I hate when they pretend to hate chair shots to the headTLF got their feelings hurt because Gorilla Monsoon referred to Professor Tanaka as "Chopstick Charlie". That's when I had to turn it off in disgust.
I hate when they pretend to hate chair shots to the headTLF got their feelings hurt because Gorilla Monsoon referred to Professor Tanaka as "Chopstick Charlie". That's when I had to turn it off in disgust.
Shes cute
She better looking then Kennedy imoThat's her only redeeming quality besides her bravery.
She better looking then Kennedy imo
Omega man claims she's the hottest one on foxKennedy is hideous. Wtf is with her Something About Mary cum haircut?
I'm listening to Blurry Creatures and realized that Luke sounds like Lapsed Nash.
Omega man claims she's the hottest one on fox
Blind Mike just said scuttlebutt