MikeRaw's Backlash review

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Figured I'd do a quick review of this. Well, who knows how quick it'll be, but whatever. WWE posted a promising card for this, so I figured I'd order it and see how it turns out. Turned out to be pretty good...

ECW Championship: Jack Swagger(c) vs Christian
Winner: Christian

This was the PERFECT match to open the show. Great, great match for an opener. I haven't seen an ECW title match this good in a long time. Just solid work from both guys. I don't recall a single botch, but I do recall a TON of great looking moves by both men. The match was great, had some good crowd involvement, and to top it off, Christian won, and it made Swagger look good int he process. I may be a BIT generous, but...

Ricky Steamboat vs Chris Jericho
Winner: Chris Jericho
It was great to see Ricky in action. He stole the match at Mania, and came out with a good effort tonight. This was actually a very solid match, but for some reason, I felt like somethign was missing. Maybe I was expecting Jericho to do a big hug with Steambaot at the end, and sort of 'make up' (not saying I wanted it), or maybe a segment where he brutally beats down Steambaot. Either way, I just felt like it was missing something. the match itself though was solid, and as much as you can ask for from Steamboat.

CM Punk vs Kane
Still don't get the point of this match, and also don't get the point of Kane winning. I thought maybe they would have Punk cash in later and "redeem himself", which would be decent, but having him lose was a decision I disagree with. Of course, havign Kane lose wouldn't be much better. This match was basically just odd. From a match standpoint, it was decent, and Punk had some good moves, carrying alot of the match.

I Quit Match: Jeff Hardy vs Matt Hardy
Winner: Jeff Hardy
From a match standpoint, this was pretty good. It struck me as odd at first with the lack of weapons. However, they actually made you see some emotion without using the weapons, and both gusy were decent in the ring. it got fun when the weapons came in. Say what you want about Matt losing, I'll get to that in a minute, but the ending was great. some great weapon use, followed by the whole tie down thing, and Matt's "speech" was well done. Not to mention, the fact he quite before Jeff did the jump through the table was pretty cool. Match wise, this was pretty good, but I have to take away abit because
1-Lack of weapons
2-Matt losing, which fucks him over a bit. he can recover, and keep a good run going, but booking him the win would've helped him.


Khali's Kiss Cam:
At first I thought it was a piss break. Turns out, I wasn't TOO far off. Not because it wasn't funny, but because looking at Santino dressed up as Santina is fucking awful. I wish I had taken a piss. It was mildly funny, and Beth coming out and confronting Santino made it mildly better. however, I don't see why this couldn't have been on a weekly show. It is what it is, I guess.

WWE Title Match: Legacy vs Triple H(c), Batista, and Shane McMahon
Winner: Legacy (Randy Orton new champion)

Not impressed. I felt like I was watching Raw. With that being said, that's not a huge negative. I mean, the matchwork was nothign to complain about, but nothign spectacular. The reason I'm a bit dissapointed is, it was just "meh". This was strange, with HHH and Orton not meeting up until about 5 minutes left in the match, which is what made it feel like a weekly show leading up to teh PPV. The problem was this was the PPV. The chaos at the end was awesome though. Rhodes and Dibiase did their roles well, and your left not really knowing whether Batista goes heel now, or tweener, or somehow remains face. Orton won as well, and in a good way too. Chaos = win. Weekly Raw feeling = lose. Gotta average it somehow.

Last Man Standing; World Heavyweight Championship: John Cena (c) vs Edge
Winner: Edge

Match of the night. The lack of weapons to start didn't bother me at all. It actually built the exctement. I knew it'd lead to something big in the end, even if I wasn't expecting the start of a John Cena death angle >_>. For the record, that better not happen. Anyway, like I said, the start didn't bother me. What bothered me a bit was the middle part. When they started to get weapons, I thought it was like a Steel Steps of Hell match. All they used was stairs for bout 5 minutes. The middle was a little lame, following a promisng start. However, they went back in the ring, and did some good work there. Especially that Cena FU from the top rope. If the match had ended there, I still would've walked away pretty satisfied from a match perspective. Then it took off. Brawling through the stadium is great. And they did a good job of keeping a good pace at it. Then, we got just some crazy stunts. The bulldog onto the floor was awesome. Like, that's gotta hurt pretty fucking bad. Then Edge's DDT to Cena on the floor was awesome as well. Not to mention a wicked con-chait-to to boot. But that ending was just great. Show comes out, tosses Cena through a light or projector or whatever, leading to the great explosion. I have questions about where this leads to with Show, but man, that was crazy. Plus, Edge picks up the win. Awesome, awesome match. Awesome, awesome crowd. And awesome, awesome outcomes.

Overall, I'll give this PPV a 4/5. One of the better non major PPV's in a long time. The title changes were all great, and the only outcome I don't agree with it Matt losing to Jeff. The show had some good matches though, specifically Christian/Swagger, Cena/Edge, Jericho/Steamboat and Hardy/Hardy, despite the latters lack of weapons. Match wise, it's as good as we get from a WWE PPV, and that alone gets it a pretty good rating. But the storyline advancements and title changes that I agree with boost it a little higher.
I came away from this PPV more satisfied than any other minor PPV we've had in a long time, which earns a 4/5

Luke Flywalker

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Jan 28, 2009
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Dude, what about the Attitude Adjuster into the fucking fans!? I know they were probably placement developmental wrestlers or something... but that stunt was pretty damn cool and worth the mention over the AA from the top rope.


Dude, what about the Attitude Adjuster into the fucking fans!? I know they were probably placement developmental wrestlers or something... but that stunt was pretty damn cool and worth the mention over the AA from the top rope.

Ya, that too. There was just so much crazy shit in that match it was hard to remember it all. I thought they were like Cena's friends or something. They looked kinda familiar. There was that time when Cena's music videos were being heavily promoted on Raw, shwoing them like every week, and I could've sworn that the bald guy in the crowd there was one of his family members from the video. I also remember a time when Cena had his big match back in Boston, and all his family and friends were ringside, and I swear I recognise those people from there... Could be wrong though.


I believe the bald guy IS his brother. Probably family/friends and shit. Spot on review BTW.


Not bad

Swagger/Christian ~ ***
Steamboat/Y2J ~ **3/4
Kane/Punk ~ **
Matt/Jeff ~ ***
BURY/Legacy ~ ***
Cena/Edge ~ ****1/4


Very good review mike i liked it a lot. The show was a good solid show and i think it was better than Wm25. It had 3 good title changes and the outcomes where correct booking. Take hbk vs taker out of Wm25 and this ppv is one of the Best b ppvs in a long time.


Swagger/Christian: 3 stars
Steamboat/Y2J: 2.5 stars
Kane/Punk: 2 stars
Matt/Jeff: 3.5 stars
Triple McTista/Legacy: 4 stars
Cena/Edge: 4.5 stars

Overall: 3.75/5

Backlash pretty much blew Wrestlemania out of the water from a main event standpoint and a booking standpoint.


Cena/Edge is a very strong MOTYC. The only other match that rivals it is Undertaker/Michaels, but even that might fall short for me.

I really just loved everything about it; even the collar-and-elbow tie-up. Hate matches starting with collar-and-elbow tie-ups is usually one of my biggest pet peeves, but this one totally worked. This match was more than just about the two hating each other. Yes it was that, but it was deeper. Edge hates Cena so much because Cena is always Super Man and he ALWAYS comes out on top. Edge wanted to show everybody that he was just as good as Cena, and then some. It wasn't chain wrestling at all, it escalated from a very aggressive lock-up to a brawl very very quickly.

Even the little mess-ups worked well. Like when Cena couldn't lift the ring steps, he sold it as him being exhausted from Edge's beatdown. And the two knowing each other's move arsenals was obvious enough to see it, but not so blatant that it was obnoxious. There were also some really unique spots and a wicked finish. My biggest praise of this match is that it didn't rely on ladders, tables, and blood. It was a good old fight. There was also a really sick spot where they were both so exhausted that they literally fell onto each other standing up, since they REFUSED to go down. That shit had 1990's puro written all over it.

And anybody else notice that Edge wasn't completely ecstatic at winning like he normally is? Obviously I think part of it is that he was tired, but I think there was more to it. He wanted to finally beat John Cena in their epic blow-off but in the end he didn't do it by himself. He needed help, and that could lead to some interesting character development for Edge in due time.

But yeah, Cena/Edge is probably my favorite match of 2009 so far except for MAYBE Undertaker/Michaels at Wrestlemania.

Wrestling Station

I noticed few things in the Legacy/ hotheads match.
First of all, I noticed that Orton was actually not remembering the next move. He was like a ghost several times standing still thinking about what should he do next! It was so obvious.
The ref saw Rhodes DDT'ing (while he was not the legal man in ring) and that had to be a DQ but Lawler tried to make it look as if the ref didnt know who was the legal man? lol..
The bell ringing before the actually pin was also a botch.

So negatives are from Orton, ref/Rhodes, and the bell feeling so excited at the wrong time.

positives: Orton actually pinned HHH (which solidify him as a true champion).
Batista getting the blame and thus leads to this feud to continue. (might turn tweener in some point, wish its heel, but who knows).


Defenitly agree it was a 4/5 * ppv. The only thing that could have made it perfect would have been to Drop the Santina shit, Change Punks opponenet to someone better maybe even Punk vs. Jericho one more time and then showcase some more midcard talent such as Morrison.