Greyson. Magnus Greyson sees this and in one solid motion he hits Miller with a Rude Awakening and levels him. Magnus Greyson then goes for the pin . .

1 ..

2. .


Greyson can’t believe it. He picks Mike Miller and goes for another Rude Awakening, however Miller out of nowhere gets out an Inside Cradle: 1…2…3

Winner: Mike Miller

Jessica Lock: Your winner . . Mike Miller

*** Commercial Break ***

Kerry Lane: We now go to Carl Long, who is standing by with "Maggot" Micheal Taylor.

Carl Long: Thank you. Mr. Taylor I would like to get your feelings on what happened last week in your match against King V, your match tonight with William Rose, and ultimately your match with CMS at Final Impact.

Taylor: My feelings? I dont have any feeling for this bullshit that has been going on. The bottom line is, CMS is scared of me. He should be. So he is throwing everything he can at me, hoping it will up his chances of getting a win over me at Final Impact. Last week, that little joke of a match with King V, everyone knew what was going to happen. Hell, I knew what was going to happen.

Carl Long: Well if you knew in advance wouldnt you have done things differently?

Taylor: Why? If it makes CMS feel like a man, sending all the members of the Rioting Mob Crew after me, instead of just waiting to get a piece of me at Final Impact, then go right ahead. But let me tell you one thing. It isnt going to matter. CMS, you can send King V, William Rose, James Patterson, hell send every superstar in the back, because at Final Impact, it is going to be just you and me, one on one. And when you get into that ring with me, there isnt going to be anyone to help you.

female voice: Michael Taylor!

Angelica Haze walks into view, resting a hand on the arm of Taylor, and smiling into the camera.

Angelica Haze: My name is Angelica Haze, and I'd like to offer you my invaluable services as your manager. It seems that you need someone in your corner right now, and I just happen to be available. What do you say?

Michael Taylor looks down at the woman holding onto his arm, until she removes her hand. He continues looking at her as if she is speaking a foreign language. Without a word he walks away, leaving Carl Long and Angelica staring after him. Angelica turns to Carl Long.

Angelica Haze: What, do I have something in my teeth?

Carl Long just shrugs as the camera returns to ringside.

Josh Hart: Its now time for the William Rose and Maggot match.

Kerry Lane: This is going to be a good one folks.

Fury out of the Storm by Shadow’s Fall hits the arena as William Rose steps out onto the stage and makes his way down to the ring glaring out all of the fans with hatred emotion.

Jessica Lock: Standing in at six feet seven inches weighing in at two hundred and eighty-nine pounds from Leeds, England, William Rose!

Josh Hart: We have William Rose taking on Maggot after his brutal match with King V from last week.

Kerry Lane: CMS is just using his bunch of losers to weaken up Maggot before the match so CMS has the advantage to come out on top.

The Cold Black by Slipknot hits the arena as Maggot steps out onto the stage and makes his way down to the ring.

Jessica Lock: Standing in at six feet two inches weighing in at two hundred and twenty-five pounds from Des Moines, Iowa, Maggot!

Josh Hart: Maggot needs to come out on top of this match or he’ll lose any chance of momentum going into Final Impact.

Kerry Lane: He’ll have his hands full with William Rose that’s for sure.

Single’s Match

William Rose

[Bell Rings]

William Rose and Maggot circle around the ring before locking up in the middle. Rose catches Maggot with a crisp right hand that quickly sets him to daze. Maggot comes too after the third right hand from Rose. Maggot than swings back and connects with a series of punches on his own sending Rose back to the corner. Maggot connects with a quick kick combination in the corner and than takes Rose down to the mat with a shuffle side kick in the corner. Rose hits the mat and Maggot quickly guides him back to his feet and sends him to the mat with an irish whip. Rose bounces back and Maggot takes him down to the mat with a hurricanrana. Maggot follows through with the hurricanrana and ends up across the chest of Rose and beats his face in with big right hands. The ref forces Maggot off of Rose after the count of five. Maggot makes it back to his feet and Rose catches him off guard with a quick thumb to the eye. Rose than grabs Maggot by his head and drops him on the mat with a stiff DDT. Rose makes it back to his feet and stomps away at Maggot down on the mat. Rose than taunts to the fans and guides Maggot back to his feet and catches him with a stiff kick to the midsection and than plants him back on the mat with a belly to belly suplex. Rose lies across the chest of Maggot and hooks his legs for the cover. The ref gets down to make the count, but Maggot is able to kick out right after the two.

Josh Hart: Folks this has been a great match between these two men.

Kerry Lane: Its been back and forth already and the match still isn’t over.

Rose makes it back to his feet and guides Maggot back to his and send him into the corner with an irish whip. Rose than charges towards Maggot in the corner, but Maggot drops down to the mat and catches Rose with a drop toe hold sending him face first into the middle turnbuckle. Maggot quickly makes it back to his feet and grabs Rose by his head and the back of his tights and sends him crashing into the ring post shoulder first. Maggot sets up across the ring and when Rose staggers out of the corner Maggot drops him to the mat with the Superkick. Maggot makes the cover and the ref gets down to make the count, but Rose is able to kick out right before the two. Maggot guides Rose back to his feet and Rose takes him down to the mat with a scoop slam. Rose than quickly guides Maggot back to his feet and sends him to the ropes with an irish whip. Maggot bounces back and Rose takes him down to the mat with a spinebuster. Rose makes the cover and the ref gets down to make the count, but Maggot is able to kick out right before the three. Rose guides Maggot back to his feet and Maggot drives his fist into the mouth of Rose that startles him and than Maggot drives his foot into the midsection of Rose. Maggot grabs Rose by his head and sets him up for the Heretic Cutter. Rose starts to fight out of the hold and just manages to slip away. Rose than grabs Maggot from behind with the rollup. Rose grabs a hand full of tights and the top rope for leverage as the ref counts the one two and three.
Winner: William Rose

Jessica Lock: Ladies and Gentlemen your winner of the matchup via pinfall, William Rose!

Josh Hart: That has to make CMS happy with Maggot losing twice in two weeks against his Rioting Mobb Crew.

Kerry Lane: CMS is just a coward and hides behind others until they do the dirty work for him.

*** Commercial Break ***

Jessica Lock: This following match is scheduled for one fall.

“My Quest “ By Dale Oliver plays as Lance Evans and Jamie Gibson appear at the top of the ramp, followed by Georgia Moore, spreading their respective flags over their shoulders. They walk down to the ring, and climb to the turnbuckle holding their flag’s in the air before going to their corners.

Jessica Lock: Making their way to the ring, weighing in at a combined weight of 445 pounds. Lance Evans and Jamie Gibson, The United Envies!

Kerry Lane: United Envies in action tonight, as they take on the newly reformed MNM Inc.

Josh Hart: You mean as they get beat down, just like Kassidy and Val Fox.

Jessica Lock: And their opponents, making his way to the ring, weighing in 6’5â€and 275 pounds, from Los Angeles California. He is the reigning Intercontinental Champion…Ryan Fox!

“Step Up†By Drowning Pool hits as Ryan Fox appears at the top of the stage. He crouches before saluting the ring and walking down to ringside. He stops before entering as to wait for his partner

Jessica Lock: And His Partner, Weighing in at 6 feet and 230 pounds, by way of Newcastle, England, MNM….Mike Nigel Manase

“We Made It†by Busta Rhymes feat. Linkin Park blasts, as the arena goes dark. The spotlight forms a star at the top of the stage. MNM cockily struts half way down the ramp, before throwing up the corna taunt as explosions go off. He and Ryan enter the ring, before heading to the corner opposite of the Envies.




(Ring Bell)

Lance is going to start off for the Envies. MNM backs out and Ryan starts for MNM Inc. They lock up in the middle of the ring, before Lance twists Ryan into a hammerlock. He backs Ryan towards the ropes, and irish whips him before planting him with a hard knife edge chop, dropping Ryan to the mat. He picks Ryan up, and Irish whips him into the turnbuckle before running and connecting with a Back Elbow Strike. Ryan is using the corner to support himself, as Lance sets him up for a series of Knife Edge Chops to Ryan’s Chest. An “Ooooh†chant can be heard from the crowd with each chop.

Kerry Lane: Lance Evans is starting off strong in this tag match! Looks like he is taking it to Ryan.

Josh Hart: Give it a second, Ryan and MNM will be dominating these two sooner or later.

Lance drags a groggy Ryan over to their corner before tagging in Jamie. Jamie ascends to the top rope, as Lance twists Ryan’s arm into an Armbar. Jamie flies of the top rope connecting with a double axe-handle to Ryan’s arm, dropping him to his knees. Jamie picks up Ryan and begins to land a series of punches on his jaw before twisting and connecting with a haymaker, leveling Fox. He bounces of the ropes before dropping on Ryan with a Leg Drop then going for the Cover. (1..2..) Fox kicks out right before the count of 3. Jamie looks to the ref with disbelief before brings Ryan to a seated position and applies a chin lock. Ryan twists and turns, before Jamie plants a knee directly into his spine. The ref asks Ryan if he wants to give up, but Ryan shakes his head no. Ryan makes it to his feet slowly before connecting two elbows into Gibson’s gut. Gibson releases the hold. Ryan irish whips Gibson into the ropes and dropping him with a hard spinebuster.

Josh Hart: Wonderful Move By Fox!

Kerry Lane: I must admit that was impressive, it could be all over with that one.

Ryan goes for the cover(1...2…) Gibson kicks out right before three. Ryan grabs him by the hair and lifts him to his feet. Fox picks Gibson up on his shoulders before dropping him with a hard Samoan Drop. Ryan drags Gibson over to their corner before tagging in MNM. Mike hops into the ring and begins to furiously punch at Gibson, who Is held in a chicken wing by Fox. Fox releases as Gibson drops to the ground. MNM goes for the cover. (1…2.) Gibson kicks out right after two. MNM picks up Gibson and irish whips him into the ropes, before leaping and connecting with a swift calf kick to Gibson’s face.

Josh Hart: Just Look at the athleticism of MNM, Kassidy is going to be in major trouble come Final Impact.

MNM drags a motionless Gibson near the turnbuckle before climbing it. He jumps off, but misses with a frog splash as Gibson rolls out of the way. Both men are struggling to get to their feet as the ref starts the count.

Kerry Lane: What a miss by MNM, its called High Risk for a Reason.

Josh Hart: Yet, the ever resilient MNM will still be to his feet first.

MNM reaches his feet first, and leans on the rope for support. Jamie gets up and walks over to MNM as they begin to exchange right hands. MNM starts to lose the fist fight as Jamie connects with more right hands, however MNM pokes him in the eyes, then dropping him in a neckbreaker. MNM sits up with a cocky look on his face.

Kerry Lane: And MNM resorts the dirty underhanded tricks.

Josh Hart: He is still in control of the match, and that’s all that matters.

MNM drags Gibson over to Fox’s corner and makes the tag. Fox comes into the ring, as the two begin to stomp all over Gibson. The ref tries to regain control, before sending MNM to the the apron. Fox drops in for a cover. (1…2…) Gibson just barely kicks out as the ref’s hand was going to drop for the 3 count. Ryan flings Gibson into the corner he mounts and begins to punch. At the 5th punch, Gibson drops down and makes a sprint for his corner, but Ryan catches his foot. Jamie stretches to reach but turns around and hits an Enzugiri, and Gibson with a Hot Tag to Evans. Evans leaps in the ring, and levels an oncoming Fox with a clothesline. MNM comes into the ring and Evans picks him up in a back body drop. Evans approaches MNM and irish whips him into the ropes, following closely behind with a devastating lariat, sending MNM to the floor. Ryan runs after Evans, but gets caught in a snap scoop powerslam. He goes for the count. (1…2…) MNM pulls Lance Evans out of the ring, before planting a superkick right on his jaw dropping him.

Kerry Lane: Evans might have had the victory right there!

Josh Hart: But he pinned right where he threw out Manase, not a bright maneuver.

MNM drags a KO’ed Evans into the ring before he and Ryan start the double team. Ryan stomps Evans, as MNM runs and hits a flying forearm knocking Gibson to the floor. MNM walks back over to Fox. He picks up Evans and kicks him in the gut. He grabs him in a headlock, taunting. He levels Evans with a powerful Manase Effect. He leaves the ring with the Refs instruction. Ryan picks up the downed Evans and sets him up before nailing him with the Black Op Slam. He hooks the leg, as the Referee counts.


Jessica Lock: Your Winners, the team of Ryan Fox and Mike Nigel Manase, MNM Inc.!

Kerry Lane: Great effort by the Envies but..

Josh Hart*cutting off Lane*: It just wasn’t enough to match the power of the IC Champion Fox, and the future IWF Champion MNM! We will be right back with more Monday Night Mayhem after these words!

*** Commercial Break ***

Kerry Lane: Now we will be going backstage, where Elle West is sitting with the General Manager Edward Redding, along with Ezekial. Over to you Elle.

Elle West: Thank you Kerry! I'm here with my boss, and yours, Mr. Edward Redding. It's great to see you back sir. I trust you are in good health?

Edward Redding: Never felt better my dear. I am not going to allow anyone to keep me from doing my job, and I am back and better than ever.

Elle West: That's good to hear sir. I have some questions for you and Ezekial, hi by the way, regarding Ezekial's match at Final Impact with the man who has been the bane of your existence in recent weeks sir.

Edward Redding: Well Miss West, I granted this match between Ezekial and Enigma, not because of his antics and threats or violent acts upon my person, but to put it plainly, it is a good business decision. The fans want to see it, and you know I am all about giving the fans what they want.

Elle West: That is up for debate from what I hear sir. Ezekial, how do you feel about your upcoming match against Enigma at Final Impact?

Ezekial stares at Elle, looking right through her. She moves around uncomfortably in her seat, but lucky for her, Redding replies.

Edward Redding: Excuse my friend Ezekial, he has other more important matters on his mind. Allow me to say that come Final Impact, Mr. Enigma will be wishing he hadn't fought so hard to obtain this match. Nothing good will come to he who angers the General Manager, Miss West. And due to his actions, Mr. Enigma will soon realize the error of his ways.

Elle West: There are controversial rumors in the back sir, that the reason you booked this Last Man Standing match with Mr. Enigma and Kassidy, is to get payback on Mr. Enigma, with the added benefit of weakening Kassidy before he faces MNM at Final Impact. You relationship with MNM, and the nature of it was also brought into question. Is there any truth to these rumors sir?

Redding cocks his head at Elle, analyzing her critically, his eyes cold and calculating. Elle again squirms in her seat, fanning herself as both Redding and Ezekial stare at her. All at once, Reddings eyes soften and he again addresses her.

Edward Redding: I understand you are just trying to do your job Miss West. But please refrain from spreading or giving credence to these ridiclous rumors. I am a businessman, trying to do my job, the same as you. You look a little pale my dear, please turn on that fan, it can get a bit muggy in here after all.

Elle reaches out towards the light switch, flipping on the overhead fan, when a small object begins swaying lightly down to land on Reddings desk. All 3 of them lean forward, and Redding scrambles out of his chair as he identifies a playing card, the ace of spades, and sees a small red light flashing in the center.

Edward Redding: Get out! Go, go go! NOW!

All three of them leap up and race from the room, Redding slamming the door behind them and racing after them down the hall. From inside Redding's office comes a huge BOOM, as the door explodes outwards and the building shakes.

Kerry Lane: What the hell was that!?

Josh Hart: Was that a BOMB Kerry!?

Kerry Lane: We are going to take a quick break folks, we will be back with the details of what just occured after these words.

*** Commercial Break ***​

Kerry Lane: Ladies and gentleman, coming up next we are going to have on one the most devestating and unpredictable matches that this business has to offer, with IWF Champion Kassidy taking on Mr. Enigma in a match assigned for purely self serving reasons of the General Manager!

Josh Hart: Edward Redding is just giving the people what they want to see Kerry!

Green and black strobes flash sickeningly as air raid sirens blare, and Enigma comes walking uncertainly on to the stage. He glances around at the crowd, and his eyes flash maniacally as makes his way slowly down the ramp.

Jessica Lock: Making his way to the ring, from Jacksonville, Florida, standing 6ft 1 and weighing in at 250 lbs, Mr Enigma!!!

Enigma pays the crowd no attention as he gets into the ring, leaning back into the corner and looking anxiously around him.

Kerry Lane: Not quite the behavior of a man who is about to be in perhaps the most brutal match of his career, but then, looks can be decieving.

"If I was your Vampire" by Manson blasts as Kassidy appears at the top of the ramp, and gold pyro expodes over the stage.

Jessica Lock: Making his way to the ring from Transylvania, Romania, standing 6 ft and weighing in at 200 lbs, the IWF Champion, Kassidy Loren Hayes!!!

Kassidy then begins making his way down the ramp.

Josh Hart: And here is Kassidy, and he appears to have his game face on tonight, I'd be worried if I was.....hey!!

Enigma slides out of the ring and rushes Kassidy still on the ramp. He begins swinging wildly, knocking Kassidy off balance and begins hammering him across the back and shoulders with hard right hands.

Kerry Lane: Looks like Enigma isnt going to wait for Kassidy to get into the ring!

Last Man Standing Match

Enigma vs Kassidy

[Bell Rings]

Enigma grabs Kassidy and slams his head off the barrier and Kassidy falls to the ramp. Enigma lifts Kassidy by the back of the head and pulls him back to his feet, and Kassidy grabs him around the waist, picking him up and catching him with an atomic drop. Kassidy grabs Enigma by the back of the head and begins dragging him towards the ring. Kassidy pauses outside the ring, and slams a knee into Enigmas mid section, before throwing a martial arts kick and connecting with Enigma temple.

Kerry Lane: Wow, Kassidy showing off that vicious streak, we havent seen that in a while.

Kassidy rolls to his feet and aims another kick at Enigmas face before climbing back into the ring and catching his breath. Enigma slowly pulls himself to his feet, shaking the cobwebs from the kicks to the head by Kassidy and makes his way to the ring apron, and pulls himself into the ring under the bottom rope. Kassidy rushes forward, connecting with a leg drop across the back of Enigma. Kassidy the rolls Enigma around so his neck is extended outside the ring, climbs through the ropes and drops a knee to his face.

Josh Hart: Kassidy means business here! I can't remember a time when he was actually this sadistic.

Enigma grabs his face and rolls back into the ring, writhing in pain as Kassidy cockily ducks back into the ring. Kassidy pulls Enigma back up and backs him into the corner, delivering two hard knife edged chops, goes for a thrid when Enigma connects with a european uppercut, knocking Kassidy back and throws a boot the the gut. Kassidy hunches over and Enigma jerks a knee up into his face, knocking Kassidy backwards through the ropes to the floor.

Kerry Lane: Enigma fighting back!

Enigma drops to the mat and rolls out to the floor, hooking the leg of Kassidy and the ref gets a 2 count. Enigmapulls Kassidy back to his feet and rolls him back into the ring, sliding in after him and motions for Kassidy to get up. Kassidy slowly gets up on his knees and Enigma rushes forward, connecting with a hard kick to the sternum of Kassidy. Kassidy falls back clutching his chest and crawls to the ropes, pulling himself back up. Enigma comes up behind him and pushes Kassidy across the rope, grabbing the rope and yanking it up into Kassidys throat as Kassidy struggles for air. The ref rushes in and grabs Enigma, pulling him away from Kassidy. Enigma spins around, arguing with the ref as Kassidy gasps for air. Enigma pushes past the ref and runs into the opposite ropes, flying towards Kassidy, who bends down and gets a shoulder into the mid section of Edwards, lifting him up into a back bady drop over the rope and back onto the floor.

Josh Hart: Enigma met the ground hard out here in front of us Kerry!

Kassidy drops back to his knees, rubbing his throat and catching his breath. He rolls out of the ring as Enigma slowly begins to pull himself up onto the ring apron and begins throwing straight jabs into his kidneys, pulling him back out of the ring. Kassidy grabs Enigma by the back of the head, walking him around the ring, and tries to slam his head into the ringpost, but Enigma gets his foot up against the apron to block it, throws an elbow into the stomach of Kassidy and slams his head into the post.

Kerry Lane: Kassidy just ate steel right there!

Enigma pulls Kassidy back up, walking him along the outside of the ring and grabbing his head, slamming it down onto the ring steps. Kassidy falls to one knee and Enigma grabs him and pulls him back up, leaning his prone form against the barrier, backpedaling a couple steps and rushing forward with a clothseline, sending both men over the barrier and into the crowd.

Josh Hart: Watch out fans!

Kassidy gets up to his hands and knees and begins crawling towards the exit down the ramp way as fans either scream at him to get up and fight or reach out and try to grab strands of his hair or clothing. He gets back to his feet, pushing at the fans hands and shouting at them as Enigma gets back to his feet and pursues him. Kassidy looks back and sees Enigma rushing forward, and spins around, connecting with a superkick, and drops down for a cover. The ref stumbles over the barrier and begins pushing his way through the fans.

Kerry Lane: Get the hell out of the way, Kassidy has this won!

The ref drops to the ground just as Enigma kicks out. Kassidy gets up, trying to make his way past the crowd as Enigma stumbles back up. Kassidy turns back around, and sees Enigma stumbling up, and throws a swift kick to his abdomen, before setting him up for a powerbomb.

Josh Hart: Not a powerbomb on the concrete!

Kerry Lane: If Kassidy hits this he has it won for sure!

Kassidy braces his feet and goes to lift Enigma up, but Enigma struggles and his feet touch the ground as Kassidy grasps him more securely and tries again. He manages to get Enigma half way up before Enigma shifts his weight back down, and grabs Kassidy by the legs, lifting him up and over with a back body drop. Kassidy connects with the concrete as Enigma falls back to the floor.

Kerry Lane: Both men are down Josh, I dont know if either man can continue with this brutal match up!

Kassidy gets back to his feet and continues towards the backstage area as Enigma gets back to one knee and sees him getting away. Enigma struggles back up and begins pursuing him. Kassidy pushes through the double doors and disappears from sight as Enigma rushes after him, slamming through the doors as well and looking both ways in the empty hallway. Enigma walks forward and the doors close behind him. The cameraman shoves through the doors and Enigma and Kassidy are rushing towards each other, when suddenly, the lights go off.

Kerry Lane: What the hell is going on!?

Josh Hart: We can't see!

A huge scuffle can be heard, metal clanging, along with several groans before all is silent. The lights flash back on and the cameraman take a second to get himself oriented.

Kerry Lane: What just happened?

Josh Hart: Yeah where'd everyone go?

The camera spins around and stops on the sight of both Enigma and Kassidy, suspended by their feet, bound with electrical cord, and tossed over a metal beam in the ceiling. Blood drips down from a cut on Enigmas forehead, and a bruise is beginning to form on Kassidys cheekbone.

Josh Hart: What the hell! Who is responsible for this!?

Kerry Lane: Oh you know who is responsible for this just as well as I do Josh! That damn MNM Inc!

Technicians and medics swarm into the backstage area, rushing to get both men down and medically treated.

Kerry Lane: What a diabolical thing to do, and so characteristic of MNM Inc to try and get the advantage right before Final Impact!

Josh Hart: Theres no proof that MNM and Ryan Fox had anything to do with this Kerry. You blame them for anything that goes wrong around here.

Kerry Lane: With good reason. Who else has reason to string up Kassidy and Enigma but those two? I can't wait until Final Impact when those two will have to pay for all the mayhem they have caused!

Josh Hart: And the next time you see us, it will indeed be at Final Impact fans! The biggest night of the year, be sure to join us, as well as all of your favorite superstars, April 26th on pay per view!

Kerry Lane: See you then! Its going to be an unforgettable event! Good night!

*** END SHOW ***

OOC: Results of the Battle Royal will be added shortly, sorry for the inconvenience guys.

The Rated R CMStar

Battle Royal:

Sam Washington and F.S.D kick off the match.

Bobby King enters next.

Lucas Lewis enters next.

Bobby King eliminates Lucas Lewis

Message enters next.

George Bromhead enters next.

Liam Blair enters next.

Message eliminates Bobby King.

Liam Blair eliminates F.S.D

Liam Blair eliminates Sam Washington

George Bromhead eliminates Message

Liam Blair eliminates Message to win the match.