I don't know what it is, but over the past few months, Michael Cole has been pissing me off more than any announcer in pro wrestling history. I used to hate Todd Grisham, but Cole makes "Da Grish" look like JR in comparison. I can't stand hearing "look it! look it! look it!, VINTAGE _______, and Oh My!" every single time I tune into RAW or a WWE PPV. The guy annoys the fuck out of me, I have no clue as to why Vince would even think about replacing JR (the greatest announcer in wrestling history, period) with this scrub.
Fuck you Michael Cole
I can understand your frustations to a degree but I think telling Michael Cole to Fuck off is going a little overboard.
I see Michael Cole as a great generic broadcaster. He does a fairly good job on Raw. He's prepared, he knows the stats, he knows what to say at the right time. And that in itself makes a broadcaster do a good job, remember Mike Adamle. The only thing that Michael Cole lacks I believe is the passion.
I don't think Michael Cole was a hardcore fan of pro wrestling growing up.
And I think, people can see that.
I bet if you looked at Michael Cole's resume I'm sure he's more than qualified for many radio and broading casting jobs. But I think he feel into pro wrestling and although in fact he does a fairly good job and does his best to be excited you can't fake passion.
He works hard and he should get respect for that.