Missing California teen sends mom Facebook message to say she's safe but pregnant

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Cena doesnt got any mic skills and absolutely no charisma he doesnt even got fans outside of the US if u dont count kids and weman who think that he is hot. He makes me yawn everytime he showes up.

Anyhow i think that Vince, hbk, hhh, orton, edge and kennedy have the most charisma.

Ill give you Vince, HBK, HHH, Orton and Edge.

However, I won't stand here and let you say Ken Kennedy has more charisma than John Cena.

In fact, Mr. Kennedy doesn't do anything as good as John Cena. John Cena is light years better than Kennedy on the mic. Call Cena unoriginal all you want, its KK who says nothing of substance besides repeat his name. John Cena cut one the best promo's last week on Raw that you will ever hear, outside of anyhting the the Rock has done. It may very well have been the best promo in the WWE ever.

Say what you want, put the truth is John Cena is better in the ring than KK is or ever will be. When is the last time KK put on a great match in the WWE. Sure he carried Batista back a few months ago, but Cena was able to carry Khali to his best match and Umaga to his best match. Cena has put on classics with HBK, HHH, Edge, Umaga, the list goes on and on. Say what you will, but Cena's moveset is far superior and more extensive than KK.

Now to charisma. People love or hate Cena regardless of booking situations, wrestling matches, or storylines. Why you may ask? Because he is one of the most charsmatic wrestlers ever in the WWE. When Cena comes out, the crowd is on their feet, when he leaves they are on there feet, when's the last time you heard the crowd grow silent during a john Cena match or promo? I can't even remember.

KK, on the other hand, comes out to a spattering of boo's and cheers. While he is good on the mic, his promo's come off as overacted, his natural personality almost never shines through his onstage persona.


I think it would be Mr.Kennedy, he can really make the fans go and all, so well Mr,Kennedy is the guy!


Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
The 'Nati
Triple H
Shawn Michaels
and JBL is fairly good

And then, like i always rant, you can go back a few years and have a massive list of people who can cut a promo. Thats what made the Attitude Era

the dark knight

KK, on the other hand, comes out to a spattering of boo's and cheers. While he is good on the mic, his promo's come off as overacted, his natural personality almost never shines through his onstage persona.

aaaah :D thank you. i've been looking for a propper word to describe his promoms. OVER=REACTED! thats why i called him a pretentious cocksucker several times. he does make me yawn during his promos. but i gotta admit, until now, kennedy is not bad on the mic or even a dildo...jk. he is very good but charisma, i think cena has some more.


New Member
Jun 1, 2007
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no one

currently no one is really have the charisma of making spectators bounce from there seats. u can check for cena's appearence but now i didnt feel such for him also. actually we are seeing all these superstars for last couple of months. older stars have more impact on audiences then current ones


Active Member
Dec 3, 2010
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Don't expect Sheri Simonek to Facebook friend her new son-in-law.
The California woman received a message from her missing 15-year-old daughter via the social network with word that the teen was safe - but married, pregnant and living in Mexico.
"I believe she wants to come home, but she is scared for the man she is with now, thinking that he is going to go to jail," the stunned grandmother-to-be told ABC affiliate KERO-TV.

Alisa Wheeler vanished in June, with her family convinced she fled to Mexico with her adult boyfriend - who it turns out was married, according to Simonek.
The teenage girl split with the older man and, in an apparent act of self-preservation, began a relationship with a 23-year-old named Chino, Simonek said.
The Facebook message from Alisa said she was three months pregnant and living with Chino in Baja California. Simonek said a variety of legal questions had prevented law enforcement from going after the girl.

"She is 15 and she is legal in Mexico, and they assume that she went there willing and that's why they won't go down there and get her," Simonek told KERO-TV.

Alisa, who disappeared on June 21, has contacted her mother via Facebook twice since her shocking admission. Simonek says she's hopeful the dialogue will lead to a reunion.
The worried mom said she's even willing to pick up the tab for Chino and her daughter to return to the family home in Taft, Calif.

"If that's what makes her happy and for her to come home, I will help him," she said.
"Whatever I have to do to get his papers."​