Metal Gear Solid - The Revamp

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I am going to do a revamp / rework of the ever popular 'Metal Gear Solid' . I am sure some people will groan and say this belong on reddit or some fan fiction sight, but I think this is the perfect place to broadcast this fantasy project. I look forward to reading all of you're feedback, whether it is good or bad. This isn't the first time I've attempted something like this although the first time attempting a Metal Gear Solid work.

Frank Grillo | Solid Snake
(episode 1-5)
Aaron Taylor-Johnson | Otacon
Daniel Day-Lewis | Revolver Ocelo
t / ADAM (episode 3)
Gary Oldman | Roy Campbell (episode 1-5)
Boyd Holbrook | Master Miller
Emma Stone | Meryl Silverburgh
Sasha Grey | Naomi Hunter (episode 1-3)
Jeremy Renner | Frank Jaeger (episode 1)
Charles Dance | HARRY (episode 3&5)
Mustafa Shakir | Romeo One (episode 4-5)
Alexander Skarsgård | Eli (episode 5)

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Ricky Smarks

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This is one of the reasons this section is here. I look forward to reading this as a fan and I'm Grim is as well.

I'm mostly wondering how you'll change the lore as established already while keeping it as engaging.


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Frank Grillo has officially been announced as the man that will filling the role of the legendary 'Solid Snake' . Grillo known for roles in: Captain America: Winter Soldier, Warrior and End of Watch. Grillo made it clear that he was excited about playing Solid Snake in a live action capacity, but also revealed that a large extent of voice acting was also likely to take place because of the general nature of how the original video games had panned out.


English actor Aaron Taylor-Johnson was also added to the official cast roster, with it been revealed he would take on the role of 'Otacon - Hal Emmerich'. Aaron is best known for playing the lead role in the film Kickass, but because of the character he will be portraying there will be little to no action involved for the character and a lot of the role will be voice work. Nonetheless, Taylor-Johnson is being seen as someone who can very much take on the voice of soft and yet anguished sidekick.


Daniel Day-Lewis comes out of retirement for the second time and would make it clear that it was only because of the massive honour it was to take on the role that he had accepted to be part of the project, in the role of 'Revolver Ocelot' . Day-Lewis would make it clear that some of the plot points were incredibly interesting and he was very much looking to getting to watch the final product.

Ricky Smarks

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Solid, solid cast. :bootynods


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Esteemed actor Gary Oldman who is an Oscar winning has been line-up to take on the roll of 'Roy Campbell' in the up and coming Metal Gear Solid live action television series. Oldman did reveal he knew little to nothing about the video game series, but that his children had told him this was a production he didn't want to miss out on.


Boyd Holbrook who was one of the main lead in the first season of Narcos has been tasked with the challenge of playing 'Master Miller' Holbrook went on record in stating he hoping that his involvement last a little bit longer than that of Miller in the original video game.


Emma Stone & Sasha Grey were the first two female introductions to the cast. Lala Land winning lead actress Stone will take on the role of 'Meryl Silverburgh', whilst Sasha Grey adult entertainment star turned actress will be offered arguably the biggest role of her carer as she take on the role of 'Naomi Hunter'.

The producers of the show would then reveal that all other cast members would be introduced as and when they appeared on the programming, and it was clear these well kept secrets would very much create an even bigger buzz in the build up to the show.

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Metal Gear Solid - Season One
Episode 001


The first episode of the show would introduce the audience to Solid Snake (Frank Grillo) who would begin the story in an office with Roy Cambell (Gary Oldman) and receive the details corresponding to his next mission. Campbell would inform Snake that he was going to be sent to Costa Rica to make contact with Benedict Miller who was currently working undercover for a group known as “Les Enfants San Frontieres”. Roy would explain that Miller had been quiet for a number of weeks now, and Snake was being sent in to discover what had happened to Miller and recover any information that would prove useful. Campbell would make the point that this group was not to be mistaken for the Militaires Sans Frontières that had existed over thirty years ago although assumed that there was a connection present between the past and the present. Campbell would then instruct Snake to visit the Operations Room where he would gain additional intel and equipment from his onsite support team of Doctor Hunter and Frank Jaeger.


Doctor Hunter would come off very blunt and cold as she was introduced as she would make it clear to Snake that as the new Doctor of Foxhound it was her job to aid in all communication with operatives on mission. The good Doctor would make it clear that Snake would have to self medicate on mission and was being supplied with four basic MREs, as well a basic first aid kit with bandages and dressings. Doctor Hunter would also make it very clear that she would be able to aid Snake in finding natural measures based on the local flora and fauna to offer him medical solutions if the situation required it.


Frank Jaeger who was no stranger to Snake - who was often given the designation of Gray Fox whilst on active duty had worked a number of missions with Snake in his earlier years in the Foxhound Unit. Jaeger wished Snake the best of luck in his mission and made it clear to him that he needed to do everything in his power to avoid contact and leave no traces or evidence of ever being on site in Costa Rica. On this basis Jaeger would make it clear that Snake would not be entering the field with any live ammo and instead he would be provided with a Beretta M9 that had been customised with a silencer to fire tranquilliser rounds.


Jaeger would make the point that if Snake did find him in a situation where he needed to use deadly force, he would have to do so using the weapons of the enemy and not allow for anyone witnesses or footage to exist to point back towards the unit. Jaeger would also provide Snake with a packet of cigarettes making the point that it was a dirty habit, but sometimes you never knew when a little bit of smoke was going to save your life. The briefing would end with Jaeger informing Snake that he would be entering the Costa Rican jungle by way of a Halo Jump and would have to find a location far enough from the target away to hide the equipment. Jaeger would inform Snake that he would get a flight to Panama and then from Panama would be dropped in authorised international airports before having to halo into the jungle. Jaeger would make it clear that this was going to be very different to any training jump that Snake had previously experienced.


The conclusion of the first episode would feature Snake leaping out of a plane at high altitude and sailing through the night sky completing a death defying Halo jump. During this jump you would see a number of shot from the first person view of Snake behind his mask, as well as string of thoughts that would run through his mind including that he felt as if Campbell and Jaeger had clearly both been on edge and nervous, it that they might have not share the reasons for their anxiety so as not to cloud his judgement although on thing was for sure - and that was this mission looked as if it might define his whole career.


The episode would come to an end with Snake touching down in a clearing in the Costa Rican jungle and proceed to hide his parachute and breathing equipment underneath the deep roots of a large tree before looking out into the jungle which would trigger the credits that would be accompanied by this music.

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Metal Gear Solid - Season One
Episode 002

Snake is hidden within the deep foliage within the jungle, when his codec makes its calling sound as he drops to one knee to offer himself some safety before tuning into the frequency.


Doctor Hunter would make an assessment in regards to Snake condition, making sure that he hadn’t suffered and sort of head injuries that might have come about from the pressure put on the body from the Halo Jump before making it clear to Snake that a lot of animals and plants in the jungle had a chance of being extremely poisonous and that it might be in his best interest to actually safely collect a few samples in order to make a homebrewed cure or antivenom if it ended up being needed. The Doctor would advise that if he was able to avoid detection, securing a knife or machete at some point might be to his benefit. Snake would thank the Doctor for the advice and proceed to end the transmission.

Snake would do his best to travel through the jungle and would proceed to do so with caution for a number of hours without coming across anyone else on the trail before arriving to an areas of mangroves surrounded by some sort of river or flood plain which would require Snake to enter the water and perhaps contend with any of the dangers that might be hidden below.


Snake would feel a number of fish and eels swim past his leg as he would wade through the water, and at points find the water reaching all the way up to his chest that would place him in an incredibly vulnerable position if he were to be spotted by an enemy combatant. For a brief moment it looked as if Snake was going to have to contend with a large crocodile, but the creature looked disinterested, perhaps being a product of recently eaten. Snake would look relieved as he would finally find himself moving through shallower waters before finally returning back onto dry land and disappearing into the deep jungle once more. However, by just good fortune of holding back because of the crocodile, Snake would hear voices speaking in Russian and would proceed to duck and hide behind a tree. Snake at this point would smile to himself and a short flashback would take place featuring Frank Jaeger in which he would tell Snake that time off duty should be spent cleaning equipment, sleeping and learning as many languages as possible in order to always have an edge over the enemy. As we return to the present day. Snake would be doing his best to listen in to the conversation as he would manage to get a brief view of what one of the men - who was clearly some sort of soldier was wearing.


From the general conversation Snake would be able to gather that there were a total of six men that seemed to be on patrol in this area of the jungle, but considering that Russia had no authority in Costa Rica it was a wonder what on earth they were doing here. One of the men would also reveal that a Major Vorobev was expected to arrive at ‘Library’ in two days' time and would be doing so river boat and that it was in all of their interests to make sure that no one discovered of their presence especially the radical group to the north. Another soldier would make the point that if the group of deluded anarchists started making too much noise, it might be in their best interest to shut down their operation. A more authoritative sounding voice would remind the patrol that until the Major arrived, they were to do what they were paid to do and secure the area to the best of their ability and for the glory of Mother Russia. As the patrol would finally move on, Snake would proceed to immediately make a direct call on his Codec to Frank Jaeger. However, there would be some sort of interference and the call would not connect. Snake would attempt to call Doctor Hunter, but once again he wasn’t able to establish a connection. Snake would look slightly concerned, but slowly start to follow the group of Russian soldiers stalking them from a distance making sure to never get close enough for them to actually spot them and would benefit from the fact that the patrol seemed unable to move without having some sort of conversation amongst themselves.


After a number of hours of following the soldier with the sun starting to set, Snake would notice that they had reached another river that presumably was once of the sources for the water present in the flooded mangroves and would around a group of small buildings that was potentially some sort of sentry outpost. It would be at this moment that Snake would hear the internal sound of his Codec buzzing, and he would crouch down to receive the call.

Frank Jaeger would inform Snake that they had been trying to contact him for a number of hours, but had been able to make a connection and had presumed the worse. Snake would then relay all of the information presented to him concerning the Russian speaking soldiers and after describing the uniforms and motifs present on the men, Jaeger would deduce that these soldiers were part of a unit under the leadership of Sergei Gurlukovich. Jaeger would inform Snake that this was a mercenary army and they had no official ties to the Russian government, but that didn’t mean that he would be dealing with patriots. Jaeger told Snake that he should hold his position and do some reconnaissance to establish how many soldiers were present at the outpost and that he should perhaps investigate the outpost once the soldiers went out on patrol once more. Snake would remain hidden in the deep jungle and ascertain that there were nine soldiers present at the outpost, with a minimum of three soldiers always standing on duty outside the building and noticed that out of the four buildings, they had no windows and each only had one entry point. Despite waiting and doing his best to make no noise it seemed as though the soldiers had no intention of going on another patrol and as the jungle fell into darkness it became clear that Snake was going to be sleeping with one eye open in his current location.


Snake in the darkness about perhaps 500 feet away would notice what looked like a set of green illuminated eyes that seemed to be looking directly at him, but as he blinked the eyes would disappear and Snake would think nothing of it as he would return to once again looking down at the outpost. About five minutes later the sound of tremendous gunfire could be heard which seemed to be followed by the sound of screams of pain and fear. Snake just watched on knowing, he had no business but to get involved. The soldiers would seem to retreat into the river, being in clear view right now when suddenly the person or rather monster that the green eyes would seem to rush out of the jungle like a blur of pure unadulterated speed and seem to holding some sort of blades in both its hands as it would slice open one of the soldiers before disappearing back into the jungle as the rally of gunfire would continue as the closing song for the episode would slowly play in the background before the drop of the sound would be accompanied with the mysterious green eyed creature proceeding to drop the rest of the Russian soldiers as the credits would finally roll drawing the episode to an end.

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Very easy and engaging reads so far, can't wait to see where you take this one.


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Metal Gear Solid - Season One
Episode 003

Snake would hold his position in the jungle terrain for the rest of the night, doing his best to to conceal his breath and not reveal his position. In a montage with the same music that played at the end of last episode, still present although much quieter in the background. The monster with the green eyes had stayed present in the river for approximately an hour after having slain all the Russian speaking soldiers seeming to scan the area before disappearing north back into the jungle. After the sun had been up for at least an hour, Snake finally allowed himself to roll onto his back as he would grab the packet of cigarette and place one loosely between his lips as he would light it and allow the burning tobacco to fill his lungs before letting out a sigh that had been hours in the making. Before he would tune into to his Codec, with the cigarette still and smoking away. Snake would connect to Colonel Roy Campbell, in a conversation which Snake would share his accounts of what had transpired during the evening involving the 'green eyed monster' before Campbell would advice Snake to check out the sentry post and then try and find a safe location to get a few hours sleep before continuing on his mission to make contact with Miller. The scene would then fade, before cutting to a very different location...


Westminster Bridge, in the centre of London (United Kingdom) right in the middle of the bridge a man in wearing an expensive tailored three piece suit and a very out of place bowler hat is leaning up on the side of the bridge having no care of dirtier his suit whilst he is perusing through the broadsheets of the Financial Times. As the man lowered the paper he had a European unlit cigarillo point out of the side of his mouth, with the man in questioned being portrayed by none other than Charles Dance. The man would fold his paper in half as another man would stand next to him, but face over the bridge so that the two men didn't actually looked if they had anything to do with each other. The other man would be portrayed by Daniel Day Lewis, as for the first time the audience would be introduce to Revolver Ocelot. We would find out the character that Charles Dance was playing, was called Harry.


HARRY portrayed by Charles Dance

Whilst Daniel Day's character was simply being referred to as Adam.


ADAM (Revolver Ocelot) portrayed by Daniel Day Lewis

The pair would talk about the weather, some recent sport results and about the behavior of pigeons before Adam would finally ask Harry about the last book he had taken out of the library. At which point Harry would look quiet nervous, before informing his partner in conversation that although he preferred to indulge himself within works of fiction he recommended that Adam check the earlier works of the author of the Arabic book 'Khaliat Mayta'. Before another word was spoken, a double-decker routemaster bus would drive past the pair almost as if one queue as Adam would look at his watch whilst Harry would move forwards stepping onto the moving bus as the information sharing exercise would come to an end with the scene ending with the camera panning away from Adam on the bridge and instead focusing on the Houses of Parliament before coming to an end.

The audience would return to find Solid Snake, who had just finished crossing the river and was just yards away from the first outbuilding of four that made up the sentry post for the now deceased and dismembered Gurlukovich soldiers. As he would search through the first two building he would find nothing but sleeping cots and spare uniforms as well as a number of rations. It was clear that Snake was searching for something in particular, as he would continue to cover his corners making sure that nothing caught him off-guard. Snake would then smile, as he would enter the room which was very much the Radio Communication room. Snake would scan the hand written notes and two name would draw his attention. Firstly they were the only two names that were female.
Nastasha Romanenko and Gustava Heffner. The second reason was that Gustava Heffner had died over five years ago during the Zanzibar Land Disturbance, something that he had witnessed with his own eyes. As he scanned the rest of the room, he made sure not to disturb the actual radio equipment but his eyes would spot a Circle-10 Makarov 9mm, a handgun commonly used by Russian officers who had served time in Bulgaria before the fall of the Berlin Wall.


Circle-10 Makarov 9mm

Snake wasn't sure what this meant, but his inner monologue made it very clear that he very much believed that this was a puzzle piece that would make a lot more sense once more of the board had been revealed. The Makarov had eight bullets in the clip, which was eight more bullet than he had been given one insertion and the sidearm was very much being seen as a last resort if he were to find himself in a fire fight. Snake would then proceed to the last room, which appeared to be the officer's quarters where he would discovered a man showing various waypoints and labels which seem to be centered around the river of the area all written in Russian before his finger would stop over the one marked as 'Библиотека' which he would translate out loud as meaning Library. This would immediately trigger the memory of the conversation he had overhead whilst stalking the soldiers talking about a certain Major Vorobev arriving at the library in two days time, now one day time and looking at the map realised that if he moved with a certain degree of speed would be able to make reach the location and bear witness to what this planned visit lead by Vorobev was exactly. In a brief conversation with Campbell on his Codec. Snake would be reminded that his main directive was still to make contact with Miller, but considering the fact that Heffner's name had been mentioned in the notes this deviation could prove to be very helpful in the future. Even if the information obtained didn't necessarily relate to the current active mission.


Metal Gear D

The episode would end with Snake having a flashback of the moment in which himself and Gustava Heffner had been crossing a suspension bridge only for a missile fired from Metal Gear D which had resulted in Heffner's death. This memory would seem to go on loop in Snake's mind with it being very fuzzy and blurred almost as if intended of being something that the character remembered but the audience didn't. It would be accompanied by Ultravox's Dancing With Tears In My Eyes as the third episode would come to its conclusion.

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Metal Gear Solid - Season One
Episode 004

Snake had been forced to approach his travel to 'Библиотека' (The Library) with a little less caution than before if he was to arrive at the location on the other side of the thick jungle before the transport carrying Major Vorobev arrived on scene. This had resulted in Snake doing his best to run through the jungle at a fast pace, whilst doing his best to be mindful for any sounds of human or other larger animal activity, but he would make good time as he would come across anymore patrols. He kept thinking about Gustava Heffner and having repeated flashbacks that would act as an overlay over the picture of Snake running with an instrumental version of 'Dancing With Tears In Our Eyes' playing quietly in the background. Snake though would be forced to duck down on the edge of the mangroves, as he would hear the distinct sound of a river boat coming around one of the bends of the main river section.


Snake would lie on his chest, but pull out a set of binoculars to try and get a better look at whether the boat had a designation but also who was crewing it. The boat was named the 'Barracuda' whilst there was at least four men crewed on the boat, but as they came a bit closer Snake noticed a patch on one of their uniforms. The same patch that had been used by 'Militaires Sans Frontières' over thirty years ago. It was clear that these men/women were clearly part of the group that Miller had infiltrated, but Snake was wary as he knew that until he made contact with Miller he should avoid contact, although the fact that this group were wearing the same patch as the historic group might mean that their name was much more than just a mere coincidence.


Les Enfants San Frontieres / Militaires Sans Frontières

The situation though would get slightly more challenging though, as just as it looked as if the boat was continuing down the river it would make a U-turn before pulling into the mangroves as its engine would be cut and voices could be clearly heard speaking in English - although it was clear that they all had very different origin accents. The most dominant voice that Snake assumed was the officer or designated leader of the crew had a slight Spanish accent of the Mexican variety as he spoke. He would bark a command for the group to camouflage the boat as they had been instructed to do, before continuing their journey on foot to the hostile LZ. It didn't take too much for Snake to make an assumption that the destination of this group was the same as his - to intercept the Russian Major which created a complication. A complication he wasn't sure if he was prepared to deal with. As he stared at the soldiers, dressed in their dark black uniforms and distinctive yellow and black balaclavas. As it stood he had a clear advantage, in that they were completely unaware of his presence. The negatives were that the Makarov only had eight bullets, so he would have to make every shot count and he wasn't even sure if he would approved of this action - but he simply would be able to communicate without exposing his position to the hostiles. Snake started weighing up what to do in his head, when the distinct sound of bullets being fired from a silencer could be heard breaking through the air was Snake would watch as all four men around the boat would topple over into the water - having all been slain with well targeted headshots. Before Snake had anytime to react though, a lone figure would emerge from the brush.


The unknown sniper would strap their weapon over their should only to pull a TT pistol from a side holster, as they would enter into the water and inspect all of the fallen soldiers making sure that each one was dead by firing two shots into each of their heads with the pistol before clambering onto the boat and looking to take various mechanical pieces apart before clambering back off the boat. The individual was totally unaware of Snake as they would scan around the area, before slowly lowering their hood and their own balaclava revealing themselves as they would pull out a radio and begin speaking into it. He would identify himself as Romeo One (speaking in possible North-East US accent) before proceeding to inform whoever he was speaking to that he had eliminated the fourth boat patrol and was on route to eliminated the target designated as Brown Bear. Snake would struggle to hear what was being relayed back to this Romeo One - but he would manage to get a good look of the individual once he turned on his axis.


Romeo One portrayed by Mustafa Shakir

Snake couldn't work out who this man was with, but he had a feeling that there was a lot more to this situation than had previously been thought. There was a high chance that another agency was involved in this scenario and Snake knew that the situation could really implode on itself if he engaged with a potential ally like the NSA, CIA or the various other shadow organisation operating out of the States. Snake knew it was in his best interest to hold is position and let this unknown quantity depart the area, before making contact with the Colonel. Snake would watch with a certain air of caution a 'Romeo One' would replace his balaclava and hood before turning northwards to disappear back in the jungle as Snake would reach for his ear to start a conversation on his codec the episode would come to an end with 'Air' by Bach playing whilst Snake's mouth would be moving but all the viewer would hear is the music - as there would be an assumption that Snake would simply be informing Campbell on everything that had just taken place before the scene would eventually fade to black as it reached it conclusion.

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Metal Gear Solid - Season One
Episode 005

The episode would begin by focusing on tear-off day calendar - with it indicating the day as November 19th 2001. As the camera would zoom out, the character who had been introduced as HARRY (portrayed by Charles Dance) who was in some sort of dusty look drawing room that resembled some sort of office. The only thing that looked out of place was a large hi-tech computer screen that was attached to a wall opposite a large bookcase. The character Harry would walk towards a window and undraw a set of large red velvet curtains and look outside of the window, where we would cut to a 1st person view point of HARRY looking out onto the River Thames before we could to outside the window and then zoom outwards to confirm the location which this was all taking place. The MI6 building at Vauxhall Cross.


HARRY would draw the curtains again and then pull out a remote form his pocket that would turn on the computer screen. The screen would be white for a few moments and then a dial turn would begin, before the face of another individual would appear on the screen. The man would be referred to as Eli by HARRY - with this Eli character seeming to have an air of arrogance about them.


Eli portrayed by Alexander Skarsgård

HARRY and Eli would exchange pleasantries and Eli would be asked how his holiday in America was going. Eli would laugh after being asked and make it clear that he had been using up all of his day and filling his time by making some new friends, some of them more interesting than others. HARRY would then ask Eli - if anyone had bought his cover story which would see Eli nodding and making it clear that a former disgraced Secret Intelligence Service agent interviewing for a position in an American Counter Terrorism unit hadn't been hard to achieve and he had learned everything he needed too. He of course - hadn't been exactly what they were looking for, but he had worked out how to get inside the head of at least two of the members of this elite unit that was being built in response the events two months of the Two Towers being attack by al-Qaeda. Eli would make it clear though - that this unit was clearly not something recently development and must have been in the pipeline before Sears had even been elected. HARRY would seem happy with this information and then proceed to ask Eli if he had come up with a name for this new team he was putting together. Eli would smile once more and that say sometimes using the name of a previously established organisation that had been put on hold would not only not raise suspicion, but also not lead to any questions being asked - The Cobra Unit. Eli would then show the insignia the group would use.


HARRY would be noticeably pleased with Eli and make it clear that if everything ran according to plan, this new initiative could to them being considered as a major player in the next few years. Eli would then nod in acknowledgement as the transmission would cut out, with the scene ending with HARRY opening his office door and exiting the room, shutting the door behind him with the camera still placed within the room itself.


We would catch the end of the Codec conversation between the pair - which had started at the end of the previous episode with Snake informing Campbell of what had just taken place. Campbell would make it clear that he was unaware of any other groups being aware of their current situation, but the truth about intel was that quite often there was more than one source. At the same time he would make the point that Snake had inserted into the area to look into Miller's situation with Les Enfants San Frontieres , whilst this Romeo One seemed to be more attuned to dealing with the Gurlukovich Mercenaries which meant that both Romeo One and Snake could very much being part of the same team, without ever having to know about each other's existence. Campbell would make it clear that he would reach out to a number of agencies however, just in case there was a conflict of interest. He would ask Snake to continue to 'The Library' however, with the arrival of the Major perhaps being even more important than previously suspected. Campbell would remind Snake he was more than aware that the mention of Gustava Heffner might be bringing back some bad memories, but that ultimately he and Frank Jaeger had together managed to bring an end to Big Boss' tyranny once and for all but like all legends of industry a massive hole had been created two years ago once Big Boss had finally been removed from the table. Snake would remind Roy, that after this whole situation with Miller was over he hoped that Campbell would stay true to his word and allow him to leave the unit on good terms at the end of the year as had previously agreed. The conversation would end with Roy making it clear that now was not the time to talk about future employment opportunities and that Snake should be focusing on the mission.

At the end of the conversation, Snake would inspect the bodies of the fallen Les Enfants San Frontieres soldiers and search for anything of value. Unfortunately, the weapon had spent to much time in the water that they had been clogged up with too much water and would become a danger to the user if they weren't taken apart and treated properly and Snake simply didn't have enough time to complete a task of that magnitude. Looking over the boat, it was clear that this Romeo One had taken apart of the engine making sure that it was inoperable without a mechanic and necessary parts to fix it. Snake would then turn to the north and using his best track skills follow the same route that the mysterious sniper had taken as he would continue to venture north through the jungle with the aim of arriving at 'The Library' before the Major arrived. As Snake travelled through the jungle, it would become clear that this Romeo One was a talented operator who knew how to travel through thick terrain and had clearly spent a number of years working in the armed forces. If he didn't possess the skills he did, then Snake knew that he would never have been able to pick up on the very subtle traces that his fellow combatant had left behind. After a number of hours though, Snake would eventually spot a clearing in the jungle as he got to the tree line he realised that he had found 'The Library' with it being a compound hidden deep within the jungle with enough space for an apparent helicopter landing zone.


Snake would take his binoculars and start to scout the area and notice that there seemed to be a number of
Gurlukovich Mercenaries present, but the large volume of people present seemed to be scientists although it was hard to guess what exactly what they would be working on in such a remote location. Before Snake could do or say anything else (some quiet suspenful music had been) when Snake would feel the muzzle of a rifle push between his shoulder blades and Snake would sigh at being caught out. The voice that had belonged to Romeo One would then request that Snake "put his hands up in the air and slowly start turning around." This would cue the closing theme of the episode to play, as Snake would turn around come face to face with the man known as Romeo One would sound surprised as he would end the episode by saying "Solid Snake in the flesh'".

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