The Band of Misfits
Hayley Davis is standing outside of the locker of Hutt Anderson, Petey Payne, and the Navaks.
Hi! I am Hayley Davis, your featured IWF interviewer and I'm here to talk with Hutt Anderson and Petey Payne about their upcoming match with the Red Shield Mafia. I should be join by one or both of them shortly. Uhhhhhhh.
The door of Anderson's locker room opens and the crowd gets silent, but soon starts to boo as Petey "The Pistol" Payne, walks out of it and and looks at Hayley with a big grin across his face.
Well here is Anderson's tag team partner, Petey Payne.
Petey takes the microphone and holds it to his mouth with a big grin across his face.
Petey Payne
That's Petey "The Pistol" Payne, for more then one reason, if you know what I'm saying.
Hayley gets a disgusted look across her face as Petey smiles with a bigger and more annoying grin. The crowd shows heat to Petey as he begins to talk again.
Petey Payne
Okay, okay, okay, I'm sorry. In all truth, I know you probably had a more then..... extensive..... interview with half the wrestlers in the locker room. Hell I heard about you and Loki. So why not come in my hotel room and we can continue this interview. And maybe even, play a game.
Hayley swipes the microphone out of Petey hands to boos from the crowd regarding Petey's remark and begins to talk.
You're disgusting. Leave me alone and just answer the damn question.
Petey takes the microphone back.
Petey Payne
Oh yeah, I over heard what you were going to ask. About the Red Shield Mafia. Okay. I remember a time, last week, when Hutt Anderson talked about Loki being the biggest pile of crap to ever grace a wrestling ring. Well now after losing a match, that he wasn't even pinned in, we are going to face two of the biggest posers in IWF since the BPB Fury. The Red Shield Mafia. These guys smoke blunts they got from Nic Stone, and they act gangsta. Uhhh who was it that said that he is better then me? Nero........ I will personally break you in half.
Hutt Anderson opens the door to loud boos. Petey begins to talk again.
Petey Payne
Look here Hutt, this lovely, fish smelling little person wants to know your thoughts on the Red Shield Mafia.
The crowd gasps as Hayley gets pissed and walks off. Petey hands Hutt the microphone as Hutt begins to talk.
Hutt Anderson
There was an ominous feeling during the first week of IWF. Many people talking. Very little doing, which brings me to some thing. Diamente, also known as Nero, made a comment regarding our tag team match with BPB Fury. He said that we are pussies. Now BPB fury responded to it with a witty and useless comment, but as for me. I've been waiting for this chance to snap both of you like a twig. And come Monday, your beaten will be so poetic. At the end. Tears will be falling down my cheek. It will be a masterpiece.
Hutt puts his head up high and smirks to loud boos from the crowd.
Hutt Anderson
Someone who I once admired, told me I was going to become the greatest professional wrestler in the world. I was unknowing, because of the so many greats of the wrestling world today. I know now. No one can even hold a candle to my skill. Mannie, you claim to know Andersons. You say I'm not one, but in the next decade, I'll be winning titles, as you'll be bagging groceries. I will personally enjoy making you tap out, making you admit that I am the better man, like I always will be. I'm sorry to be you.
During Hutt's little tirade, Aaron Navak exits his locker room and waits for Hutt to get done. After Hutt is, Aaron taps him on the shoulder and Hutt turns around to hand him the microphone.
Aaron Navak
It is said that the Red Shield Mafia likes Money, Cars, Clothes, and Hoes. Well, I can tell them that every woman in attendance, has been beaten to the point of no return by more then 15 men with some being at the same time, and as for Cars, clothes, and Money. Just like all of you. I can buy them with just a flick of my hand, but I don't want to waste a penny for nothing. So you wannabes and Cryme Tyme rejects. Get ready to be nailed with a dose of reality and get ready to be beaten within an inch of your life, only to be saved and demolished again. Good day.
Anderson and his entourage enter the locker room again and the camera goes black to heat from the crowd.