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Rain said:A lot of it may have to do with Packers/Bears happening on the same night and our combined euphoria that NFL is back, so wrestling's been on the back burner.
Not in my circumstance.. I work every Thursday anyway so I won't be seeing any Thursday Night Football this season.. and I'll be watching TNA on Friday like always.
Sucks dick though that I can't be excited for Bears/Packers
We know we are getting Roode/Storm. We know Aries/Hardy will have to be either feuding or at least interacting. If you see any other way for the story to go besides them teaming together against Aces & Eights please let me hear it.Rain said:This show hasn't really been built to at all, No Surrender didn't leave many cliffhangers and last week's show was virtually all PPV hype.
I wouldn't doubt the company yet. Aries is getting most of the focus with the Aces and Eights, so his performance will make it interesting. Hardy/Aries doesn't need a heel turn or any storyline to it, it's just two massive kayfabe stars wanting to hold the most prestigious title in professional wrestling, so 1-2 epic Aries promo segments will be all it needs, they'll be with Aces and Eights as you said. Maybe we'll get some follow-up with Hogan and the cops to guarantee a clean finish, and actually deliver it this time.
And I would never doubt TNA. You are reading too far into this thread. I clearly just said I am less excited than usual for Impact. It is still going to be the first thing I do when I get home from class on Friday.
AJ/Daniels/Kaz = boring. I was over AJ/Daniels long ago. So played out. I really don't see Ion suddenly being put into a feud or King for that matter as they build towards BFG. That is like saying you expect Dolph Ziggler to get put into a big feud leading into Wrestlemania. It isn't those types of guys time to shine. You have a better chance of a random RVD or Anderson feud popping up than anything you mentioned besides AJ & TWTTCOTWRain said:Clearly AJ will be gunning for revenge with Daniels and the WTTCOTW, but wish there was a logical tie-in with someone other than the random Angle. Maybe they can find a compelling opponent for Ion (doubt it), maybe a mid-card feud with Kenny King since he needs to be back on TV... It's really the unknown that's drawing me in (and TNA's consistent quality)
Rain said:Sadly they'll probably have Lethal Lockdown, team TNA vs the Aces and Eights, hopefully they throw guys like Anderson and BVD who have the star power to belong on the card but simply aren't good enough to deserve singles matches in there, and keep guys like Joe out so he can kick ass on his own as Joe should.
The only thing I see for Joe is a continuation of the deal with magnus. TNA hasn't started laying the groundwork for that feud for no reason, and BFG is the place to do the blow off if they are high on Magnus. Honestly either outcome in that match would piss me off. Why the FUCK would Joe job to Magnus at BFG after RVD of all pricks beat him at No Surrender? And if Joe goes over Magnus who gives a damn? He should be doing much more important things so his time has still been wasted.
Bully will have a feud, obviously. I think he will stay involved with the Aces & Eights angle and maybe have a semi-feud with the old timers gang as they start to accuse him more and more of being the secret leader.
Then we have the ground work for a Joey Ryan/Al Snow feud.. but do they have that much confidence in Ryan to build this feud up and to let them have a match at BFG? Idk, but I hope so.
I could see Crimson returning soon and being put into something. He is too good IMO to keep away for an extended period of time.