That's a very good signature except the repetition of the background in every other signature that you make, same colors and everything else. Try new backgrounds and add a few more brushes to make it look more attractive and eye catching. Looks like you're not a big fan of Flashy signatures. No problem, you can do perfect with such styles as well only that you need to do something innovative every time you open up Photoshop.
Mickie's face is blurry, much part of the PSD is blurred out and isn't clear. Use clear PSD's, did you cut that out yourself? Also the lightning isn't at a very good position it's just above Mickie's breasts :shifty: and on her shoulders, it should focus more on her face.
Overall you put quite some effort into the sig and it turned out good other than some problems that I mentioned, I see a good GFX'r rising up the ranks, do better next time you have a lot of potential in yourself 7/10.